[SACRIFICE] Matt Hardy & Chris Harris v. Beer Money [Tag Team Championships]

Who wins?

  • Matt Hardy & Mystery Partner

  • Beer Money, Inc.

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Matt actually looks halfway decent in that pic, seems he really does care about TNA.

The haircut looks kind of like Jeff's, but precedent dictates that WWE even uses the silhouette as a swerve, as JeriShow's looked an awful lot like Dibiase and... well, you all know how that turned out. It's going to be good to see Matt doing a tag match, but in the same light I really don't know if he should be up against the champs already. He's kind of rusty still, and the way TNA usually does its tags is usually a fast pace. When Matt does fast, he does those stupid fucking baby steps that's one of the few things I dislike about him. You know, when he's running up to stomp someone, or take like a clothesline, he takes a bunch of quick, short steps? What the fuck is that shit?

I don't mean to rant about Matt, but I wasn't entirely watching iMPACT! tonight, I'm burned out from finals week. Did he say if it's someone from Immortal or not? I wouldn't entirely be surprised if it was Abyss or Bulleh, maybe even the glorious return of Wolfe. God, I would mark out like a 12 year old if I hear a wolf howl.

Oh, and Beer Money wins. I doubt they'll drop the straps until BFG, or at least July.
I dont care who Matt's partner is, if his team wins i'll cry....but it's ok because there is about a 15 percent chance they would win. Matt is plain and simple not ready to take on BM and win, as Charlie said above me Hardy is still lookin rusty. In regards to the match being fast paced and having problems with him keeping up, I feel like the match will go a little slower for that reason, it'll cater to what he's lacking.
If Wolfe came back I would probably jump out of my seat for joy, that being said I dont see it happening. I am a sucker for matches with an entrant we dont know the name of, I dont know why but I just love em.I'm actually am going to say it's Abyss....anyway it should be a decent match, with Beer Money still holdin gold after the match.
Matts obviously trying hard at his TNA run. He's looking fitter than he has for years and he only seems to be getting fitter so fair play to the guy he's slowly earning my respect back.

Saying that though Beer Money should still win. Them losing to Matt and a random partner would be a bit stupid in my opinion.
Surely the mystery partner will be Jeff or Desmond Wolfe? I hate it when they do mystery partners and it isn't the return / debut of someone. Seems like such an anti climax.
Beer Money wins unless Jeff is the mystery partner. If ???? is Jeff then the Hardy's win
I really hope it is Jeff and it's a victory for the brothers, but it does seem a bit too soon for his return considering the way his "problems" seem to have stacked up, but who knows. I can envisage sitting there waiting for his redebut and it turns out to be someone really bland.

Makes me wonder though, if it was the Hardys reuniting would they become face by default?
Here's my top choices as to who his partner is:

Jeff Hardy: Meh, probably not. I feel like if Jeff does return it'll be as a Face and it'll be blaming Hogan for what he turned Jeff into. I don't see Matt's mystery partner being a surprise return of Mr. Hardy. :-/

Max or Jeremy Buck: This is the most logical choice for me. Hear me out. He brings one of the guys out, tells him he reminds him a lot of himself back in the day and that he wants to help him out. Long story short, they team for a few weeks and the other Buck comes out and attacks Matt and they both lay Hardy out. The next PPV it's The Hardy's (Jeff having made his return weeks prior) vs. Generation Me. A great feud with a great rub off on GenMe who's basically billed as the next Hardy Boys.

Jay Lethal: He comes out and says he loves TNA so much the only way he could keep his job was joining Immortal. Bam. Heel turn.

Other than that it almost has to be someone with a history with Matt. Maybe Ryhno?
Well seeing as the spoilers for next week have already revealed who his partner is, I think it will be a fun little match. Interesting to see the reaction he gets next week. Been a while!
I know who the mystery partner is. Some people will be truly suprised and look forward to his return.
I will be interested if Matt teases it online through Twitter or the Hardy Show. Since his intro video has a Facebook theme to it, go viral.
Well there have been rumours about Jeff coming back, so who knows? Maybe Jeff comes back, turns on his brother? We'll see what happens.

Jeff returning + turning on Matt in that same match = jumping the shark, at least somewhat.

I'm guessing it's The Hurricane, because, after all, Omega means something...right? Not really, but I'm betting it's somewhere in one of their contracts.

I have no idea where this is going. Roode just had a killer promo on Impact, and seems in line to be a bigger deal than he has been over the last year. That leads me to believe Beer Money wins. Then again, a "surprise" entrant always leads me to believe that team wins the match. Whatever keeps Matt's belly bouncing pleases me :)
Live on PPV, it's the epic return of BRADEN WALKER! What a history making moment.... Ok, enough sarcasm. This is a rather easy choice. Beer Money are walking in with the belts and walking back out still holding them. Harris sucked even in his original TNA run and Matt Hardy is, well, Matt Hardy. He's nothing without his brother. Beer Money on the other hand are going to retain because they one of the best tag teams in the world, who are also part of Fortune who are being pushed quite strongly, facing a team of a guy who sucks without his brother and a guy who sucks.

Beer Money will retain the TNA Tag Team Championship.
I was a HUGE fan of Chris Harris work in TNA especially has a Tag Team Wrestler seeing as he was apart of one Greatest Tag teams in TNA history AMW teaming with Matt Hardy who I think has been really solid in the ring since he joined TNA Matt was also apart of a Great team with his brother Jeff. So you put two guys Harris and Hardy who were in Great Tag team and put them against Beer Money who I think is Best Tag Team in Wrestling today and I think we are going to get a Very Good Tag Team. I think that Beer Money will retain their belts in a Very Good Tag match that goes about 15 minutes
Funny thing i see here, i see Beer Money retain the championship because of Chris Harris who will turn on Matt Hardy for not helping him keep his job back in ECW. That will lead to a feud between Hardy and Harris that will last until Beer Money lose the titles and split up to let Storm reform AMW with Harris.
I actually wouldn't be surprised to see Matt Hardy and Chris Harris win the tag titles. With the talk of splitting Beer Money and turning Robert Roode into a singles star and reforming AMW, I wouldn't be shocked to see Beer Money lose due to miscommunication or something, which begins the angle of Beer Money splitting and AMW reforming. That's a win-win situation right there because you still have a great tag team in AMW and you turn Robert Roode into a singles competitor, which he drastically needs to push him to the next level.

Most likely Beer Money retains though. Just depends if they want to start the split angle at Sacrifice or not.
Robert Roode recently performed a promo telling everyone how he's a normal working class american when that's exactly the opposite of what his gimmick is all about. That probably means change is on the horizon. I can see James Storm turning on his Beer Money partner to reform the awesome team of America's Most Wanted while Robert Roode starts to focus on a single's career. Even though Chris Harris and James Storm might reform, I can definitely see a curve ball being thrown here. Matt Hardy is totally irrelevant in this match but I could see him and Harris winning the Tag Team Championships tomorrow night.

Hamler's Prediction- Matt Hardy & Chris Harris
Did they even explain what Matt Hardy did to earn a tag team title shot in the first place? Also you would think Ink Inc would get a shot since they did win that match at Lockdown.

So Chris Harris will be Hardy's partner. The match should be good and I feel Beer Money will retain. But who knows with TNA anymore they might have Hardy & Harris win.

Also I don't want to see America's Most Wanted reform because I feel Beer Money has surpassed them as a team. If Beer Money does break up I would like to see both Roode and Storm get singles pushes.

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