Samoa Joe — The New Face of TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Well, old new? Or new old? Semantics.

Between the interview he did a couple months back talking about how he was "ready to run with it" again, provided TNA just gave him the opportunity, and now this report of him making an impassioned speech to the TNA roster during the UK tour, talking about how tough the tour was, but that he was glad there was no "prima donnas, no complainers and no whiners", and how proud he was of everyone, it sure seems like he's stepping into a leadership role (again) for the company, especially in the wake of losing both AJ Styles and Sting — two guys who have been absolute cornerstones for the company over the last nine years.

With Angle also set to be out a while now coming off knee surgery, and rumors he may even miss Lockdown, someone needs to step up, and it looks like that guy is Joe.

He's always been something of a polarizing figure there, consistently praised for his abilities despite his size, yet just as often chastised for it, but when you boil it down, he is, for all intents and purposes, a "TNA Original" (not that this matters much, but to some it does), and having him step up here like this is probably going to be a pretty big boost to the morale of the company that's still feeling the effects of it's losses from the last calendar year.

He appears to be the ideal candidate with AJ gone, Angle injured & a possible Storm heel turn in the works.

I don't know if he lost a bit of desire for a while when caught up in the mix, but I'm starting to enjoy seeing Joe wrestle again and if he can step up that 'bad ass' persona just a bit then yes, Samoa Joe could be 'the face' of TNA.
I don't really see it. At least not right now. This was the guy who was supposed to be Immortal's prophet and go around screaming "THEY" instead of Abyss but lost it because he flipped out on occasion including catering. I remember the articles popping up back in early 2010.

But if Joe really feels like he can step up his work ethic and lead the locker room, more power to him. That would be wonderful. He was awesome at his peak. But the way I see it, if you lose interest once, more than once in his case, you may lose it again.
I think Dixie and Bob may eventually realize the best power they had was the superstars they had before they brought in Hulk Hogan, don't get me wrong I'm a lifelong Hulkamaniac, but Hogan only made people start watching a little more, so did Flair, but other then that guys like Joe, Jarrett, Storm, Styles got them to the dance, and with lack of star power there going with what worked in the first place, brilliant, but yet stupid because if they would've left things alone maybe things would've stayed the same
Should Samoa Joe become the face of TNA, I for one would be disappointed, and either way don't see it as a possibility.

Samoa Joe has proven himself to be a strong X-Division star in the past with his 5-star matches and enjoyable title reigns, as well as a mediocre World Heavyweight champion. He's one of those stars that's a good "chaser" and can be red hot like Daniel Bryan and CM Punk, until days into reign where people think: "that's it, they're champion, I'm bored, give it back to the other guy." Let's take a look at the ratings of TNA Impact! in 2008:

-January 3: 1.1
- January 10: 1.1
- January 17: 1.2
- January 17 Global Impact: 0.8
- January 24: 1.2
- January 31: 1.2
- February 7: 1.1
- February 14: 1.1
- February 21: 1.1
- February 28: 1.1
- March 6: 1.2
- March 13: 1.2
- March 20: 1.0
- March 27: 1.0
- April 3: 1.1
- April 10: 1.0-Samoa Joe captures the TNA World Championship 3 days later.
- April 17: 1.0
- April 24: 1.0
- May 1: 1.0
- May 8: 0.9
- May 15: 0.9
- May 22: 1.0
- May 29: 0.9
- June 5: 0.9
- June 12: 0.9
- June 19: 1.0
- June 26: 0.9---------------A clear decline from the 1.1's to the 0.9's.
- July 3: 1.0
- July 10: 1.0
- July 17: 1.1----------They raise once former WWE and WCW Champion Booker T feuds with Samoa Joe.
- July 24: 1.1
- July 31: 1.1
- August 7: 1.0----------Speculation that the founder of TNA, Jeff Jarrett is returning.
- August 14: 0.9
- August 21: 1.1
- August 28: 1.1
- September 4: 1.0
- September 11: 1.1
- September 18: 1.1------Bound For Glory season.
- September 25: 1.1
- October 2: 1.0
- October 9: 1.0
- October 16: 1.0
- October 23: 1.1
- October 30: 1.2-------About the time the Main Event Mafia forms and Sting becomes the World Heavyweight Champion.
- November 6: 1.1
- November 13: 1.1
- November 20: 1.1
- November 27: 1.1
- December 4: 1.2
- December 11: 1.2
- December 18: 1.0
- December 25: 1.0

As you can see, the ratings were slightly on the decline once Samoa Joe became the World Heavyweight Champion and boosted once the bricks to the Main Event Mafia were being laid. Samoa Joe isn't a huge draw nor are many fans interested in him for the most part.

Apart from his matches that define the X-Division, I can't remember a memorable match of his as opposed to matches between men like Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Sting, AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, James Storm and Austin Aries. His match with Sting at Bound For Glory is only remembered today because of the big leap out of the sky-box (a little X-Division in there) and Sting's heel turn.

Samoa Joe is indeed capable of putting on some good matches and I'm not saying I dislike what he throws on, it's just not something worth watching more than once. His promos can be excellent and engage the crowd, however these segments seem to be the only point people are interested in what he does, in addition to the few times he does some flips, twists and kicks which relates to his tremendous X-Division performance.

I like Joe, for a man of his size he can move like there are no laws of gravity. He can be an excellent title chaser and is one of the best on the TNA roster at cutting a promo. I'm looking forward to his story with Magnus along with the match itself, but I think other wrestlers such as James Storm or Austin Aries are far more talented and charismatic. I've enjoyed a lot more of their matches and find them to be more engaging. Both of them were World Heavyweight Champions for a short amount of time, less months than Samoa Joe was, yet I enjoyed their reigns more even though Joe's title reign had more time and a bigger build put into.

Overall, I don't see this happening. The face of the company is chosen by the fans; not Dixie Carter, not the creative and not a small proportion of internet fans which have a ridiculous view on Professional Wrestling. The face of the company is the biggest draw of the company. Time has shown that Samoa Joe is not the biggest draw, and he isn't a big one either.
I can't say that I see it but, it'd be a novelty for the new "face" of company be someone that's a "homegrown" guy.

When it's all said & done though, I don't see Joe doing any worse for TNA than anyone else that's had the spot when it comes to being a draw. Even with Hogan, Angle, Bully Ray, Jeff Hardy, Sting, etc. front & center, they still draw viewers in the low to mid 1 million range. I don't see Joe doing any better or worse, but at least he's a lot cheaper.
Well, I can't speak to who will or won't bring the ratings. I pay almost no attention to the figures at all, let alone from a weekly perspective. I'm a TNA fan, and a wrestling fan, not a shareholder or employee of the company or Viacom, so their ratings scores are largely irrelevant to me. All I care about is an entertaining product/alternative to the competition on a weekly basis.

That said, when I speak to him being the new "face", I just mean the guy that fans largely associate with being "the guy" in the company. For a long, long time it was between Sting and AJ Styles, though I'd argue more so Sting since he debuted, and that TNA also tried to pin it on Hardy and RVD for a short while, but ultimately reverted back to their stalwarts in Styles and Sting. With both gone, that title has to eventually go to someone, and it's often the company's biggest face who is consistently involved in the shows' top angles and/or WHC picture.

Right now, that's Joe.
I'm not sure about the face of the company. Right now, that is, and should remain for a good while Magnus. (Whilst in actuality it's probably Bobby Roode).

I do think, though, that he would be good for a long title chase and maybe even holding the belt for a little bit at some point. The guy has virtually no flaws in the ring. He has an established move set but with a vast move pool and can very, very easily work with anybody and believably win or lose any encounter. He's not a great talker, but he sounds very passionate when he talks, and the crowds are always on his side.

I think more stock should have been put in Joe's camp, and hopefully now it will. But he shouldn't be the face. That would send a very clear message to people around the world, many of whom are willing to believe it anyway, that TNA is regressing. Magnus should the face of the company, he's a guy in his mid/late 20s who is already an experienced TV-hardy competitor. I had my reservations of him as the top guy before being given the nod, but I think having so much faith in him at his age is doing him the world of good with his confidence. And I think guys that age who are talented often do very well like Randy Orton, The Rock, or Lesnar because they have so much energy and don't have half the bumps and bruises slowing them down that a guy, like Titus O'Neil for example who is in his mid-30s, has, and that translates well to the ring. Maybe a bit of green here and there, but enough gusto to conceal that fact.

I do think Joe has been messed around long enough, though, when he should have been a top guy consistently. Just not the face.
I believe, Samoa Joe will take Sting's role. He will provide veteran leadership to the young wrestlers on the road to keep them positive and encourage them to go out there and put high quality matches. I expect TNA to ''showcase him'' alot this year.Joe will be around the world title picture for a long time..Won't take much, Joe is someone who you don’t need to build. He isn’t new in the business. He has been wrestling for over a decade. He is a veteran in the ring. He has proven himself in TNA..

Kurt Angle said Sting was the face for TNA in the last decade. with him now gone. Joe will likely step up and once again become a backstage leader aka Face of TNA it's not (Kurt)He's bolting to WWE this Summer, man wants his wrestling career to be remembered in his former company.

If AJ Styles, doesn't return back to TNA this Summer. I expect them to reward Joe with his spot.
You mean MVP, that's the new face of TNA, I'm sorry, but they ruined Samoa Joe, we all wish Joe would make a come back. But can he really, not without the help from TNA and them believing in him. Hopefully I'm wrong and Joe makes it to the top again, but, I'm guessing they don't have much faith in Joe, or they wouldn't have treated him like shit for so many years now.
Wow joes reign was boring when he was on top. I remember him being dumb enough to let's his opponent carry around his title, I think it was booker t. Either way I remember only tuning in for the kurt and aj feud other that I remember everything being lackluster and actually falling asleep accidentally a lot that year when tna was on and as much as I love wrestling I'm still in shock over that.
Well, I can't speak to who will or won't bring the ratings. I pay almost no attention to the figures at all, let alone from a weekly perspective. I'm a TNA fan, and a wrestling fan, not a shareholder or employee of the company or Viacom, so their ratings scores are largely irrelevant to me. All I care about is an entertaining product/alternative to the competition on a weekly basis.

That said, when I speak to him being the new "face", I just mean the guy that fans largely associate with being "the guy" in the company. For a long, long time it was between Sting and AJ Styles, though I'd argue more so Sting since he debuted, and that TNA also tried to pin it on Hardy and RVD for a short while, but ultimately reverted back to their stalwarts in Styles and Sting. With both gone, that title has to eventually go to someone, and it's often the company's biggest face who is consistently involved in the shows' top angles and/or WHC picture.

Right now, that's Joe.

Samoa Joe is only in the position he's in because he's the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. It could be Austin Aries, James Storm or Bobby Roode in that position. That wouldn't make them the face of the company. In my opinion the face of the company is the most popular star.

The reason numbers are important are because it shows the company who's the bigger star, what makes money and what's good for business. Money is what keeps the company functioning and the wheels rolling. The biggest money maker would be the most talented. That particular superstar is a big draw for a reason. Samoa Joe has shown he isn't a big draw compared to most on the TNA roster. Crowd reactions do not fully comprehend the wrestler's popularity. Ask John Cena.

Samoa Joe isn't seen as "the guy" and is simply in a feud with the World Champion, Magnus. When Jeff Hardy was the World Champion in 2013 he wasn't the top guy. He was just the World Champion for a while and as you said, it was between Sting and AJ Styles as to who was the face of the company.
I like Joe being the next top guy; I can certainly buy it. Right now with AJ, Sting, an Jeff Hardy gone, plus Angle being sidelined of sorts, Joe seems to be the one with the biggest following. Unless they decide to turn Roode face (which I wouldn't agree with), yeah this is the logical choice. Now will this translate to another title run remains to be seen.
The recent TNA U.K. tour is considered to be the most grueling tour in the history of the company, but reportedly the best in terms of locker room morale. The general consensus was that everyone seemed to be happy working in front of larger and more receptive crowds.

TNA veteran Samoa Joe reportedly gave an emotional speech during one of the bus rides back to the hotel about how this was the company's toughest touring schedule, but turned out to be a great tour because they had no prima donnas, no complainers and no whiners. Joe spoke about being proud of everyone who was a part of the tour. The wrestlers themselves were apparently chanting Joe's name by the time the speech was over.

(Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

I think he's ready. Not sure about that haircut, though.
I think it was his interview with Steve Austin last year, wherein he said that he met with TNA management and creative and basically said "2014 is my year. Use me now or never." They've been doing a whole lot of nothing for awhile, and I know Joe has that itch to be "the" guy again.

The time has never been better. Sting is gone. AJ Styles is gone. Kurt Angle can't work at that main event level for more than a few tapings in a row. Hulk Hogan is also gone, but that's pretty inconsequential. The point is, with so many people stepping down, there's a role to fill. If Joe is ever going to be the go-to guy again, now is probably his last chance.

Let's look at it logistically. Magnus is the world champion. He's the top heel at the moment. He's facing Joe for the title, unless some other bullshit gets in the way, at Lockdown. I think it's unlikely the switch happens so soon, but you never know.

Who else is there? Jeff Hardy will probably be back by Lockdown, or shortly there after. He's only gone because of the UK tour. James Storm is slowly turning heel. Ken Anderson? I think Ethan Carter III has a slow burn towards a babyface turn, as he's getting frustrated with being ignored by Aunt D. MVP is the new investor, will be wrestling, but I doubt if he books himself in the title picture immediately.

Samoa Joe and Jeff Hardy are the last two big babyfaces on Impact. One or both of them are going to be in the title picture from now until Magnus drops it. They actually should drop it sooner than later. If Magnus holds it, he's got very few people to defend against. If Joe takes it, he's got James Storm, Bobby Roode, Magnus, Bully Ray, etc.

This is a very important year for a lot of people. Joe, Magnus, Gunner, the Wolves, MVP, Ethan Carter III, etc etc. Lots of people. They need to reestablish a good faith with the fans after lots of releases, more people leaving of their own accord, and some really shitty programming in 2013. I'm actually quite excited. Impact has been really good so far on the UK tour. Lockdown should be a good PPV, and I think this will absolutely be the year for Samoa Joe.
Joe's the new face of Golden Corral. He's going to debut their deep-fried Oreo BBQ ribs soon. I heard once that he knocked himself out with his own big lady tits.

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