Ryback & Ziggler


According to the main page and various other sites, the pairing of Ryback & Dolph Ziggler is looking like it could be an ongoing thing. After SD! last night, they cut a promo mentioning how The Authority couldn't have chosen two hungrier guys that want to get to the top with Ryback concluding the interview saying "Feed US More."

As a result, this has led to speculation that Bryan vs. Ziggler for WrestleMania could be nixed. The report mentions that even as of right now, very few things for WrestleMania XXXI are set in stone. WWE still has a couple of weeks in which to get things stabilized if they want Bryan vs. Lesnar in case they have or are getting cold feet concerning Roman Reigns.

Whether or not Bryan vs. Ziggler happens at WrestleMania XXXI, I like the idea of Ziggler & Ryback as a tag team. Both are pretty over with fans, they have a nice balance of speed & power and WWE could use another strong tag team right now. Besides, it's not like they have anything else going on right now. Ryback has yet to hold a title in WWE, though I suppose it's still possible that Rusev could manage to hang onto the United States Championship after his feud with Cena and, as a result, they could pick the Rusev vs. Ryback feud up again. However, as of right now, I think I'd prefer Ryback teaming with Ziggler as they both bring different qualities to the table and Ziggler can help cover for some of Ryback's weaknesses.
Honestly a Ziggler & Ryback v Cesaro & Kidd Wrestlemania match for the tag titles could be an easy way of placating the hardcore fans at Wrestlemania in the event that they go with Reigns beating Brock.

Obviously it won't fully stop it but every little helps
As a result, this has led to speculation that Bryan vs. Ziggler for WrestleMania could be nixed. The report mentions that even as of right now, very few things for WrestleMania XXXI are set in stone. WWE still has a couple of weeks in which to get things stabilized if they want Bryan vs. Lesnar in case they have or are getting cold feet concerning Roman Reigns.

In one regard, it's a bit disconcerting to consider the WM31 fate of Daniel Bryan could be determined by what WWE management is thinking of doing with Roman Reigns. At the same time, I kind of like the company willing to be flexible about what's best for business and ready to switch things up, even though that flexibility might be borne more out of fear and uncertainty than a solid direction.

Still, I rather doubt the Bryan-Ziggler match at the big event would be cut out because of the possible teaming of Ryback and Dolph. They might make a decent pairing for the reasons stated by the OP, but unless these guys would be at the forefront of the tag team rejuvenation that never seems to arrive, they wouldn't make any more splash as a team than anyone else, I would guess.

What's going to become of Dolph Ziggler? I don't know; what always appears to become of him? Management can't seem to decide whether he's a top star or glorified midcarder. If he's good, but lacks a little something.....and the same can be said of Ryback.....perhaps putting 'em together would create something special. Worth a shot, no?

But if you were Dolph Ziggler, would you rather be in a WM31 match with Daniel Bryan......or tag with Ryback in a team that might not even be on the April card?
Although I like the tag team idea, I was starting to look forward to a Ziggler vs Bryan match. We know that those two would bring the house down and put on one of, if not the best match in WrestleMania history. Probably the best two, in their prime, in ring workers on the roster right now, these two would take it upon themselves to deliver on the grandest stage of them all.

But the tag division right now is shit, and needs help from some top superstars. Putting these guys in a tag team will help the company and the wrestlers. It will take a lot of attention away from Ziggler not being in the title hunt. It seems as if WWE is about to lose two of their tag teams soon, Gold and Stardust have been in-fighting and so have Miz and Mizdow. Looks like we can look forward to the brass ring club, Kidd & Cesaro, and Ziggler and Ryback taking up the slack from those teams. Althoug the last time Ryback went into a tag combo, he basically got buried.
This is just immensely disappointing if it turns out to be true. Dolph Ziggler deserves to be in one of the main event matches at WrestleMania, but it doesn't look like this is ever going to happen. Ziggler has proven time and again that he's one of WWE's very best overall performers, but he's constantly made to look like a joke. Sticking him in a tag team with Ryback is just another anchor to sink him back into midcard mediocrity. After Survivor Series Ziggler was THE most white-hot performer in WWE, but it's clear now that WWE will never allow him to succeed. Vince and Triple H just have this unbridled hatred for Dolph Ziggler and will never let him be at the top where he belongs.
It's probably a better pairing for Ryback than Ziggler. That said, a match against Bryan is above what Ziggler should be doing at Mania and having him in a makeshift tag team is a good way of getting two popular stars on the card in some capacity.
Sadly Ziggler/Ryback is in that weird spot where they're too popular to be jobbing but for whatever reasons aren't in the main event picture, and thus they have nothing for them. Kinda like Sheamus before his last injury, which would explain why he spent a good chunk of his US title reign tagging with the Usos instead of being in actual feuds. (Unless you count that very short one against the Miz)

They've also conveniently forgot that Ziggler never had a rematch for the IC title, but I guess storyline wise he would've lost that when he got "fired". Still a feud between those two would've led to some great matches and I'm sad that we're going to miss out on that. Ryback also conveniently forgot that he had a beef with Rusev, but Cena needs something to do at WM/Fast Lane.

But mostly it's a sign that they need some more good heels as the ratio between the credible faces/heels is pretty bad. Doesn't help that Bray is going to be busy with Taker and Miz is busy with the whole Mizdow thing, which is great for some laughs but I have to question how good of a idea it is to have them do their thing at WM while popular guys like Ziggler/Ryback is stuck in the tag division.

On that note I'm not sure what they're supposed to do there either. They're not going to feud with the face Usos and there's no way they're going to job to the Ascension. A feud with Cesaro/Kidd would lead to some great matches, but I just expect more from those 4 guys. Oh well. Least the whole Big Guy-Lil Guy thing might be good for a few laughs
i have two views here....one, i feel for Ziggler who i think has the tools to be a world champion. guys like Ziggler, Bryan and Reigns is why i liked two world championships and two separate shows. WWE's talent pool is just so large that it's sad that guys like Bryan and Ziggler aren't pushed to the moon. with that said, a tag team with Ryback is a great way to get the Tag Team division and Tag Team Championships over. The Usos can't hold the Tag Team titles forever, you got to have other face teams and a team of Ryback and Ziggler can easily rebuild a struggling tag team division.
This may be an unpopular stance but I think this goes back to the whole title unification thing. We all know that WWE at minimum should have by now elevated the status of the Intercontinental and/or US Belts so that they were important like they were in the past. But WWE hasn't done this and I have my doubts if they will. At least when there was a second World Title the upper mid carders like Ziggler and Ryback were able to have meaningful storylines. Were both world belts equal? Of course not. It was never said but we all knew which championship mattered most. But it would be a way to help address this large roster that you have in more meaningful ways than having an Andre the Giant battle royal. It could even serve as a testing ground for potential faces of the WWE (even though he had a bad loss, Bryan was the World Title holder for a time). Reigns could fight for that title, getting his feet wet and sharpening his craft to see if he can eventually cut it with the WWE title.
Honestly a Ziggler & Ryback v Cesaro & Kidd Wrestlemania match for the tag titles could be an easy way of placating the hardcore fans at Wrestlemania in the event that they go with Reigns beating Brock.

Obviously it won't fully stop it but every little helps

This sounds well and good, as that would be an awesome match, and another plus is that it would make sure that Cesaro and Kidd get on the card without being stuck on the pre-show or lumped into the potential Battle Royal.

But we all know that's not how this is gonna play out. Ryback and Ziggler have been cast as authority foes. So, get ready for the WrestleMania showdown everyone wants to see...

Ziggler and Ryback versus Kane and The Big Show! :icon_rolleyes::flamed:
This may be an unpopular stance but I think this goes back to the whole title unification thing. We all know that WWE at minimum should have by now elevated the status of the Intercontinental and/or US Belts so that they were important like they were in the past. But WWE hasn't done this and I have my doubts if they will. At least when there was a second World Title the upper mid carders like Ziggler and Ryback were able to have meaningful storylines. Were both world belts equal? Of course not. It was never said but we all knew which championship mattered most. But it would be a way to help address this large roster that you have in more meaningful ways than having an Andre the Giant battle royal. It could even serve as a testing ground for potential faces of the WWE (even though he had a bad loss, Bryan was the World Title holder for a time). Reigns could fight for that title, getting his feet wet and sharpening his craft to see if he can eventually cut it with the WWE title.
that's actually a reason why i liked having two world championships, two brands and two mid card titles. it gives all the singles wrestlers stories and championships to chase and gets guys feet wet who should at least get a trial run at it. if WWE didnt have two world titles, Punk likely would've never been a star in WWE. he would've been a mid carder for life. i know WWE won't bring the world title back, but i wouldn't hate it if they did.
This is just immensely disappointing if it turns out to be true. Dolph Ziggler deserves to be in one of the main event matches at WrestleMania, but it doesn't look like this is ever going to happen. Ziggler has proven time and again that he's one of WWE's very best overall performers, but he's constantly made to look like a joke. Sticking him in a tag team with Ryback is just another anchor to sink him back into midcard mediocrity. After Survivor Series Ziggler was THE most white-hot performer in WWE, but it's clear now that WWE will never allow him to succeed. Vince and Triple H just have this unbridled hatred for Dolph Ziggler and will never let him be at the top where he belongs.

Ever stop to think that maybe the reason why they keep him in the midcard is because they're afraid as soon as they push him he's going to get injured again? I doubt Triple H and Vince HATE Ziggler, I mean, if they did he'd be lucky to get a spot on any card, PPV or otherwise, if he weren't already gone by now.
Ever stop to think that maybe the reason why they keep him in the midcard is because they're afraid as soon as they push him he's going to get injured again? I doubt Triple H and Vince HATE Ziggler, I mean, if they did he'd be lucky to get a spot on any card, PPV or otherwise, if he weren't already gone by now.

Edge and Orton were injury prone and they were put in the main event a lot. So I don't think that's the reason.
Ever stop to think that maybe the reason why they keep him in the midcard is because they're afraid as soon as they push him he's going to get injured again? I doubt Triple H and Vince HATE Ziggler, I mean, if they did he'd be lucky to get a spot on any card, PPV or otherwise, if he weren't already gone by now.

The "injury prone" excuse is absolute bullshit. Ziggler has missed time due to injury ONCE in his career, and he's been on the main roster almost 7 years. Compare that to John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, Triple H, Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Mark Henry, Shawn Michaels, Kane, or ANY other top star who's not Chris Jericho.
I like the idea of them as a team since they aren't in the main event picture. I thought last year with the Shield, Wyatt's and to a much lesser extent, 3MB, that there were going to be a trio movement. I would love to see Rybaxel and Ziggler as a trio. I don't know why, but these 3 with a Miami Vice kind of look intrigues me
I didn't like it when my buddy told me about it at work. I was like, "Oh great, now they're both being shoved back down the card even though they're both so over and Ziggler won SURVIVOR SERIES!!!" It felt to me as though they have nothing creatively for them AGAIN.

But then I watched it this morning and I kinda like it. Maybe this is what the tag division needs? With the likes of them, The Masters of the Universe (Kidd & Cesaro), Uso's, and The Ascension the tag picture is starting to look pretty good. And yes I said The Ascension! I for one am a fan of there's. A bigger fan when they were in NXT. I hated the paint and ROAD WARRIOR look when they debuted on raw but it doesn't bug me anymore. I think they have potential to be a very dominant heel tag team. I would even like to see them bring up the Lucha Dragons. The dragons vs Uso's would be money.

But back to Ziggler and Ryback. I guess it could work but I like them better as singles wreatlers. I'm a firm believer in Ryback and think he has the potential to be a top star in years to come. Ziggler on the other hand has paid his dues twice over in my opinion. Gold in the ring, mic work isn't terrible. Should be further up the card in my opinion. In a high profile match or feud like Bryan or Rollins. But maybe it'll work. We will see.
No please don't put then in a tag team then they will be in the mid card forever!!

Ryback:He Should be a singles star again participate in A King Of The Ring battle royal at wrestle mania and have him one AND became King Ryback (that sounds kinda awkward)

Dolph Ziggler:He should be pushed to the moon cmon he is the man I think he should turn heel do amazing promos against Daniel Bryan have the 2 of them go at wrestle mania!! Dolph Ziggler then should win MItb and became the second person to became a 2 time mitb winner have him cash in at the RR and Daniel Bryan became the rumble winner having a rematch for the title it will be like this "One Of the greatest Wrestlemania match's of all time comes a rematch its gonna be Daniel Bryan Vs Dolph Ziggler For the wwe world heavyweight. championship in front of 100,000 people!!!"
Sadly Ziggler/Ryback is in that weird spot where they're too popular to be jobbing but for whatever reasons aren't in the main event picture, and thus they have nothing for them. Kinda like Sheamus before his last injury, which would explain why he spent a good chunk of his US title reign tagging with the Usos instead of being in actual feuds. (Unless you count that very short one against the Miz)

They've also conveniently forgot that Ziggler never had a rematch for the IC title, but I guess storyline wise he would've lost that when he got "fired". Still a feud between those two would've led to some great matches and I'm sad that we're going to miss out on that. Ryback also conveniently forgot that he had a beef with Rusev, but Cena needs something to do at WM/Fast Lane.

But mostly it's a sign that they need some more good heels as the ratio between the credible faces/heels is pretty bad. Doesn't help that Bray is going to be busy with Taker and Miz is busy with the whole Mizdow thing, which is great for some laughs but I have to question how good of a idea it is to have them do their thing at WM while popular guys like Ziggler/Ryback is stuck in the tag division.

On that note I'm not sure what they're supposed to do there either. They're not going to feud with the face Usos and there's no way they're going to job to the Ascension. A feud with Cesaro/Kidd would lead to some great matches, but I just expect more from those 4 guys. Oh well. Least the whole Big Guy-Lil Guy thing might be good for a few laughs

Yeah I feel bad for Ziggler and Ryback, they had momentum going out of Survivor Series. Ziggler should have been feuding with Rollins or at least BNB for the IC Championship since he never got his rematch. Ryback should be facing Rusev for the US Championship or Big Show since he beat Kane at TLC. I guess it beats doing nothing. With Miz and Mizdow and Rhodes Bros looking like they're about to break up, Ziggler and Ryback in addition to The Ascension, The Usos and Cesaro and Kidd refreshes the tag team division.
Watching Royal rumble 2011 dolph v edge now. An underated classic. Fast forward 4 years. Shouldn't dolph now be running the wrestling world. Forget teaming with Ryback. He is better than that. Surely?
Why would they be doing that to Ziggler? He's on a roll in singles competition, and now they stick him with RyBack? If the WWE and the fans want Ziggler to steal the Show, they should ask for Ziggler VS Bryan. Not that the tag team idea is bad, but to maybe push it back to after WM31, where Ziggler would have probably lost VS Bryan.
I think it would work well to have them as a team. The Uso's are clearly good. Cesaro and Kidd look to have something. The Ascension is SLOWLY building momentum. Throw Dolph and Ryback into the mix and you have the foundation for a good tag division (how many times have we all dreamed of that over the last few years). They wouldn't be any kind of long-term solution (Uso's and Ascension would be the bedrock there), but they could certainly hold the titles for a while to keep them on TV in a capacity other than feuding with the Authority.

Problem is, as much as I like Ziggler, I think he should be the poster-boy for the fickleness of the current WWE fan. When he is the plucky underdog fighting for his survival he gets a great reaction. Whenever he reaches that plateau the reaction subsides markedly. Vince is never going to put the big belt on someone where the reaction varies so much. Why do you think Cena is still where he is. Love him or hate him, he gets a reaction.
Saw them on smackdown and they looked decent and the storyline works so, if Ryback isn't feuding with Rusev go for tag gold cause dammit Ryback needs a title win booking screwed hims bad over the years.

Also want more promos for these two because in the midcard they're never enough.

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