Same Matches Every Week?!



Is it just me or is RAW cycling through the same types of matches every week? I mean I can remember a time when every single wrestler didn't have to be in a storyline. Where there would be fueds between wrestlers but those wrestlers could also fight other people. Sometimes their enemy would interfere or whatever but that seems to be happening less and less. How many different variations of Shawn Michaels/Edge/Orton do we have to see? Or Carlito/Masters? RAW needs more belts or something to make these matches more interesting. I mean at the end of the day, why do I care about who wins between Benjamin/Haas and Cryme Time when there are never any tag belts at stake??
I have to disagree with you sonny, titles would mean sweet fa if every match was for a title. RAW has 4 titles, and that's easily enough don't you think?

To progress feuds the wrestlers need to be facing each other in some capacity each week, it's hard for a crowd to get into a match if there is no 'storyline' behind it. It's not the 70s anymore.
I also think the same match's seem to happen each week. They dont obviously but Raw as a whole feel's stale. That's why I prefer Smackdown. The main event scene suck's but the undercard has more variety and a lot of the feud's feel fresher.
Umm not really, how many times did we see lashley vs finlay? Booker vs batista? The thing is thought lately in this new year smackdown has become better to watch and better storylines are happening now. Raw is ok at the moment just new talents are needed and new fueds.
Umm not really, how many times did we see lashley vs finlay? Booker vs batista? The thing is thought lately in this new year smackdown has become better to watch and better storylines are happening now. Raw is ok at the moment just new talents are needed and new fueds.

i agree we saw way too much of Lashley Vs Finely and Booker vs Batista and Chavo and Benoit....Now smackdwon seems to be a bit better. RAW is also starting to repeat itself.

IMO i just feel that after Wrestlemania they have a draft this year, so things wont be so the same as bring in some new programs and just give each brand some new life
I have to disagree with you sonny, titles would mean sweet fa if every match was for a title. RAW has 4 titles, and that's easily enough don't you think?

To progress feuds the wrestlers need to be facing each other in some capacity each week, it's hard for a crowd to get into a match if there is no 'storyline' behind it. It's not the 70s anymore.

4 titles but the womens championship sucks and the tag titles aren't even being traded between real tag teams. I say get rid of the whole womens division and bring back a third tier title ala the European title, Hardcore title or TV title. I mean shit there are enough wrestlers. You got Carlito, Masters, Johnny Nitro, Ric Flair, Kenny Dykstra, Great Khali, Super Crazy, Val Venis, Viscera all in the same tier. And I'm not even counting the possible contenders that are in tag teams.

And I realize that they need to keep "reminding" us that these wrestlers are fueding but how many variations do I need to see Flair VS Dykstra? Like seriously I get it the only way Dykstra can beat Flair is if he cheats and he does it EVERY WEEK but Flair has the same stupid fucking surprised look on his face. Cryme Time VS Hass/Benjamin SAME THING Cryme Time either wins by cheating or interferance or Hass/Benjamin pick up the clean victory woopdee doo next week we'll see the same thing only the other team will win.. Its like we're watching a damn house show each and every week.
4 titles but the womens championship sucks and the tag titles aren't even being traded between real tag teams. I say get rid of the whole womens division and bring back a third tier title ala the European title, Hardcore title or TV title. I mean shit there are enough wrestlers. You got Carlito, Masters, Johnny Nitro, Ric Flair, Kenny Dykstra, Great Khali, Super Crazy, Val Venis, Viscera all in the same tier. And I'm not even counting the possible contenders that are in tag teams.

k do you realize how many wrestling fans are girls if u get rid of the womens title they would lose like half there viewers.

i actually like cryme tyme matches i hope they get the tag titles soon!
i think they need to move the whole tag team div to smackdown, cuz really rko is not a "real" tag team, hbk/cena are not a tag team, this way real teams like cryme tyme, highlanders, cade/murdoch, haas/benjamin would have an oppurtunity to go for sumthin and not be push overs for these fake ass smackdown would have the tag team division and raw would be able to have sumthing like the hardcore/ECW title.... ECW is dead, it is garbage, mite aswell steal the belt and use it for a decent purpose on RAW.

ps the womens division does SUCK, mickie james / victoria are the only 2 real competitors........ MICKIE JAMES IS SOO FRIGGIN HOT :D
To be honest RAW is boring week in, week out. REALLY Boring. They can't think of/ don't have the talent to have any fresh, interesting matches. As i normally end my posts, 3 letters - TNA.
Well, I disagree with the person who said that they should take away their women's title. That makes no sense because girls watch wrestling as well. Not many, but it still makes up a lot of the ratings they get. I would love to see a fifth title added but then the titles wouldn't be very prestigious. If you remember back in the attitude era, there was about 8 champions a year. It might've been more entertaining back then, but that's because WWE ran out of talent and the talent that they currently have is being under-used because they can't cut promos. Eventually, Vince will retire or die and Shane will become chairman. All this reminds me of the AWA back in the day when Verne Gagne was all about pushing the old guys and his son, Greg, was up with the times and when he finally got control of the business, it was too late. Hopefully that won't happen to WWE. But, it's true we have been seeing the same matches and they NEED to get the tag titles off of HBK and Cena. It's really killing the tag division the more they hold the titles.
OIK ok , someone posted that we see, HBK RKO and Edge every week, since when? Sure carlito, masters is stale but i think a lot of RAW's stuff is good, otherwise people will be complaing that they didnt build the feuds up enough
I agree here. I think that Raw does follow the same format, week in and week out, and it is this indifference that makes it boring. We could tune in and each week we would see new, exciting things that made us anxious to see what happened next. Now, the guys who are feuding are facing eachother each week, have a 5 minute match and then make you pay for the rematch at a PPV.

They need to get out with the current format of repeats, and go for different things, like they did when they made it really good. They ruin the feuds each week, and most seem like replicas of the last week. They are starting to show some signs of life, and it is getting more interesting now, but you can't argue that the lack of initiative in regards to putting a fresh product on television has been lacking for a long time. This means prolonging decent feuds, and not building one for the sake of it. Gimmick matches are great for viewers, so why not more of them. And people that matter should be getting the most TV time. Cena ruins the main event picture and matches all the time because once you have seen a 2 minute John Cena match, you have seen all he has to offer. Fix this up Raw, and step up to TNA by making us want to watch again. We don't want to see the same thing shown each week, and you are ruining the product by showing the same matches and formats each week. Get rid of that. And improve the feuds. Having them face eachother the same week in and week out is not interesting or invigorating. It is infuriating.
Cena ruins the main event picture and matches all the time because once you have seen a 2 minute John Cena match, you have seen all he has to offer.

Should we really blame the champions for this? I say yes, The same material that we're all whining abt may just be that Cena has been champion for 3 years or so. Notic how most main events involve him. Repetitive shows, Repetitive champion, hey presto we have a solution, GIVE THE STRAP TO HBK
Perhaps we might have some fresh material with someone who has a little bit more experience
I think that Cena grew boring very quickly, because he showed no signs of being a great champion. The WWE must be mentally ******ed if they cannot spot that no one with half a brain would like to see John Cena tear up the competition for years on end. This is one of the reasons that Raw is boring. The main event picture is meant to be the best part of the whole WWE, yet Cena ruins it by just showing us what we have seen countless times before. HBK would be a definite breath of fresh air, but then again, Cena would be there to stink it up because the WWE is too scared to send him back to the mid card where he belongs. He has complete and utter inability to show any form of excitement. That is wearing thin on everyone, especially tired fans of Raw. That is the first step in my opinion. Changing the main event picture for the better, and that starts with removing boring people that have shown us all they have to show, and for Cena that isn't much, and yet he has been showing it to us for years. Get some new aspects of the programming or better yet, get better wrestlers. Cena has had all the chances to be getting experience, but being in the main event is not helping him. He can't hold the key to the company, because he can't even hold a decent match. There are plenty of more experienced guys who could turn Raw around. We have seen enough of one John Cena.
Not only that, but its like they've gotten lazy when it comes to the types of matches, too. I mean when is the last time we've seen a cage match or a TLC match on RAW? 1998-2000 used to be AWESOME for this. I used to actually look forward to how the storylines were going to play out now I couldn't care less. They need to throw in some spontanaity too, like "unplanned" backstage brawls. Maybe its just because their roster is so small now and they cycle between the same guys every week. Carlito vs Flair / Masters VS Hardy one week, Carlito VS Hardy, Flair VS Masters the next week, Flair VS Hardy, Carlito VS Masters the next week, you get my point.
We get your point. I think the last TLC match was Flair Vs Edge for title, but I certainly get where your coming from. Back in the attitude era (HERE WE GO AGAIN) you did have random matches with exciting stipulations. but it was the wrestlers who actually wanted to participate in them, the ones who said "hell yeah lets have a ladder match"
Sometimes its just lazy superstars, not writers. At least we had people like the dudleys who could put people thru tables for a gimmick.
Carlito doesnt even spit out his apple anymore.
Where are the sneak attacks backstage that would really add hate to a feud. Where are the personal insults? But if I start raving about these people will start saying
"Entertainment is bullshit, TNA is way better coz theyre all wrestling " which I certainly do not want
I'm sick and tired of seeing khali beat up on guys who are a foot and a half shorter and about 150 pounds lighter than him.If big show was in good shape, he would give him a good match.
Raw needs something completely unexpected to happen to liven things up again. Bacstage brawls, betrayal, cat fights, beer trucks, explosions etc. We don't want to see that old steroid using ass hole (not Hogan) talk smack about a guy we don't give a rat's ass about or talk about his "manhood". Come on WWE, give us something positive to talk about.

p.s ECW sucks
Raw has been a bit repetitive these days. However I don’t think the answer would be adding another title, or taking away the Women’s Division. I agree with what previous poster stated, there should be a DRAFT after Wrestlemania this year. I think it would really spice things up a bit and introduce new fresh faces on Raw and on Smackdown. As for the Women’s division, the WWE’s fault for letting not only Trish retire but having Lita follow not but what a month or so later? The only two actual wrestlers are Mickie James and Victoria, now if they upped the female talent in to actual wrestling and not just eye candy (or backstage interviewers) we’d be OK in this department instead of seeing Mickie VS. Victoria, Mickie VS. Melina, Victoria Vs. Melina, etc. Melina is working on her skills which is nice to see (if we all do remember Trish before her actual wrestling days) It’s possible to take the ‘Divas’ now and make them in to wrestlers but not unless they’re willing, and I’m sure most of them are… they seem to be dabbling, and we’re not seeing as many Bra & Panties matches, or Pillow Fight matches… thank god. All in all they can really do a few things to spruce up the action, I think the best thing would to have another Draft, that always makes things more interesting.
Draft is the only thing that can help IMO. Kenny should go to SmackDown and CMPunk and maybe Finlay or Kennedy should go to Raw and Monty Brown shoudl also go to Raw.
Kenny isnt actualy that bad, hes an OK heel. Kennedy to RAW would help fix a lot f what is wrong with RAW atm, but it would leave smackdown up shit creek without a paddle so they wont do it
Hell since Shelton aint getting no play on raw besides beating cryme time for the first time. Shelton should go to smackdown and he could have beautiful matches with benoit. They are good technical wrestlers and since benoit is willing to take chances with his diving head butt and things like that i think shelton would be able to have a technical match that still uses his athletic abilities. thats a new and better match

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