RVD - Come back NOW or retire ...


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I'm a HUGE HUGE HUGE Rob Van Dam fan.

I'm just saying that the guy needs to come back to wrestling or just retire. RVD doesn't sell tickets for his sparkling personality; he's an absolute pleasure to watch wrestle. He's not going to be able to do the awesome matches we know him for for much longer. When all he's doing is elbow drops and clotheslines he's not going to draw much anymore.

If he waits 5 to 10 more years nobody's going to care anymore. I really love the guy and what he's done for wrestling but I am hearing a lot of talk about maybe this fed, maybe that one. Pick one and go to work, my friend. That or just retire. If you don't want to wrestle anymore that's totally cool.

All I'm saying is if RVD's coming back he needs to get to it.
You're right! I love RVD, and I think most wrestlings fans would love to see him back! The trouble is where? We know he has friends in high (no pun) places, but seriously, either WWE or TNA. It seems like WWE is a wash due to the incident that happened with him and Sabu getting pulled over and RVD having to vacate the titles for it. If you watch interviews, RVD does not regret this and comments that it was a good thing for it to happen, for as we all know he is a huge herbal advocate!

We know Vince is keen on giving guys 2nd, 3rd and four chances so the idea of him coming back to WWE soon is very great! Also the idea of him joining TNA will be awesome as I think it will add even more exciting competion both there and WWE. Though I don't know the relationship between RVD and TNA. I feel like if they wanted him, he'd be there. Fantasy match is definately AJ Styles v RVD!

RVD is his own person. Very opinionated and fun to listen to. I'll support him in whatever he does for the business or for the "legalization". If he retires from wrestling, I sure would like him to join some federations announce team, match like Tazz has done!
When all he's doing is elbow drops and clotheslines he's not going to draw much anymore.

I'm with you on this. In a profession where a person makes his living with his body, there's a shorter time span they can keep it up. Yes, guys like Hogan and Flair have proven that you can continue a wrestling career into your 50's if all you do is throw chops and clotheslines, but RVD's style of performing doesn't fit that mold. He's a high-flier who takes risks with his body (and his opponents') and it's hard to maintain a style like that once you reach your 40's.

The people who argue that RVD is entitled to spend his life doing what he wants are absolutely right. Problem is, by the time he's ready to get back in the ring, he may not be able to do the moves that have made him a unique performer in wrestling. Or, worse, he'll try to do them and wind up looking ridiculous.

Time is something you can't get back once it's gone. I wish RVD would come back.
Personally I really don't care to which fed he goes as lons as he comes back.

The guy is very entertaining amd would love to see the 5 Stars Frog Splash once again.

Hopefully his wife is way better from her health issues and he comes back where he feels confortable to work at.
He's still wrestling. Indy leagues and small promotions and whatnot, but he's still wrestling. The man put his body on the line for years, he's been doing all kinds of crazy shit for a long time, and when he finally takes a break from the biz, people get all pissy about it. Plus his wife has colon cancer or something to that effect, I don't blame him for leaving. I'd love to see RVD come back and give it another shot, but it's not necessary and I wouldn't get mad at him for not doing it.
Like Freddy said he's still wrestling in the Indy's but that's all he can commit to right now. If he joins TNA he would have to move to Florida, with that moving his wife who has cancer. And the WWE demands a strenuous schedule, just ask Angle.

He will possibly come back to WWE but as long as his wife is sick he's not coming back soon. He's still missed by the WWE Universe judging by the pop he got at the rumble. So expect him to be a rumble entrant or even a RAW host for a while.
You will find no bigger RVD fan than myself. While I miss seeing him perform on a weekly basis, I think he's right where should be. He chose to walk away from the WWE for personal and professional reasons. He has been focusing on other areas of creativity while still working matches here and there.

I don't see a full time return to any wrestling company for RVD. I'm content with his yearly surprise appearances with the WWE and I'm still crossing my fingers for an RVD appearance in ROH. I'm still holding on to hope that he'll make a return to the ECW arena and blow the roof off the place just for old times sake. :)
I would only want to see RVD in WWE again if they don't package his character. RVD in ECW was electrifying on his own merit. The guy's a natural entertainer and better than most of what WWE has at the moment so let him roll with it.

Ditto for TNA. Though if he comes there and they try this whole "ECW Revival" thing with him, the suck will come thick and fast.

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