Samoa Joe's Road To Glory


Lord And Master
Staff member
The Top 10 for this month aren't in yet, but there's a couple of things that are sure. Number one, Abyss is probably number one. :icon_neutral: Good thing Hard Justice is all hardcore. But the discussion here isn't Abyss. Or Hard Justice. It's about Samoa Joe. Who in the last month achieved victories over Hernandez and AJ Styles (#4). He also had a tremendous match over champion RVD and a great PPV showing with Rob Terry vs AJ and Kaz. He's been on a role. And he's gonna be ranked high for sure. Bound For Glory is just around the corner. And it has me thinking about what role he will play in the event. Here are three different scenarios I've hoped for that seem very possible:

1) Facing the World Champion

He's been climbing the ranking at a very steady pace and has been booked as a dominant destroyer. He has been given the "Goldberg Push". Again. He seems to be back on track. Finally.

2) Joe/Angle XIIV

Kurt Angle's last opponent to reach #1. His long time rival, Samoa Joe. At VR Kurt defeated The Pope for his #8 spot. Could the rematch of one TNA biggest rivalries be brewing? It's been over two years since their last match and it has never happened in BFG. Seems like a great way to go. Especially if Kurt says he'll be retiring soon.

3) None Of The Above

It's still pretty early to speculate for the event, but it's never wrong to dream. Any ideas?
Riaku As much as id like to see option 2 happen more then likely it wil be Option 3, due to the fact that before the big ECW stable reveal I believe they will keep Joe out of the main storylines so he doesnt become entangled and unable to play his part in the ECW stables story arc.
I doubt he is on the road to the World title. They may be building to give him strong showing at Hard Justice and then a shot at the PPV after Hard Justice.

And I hope so because Joe is a badass that is too good to be kept down. This good run is exactly what he needs to get back to contentiona and regain his reputation.
Samoa Joe? Oh the guy that finished #4 in the PWI 500 a couple years ago.

I feel sorry for the new TNA fan who never got to see Samoa Joe's push.

Sadly Riaku, I don't see them doing anything with Joe anytime soon. Yes he's still winning a lot, but his matches are 4-6 min and come off as the "filler."

If you would of told me 3 years ago in the year 2010 Samoa Joe would be used in the "filler" spot, I would of either slapped you repeatedly, or dropped dead from laughter.

Free Joe please... I miss when Joe used to beat the shit out of people... now were lucky to even get a Joe's going to kill you chant...:disappointed:

I would personally go #2 route to get him some legs, but I just don't see it. I would be lying to you if I proposed anything else besides #3 right now.

I would not be surprised if August 3rd when we open PWI 500, Joe dropped out of the top 25.... His character has taken a swift kick in the nuts...
I'd expect a program where he squashes Desmond Wolfe first, then a match against Angle. There are a few swerves that could make a bit of sense.

After what happened on Sunday, I'm sure Joe will be looking to make sure Wolfe doesn't make it into Fortune. Hopefully they don't give away a match between them on free TV and just let it build up until Hard Justice.

After Wolfe loses to Joe yet again, he's invited to be the next member of Fortune. Why would I think of something like this? During commentary for his matches and during TNA Today segments, Joe's name has come up quite a bit as the next member of Fortune.

Swerve two: Joe helps Abyss beat RVD and the "They" angle comes full circle with Joe teaming with Abyss and They arrive on the next Impact. I know it's far out there, but it still has a chance of happening.

After beating Wolfe yet again, I'm sure he'll have to face Angle again. From there, who knows.
I don't really see Joe on the road to the Title anytime soon. Unfortunately, Joe has been pretty quiet since Hogan/Bischoff came aboard. Hell, he's been so quiet this year that most people forgot that he cashed in his Feast or Fired briefcase at Against All Odds in February.

It's really unfortunate, because Joe is a hell of a performer. I loved his undefeated streak that TNA did with him in 05-06, but right now he isn't getting anywhere near that kind of push. Fortunately though, it looks like we could see a program with Joe/Wolfe, which would be pretty awesome for both guys because they have been kind of pushed aside as of late.

I can understand TNA keeping him out of the title picture to avoid him getting stale, but there's no reason for him to take a complete backseat and not be featured prominently at all. So fix that, TNA.

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