Rumor: Johnny Gargano Coming To WWE


There are rumors going around various wrestling message boards and Twitter that DGUSA star Johnny Gargano is leaving the company before the month is out and will heading to WWE.

I don't know a lot about him beyond just the basic stuff. He's someone along the same physical size as a lot of the top guys in WWE: Somewhere about 6'0" and in the 200-220 pound range. He turns 25 years of age in August and has been wrestling since 2005. He's been on the indy circuit for a while and has made his biggest Splash in Dragon Gate USA, where he's the current DGUSA Open the Freedom Gate Champion. He's held the title a total of 236 days as of today. is reporting that speculation is that he'll drop the title at the DGUSA show in Michigan on July 27 before leaving the company and going to FCW. Allegedly, Gargano has been on WWE's radar for a while and had a tryout with them last year that's said to have gone very well.

So what do you think? This is especially for anybody familiar with him. Would you like ot see him in WWE? Is he someone that's worth bringing in?, etc.
I would like to see Gargano in the WWE he is a real talented guy but im not sure how wwe would use him (btw i love that hurts donut move)

He is a bit green on the mic I'd send him down to FCW for a little while to work on his mic skills. I would like to see him feud with Dean Ambrose or CM Punk.

Also didn't Gargano have a few tryout matches with the WWE? I knew he fought Brodus Clay a year ago on superstars and lost.
I'd like to see what he can do in WWE. He's great in the ring, and while a bit off on the mic I think he can improve. He has a pretty solid fan base, and I think him coming to WWE would be a good move. I think if he improves on the mic he could be a big player in the WWE in the next few years.
From what I have heard from a wide range of fans he would be better in ROH or TNA. So a talent with great wrestling skills but average mic skills sounds like a WWE guy lol! He will probably job for six months then won't like the backstage politics and will quit and then go to TNA or ROH within a year
If this is actually true hopefully they actually let him wrestle and dont give him a lame ass new name or bury him in "developmental" for a zillion years.
From what I have heard from a wide range of fans he would be better in ROH or TNA. So a talent with great wrestling skills but average mic skills sounds like a WWE guy lol! He will probably job for six months then won't like the backstage politics and will quit and then go to TNA or ROH within a year

Yeah, like that Bryan Danielson guy, cause you know, hes done fuck all hasn't he?

Gargano is a very good wrestler, some of his most recent DGUSA stuff has been impressive, his stuff going back a year or two ago when he originally showed up on the "scene" was just as impressive I might add, but much like everyone else he had to earn his stripes. If he does sign It'll be somewhat of a loss to the King of Trios competition this year which he is already advertised in.

And to the poster that said hes already signed with WWE and he is soon reporting to Florida, no he hasn't, he's wrestling over the weekend and he is wrestling on July 27th, he may sign after that but he hasn't signed yet, get your facts straight.

If this is actually true hopefully they actually let him wrestle and dont give him a lame ass new name or bury him in "developmental" for a zillion years.

Here is a lesson for you. If he goes into WWE under the name Johnny Gargano, WWE want to buy his name, for merchandise, likeness etc, etc. This isn't 2006 where CM Punk was able to convince them not to, so if Gargano sells his name and does eventually leave WWE, he won't be able to use it on the independent circuit. Plus, Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero both picked their names. So a "lame ass new name" is actually both a personal preference for the performer plus a smart business move.

And why do you say "development," it's a development territory, where they develop talent into their style. What else are they going to call it? Style alteration territory?!
I'm pretty happy about this, I've seen some of Johnny Gargano's work.

Of course, there is always going to be a "Will WWE use him/her right?". Johnny is capable in-ring wise, but he does need a little more work on his mic skills.

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