Santina: The Future of the Women's Division!


[This Space for Rent]
Face it, it WILL happen. And it'll be the greatest thing to hit it since Trish Stratus.. nay.. Harvey Whippleman, even!

I've had a day and a half, roughly, to discuss how everyone felt over Santina winning the 25 Diva Battle Royal, and a lot of people seem generally unhappy with it. But when I asked why, the general response I was given was one of two things.

1. Santino is a joke.

2. They're making the Women's division look stupid.

Yes. And Yes. However, on those two agreements.. they're also making the Women's division VISIBLE & ENTERTAINING!! Which is something it arguably has not been, since 2004 when the days of Trish, Lita & Victoria were roaming freely and being cheered and booed with the best of them.

Face the truth, people. Wake up and realize that the Diva's of the W.W.E are un-entertaining, boring and generally uninteresting. (I await the heat) But before you bash.. just look this through.

Beth Phoenix has had two major opportunities to prove she's a definite force within the division, that she's a cornerstone in the future of the division. Once, when she debuted and won the title the first time. And again, recently, with her heated feud with Melina.

Yet the only remarkable or rememberable moments came when she was interacting with Santino. No one cared of her feud with Melina, except truly die hard fans. And even then, each one of them had at least one or two negative comments to make about how it wasn't good. So how can you dispute Santino bringing new life into a division that's boring and unentertaining??

Melina has done jack-all since becoming Women's Champion. I had huge hopes that she'd develop some type of new feud with possibly even Maryse, but that apparently isn't getting over worth a shit. Fuck, Tiffany from E.C.W gets just as big a reaction for showing her fucked up teeth, or her gigantic breasts.. as Melina gets putting on a wrestling match.

Whether anyone likes it or not, the W.W.E just isn't a female dominated place. And as a result, not a lot of people care for wanting to see a worth-wile Diva division. At least with Santino involved fully in possibly being thrust into being the next Women's Champion.. it'll give a lot of male viewers who once didn't give a shit.. a reason to suddenly, at least for nothing else, pay attention and laugh.

And isn't that the point? To bring attention to it? If so.. I believe Santino is single handedly drawing more than any of the current W.W.E Divas have, or will ever do.

What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you believe Santino is good or bad for the female division? Explain why you feel the way you do. Don't be close minded. Think about it, and make sure to explain why it's both good, and bad. Thank You.
It should've happened months ago. It looked like it would. That or Beth as Intercontinental Champion. I'm unsire which would cause the most ire amongst wrestling fans. Probably the IC title scenario.

The title is worthless, so I see no reason mot to. He won't be the first male Women's champion. He'll also elevate the title while he's at it. As good as Beth Phoenix is, nobody cared too much about her before she aligned herself with Santino. You've got to assume that Mickie James is almost done with how little they've pushed her over the past year or so. And Trish was shit.

Only good can come from this. As much as people will say they hate it, the title reign will be twice as intresting as all the other secondard belts put together.
Ugh! The only thing that I like about wrestling now a days(save for a few others)and the WWE are making it annoying for me to watch. I really don't mind Santina winning the battle royal. Twas funny, and I got a great laugh. Santino is over and probably get's more reaction then any of the divas. But the thing is maybe if the WWE put as much attention in the divas, as they are doing with Santino ermm I mean Santino, the divas could be a bigger draw.

Lita and Trish were amazing and a step above the current divas, but they at least got attention. The WWE pushed them and made sure they had time for a match, a promo, backstage thing, and stuff. Now the WWE are doing shit all to make the division remotely entertaining. Melina's reign has been horrible and it's because she has been made to play second fiddle to Santino. Maybe if they pushed her, and gave her some mic time and a feud centering around her it she would get over.

Nobody's going to care about Santino being in the women's division because most don't care about that division, but to people who actually like and enjoy it, it's becoming a serious pain in the ass. Just look at TNA's knockout division. It's not the best and most of the diva's are just as good as the knockouts, but TNA actually push their women, and they are helping with the ratings. Not saying the WWE diva's would help WWE, but it's not like they are drawing anything. So please Santino leave the division, but help someone else get over, like most of the midcard, tag division, ect.
Personally, I think this could improve the Womens devision. No really. Imagine this, Santino ends up winning the title, completely making a mockery of the WWE Divas, when an actual female wrestler, new or current like melina or beth. Says enough is enough, Has a talk to the Divas and makes them wake up and smell the rubbing salt. So they start wrestling properly without making it sound like a porno, and Bam. a new chapter in Womens wrestling is born.

as jake mentioned, It will make the title seem alot more interesting then the others. Everyone will want to know what is happening. Santino may only be a jobber but he = Ratings. even if it is only a little amount.
If nothing else, this angle will bring viewership to the women's division. This can't devalue the division, because it has no value...its currently the bathroom break match of the night. It can't make the women look bad, because half of them already can't sell a move. Santino is good for the women's division because they need something for them to do, and Santino gives them something to focus on. They honestly can rebuild the division on whatever brand he is on around this angle (Gail Kim rebuilding the other).

His feuds and matches will be very entertaining, and he will elevate someone when this angle is eventually over.
Hey I'm new here, but this thread after reading what has been posted so far made me think.

Now I notice a few people are talking about how just a few years ago Lita and Trish were seen just as fan worthy as most of the male talent. The thing I also got from this is that when these two were wrestling they was also a handful of Divas in the business. At least a half a dozen or a little more. This leads me to the point that right now there are so many Divas between Vince's 3 that I can barely name half of them.
This is why most of the women today can't get anywhere, because there are so many other female performers that all receive about the same type of attention. Quite frankly I believe that they need to drop a few of the Divas just like they have been releasing some of the Superstars as of late. It would do the company good if they would do so, in my opinion at least.
If the Divas were less in number then maybe a few could stand-out?

Santina...Santino always gets a laugh out me and right now he actually could at least be a stepping stone to help a few of the Divas to stand out? Either that or he'll go down as the greatest Diva of this generation...
So didn't Santino get beat up by Beth Phoenix so many times? and then Santina beats Phoenix easily? Does anybody see a possible scenario where Santino realizes he can only win matches when he is Santina and he becomes a permanent character?

Btw, kudos to Jerry Lawler last night for suggesting what if Santino and Santina are drafted to different brands. Awesome
I hope he wins the belt. I would prefer if he won the Divas Belt, since that belt has no history and no one cares about. Either way, it will draw some attention to the belt which it hasn't had in a while. And it is true, no one cared about Beth until Santino came around and became her boyfriend, hell I didn't even pay attention to the divas until then too.
If you think about it, Santino did the same thing for the Intercontinental title that his beautiful sister is doing for the Woman's division. They were both dead divisions, and Santino came along and won the IC belt, bringing an actual storyline to the belt, until it was defeated. Only he and JBL have been able to make people remember there is an IC belt in the last 5 years. Unfortunately, JBL's reign was tiny, and Santino's did not get the time it needed.

No as for Santina she looks to be a great talent. She even has more muscles than Beth Phoenix as well as the beauty. Beth is just too manly for my taste, but not Santina. The only negatives is it is taking time away from Santino. Now Santina is on an amazing streak, defeating 24 other people in the Miss Wrestlemania match, then beating the former champion. It is obvious that she deserves a title shot against... I can't even remember who the champion is. Now Santina would actually make fans go, "Hey, Santina is coming!", and that is what the Woman's, or even the diva's belt needs. Great job WWE with finding this talent!
The main problem with the Diva's division was caused by the WWE itself.

Several people have stated that they pay no attention to women wrestling, but I'll bet you paid attention when they were getting half naked - I know I did :).

This is meant as no disrespect whatsoever to any woman, but women simply can't compete the same as a man. Not just wrestling, but basketball, tennis, golf, swimming, etc... Mens athletics draw more than any womens event ever will because men can simply do more amazing things. Jump higher, hit the ball harder and further, swim faster, etc... Lets face it - the Diva battle royal at 'Mania was no where near the Royal Rumble. Hell, half the women were eliminated by being rolled under the bottom rope.

The WWE divas need to get back to what they used to do - entertain the millions of men who watch wrestling by getting half naked. It's no coincidence that more men know who Anna Kournikova is (or was) because of how she looked, not how she played tennis. More men know who Natalie Gulbis is by the way she looks, not how she hits a golf ball. Mainstream America or the world know who Stacie Keibler is because of how she looks, not how she wrestled (Dancing with the Stars helped, but she looked great and didn't wrestle).

Making Santina or Santino the womens champion is not going to do anything for the Diva's other than provide the WWE a comedic angle for Raw, Smackdown or ECW.

The worst part is it's a shame because there are plenty of women in the WWE who actually can wrestle and put on a great show - Natalya (Spelling ?), Mickie James, Melina, Beth Phoenix and Gail Kim.

But what's Melina known for - the great shots of her ass the WWE used to show when she entered the ring.

Natalya is known for being the daughter of Jim Neidhart - male wrestler.

Mickie James is know for her famous roast beef genital area pics online (look them up for explanation if it's needed).

Beth Phoenix is known for being Santino's girlfriend.

And Gail Kim really isn't known at all unless you're a WWE lifer of watched that shitty product known as TNA.
The problem the women's division has is that there is no plot. No gimmiks. I have a hard time telling Kelly Kelly, and McCool apart. There's their problem. Santino/a brings comic relief with him so he is a lot easier to build a story around than a bunch of no named blonds. They especially can't do much and stay PG. I have been waiting for a Santino and Rosa or Beth and Rosa are seeing each other, but this may be funnier.
Santino associated with the women division is a bad joke. He used to be funny when he butchered the English language, now as yet another drag queen, he's tacky, embarrassing to watch and unfunny. The main problem with today's WWE's women division and their old successful one is the restrictions of the PG rating. Torrie Wilson wasn't a great wrestler, but boy, did her bra and panties matches hold the crowd's attention. Stratus was the WWE's biggest **** before she learned how to wrestle, Lita made Edge the rated R superstar by getting in bed with him on national TV. So now you got cookie cutter Divas that barely know how to wrestle, and that cannot even be used for t&a appeal, putting Santino in the mix won't help, it will just point out it's all a joke.
What is suprising is that Santina has not broken character at all. Of Santina stays in character and eventually wins the womens title then reveals herself to actually be Santino in drag - then he can brag that he is only the second person ever to win both the womens title and the intercontinental title, the other being Chyna. What would be the best for this gimmick would be if TINA wins the womens title and TINO wins the intercontiental or US depending on the draft and then he could walk around with both belts or accidentally carry the wrong belt with the wrong character. Is this good for the womens division??? i guess so, marginally yes it is - it makes it more visible but it will only benifit the division if TINA gets involved in the title picture.
Santina is awesome! If nothing else he/she is bringing in much needed ratings for the women's division of WWE. Like a poster said before, the WWE has way too many divas for any of them to really get over the way that Trish and Lita did. There are a few that are just as talented as those two were, but we never get to see it because they aren't given the same type of push and air time. Natalya is incredible in the ring, but we haven't got to see it much at all. Gail Kim, Melina, and Mickie are all talented, but they aren't given the chance to prove themselves. They should let go of Jillian, Tiffany, Layla and a handful of others that are nothing more than eye candy because they damn sure can't do anything in the ring. Get rid of that type of "talent" and really focus on the ones that are good in the ring. We would still get the much desired eye candy, but at least it would be eye candy that puts on a decent match.

That would vastly improve the women's division. But, who really thinks that will happen? To quote the hilarious redneck ninja (check youtube if you haven't seen him, it's awesome) "no says I". Until the women's division is given some type of overhaul, it simply isn't going to draw ratings. Simply put, Santina is doing the women's division a huge favor. At the least, it could also result in a scenario where a few of or maybe even just one of the divas that can wrestle gets over with the crowd because they feud with him/her.

Also - someone else before me mentioned this, but it was great stuff so I have to give huge props to Jerry Lawler for asking what would happen if Santina and Santino were drafted to different shows. I laughed through that whole segment, but that was by far one of the funniest parts of the whole thing.
Bring back chyna, now in all honesty I have to say that having santino as the womens champ would be a good thng, I viewed the divas as a joke since chyna has left and well they have been. No one has any clout and abiity in the ring, beth has continiously dropped the ball with her pushes, kely and practically everyother diva with a push cant wrestle. Tiffinany cant even speak right. Maryse and practicaly every other diva that touched the divas or womens championship cant wrestle. Beth and gail are the only two on the wwe roster with any skill in the ring and both are sporadic at best. Ultimately im for getting rid of the divas division all togeher and turning them back into true wrestlers. They need to bring in a diva that is more then just boobs and a pretty face. Ultimately I have to say that santiono offers the only option on the wwe roster. Can he wretle- HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but can he be intresting- YES!!!!!!!!!!. Ultimatley I have to say that unless wwe brings in personalities as divas the whole womens division is crap. So go santina at least the divas or womens matches wont be bathroom breaks, hes this generations too cool as santina hopefully he contunies this push and puts mark henery in a sumo thong to be his rikishi, lol
Ugh! The only thing that I like about wrestling now a days(save for a few others)and the WWE are making it annoying for me to watch. I really don't mind Santina winning the battle royal. Twas funny, and I got a great laugh. Santino is over and probably get's more reaction then any of the divas. But the thing is maybe if the WWE put as much attention in the divas, as they are doing with Santino ermm I mean Santino, the divas could be a bigger draw.

That's just it though, M_F. It's not as if the Company has never given the Women's division its fair chance. I mean, shit, come on! They created an alternative division with a completely new title, to put even more focus on an alternative set of divas as well. So to say the Company isn't giving the female's just as much attention, and chance to shine, is a lie and cop-out.

The fact is, the Company isn't going to wait forever for something that just isn't paying off. Mickie James is the arguable best current diva they have. Melina still botches moves, and Beth (while Chyna-isque) hasn't got a personality bone in her physically sculpted body.

Also, they've given both sets of Female divisions, (Women's & Diva's) their equal chance to shine. They allowed the Phoenix/Melina feud, as well as the Natalya/McCool rivalry, not to mention several others in between. NONE OF THEM took off. So when is it time to say enough is enough on them? I'd say that time was Sunday, when Santina took control and got the fans actually CHANTING for him.. which is more attention focused on the Female's division, than there likely ever has been since the days of Trish & Lita.

Lita and Trish were amazing and a step above the current divas, but they at least got attention. The WWE pushed them and made sure they had time for a match, a promo, backstage thing, and stuff. Now the WWE are doing shit all to make the division remotely entertaining. Melina's reign has been horrible and it's because she has been made to play second fiddle to Santino. Maybe if they pushed her, and gave her some mic time and a feud centering around her it she would get over.

Melina wasn't made to play second to Santino, until she proved she couldn't draw without him. Her and Phoenix were given their chance. After that, they brought in the stalker. Santino was there but wasn't a huge part of the storyline regarding Melina.

It wasn't until at some point in between, that the Company likely thought.. okay, she isn't getting enough reaction. Let's add Santino more. And now that he's getting them the reaction they've wanted all along.. who's more at fault? The creative team.. or the diva's? I'd say the diva's, because it was the lack of them being able to draw better.. that forced these types of storylines upon themselves.

Nobody's going to care about Santino being in the women's division because most don't care about that division, but to people who actually like and enjoy it, it's becoming a serious pain in the ass.

Honestly, this entire part of your post sounds more like some type of jealousy than anything else.

I'm not by any means a huge Santino fan. But I enjoy watching his comedic performances. Likewise, I don't enjoy all the divas, but I enjoy watching a good wrestling match between them.

Yet regarding both, I'm at least respectable enough to see when something works better than something else. Santina is making entire arena's chant for her. Stupid? yes. Drawing? Absolutely. So why is it a pain in the ass, to finally see the division get some more spotlight? Because it's being made into a joke?

The fact is, all that could possibly come of this.. would be the diva's stepping up and putting Santino in his place. And then, that once boring and lame little division will go back to being ignored.. because until you realize Santino is helping it more than hurting it.. you'll only be doomed to repeat the failure it was before he entered it.

Just look at TNA's knockout division. It's not the best and most of the diva's are just as good as the knockouts, but TNA actually push their women, and they are helping with the ratings. Not saying the WWE diva's would help WWE, but it's not like they are drawing anything. So please Santino leave the division, but help someone else get over, like most of the midcard, tag division, ect.

The difference between T.N.A's Knockouts and the W.W.E's Divas, are one set of them actually spent longer hours training and work harder on their craft. Awesome Kong, O.D.B, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, Roxxi, and the list continues on and on.. all of them worked their butt off on the indy scene to earn respect.

On the flip side, over half the current diva roster is of nothing more than Diva Search winners, runner's-up and drop-outs. Mickie James, Beth Phoenix & Natalya might honestly be the only three diva's with any true training.. and not coming in, by way of a money contest to show off your tits and ass.

So why give equal spotlight, to two entirely different sets of Female wrestlers?

Personally, I think this could improve the Womens devision. No really. Imagine this, Santino ends up winning the title, completely making a mockery of the WWE Divas, when an actual female wrestler, new or current like melina or beth. Says enough is enough, Has a talk to the Divas and makes them wake up and smell the rubbing salt. So they start wrestling properly without making it sound like a porno, and Bam. a new chapter in Womens wrestling is born.

A mockery of the division happened years ago, when Medusa threw the Championship into the trash. Only for it to be brought back, given to Sable, then to Debra.. by way of a bra and panties contest that Sable "no-showed".

You act as if Santino is killing the division, which is what honestly annoys me. He isn't harming it, he's fucking helping it. Did you not hear the reaction he received Monday night? The entire arena popped more for him, in that division, than they did for Batista's return, Cena's entrance, or Triple H. coming to the aid of his Family.. combined. Seriously.

Santino might be a joke. He might never be a serious wrestler.. but he's doing what none of the current Diva's ever knew how to properly do, without taking their clothes off.. and that's entertain the fans, and keep them watching.
i can see Santina winning the Divas title in 3 weeks. He'll get drafted to smackdown and win the diva's championship becuase it isnt as important as the womens and maybe reveal himself as santino or be revealed by a different diva with security video of him changing clothes. and eventually lose the title.
If you think about it, Santino did the same thing for the Intercontinental title that his beautiful sister is doing for the Woman's division. They were both dead divisions, and Santino came along and won the IC belt, bringing an actual storyline to the belt, until it was defeated. Only he and JBL have been able to make people remember there is an IC belt in the last 5 years. Unfortunately, JBL's reign was tiny, and Santino's did not get the time it needed.

No as for Santina she looks to be a great talent. She even has more muscles than Beth Phoenix as well as the beauty. Beth is just too manly for my taste, but not Santina. The only negatives is it is taking time away from Santino. Now Santina is on an amazing streak, defeating 24 other people in the Miss Wrestlemania match, then beating the former champion. It is obvious that she deserves a title shot against... I can't even remember who the champion is. Now Santina would actually make fans go, "Hey, Santina is coming!", and that is what the Woman's, or even the diva's belt needs. Great job WWE with finding this talent!

It's thoughts like this that make me :disappointed:

Will, you're right. Him winning the title would make it interesting. It'll make some people tune in, to laugh at him, and see what he does next. It'll make people watch, and see that Beth, Mickie, and Melina are all good wrestlers, and can carry a title with a worthy feud.

But, it'll make just as many people turn it off. "Santina" almost made me change the channel during WrestleMania. Let that sink in for a second. And, considering it was the second match, I never would've turned it back on, because I thought the whole show was going to be a sham just like that was.

I'm hoping this ends with him losing his skirt during a title match with Mickie, and is disqualified from winning the match, unlike Whippleman. This will result in him getting a Glam Slam from Beth, and all order being restored in the Women's division, while still adding to the viewership.
Ive Never Taken the womans division seriously to be honest. So Yes I Agree That Santina Will Be Good 4 The Womans Division.
Santino is a joke. Sure him being in the womens division is gonna have people watching but those people are gonna be laughing at him because Santino is becoming more of a joke every week. I say that the womens division will be more of a joke with Santino in it.
What is suprising is that Santina has not broken character at all. Of Santina stays in character and eventually wins the womens title then reveals herself to actually be Santino in drag - then he can brag that he is only the second person ever to win both the womens title and the intercontinental title, the other being Chyna. What would be the best for this gimmick would be if TINA wins the womens title and TINO wins the intercontiental or US depending on the draft and then he could walk around with both belts or accidentally carry the wrong belt with the wrong character. Is this good for the womens division??? i guess so, marginally yes it is - it makes it more visible but it will only benifit the division if TINA gets involved in the title picture.

Man... This story line could work! I mean it could work! Santino is one of the only reasons why I still watch wrestling. Him, Jericho, Orton, Edge and Miz & Morrison are the best things going for wrestling today.
Ok, this is just wrong. Santino is hilarious, but becoming the future of the divas division is just going too far. Men should not win womens' titles, nor should women win mens' titles (and yes, i HATED it that chyna won the IC title).... Santina becoming womens or divas champion would be a disgrace to the division and a slap in the face to awesome divas like Beth or Michelle who deserve the titles.

I'm all for Santina acting like an idiot because its funny, but he/she should NOT win one of the womens belts, absolutely not. Things like this are why the TNA Knockouts are taken more seriously than the WWE Divas.

If worse comes to worse, then Santina will destroy the prestige of the womens division causing all the talented divas to jump ship to TNA so they can be in matches worth watching. Come to think about it, that might not be the end of the world because then somebody (most likely Beth) would FINALLY beat kong who I am so sick of. Then other cool matchups like Michelle McCool VS Taylor Wilde could happen too, if the womens' division in wwe is destroyed from the inside out by Santina....

Let him keep making an idiot of himself, but keep him away from the belts unless its the IC belt!
this is dumb yes funny but by far wrong like you said. this is ******ed he is only doing it because it gets him T.V. time. this needs to end quickly i think he is trying to help grab the fans attention for womens division but it is not the way to do it.
I think that its a pretty good angle, but it making a mocky of Anthony Carelli, i heard he is lookin for a release for later this year if his gimmick iz not changed, and i wouldnt blame him. I believe its far to late for a gimmick change, and switching to TNA wouldnt help, because people still recognized Christian, and Jeff when they went, Santino is a bigger draw then they were when they went. Carelli just has to deal with the fact that Santino is here to stay. If creative finds a way to give him a serious title reign, they r geniouses. Because the only way they can do it is if they put a mask on him, change his name, gimmick, and he need to get to tha gym to get bigger(no homo). But I dont see that, and I damn sure dont see him in tha womans divistion for long. He is actually putting the womens division to a higher level into the fans attention. So he's not bad for business. I say keep him in it, but not pass Judgement Day.

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