Rumor: Possible Yoda Spin Off


Since it was announced that J.J. Abrams is going to direct the next Star Wars film, there've been rumors flying around about potential spin offs. The latest rumor, according to, is that a spin off film starring Yoda could take place.

There aren't any rumors as to what the movie will entail exactly, though I have trouble believing that it wouldn't be an origin story. I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but I always enjoyed the Yoda character. Of all the Star Wars characters, he's really the only one I have any real interest in seeing in some sort of spin off, if the rumors are true.
Part of me says hell no this shouldn't happen. Another part says that if done right, could be quite a story. It's that whole "if done right" thing that gets me weary. Yoda has always been one of the most famous, interesting characters of the entire Star Wars franchise, but what Hollywood has never truly grasped is the fact that some characters mystique, or mysterious backgrounds, are what make them so interesting. When you start to bring them to light it can hurt the character itself. There's many examples of this.
I don't know if it was a rumor cooked up by internet fans, or if it had some actual truth behind it, but they were planning a Boba Fett film a while ago, right? If so, I would love to see it, and I hope they bring back Jango, easily my favorite character in Attack Of The Clones.

As far as the Yoda film goes, sure, why not? He's not my favorite (Han Solo will always be #1 for me), but Yoda is one of the most beloved and praised characters in the Star Wars universe, and fans will flock to see almost anything with the Star Wars name on it. I can't predict the backstory for a Yoda film, because my knowledge of the Star Wars universe is limited to Episodes I-VI and The Clone Wars cartoons.

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