Royal Rumble winner and Mania main event


Dark Match Winner
I've been spending a lot of time thinking about who could possibly win and main event Mania and who against. I've narrowed it down and truly believe it will either be The Undertaker, Seth Rollins, Dolph Ziggler or Bray Wyatt. Taker really stands out to me among those for being able to get such a huge reaction still, moreso than Rollins and definitely Ziggler and Bray. Also sets up going out on his back against AJ in the main event as rumored of this being his last match. AJ deserves the main event, deserves the title and is a veteran in his prime and by far the best worker and brings out the greatest response. Fingers crossed this is how it will go down. On the otherhand there is still the possibility of Taker vs. Cena which isn't quite as exciting for me personally. What are your thoughts on the road to Wrestlemania?
Rumble winner has gotten tired. Pick something other than a major title. Brock wins without getting his chance to make Goldberg his victim so he chooses to face Goldberg for redemption. Or Cena loses to AJ earlier in the night only to get a spot in the Rumble by taking out Taker. Taker than forces Cena's hand by getting Cena to choose a match with him.

Here comes the crying, "but it makes the title look bad! You have to keep on doing the same old shit, just cuz!"
I'll bet on none of those four winning the Royal Rumble.

Who do you think then?

ヒュー G. レックション;5628529 said:
As i only watch PPV's, based on what I know, Cena to beat Styles at Rumble. Taker to return and win Rumble. Cena vs Taker at Mania, Cena turns heel to win.

Do you think it'd be easier for a natural heel like AJ Styles to face Undertaker rather than John Cena? I think AJ Styles has the mainstream, casual fan appeal too at this point. Don't quote me on it, but I think shortly after his theme song came out it was like #2 on ITunes.

Rumble winner has gotten tired. Pick something other than a major title. Brock wins without getting his chance to make Goldberg his victim so he chooses to face Goldberg for redemption. Or Cena loses to AJ earlier in the night only to get a spot in the Rumble by taking out Taker. Taker than forces Cena's hand by getting Cena to choose a match with him.

Here comes the crying, "but it makes the title look bad! You have to keep on doing the same old shit, just cuz!"

For me I don't think it makes the title look bad. I just think the excitement of the Royal Rumble is that every fan becomes instantly more invested when 30 wrestlers are written into the story of the WWE Championship for the night. When normally week to week, only 2 or 3 wrestlers actually have a connection with the championship. At this point only John Cena, Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin are within reach of it story-wise. But, the Royal Rumble changes that for 1 night. 30 wrestlers are all within reach, it brings excitement to the company as a whole I believe. That's what I have always loved about it.
They say Strowman has a good chances. Cant say I see appeal in that or in projected Strowman/Reigns clash for a title especially because you can do that without Rumble win. Undertaker would be interesting choice but his match doesnt really need any title on the line. Rollins alllready has HHH bussiness for Mania and Ziggles and Lame Wyatt are just bad choice.

Jericho could be interesting choice also. His win could be served as a final wedge beetween him and KO.
ヒュー G. レックション;5628529 said:
As i only watch PPV's, based on what I know, Cena to beat Styles at Rumble. Taker to return and win Rumble. Cena vs Taker at Mania, Cena turns heel to win.

The bolded part, never gonna happen. Ever. I don't know what's worse. Fans not giving up on a Cena heel turn or WWE not giving up on forcing Roman Reigns onto the top of the card.
I've been spending a lot of time thinking about who could possibly win and main event Mania and who against. I've narrowed it down and truly believe it will either be The Undertaker, Seth Rollins, Dolph Ziggler or Bray Wyatt. Taker really stands out to me among those for being able to get such a huge reaction still, moreso than Rollins and definitely Ziggler and Bray. Also sets up going out on his back against AJ in the main event as rumored of this being his last match. AJ deserves the main event, deserves the title and is a veteran in his prime and by far the best worker and brings out the greatest response. Fingers crossed this is how it will go down. On the otherhand there is still the possibility of Taker vs. Cena which isn't quite as exciting for me personally. What are your thoughts on the road to Wrestlemania?
So far only 2 men have been announced as participants in the Royal Rumble match.

These 2 men are arguably the most dominant superstar in recent memory (Brock Lesnar) and the man who dominanted the most dominant superstar in recent memory (Goldberg). How can you not include those 2 names?

Goldberg wins, Lesnar wins a title at Fastlane and they go Round 3 for the Title at mania. Or Lesnar wins, Goldberg gets the Title at Fastlane, and they go Round 3 for the Title at Mania. Or Lesnar wins, says screw the Title I want Goldberg, and forgoes the Title match for Round 3 at Mania.
The bolded part, never gonna happen. Ever. I don't know what's worse. Fans not giving up on a Cena heel turn or WWE not giving up on forcing Roman Reigns onto the top of the card.

Haha can you blame me though? It would be so good and it will be incredibly disappointing if it never happens.

Also, it may be more likely than you think. Do you remember Cena's interview with Jericho on the Network? They were planning on turning him heel in the second Rock match and had recorded a new theme for him. Wouldn't that have been brilliant?

Never say never in wrestling. Did you think Brock would end the Streak?
I guess Undertaker is the favorite to win the 2016 Royal Rumble.

I'm not really a fan of it as I believe he could just come and challenge the champion right away, and also because John Cena vs. The Undertaker does not need the title to be the main event of the evening regardless of everything. If it is indeed for the title, I want to see Undertaker wrestle on a weekly basis to at least trick me into believing he could win the title even if it is for a two month run.

Closing in at #2 is probably Chris Jericho. That's something Chris never won and it would be kinda cool if he got to do that and turn on Owens for a WrestleMania match.

Some wildcards would probably be Braun Strowman (if they want to do Roman vs. Braun) and a returning Finn Balor (hoping they want to do an AJ Styles vs. Balor, though).

Brock and Goldberg are not even worth mentioning. Why are they fighting? Just why? I hope they are both #1 and #2 and eliminate each other before the #3 comes in. I hope #3 is James Ellsworth.
ヒュー G. レックション;5628605 said:
Haha can you blame me though? It would be so good and it will be incredibly disappointing if it never happens.

Why? What in the world is so good about a Cena heel turn? It's by far the most annoying thing on these forums.

ヒュー G. レックション;5628605 said:
Also, it may be more likely than you think. Do you remember Cena's interview with Jericho on the Network? They were planning on turning him heel in the second Rock match and had recorded a new theme for him. Wouldn't that have been brilliant?

No it's not. They did not go through with it for the same reason they will not go through with it now. There is no one who can take Cena's place. Who would do the media appearances? Who would sell the merchandise? Who would hype the big matches? Cena does all of this better than anybody.

It would NOT have been brilliant. What WOULD have been brilliant would have been if Cena won the first match, then they would not have had to fix their mistake by changing Once In A Lifetime into "Twice In A Lifetime?". And before you even mention Hogan, as good as the nWo was, I always liked face Hogan better. So that comparison won't work here.

ヒュー G. レックション;5628605 said:
Never say never in wrestling. Did you think Brock would end the Streak?

Actually, yes. Believe it or not. Ever since Taker showed up at that fight Lesnar had I genuinely feared that Lesnar would end the streak. WWE made a big mistake on the streak and that's a whole other mess.
Why is Undertaker vs. John Cena what's buzzing and not Undertaker vs. AJ Styles? With AJ it's face vs. heel, not face vs. face (kayfabe) like with Cena. Because, like Dagger, I also believe there is no way they'll turn Cena heel. He's going to stay face. AJ Styles can just get more and more heelish and beat Taker clean in the main event, giving Taker the send off he deserves against who the casuals and hardcores believe to be the best wrestler in the world, a veteran in his prime, in the main event of Wrestlemania, what Taker is so synonymous with, with the gold on the line.

That will build AJ up to monster levels in the process, setting up the next great face of the company if you have Finn Balor come back or anyone WWE decides to play their cards right with and feud with AJ Styles.
I don't think there's anything better for the fans, casual and hardcore alike, The Undertaker, AJ Styles and wrestling as a whole. My fingers are crossed it will be The Undertaker vs AJ Styles retirement match, title on the line.
Braun, Balor, or Taker seem to be the safest bets at this point.

If Reigns beats KO, Braun moves ahead of Balor, if KO retains, Balor comes into play. Taker is an interesting scenario, it would make more sense for Taker to be the champ going in and Cena chasing him for history, but it's the WWE and they screwed that up.
Chris Jericho to set up a World Title match with Kevin Owens at WrestleMania.

A dark horse would be Samoa Joe or Finn Balor, but I wouldn't bet on them.
Actually, yes.

Is that right? Take a look at what you wrote:

There is no way in hell that Brock ends the streak. Zero. Undertaker will win the match. The streak won't end unless they have found the perfect candidate to end it. Brock will be a monster heel forever no matter what he does, why have him end the streak when there are others who could benefit more from the colossal heel turn that it would result in.

I think it will go on around the middle of the evening leaning toward the second half. It is one of my predictions for the match of the night. Taker should get a good match out of Brock. It's going to be a step down compared to the matches with Michaels, Trips, Punk, and Edge. I think it could top the Batista match and several of the older streak matches.

Undertaker will defeat Brock Lesnar.
ヒュー G. レックション;5629189 said:
Is that right? Take a look at what you wrote:

That was what I wanted to happen. I may have put Taker winning in my predictions columns but that doesn't mean I wasn't still genuinely concerned that Lesnar would do it. Like I said, ever since Taker showed up at Lesnar's fight, I had my concerns.
I think I'd much prefer Styles taking on the Deadman with the Year that he's had; he deserves it.
ヒュー G. レックション;5628605 said:
Never say never in wrestling.
I'm not going to say never. In fact, I'd probably mark hella out if it did happen. I just think the possibilities are extremely low of it happening. I think the closest we'll get to a heel Cena is a more edgier Cena kinda like his promo from Smackdown Live this past Tuesday night. As good as that promo was, I'm actually pretty content with it.
That was what I wanted to happen. I may have put Taker winning in my predictions columns but that doesn't mean I wasn't still genuinely concerned that Lesnar would do it. Like I said, ever since Taker showed up at Lesnar's fight, I had my concerns.

You said there was no way in hell haha come on! Do you really expect me to believe you? Regardless, all I was trying to say was that anything can happen. Now I'll try to answer your other points.

Why? What in the world is so good about a Cena heel turn?

For me it would be because Cena has so much genuine heat. He consistently gets the biggest reactions, and he would provide some fresh, fantastic entertainment.

There is no one who can take Cena's place. Who would do the media appearances? Who would sell the merchandise? Who would hype the big matches? Cena does all of this better than anybody.

But he could still do all of that as a heel surely? And what about the day Cena retires? Indeed, somebody should be built up to take his place. A heel Cena could put over this person massively. Besides, wrestling is fake. Hogan still did media appearances as a heel and of course sold merchandise.

Ah, but wait!

And before you even mention Hogan, as good as the nWo was, I always liked face Hogan better. So that comparison won't work here.

So because you personally liked face Hogan more, this comparison "won't work"? I think it's a perfectly reasonable comparison to make. What about Hollywood Rock, did you like him? There has been significant demand for change in Cena's character for years. I just think it would be very disappointing if they didn't take advantage of that. To me it has so much potential!
Punk wanted a raise when he was made to turn heel once. His reasoning? Less merch money. Heels make less. It doesn't mean they make nothing but they do make less. Adults are not the people who buy all of his accessories. Adults may buy his shirt but the kids want the shirt plus hat, wristbands, etc.

There is no denying Cena would make a great and entertaining heel. It wouldn't make business sense for it to be done. Short-term benefit in making Cena heel. Long-term benefit in keeping him face.

Cena doesn't need to be heel to put over a new top babyface. He put Bryan over as a face and it worked out fine.
Sorry ghost for derailing this thread haha. You asked earlier about Styles vs Taker. I've always loved Styles, and would absolutely love to see that. He indeed appeals to both audiences, like Bryan did, like Punk did whic is great!

A while back I actually thought Styles would drop the belt to Taker at RR and then Cena wins the Rumble to face Taker. I just think Cena is the bigger star and there is more demand for that match.

Punk wanted a raise when he was made to turn heel once. His reasoning? Less merch money. Heels make less. It doesn't mean they make nothing but they do make less. Adults are not the people who buy all of his accessories. Adults may buy his shirt but the kids want the shirt plus hat, wristbands, etc.

There is no denying Cena would make a great and entertaining heel. It wouldn't make business sense for it to be done. Short-term benefit in making Cena heel. Long-term benefit in keeping him face.

Cena doesn't need to be heel to put over a new top babyface. He put Bryan over as a face and it worked out fine.

Gritting my teeth, of course I agree with you! It's the whole argument of what's best for business vs what's actually more entertaining. Like Raw being 3 hours.

It would indeed be a short term benefit, which is why I want this to happen especially because Cena is now a part timer, and perhaps coming to the end of his career(lol).

I adored the Bryan match and was so happy Bryan won. But imagine if Cena had been the heel!? Bryan would've been the undisputed top face, and wouldn't have been dicked around with afterwards at the Rumble.
ヒュー G. レックション;5629265 said:
Gritting my teeth, of course I agree with you! It's the whole argument of what's best for business vs what's actually more entertaining. Like Raw being 3 hours.

It would indeed be a short term benefit, which is why I want this to happen especially because Cena is now a part timer, and perhaps coming to the end of his career(lol).

I adored the Bryan match and was so happy Bryan won. But imagine if Cena had been the heel!? Bryan would've been the undisputed top face, and wouldn't have been dicked around with afterwards at the Rumble.

Gritting my teeth even harder.

Raw being 3 hours has a business downside. Ratings. More ad money but falling ratings. Eventually the low ratings will not be worth the extra hour and fallback to 2. Considering the timing, it's highly likely they went to 3 hours so they could finance the Network (which cost a lot to start, even caused a year of negative net income).

Cena turning heel has a business downside and very little upside. Long-term harm. No tangible benefits past like a month. It's intriguing but dumb. Besides, I find Cena to be entertaining.

Bryan would have been dicked around regardless. I'm not sure how heel Cena would have put Bryan over more.

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