Runescape: Overrated?

Is Runescape overrated?

  • Yes, Runescape is overrated.

  • No, Runescape is on the ball.

  • No, Runescape is underrated.

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Well, Runescape is one of the most popular games on the internet. You can play for free, or pay a decent price for extra feautures. I personally think Runescape is an pretty above average game. It is popular, and you can do many things with your friends, althought lately, it has stirred controversy with all their updates that some people find stupid. The updates are due to Real World Trading. People trading real money for items in game, or ingame money.

My question to you is this. Do you think Runescape is overrated? I personally don't think it's overrated, but it's not fantastic either. I play it sometimes to pass time. Vote and Discuss:)
Runescape... is a game I have never played. I have however played Flyff and pretty much everyone there that has talking about Rune has said that it is a complete pile of crap. I might have to give it a try at some point, although these types of games bore me fairly quickly... I got bored of Flyff when there was nothing left to do other than grind, everyone I knew left, so I left to.
Played it for about month two years ago, liked it but it wasn't great. Conpleting missions and collecting armour and weapons was alright, but the most fun I had on it was ''shouting'' random swear words in the middle of a packed street....
I voted Yes, Runescape is overrated.
Why, you ask?
Because in Year 6, my mates went mad for it. They said I should give it a go.
I did...and it sucked.
Just opinion, though, if you like that sort of thing it's a good game.
I voted Yes, Runescape is overrated.
Why, you ask?
Because in Year 6, my mates went mad for it. They said I should give it a go.
I did...and it sucked.
Just opinion, though, if you like that sort of thing it's a good game.

Bwahaha! Really? Because the same thing happened to me in year 3 and still people play it in my year and think it's the greatest thing on the net (I'm in year 8 by the way) In my opinion it's a load of horse crap the graphics are terrible and when you start the game you have to got through a 24 hour tutorial! I guess I only played it for about a week but still a week got me quite far and playing it felt like a chore no wonder it's free, all you want to do is level your character and make him stronger, you might as well play Pokemon or Final Fantasy. Rune Scape is overrated I personally despise it.
Runescape is overrated because the graphics are so horrible and all you do is click.You really dont even need to use your arrows.Leveled my account to like 90 and then gave it away.Got bored of it and quit it.So yeah its so overrated.
Runescape is overrated because the graphics are so horrible and all you do is click.You really dont even need to use your arrows.Leveled my account to like 90 and then gave it away.Got bored of it and quit it.So yeah its so overrated.

Let me get this straight... you levels your account up to level 90, the decided the game was crap and quit?

Leveling your account to level 90 in anything takes months and months of consistant play; I played quite heavly for about two years and I only just managed to get a couple of stats up there.

Now, from this I summose that;

  1. You played the game quite happly for a long time, then left, which to me rather means you can't call it overrated.
  2. You played the game for a long time, but didn't enjoy it. Which would rather make you abit of an idiot.

Ragarding the majority of Runescape hate on the net, most of it comes from people who ignor the very obvious logic that it has thousands upon thousands of active players, a more active development team than any other game of its genra, and comes at well under a quater of the price of competing mmorpgs without requiring anything like the hardware.

So to answer the question, Runescape is vastly underrated. In terms of game offered its better value for money than world of warcraft, tabularasu, final fantasy or any other online roll playing game. It has a host of negative features, but honestly, what game doesn't. (Neverwinter nights, but thats another story).

Oh, and for the record, you do use the arrow keys. They controll the camera.
I started playing RuneScape in year 6, and then made a new account in year 7, played for 3 years, got to level 91, was loving the hell out of the game, then they made about ten thousand stupid updates at once. They took away PK-ing, Staking and Merchanting, which were GREAT ways to make money, and PK-ing and Staking were more or less the only incentives to make a pure (skillers notwithstanding). I didnt use any of these three updates, so I wasnt affected. But still, I was there at the riots lasting for about 3 straight days, because they took away the best parts of the game because of RWT, which could have been solved in better ways than screwing up what made RuneScape what it was. Then the trading cap was enforced... That was the little push I needed to quit. I said goodbye to the people i'd met over the past 3 years, sold all my stuff, and jumped ship.

RuneScape isnt fun anymore. I dont advise anyone to play it.
Runescape is defenitely overrated, among many other things. I played RS pretty religiously from about 4th-10th grade, I loved it but then I realized I was spending Hours upon Hours on end doing just about nothing but pointing and clicking, even though they update it all the time, the game play isnt really that challenging or competetive, if you have an unbelieveable ammount of free time on your hands then your a god (Even though thats true about every videogame, trust me this takes it to a new level). A few sensible people play it but in the end the community is the most idiotic out of any mmorpg. People do stupid things and lose items, money or even their account and do nothing but beg for free crap.
Runescape was horrible, pourely because of the 1337 kiddy attitude on that game

Level 60+ running around ganking low levels, then being called things like "noob" or "Get sum skillz!!2"

It was awful, the seame reason I will not play WoW on most servers. Its just too chilidhs and immature at times.
I like Playin RuneScape, but truth is, when ur alone out there in the wilderness (lol) , it gets boring pretty quickly. And yeah its true, all the ppl running around calling you n00b are pretty annoying and they're always like "my main is blah, blah".... Stupid n00bs :lol:
The point ware people are calling it overrated is bs. I can see ware one person is comming from when he says alot of high levels come and gank your monsters. But thats why theres like 160 2000 people servers on at all time. I do agree that it has gone down to shit for the most part lately, and I havent been playing as much. I helped play a friends account for allmost a year and we have a lvl 98 that has numerous lvl 99 skills and one thats fucking hard mage is at lvl 97.

I personally myself got to lvl 58 in one month, It was less than a month but lets just say one month. I was unfunded and made my way by pking. It yes is allmost immpossible to do what I did anymore because pking is long dead and if you go to bounty hunter with good armor on, you stand a chance of getting ganged by revenants.

But people saying its i'mpossibly to play and its bullshit and it sucks? Runescape has at least 100k people playing allmost at all times all day. Thats 100k people that most will dissagree with you myself included. Wow you have to pay and runescape to, But in wow do you get the chance to lvl to whatever the fuck you want and then get a membership? No, wow is a good game I have played it before and loved it I just don't have the money each month to pay for it. But runescape on the other hand 60 dollers will buy you a year of membership.

The membership is fucking sweet to, the map is literaly endless and the things you can do in it are next to endless.Theres 2 new sets of magic, Ancients and lunar. Dragon armor thats super hard to get but worth it in the end. You can kill minnions of god in a doungion and get the best swords in the game, That most can hit a low 50 to a 60. You have slayer and summoning, Both of whitch give you awsome skills. Slayer you can get an assingment to kill a set group of monsters and lets say 100 of them. You kill the monsters that your assigned and you get exp then you go back and get more. ITs awsome and again a endless play.

And people do tend to be idoits on rune, but thats part of all games. Maybe thats why you turn off public chat like I have and havent really talked to people outside of trading my whole time on there?

In closing, I love runescape and allways have. Runescape to me is sort of a comferting place you can do about whatever you want. Runescape is the shit and allways will be. I hope runescape just brings back some things so they don't lose more members.
My friends told me about this game awhle back. I decided to join and was immediatley involved in the game. I got all my levels up fairly quickly to the point where I'm not a noob anymore. I never paid the price to get all the extra features as I figured Im not going to play it much anyways. Its a decent little game to play when you have absolutely nothing to do. I havent played it in ages though. It's neither overrated or underrated. It is just a simple, fun little game.

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