WrestleMania Rewind #8: Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior at VI


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Click here for rewind #7 Triple H vs. Owen Hart at XIV
My WrestleMania Rewind #8 is..
Hulk Hogan vs. Ultiamte Warrior from WrestleMania VI


The Questions I would like to ask about the match are:

  1. Was the feud going into the match good?
  2. Was the match entertaining?
  3. Was there good story-telling? (Psychology)
  4. Was there any good spots?
  5. How was the crowds reaction throughout this match?
  6. Length of match? (Was it too short? or too long?, could more time have been added to make the match better? etc.)
a great feud between the two champions

started at the rumble where the seeds were sewn, a couple of weeks later they tagged on SNME where there was the initial confrontation. added op that you had jimmy hart, dino bravo and the earthquake attacking them through out the feud with each other making the save

i would say for a one time only match there has never been a better feud

a great match back and forth with all the usual hulk and warrior spots, finishers and some great double clotheslines PWI match of the year. a great ending where they embraced and seemingly hulk passed the torch

a shame warrior was not good or popular enough to carry the company

no-one knew who would win and the shots of warrior with both belts and hulk being wheeled out the ring was great emotion

for a limited wrestler warrior had two very good wrestlemania bouts (savage)
1) Was the feud going into it good?---It was so, so. It could have been built better from a standpoint where it was longer and teased some possible heel turn from either man. But for the time, the build up was okay, given both were completely over & fans could have probably cared less if the feud started a day before WrestleMania VI

2) Was the match entertaining?---Again, it was so, so. It had it's dull moments, but for the most part, it was better than what most people expected it to be, given neither man had a good level of in-ring ablility.

3) Was there good storytelling?---Yes, I'd say there was. The storytelling was NOT on par with say Ric Flair & Ricky Steamboat or Flair & Sting (in both men's heyday) but for the WWF at this period of time, and again, involving both men, it was quite entertaining.

4) Was there any good spots?---Not really. The ref bump was to be expected, along with Hogan's leg drop and Warrior's press slam/body splash, but there was nothing to marvel at overall like say Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat from WrestleMania III. The high point of the match, overall, was when Hogan missed the legdrop, so if that was a spot, it was decent and well timmed.

5) How was the crowd reaction throughout the match?---It was amazing. Perhaps one of the best portions of the match actually. The live crowd from start to finish was really into it, and popped BIG time when Warrior pinned Hogan. I think the crowd went nuts when the ref bump happened as well, and was red hot for the LONG drawn out count afterwards. The crowd really kept this match from bombing.

6) Length of match?---The length was perfect for this match and shouldn't have lasted longer than it did. The fact that Warrior could have a match as long as this and it still keep its luster is remarkable, same for Hogan. I'm not sure what the actual time was, but I know it was pretty well worked from beginning to end and served to prove that the WWF could have one of the best matches without it being an hour long bout like the NWA used to have.
1. The feud was pretty good, but that's to be expected considering they were two biggest faces at the time. Warrior cut some crazy promos in the weeks leading up, it made fans notice him. That being said, it could've been better, maybe a face-to-face in-ring confrontation in the weeks leading up would've got more heat.

2. I don't think it was terribly entertaining, but I don't think it was boring. Again, the men fought based upon their built reputations and for most fans, there was no clear winner in mind.

3. I give the story telling some credit, but the no-selling really hurt the match's credibility (Hulk's knee "injury", 4 eye-rakes in a row with no effect)

4. Good spots were lacking, the crowd was hot throughout and that truly helped, but the double clothesline and Hepner's slow count helped the drama. Hogan passing the torch was a nice touch.

5. Crowd reaction was ridiculous. Toronto is one of the best wrestling markets in the world, and this proved it.

6. The match length feels right, it would've been harder to have such a slow build with a shorter match, and a longer match would've exposed the poor in-ring technique of both men.

Watching this rewind, you can really appreciate how great selling can overcome poor psychology.
I think i'll answer my own questions..

1.Was the feud going into the match good?
I think it was great for the time, it was babyface vs babyface, the 2 guys that got huge pops whenever they came out, I think the face that they kept them both faces was also a good move, the crowd couldn't care less.. It was all about passing the torch this match, unlucky for Warrior who won, because after this, he wasn't main eventing ppv's, it was still Hogan, You just couldn't compete with Hogan I guess.

2.Was the match entertaining?
IMO, For the 2 guys we are considering, it was a good match, obviously not the best, but won match of the year award and yes I saw a few botches, but what do you expect from the two?

3.Was there good story-telling? (Psychology)
Not the best, but it was good, had a lot of back and forth action, I think back then, no one knew who would come out on top..

4.Was there any good spots?
Hmm.. I'm not too sure about this, my favourate came at the end of the match, where Hogan showed all his fans about sportsmanship by handing his WWF title to Warrior..

5.How was the crowds reaction throughout this match?
Ohhh, You cannot deny this was one hot crowd, Could anyone hear the commentators??? I just imagine how it must have been to be there live.. They were into this match the whole time and went absolute nuts when Warrior won..

6.Length of match? (Was it too short? or too long?, could more time have been added to make the match better? etc.)
For 2 wrestlers who lack in-ring ability, 20+ mins may sound too long, but they managed to make it work, someone above mentioned Warrior lasting this long is good, he lasted nearly 30 mins in his match with Savage at SummerSlam 92! There wasn't a lot these 2 could do, so maybe it could have been shorter.. But am not too fussed!

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