Rumor: Viacom Says TNA to MTV?

Impact Wrestling on MTV would be a great pairing if only because Dixie Carter gets a serious lady boner of having as many reality TV stars on her show as possible. So what better way to cross promote reality shows then having some Jersey girl thrown through a table or even worse, have a reality show based on professional wrestlers.
It all depends on the money. Good for the company if it can get any TV deal if their business model depends on it. But to me it is really weird to ask 30+ year old males to watch a show on MTV considering their target demographic.
I'd love this.

This is the perfect way to be Anti-WWE.

WWE is ran by old, out of touch upper class white people that think that stuff like R-Truth and Cryme Tyme is an accurate portrayal or urban culture. And that's completely fine because their goal isn't to be "cool" it's to be a conservative, family friendly entertainment company.

The most glaring example I can think of, is a few months ago when Betty White was hosting RAW and during that same episode, Wiz Khalifa was on screen for like 5 seconds. Who is more relevant to the male 18-35 demographic?

Even stuff like when they have Flo Rida perform. That's something that a focus group or group of old out of touch execs do when they take a quick glance at the music charts and they see that's who is popular. Why not have the Migos, who JUST took a picture with Randy Orton a few months ago, come in and perform . . . I promise you, just an Instagram post from the Migos or Wiz telling people to watch RAW, culturally will reach a young demographic who isn't in to wrestling like that right now. Even Wale, who is a big wrestling fan and often posts pics of him at shows and with wrestling gear/memorabilia, has never had an official interaction with the WWE.

TNA will never be the main, family friendly entertainment company in pro wrestling as long as WWE exists, and this is the first step towards being that Anti-WWE company. Be youthful, be uber athletic, feature celebrities coming in and being involved with the company (not to physically get involved, but to perform, do some guest commentary, they can even just post on their Instagram to watch the show).

If the WWE is conservative and family friendly, be youthful, edgy and appeal to the teenagers and up.

It's the same mentality WCW had in the 90's when they were doing business with Master P and going to the college spring break weeks and shooting Nitro.

I'm hoping I'm right and along with a new channel, they found a new young culturally aware visionary to help run the company and get Dixie and the current creative team out of there, but I'm sure I'm jumping the shark, overthinking things and it's just a channel change with no real change in how they are going to operate.
Yeah, nothing says white and conservative like Flo Rida.

Is this post serious? Who in the hell do you think runs TNA? George Jefferson?

Besides, like other have said both TNA and MTV are under Viacom.

Not sure if this was ever brought up, or even feasible. But what if Mark Cuban were to buy TNA, and work out a deal with either FX, or Fox Sports 1? Both networks have mma shows I believe, so they can try to market, and expand on that audience? We all know Cuban's pretty loaded, so who knows what kind of stars he can bring in. Just a thought.
Mark Cuban didn't become rich by taking on bad investments.
Impact used to be on MTV Tres.

WSX didn't work because the main executive behind the project left MTV and the show was basically sabotage after he left. The show did above average numbers compare to previous shows in the exact same timeslot. Lucha Libre USA did not work because Steve Shipp is an idiot and had no idea of what he was doing.

I actually like the season format. I don't know about 10 episodes being enough but a season format with two seasons per year and 16-20 episodes per season can definitely work.

I think a weekly two hour show is just too much in this day and age. The average viewer don't want to watch wrestling for a full two hours. 60-90 minutes is enough.

MTV target audience is 13-25 females. MTV 2 target audience is 18-25 males. Most likely, if they sign with MTV it would be place on MTV2.

Another issue is money, how much money MTV willing to pay TNA per hour?
Yeah, nothing says white and conservative like Flo Rida.

Is this post serious? Who in the hell do you think runs TNA? George Jefferson?

Yes, it's serious lol. Flo-Rida is something you'd buy your son for Christmas if you were trying to be hip and all you knew is that he liked rap.

It's not something you can really quantize with numbers, if you don't culturally understand why Flo-Rida is a corny "focus group and chart" choice well then you just don't culturally understand.

It's what happens when old, rich, out of touch white people who's only connection to the youth is charts and focus groups, you get gimmicks like R-Truth and Cryme Tyme, generic, cookie cutter artists like Flo-Rida and Pitbull performing and Wiz Khalifa is on screen for a few seconds on an episode dedicated to Betty White lol.

But again, the WWE is trying to be a family friendly entertainment company, so it's okay for them to be a little corny. Which is why this MTV partnership is a great opportunity for them to be the anti-WWE and be all about youth.

And I don't even know what you meant by the George Jefferson comment, I guess you were making a corny joke (which would likely explain why you don't understand why Flo-Rida is an out of touch cultural choice in the first place) and insinuating that since he's black, it would make TNA the youthful/hip product I was pushing for and that wouldn't even make sense because:

1.) He's (the actor who played the character, obviously) been dead for a couple of years now.

2.) If he were still on this earth, he'd be in like his 70's or 80's and his cultural awareness of what's going on today would be the same or even worse than the people that run the WWE, regardless of skin color.

3.) I've inferred in my post that this new MTV partnership would also come with new leadership; at least creatively, so "George Jefferson" running TNA would have meant nothing once they moved to MTV. Just like I'd hope Dixie Carter running TNA means nothing once they move to MTV.
I doubt TNA will be picked up by MTV. I mentioned on a now closed thread that Impact doesn't look like it fits in with MTV's demographic. Now if Viacom truly wants to hold onto TNA, and I believe they own CBS, couldn't Impact be put on CBS Sports? They feature various sports and competitions, like Strongman challenges and Arena Football. I'm spit-balling, but it wouldn't hurt.
Under the right circumstances and with the right people pushing for it, I don't see how it's so impossible for this to happen. It might, but it more than likely will not. Not because TNA doesn't fit their demographic (the product can always be adjusted), but because it's wrestling. I really really don't see how any network will be interested in picking up a wrestling show. Wrestling is old news, it's so 80's and 90's. Like game shows. An outdated format that used to be popular and now is dying off. It's 2014, it's been 14-15 years since there's been a demand. Plus, Viacom owns both. It might be an umbrella company and it might be assumed Spike, MTV and whoever still work somewhat independently (thus Spike might not want TNA but Viacom might still see a purpose for them), but that would be a lucky case since generally most decisions get filtered from Viacom back to Spike and so forth, so chances are if Spike ain't happy - Viacom ain't happy.

I'm thinkin' MTV would rather start another bullshit reality show for the drones to stare at for an hour or two than bank on a washed up concept like wrestling.
It doesn't feel like a good fit but if it keeps them on tv, I am fine with it. I think MTV has a very specific demographic and that demo is not interested in wrestling for the most part. If the were, I am sure wwe would have something on there right now. But like I said, if that is there only option and it lets them rebuild, I am fine as I would rather have them there instead of gone.
A news tidbit popped up on my Facebook wall saying Pro Wrestling Report is claiming that Viacom dead set on getting TNA on one of their networks should negotiations fail with Spike with the most likely place being MTV.

Last I checked, Spike like MTV is part of the Viacom family of networks.

I hoped Murdoch would buy Time Warner so IW would be on TBS, TNT, FX or FXX.
I doubt TNA will be picked up by MTV. I mentioned on a now closed thread that Impact doesn't look like it fits in with MTV's demographic. Now if Viacom truly wants to hold onto TNA, and I believe they own CBS, couldn't Impact be put on CBS Sports? They feature various sports and competitions, like Strongman challenges and Arena Football. I'm spit-balling, but it wouldn't hurt.

CBS split from Viacom a few yrs back.
It would be better if TNA would find a new home into Viacom cause frankly Spike has become the home of a gazillion of reality TV stuff. All their shows have become Reality TV other than Impact and Bellator. Viacom should form a fighting network with wrestling and MMA.
I thought Viacom owned Spike? They have a lot of channel assets:Television networks
Comedy Central
Nick at Nite
Nick Jr.
TV Land

Could put it on comedy central.
It would be better if TNA would find a new home into Viacom cause frankly Spike has become the home of a gazillion of reality TV stuff. All their shows have become Reality TV other than Impact and Bellator. Viacom should form a fighting network with wrestling and MMA.
Except the fight fan base is primarily douchebags who hate wrestling because "IT R NOT TEH REALZ"

Wrestling fits more in with reality TV. Boobs, staged fights, and fans who don't take themselves too seriously.

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