Santino and The Cobra at Wrestlemania?


It's time to face facts folks. Santino is probably one of the most over faces in the WWE right now. In the top 10 guaranteed. He's always getting good pops on Raw and because of that I think he deserves a match on the card at Wrestlemania 27. None of that pre-show battle royal stuff.

So what do ya think jabronios? Will Santino be given a place on the Wrestlemania 27 card? If so, what match do you see him competing in? Or do you think he's stuck doing a backstage skit instead? (Which would be pretty funny.)

For me I could see him and Kozlov joining forces with Kane and the Big Show to take on The Corre in a 4 on 4 match. It makes sense seeing as Gabriel and Slater just beat em for the tag straps. So they got some beef with em. The Cobra needs to make an appearance at Wrestlemania cause the crowd would go nuts man.
I don't think he'll be up to much.

And I don't really want to see him team up with Kane and Big Show, that'd be weird.
I fear that a pre-show match is all they can book for him.
Santino is getting some huge pops. He's a comedy genius. But, I don't really see a match for Santino at Wrestlemania. However, it would totally kick some serious ass if he had some kind of skit with The Rock. God that would be hilarious. Anyone remember The Rock's skit with Goldust and Booker T from King of the Ring 2002. Very funny stuff. I bleieve The Rock can totally put Santino over just by cutting a promo either backstage or in front of the live crowd. It would probabaly do better if Santino did cut some kind of promo with the Rock rather than wrestling on the card.

Here, replace Booker T with Vladimir Koslov, and Goldust with Santino and you have gold.
I would rather see Santino in a backstage skit rather than in the ring. They could even get him to do the cobra to someone in the dressing room, it isnt like it is a move that requires anyone to bump.

The Rock is hosting WM, that means he will be appearing a few times during the show for sure. Why not have Santino interact with The Rock backstage at some point, it would be hilarious and would definitely benefit Santino as well as making the crowd laugh.

I think it would be brilliant, Santino needs to appear at Mania in some role. He is far too over right now to have some part to play. He is playing his role well, and deserves to be at Mania this year.
That's very true Natural, I loved the segments with the Rock and The Hurricane. Allways good back and forth funny banter between the two previous mentioned men. I've allways thought of the Hurricane as a comedy charicter, and Santino deffinatly is a comedy charicter and at a much higher calibre than that of the Hurricane.

I could see Santino backstage talking with the Rock and getting baited into a It dosen't matter! Type bit. But in all honesty if he does wrestle it might just be for the dark match if the do a battle royal type thing again.
Let's face it..

Unless Big Daddy Cool shows up on Smackdown this week.. & I doubt it

at Wrestlemania it will be Big Show/Kane/Santino/Koslov vs. The Corre

Only makes sense since they took the Tag Team Titles away from them.

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