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Samoa Joe - Back in Business

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Last night, Joe took out the unstoppable leviathan that is Cody Deaner to capture the briefcase with the world title shot in it. We even got one or two "Joooe's gonna kill you!" chants to spice things up. With this, I do declare that our beloved Samoan Submission Machine has returned and will partake in some splendid feuds in 2010.

What about a feud with Kurt Angle? Never seen that before. Or Daniels, likewise. Perhaps he could battle Mr. Styles for the belt, or go all Ring Of Honor on our asses with Desmond Wolfe. He seems like the sort of guy that would immensely compatible with Hulk Hogan.

For bonus points, Samoa Joe on Twitter, teasing a title win:

To cash or not to cash, that is the question... :) Man AJ sure has a cool entrance. Wonder if the Pyro comes w/the belt?

Pele kicks disgust me if I see one I'm liable to storm the ring, if I am not too busy throwing up at how silly they are.

Daniels looks like a Stunt double for the dude in The Mummy... I swear I'll beat the guyliner off his ass.

Three minutes before end of show:

Heeeere we GO

As show ended:

To my House... Nice effort they get a pass.... For now... OOh you are so angry.
Are you being sarcastic about the Joe and Angle feud? I sure hope so.
I would love to see Joe vs Wolfe. That would be about the best option of the bunch.
I'm a huge mark for Joe. I'm excited for the old him to be back. The intensity he had when he first debuted is what made me a fan of his, and the Nation of Violence gimmick was a crap, just a bit. It'll be nice to see Joe in old form. I for one, would love to see him and Kurt go at it again. I would love to see him feud with Wolfe also, as that would possibly bring out even more of the old Joe.

I can't wait to see when he'll cash in the case though, I'm not expecting it to be on Jan 4th like he teased at the PPV though.
It all depends. To me, Samoa Joe is someone that has really gone downhill and has just gotten progressively worse as this year has gone on. This year, he's been reduced to an extremely bland, one dimensional heel that tries to come across as the baddest thing since Godzilla, but I haven't bought into it for a second.

Add onto it a number of lackluster feuds he's been in, a forgettable run with the X-Division title, being offered up as a sacrificial lamb to Bobby Lashley and he's just had a rotten year overall for me. I'd like to see the guy gain some momentum and get back into things. You know, actually become interesting and a relevant player in TNA rather than just being a guy thrown into the mix for this and that.
I agree with Jack Hammer here. Joe is all but forgotten this year after a fast start with nothing behind it. My suggestion would be to hold onto the case for a while. TNA has so much going on to start the new year that they could slowly build him up teasing the case and just being flat out brutal to the entire roster.

I say let the storm that is Hogan settle and when the dust is settling from all things new, throw in Joe with his case to keep the momentum. Just my opinion as i am merely a fan and by no means have any inside credentials.
Hate to tell you all but the next best thing for Joe to do is jump ship. Besides the fact that he and half the stars on TNA are too good for that promotion. Where else does he have to go? I have looked at the TNA programming for a while as a graveyard. that is where talent goes to die. When was the last time you saw a match that dropped your jaw? Even the build up for Sting vs AJ was better than the actual match. All I am saying is that these young talent needs to swallow there pride and get to the company that is gonna showcase there talents. Take the 1/2 of the WWE roster and give them to TNA becuase they are to old to keep going and Let these young talent get out there and showcase themselves with a promtion that gets more tv time in one night than TNA does in a month, No do not get me wrong, I dont even like the WWE, I prefer the Indy, but i live in CO and there aint shit out here so........

Lets give these guy the room and stage they deserve, not the impact zone in flordia.......
hey uncle sam do us a favor.....SHUT THE HELL UP.

we already seen a angle and joe rivalry. thats when joe got chilli dogged by kurt with the head butt.

we already seen a daniels and joe fued when aj threw in the towel on daniels and that lead to joe and aj which lead to the best x division match of all time.

i mean if you never seen any of those then you seriously are a newbie a lame or a cena mania lol i mean i just hope joe wins is all i like joe i like daniels i like aj so if anyone of them wins a strap (or keeps it in aj's case) then its all good with me and also ......what about Jeff jarrett? no one has mentioned him i mean the man is bnack and i think that is cool no doubt maybe he can get some order back in tna i mean he is still part owner right? anyways im getting that king of the mountain dvd to go along with my 84 wwe dvd's and jarrett will kick off my tna portion of my dvd collection hells yeah booyah!
I just hope TNA doesn't have Joe wait for forever to cash in the briefcase. He could be a great addition to the world title picture, and I wouldn't mind him seeing him feud with AJ over the title. I feel it it should've been Joe in Daniels place because Joe would seem more like a threat to AJ's championship. I'm not saying Daniels wasn't, but when I learned he would be facing AJ for the title, I was expecting the two to put on one hell of a match, but I never had the feeling Daniels was a threat to AJ, and his reign.

Joe and Angel could work again. It would different this time around, seeing as how Joe is the heel, and Kurt is face. I enjoyed their feud the last time around, and Joe has devloped so much more character wise.
Talk all you want about the Nation Of Violence gimmick being crap, but it was exactly what Joe needed at the time to give him that killer edge back and it has slowly transformed him back on the map. People sit here and say he's gotten progressively worse. How? Because he faded out of the TNA title picture for most of the year? Those who say that aren't taking into consideration that his character has gotten to where it's suppose to be. 2009 has been a character development year for where Joe is now and is an improvement than where Joe was character wise in 2008. Did you see how over Joe was at the PPV? The Nation Of Violence heel transformation worked for him. And lol at someone saying Joe should jump ship as if that other company knows how to use young and good talent. Get out of here you mark!

But yeah, everyone should take it easy on the threadstarter. He could be new to TNA but at the same time he could be speaking on another feud with Kurt Angle which would be interesting this time around. Joe as a heel facing a face Kurt Angle will probably make for much better matches imo. Joe just works better as a heel as opposed to him being a face in terms of character and in the ring. Joe's got a bright future ahead of him!
hey uncle sam do us a favor.....SHUT THE HELL UP.

I propose a trade. First, you must learn to formulate a proper sentence. Yeah, I went there.

i mean if you never seen any of those then you seriously are a newbie a lame or a cena mania lol i mean i just hope joe wins is all i like joe i like daniels i like aj so if anyone of them wins a strap (or keeps it in aj's case) then its all good with me and also ......what about Jeff jarrett?

That's not even a fucking sentence. When people on Twitter make more sense than you, you know you're in trouble. I shall translate.

thats not a sentence when people on twitter make more sense than you lol you know your in ...... trouble.

hells yeah booyah!

I understand this. The rest; gibberish. Who even is Jeff Jarrett?

To the literate people in this thread:

I agree that Joe didn't have the best 2009. That's really the basis of this thread. I mean, otherwise it'd be called "Samoa Joe - Still in Business". Nobody would want a thread like that. There was a time when people thought Joe would be the next big thing. Then people grew tired of him. Then people grew more tired of him and his stupid gimmick. But I think - with the right fans in the front row - he can really make a go of it in the new year.
Joe is probably the most entertainig guy to watch in the ring in the world, but 2009 has done him no favours. I remember when Samoa Joe used to put on more 5 star matches in every match in a month than guys like Ric flair or Steasmboat would do in a year.

Doesnt TNA realize he is their biggest PPV draw out of the young blood. Everytime he mainevents he gets like 35,000 to 50,000 PPV buys.

I want the old Fucking Samoa Joe back.
hey uncle sam do us a favor.....SHUT THE HELL UP.

Hey look everybody, it's a 12 post warrior riding his high horse on a quest called n00bism.

Oh I love it when people promo on a forum and come out with blatant PG lines. Wankshaft...

Anyhow. To answer the topic. I do believe that the old Joe is back. The Nation of Violence gimmick was horrible. Seriously, would TNA let anybody threaten with a knife? It was so unrealistic that it made Dragon Dragon from Chikara look like the common pigeon. The old Joe was realistic, simply put, he was a badass that could fuck you up, nothing more nothing less.

Have we seen the Old Joe back? Definitely. During the build-up to the triple threat a couple of PPV's back he suddenly seemed to show mannerisms of being a badass human being as opposed to a seemingly controlled possessed character. He used strategy by getting in the heads of AJ/Daniels as opposed to this Nation of Violence shit.

Basically, since that point the character of Joe has been going back to his more realistic badass human self and by winning the World Title Briefcase, I honestly hope for a heel Joe run on top. At the end of the day, if somebody is "Gonna Kill You", you'd expect them on top of the company.
All I have to say is, AJ should only lose the TNA title to Joe. You know Lashley is owed a title shot against AJ and also Angle is going to make another run at regaining the TNA title. Honestly neither Angle or Lashley have no business being TNA champion right now.

On topic. Joe is back and he is primed to make a serious run as TNA champion. I think that on 1/4 Joe should take the belt from AJ and they could use that to start a long program between the two. Imagine new fans turning in to Impact on 1/4 and letting Joe and AJ run wild in a classic TNA title match. That could be the big thing that TNA needs to make an impact (no pun included) during 1/4.
I propose a trade. First, you must learn to formulate a proper sentence. Yeah, I went there.

That's not even a fucking sentence. When people on Twitter make more sense than you, you know you're in trouble. I shall translate.

thats not a sentence when people on twitter make more sense than you lol you know your in ...... trouble.

I understand this. The rest; gibberish. Who even is Jeff Jarrett?

To the literate people in this thread:

I agree that Joe didn't have the best 2009. That's really the basis of this thread. I mean, otherwise it'd be called "Samoa Joe - Still in Business". Nobody would want a thread like that. There was a time when people thought Joe would be the next big thing. Then people grew tired of him. Then people grew more tired of him and his stupid gimmick. But I think - with the right fans in the front row - he can really make a go of it in the new year.

First of all "matress stain" I don't need to type properly to get my point across. It must be good enough it got your attention. second of all I don't give a damn about twitter because i don't need to follow some wrestler, or celebrity and hang on to their every word all because you think you can buddy them for free shit.
besides, twitter is what the nobodies use to follow the somebodies and to live life through their postings just to fill the black hole sized void in your life...oh thats right you use twitter so you don't have one.

As far as jeff jarrett goes he is the founder of TNA and another thing, if not for him then there would be no aj or daniels to recommend joe to TNA joe would be eating bull horns out of the ROH nobody's dumpster.

so instead of trying to knock double j you should thank him. PERIOD!
Personally I like Joe and look forward to him being utilized better (hopefully) as I do think he used to project the image of being as legitimate of a bad-ass as you can have in a fake sport.

However, as has been said, TNA hasn't had a great track record of handling Joe in the past year. "Nation of Violence" was lame. the decision to put him in the MEM-nonsensical (I said it when it happened and I'll say it again now- just because something's surprising doesn't mean its good or that it makes sense), Finally, in the weeks leading up to Feast or Fired Joe's talking about how he can't get a title shot, which would've meant a lot more if less then half a year ago he was booked to basically give the title to Angle.

So hopefully, this will be Joe's reset button, but Hogan's arrival makes me nervous. Not to get off topic and start a whole side debate, but I could see Hogan screwing this (and screwing the select things TNA is/I] doing right) up completely.

P.S. Drunk- if there are grammatical or syntax errors bring them up with Captain Morgan and not me.
It's ashame you couple of thin skinned jizztraps have attempted to derail this thread because you are hurting each others feelings one post at a time. Man up and stick to the matter at hand, and respect that everyone has an opinion whether you like it or not. A friendly debate is one thing, but these sophmoric put downs are pathetic. Now, where were we? Oh yeah, is this the re emergence of the Samoa Joe that so many came to enjoy and hoped would aide TNA in getting over the hump?

I for one certainly hope he can be booked as an intrical part of the evolution of TNA. The company really fucked up when they added him to the MEM earlier this year and never had him turn the way he could have. The problem with the feast or Fired Case is also it's greatest quality; the element of suprise. He and Lashley are both guaranteed title shots and who will be given theirs first? Kurt Angle will always be in the fold as well, so again, who goes first? As most would agree, the changing of the guard in TNA is the big question mark. We will have to wait just a few more weeks to see if TNA is ready to grow or shit the bed. Either way, what's the rush in putting the title on Joe right away? With what will likely be a larger audience in the coming weeks and months, rebuild the momentum that he had for 2 years by having him be the bad ass motherfucker many of us have known him to be for years and getting a streak of sorts going, showing new TNA fans that the fossils brought in to run the company aren't the focal point, but simply there to mentor and develop wrestlers like Joe, AJ, Daniels, Wolfe, BMI and the MCMG's to name a few for the larger stage and help them be household names. Joe should be given the chance to be atop the pack, but please don't rush it.
Adding Joe to the MEM was where things started to go really bad for him this year because that made everything rather confusing. Sure, a lot of people didn't like the Nation of Violence stuff.... I was mainly disappointed by the fact that no one else (unless you can sort of count Taz) ever joined this "nation", it was just Joe. That was my biggest problem with it. Also, like others have already pointed out, he didn't need the knives to be intimidating. He already was.

Now that Joe has the case, I think he should hold onto it for a while and then cash it in after Styles has run out of contenders. Right now he has plenty. Lashley, Angle, of course Daniels will want a rematch, possibly even Wolfe. During the time that AJ is defeating all of these guys, Joe should be built up as a monster again. It won't take long. I think that 2010 will be a better year for him and that he IS back in business because thanks to having the case he is likely to be getting another world title reign which would be great. He doesn't need to cash it in Edge-style though, it would be believable enough for him to defeat AJ in a regular match on PPV.
I love that Samoa Joe has the title, and is going back to his "Joe's gonna kill you" days. He was starting to get soft, in a lot of ways, and it just wasn't the same watching him.

Now that he has the case, and AJ and Daniels are in the title picture, it would be nice to see a long feud from the two of them, with Joe eventually getting the belt back and going on a rampage. His early TNA feuds were all great, and I'd have no problem with a few of them being brought back to life (i.e. Kurt Angle)...
First of all "matress stain" I don't need to type properly to get my point across. It must be good enough it got your attention. second of all I don't give a damn about twitter because i don't need to follow some wrestler, or celebrity and hang on to their every word all because you think you can buddy them for free shit.
besides, twitter is what the nobodies use to follow the somebodies and to live life through their postings just to fill the black hole sized void in your life...oh thats right you use twitter so you don't have one.

As far as jeff jarrett goes he is the founder of TNA and another thing, if not for him then there would be no aj or daniels to recommend joe to TNA joe would be eating bull horns out of the ROH nobody's dumpster.

so instead of trying to knock double j you should thank him. PERIOD!

If you want to properly insult somebody, you can at least do it while spelling your words correctly. It is "mattress" not "matress".

Hopefully Samoa Joe will have a better 2010 then he has these last four years. I've always said that Joe is great as a midcard guy but horrible as a maineventer and he has this chance to prove me wrong. His first title run failed miserably because he went from the badass Joe to face Joe and Joe just isn't meant to be a face. Hopefully, he will feud with Styles or Daniels because they made him who he was in the X-Division. He needs to have a good run with the title this time if he wins it or most people won't look at him seriously as a title contender again.
First of all "matress stain" I don't need to type properly to get my point across. It must be good enough it got your attention.

Actually the block capitals with my username in it was what got my attention. The mind-numbing idiocy that followed was completely unremarkable. I was going to suggest you typed in simple sentence so your posts made sense. You beat me to it. For the first two sentences...

second of all I don't give a damn about twitter because i don't need to follow some wrestler, or celebrity and hang on to their every word all because you think you can buddy them for free shit.

Um, good for you. I'll have a medal made up and send it your address. You'll need to PM your address first. It might not get to you until after Christmas. Is that OK?

besides, twitter is what the nobodies use to follow the somebodies and to live life through their postings just to fill the black hole sized void in your life...oh thats right you use twitter so you don't have one.

I have a luxurious leather chair gifted to me by a generous neighbour. We are sharing information neither of us give a shit about, right?

NightShiftLoser said:
I love that Samoa Joe has the title, and is going back to his "Joe's gonna kill you" days. He was starting to get soft, in a lot of ways, and it just wasn't the same watching him.

I don't know if I'd describe Joe's "transformation" as getting softer. I mean, I did criticise him for carrying round a sacrificial Samoan knife of doom or whatever. I think his gimmick was just pretty stupid. As someone said before it was just difficult to take him seriously.

His early TNA feuds were all great, and I'd have no problem with a few of them being brought back to life (i.e. Kurt Angle)...

I wouldn't mind him having another match with Angle. I would, however, just like it to be the one match. We've had, what, about eight Angle/Joe matches in the past? Maybe even more. They were all good - one or two were excellent - but too much of a good thing is, yeah, too much of a good thing.

LJL said:
I've always said that Joe is great as a midcard guy but horrible as a maineventer and he has this chance to prove me wrong. His first title run failed miserably because he went from the badass Joe to face Joe and Joe just isn't meant to be a face.

I agree that Joe isn't better as a face, though I think he's better in the tweener role. Even when Joe was kicking around everyone's favourite wrestlers, Styles and Daniels, in 2005, he was still pretty popular.
Samoa Joe choked out Abyss.

Take a second to think about that...Done? OK...

Samoa Joe is definitely back. He was slated for no match last night, and came out to choke out the one guy that has only tapped twice(?) in his career. That's massive.

There was a pretty loud "Joe's gonna kill you chant", which is always nice to hear, because it means that TNA cannot ignore that Joe is heading that way, and that's what the fans want.
I can't believe Joe choked out Abyss. That was huuuuuuuuge. If anyone had any doubts in Joe, they should be totally gone after last night. The man is back, and in top form, too. It's nice to see the old Joe back, as now it means I can be my super crazy Joe mark again.

When Joe cashes in his case, that's going to be a huge moment. Everyone will love it , the fans are so behind him again. I love watching Joe wrestling and hearing " Joe's Gonna Kill You!! ". Now, my next goal, fly to Orlando to see Impact, hopefully by the time I get there it's still free.
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