Royal Rumble Rewind #1: Triple H vs. Cactus Jack at 2000


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
I've not finished with my WrestleMania Rewinds, because I have loads, But I just had to make this spin-off because this has got to be my favourite Royal Rumble Match of all time!

Here it is, My Royal Rumble Rewind #1..
Triple H vs. Cactus Jack in a Street Fight match for the WWE Championship

Promo & Match

The Questions I would like to ask about the match are:
  • Was the feud going into the match good?
  • Was the match entertaining?
  • Was there good story-telling? (Psychology)
  • Was there any good spots?
  • How was the crowds reaction throughout this match?
  • Length of match? (Was it too short? or too long?, could more time have been added to make the match better? etc.)
Was the feud going into the match good?
I absolutely loved the feud going into this match, Vince had just left and Shane followed, So that left HHH and Steph to run the show, Known as the McMahon-Helmsley era.. The fired Mankind, took the WWE title from Big Show, they took the piss outta Mick, then going into their match before Rumble, A broken battered Mankind turns himself into Cactus Jack, HHH's face was jsut priceless..

Was the match entertaining?
Tooo right it was, To all those people who say HHH got to where he is today because he married Steph, just watch this match, this guy gave us epic matches and was at the top of his game, after watching this, he won my respect and deserved everything he got. Mick helped HHH become what he is, because of Mick, HHH has had many other Hell in a Cell matches, and this match showed us all that HHH could live with the hardcore rulez.

Was there good story-telling? (Psychology)
Yes, everytime Triple H thought he had it, Jack always pulled something e.g. Barbed wire, thumbtacks, But it was mostly HHH getting the better of them. There was sooo much back and forth action aswell and it also kept the MSG crowd into the match the whole time.

Was there any good spots?
Ohh tooo many, it was a street fight after all... The announcers table going down, the barbed wire hits to the head, thumbtacks were my favourite not only the reverse back drop but the pedigree on the thumbtacks, you could just tell the crowd was loving it.

How was the crowds reaction throughout this match?
The New York crowd never have dissapointed, this was just a match you couldn't keep you're eyes off..

Length of match? (Was it too short? or too long?, could more time have been added to make the match better? etc.)
Hmm.. I wasn't fussed, HHH was a bloody mess, I knew he needed treatment fast, but the length was perfect, hell it lasted minutes longer than their hell in a cell match a month later..
Was the feud going into the match good?
Definitely. It's been a long time since I've seen a feud with a build up like these two had. Perfect build to the "pay-off" in a Hell in a Cell for Foley's "retirement" at No Way Out one month later.

Was the match entertaining?

I've rarely seen a match that Triple H or Mick Foley were involved in that wasn't entertaining, especially when they got together.

Was there good story-telling? (Psychology)

Foley was a master of story telling. No one could tell the "underdog" story better than him, in my opinion. In many of his matches, especially when he lost, he was so good at making you believe there was still a chance, and of course Triple H can play the rival to that to a "T."

Were there any good spots?

Absolutely, there were so many incredible, hardcore spots. Tables, Thumbtacks and chairs, oh my! The use of "Barbie," when Triple H back drops Foley onto the table and it doesn't break, or when Foley piledrives Triple H onto the table and it still doesn't break, almost all of the action in the aisle [I loved the 2000 Rumble's stage set-up] when Cactus is handcuffed and he drop toe holds Triple H onto the steps, I'm pretty sure no one else had kicked out of the Pedigree up until this point. Cactus Jack lost the match, but he had the last laugh with "Barbie!"

How was the crowds reaction throughout this match?

There was a lot of Oooh's and Aaah's from what I could tell. I can't imagine what would have been like to watch this match in person.

Length of match? (Was it too short? or too long?, could more time have been added to make the match better? etc.)

It probably could've been a little bit shorter, but I think some of the magic of this match may have been lost had it been cut any. Otherwise, the length is perfect. Most main event matches go on for about 40 minutes or so, and this was right there.

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