Royal Rumble Multi-Winners?

BK Styles

Certified Nerd
I was watching some old matches I still have on VHS last night, and two tapes I watched were the Royal Rumbles from 2001 and 2002, where, of course, Triple H won in 02 but more importantly, Austin won for the third time in 01.

This raised a point with me; that was the last time anyone won the Royal Rumble more than once. Ten years ago. That staggered me. There have only been three multi-RR winners; Hogan with two, HBK with two, and as I mentioned, Austin with three.

I'm not saying that loads of people should win it more than once, but you think of people like Orton, Taker, Cena, even Batista, hell even triple H has only won it once. I'm surprised that not oen of them has won it at least twice.

So, with that in mind...

Do you ever see anyone currently on the roster becoming a multi-time Rumble winner?

If so, why?

If you don't, why not?
It's hard to say at present as have to see how they pan out really..with next years Rumble the winning pool is really limited to Christian, Orton, Cena, Undertaker, Triple H or a returning veteran which, sadly, doesn't give the youth that much chance.

So, as it stands, I can't see anyone being a multiple time winner but, then again, I'm sure no-one saw Austin being a multiple time winner back in 1997 so times can change quickly
in its current product WWE likes to keep things fresh and royal rumble winners winining over and over again doesnt help.

I think that while Both cena and orton should have by now won multiple rumbles, one victory in that match is good enough for anyone. when you think of past royal rumble winners you think of all the icons that have been in WWE. yet they probobly only on the rumble once.

so no there is no neeed for repeat rumble winners.
On Triple H, how many Royal Rumbles has he actually entered? From what I gather, the majority of the ones he entered in late 90s and early 00s when he was in his pomp he was on the card in a title defence?

1996 - Entered (1st)
1997 - Entered
1998 - Accompanied HBK vs Taker
1999 - Entered
2000 - Title Fight
2001 - Title Fight
2002 - Won
2003 - Title Fight
2004 - Title Fight
2005 - Title Fight
2006 - Entered (1st)
2007 - Not on card
2008 - Runner Up
2009 - Runner Up
2010 - Entered
2011 - Not on card

Not a bad record considering majority of his peak was on the card in title fights. He also entered 1st tiwce and also came runner up twice.
Its almost a given that Cena will win it again atleast once before his time at the top is over.
Hell, I dont think they will stop until he has every reccord the WWE has to offer....Takers undefeated streak?....Would they dare!
Cena is the obvious answer. The way he's going, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't win 4 rumbles to surpass Austin and into the history books.

I think the more important question in the world did Alberto Del Rio even win 1? I remember watching it and I literally did not know what to say but really? REALLY? It was pathetic. One of the more disappointing Royal Rumble winners.
Cena winning 3 more rumbles, just to get him past Austin would be foolish. First of all, that is not an impressive record. Predetermined battle royal outcomes is not a record that will stand out when looking through the history books. Also, believe it or not, this guy does not have a long road ahead of him as the "Hogan" of the company. He would have to win 3 out of MAYBE 6. And who would want to see that anyway? John Cena is not going to be "the man" for much longer than that. He is no Hulk Hogan, mainstream-wise or WWE-wise, and Hogan winning 3 out of 6 at this point in his career would not have worked either.

Also, why do people make such a big deal of entering at number one and make no mention of who enters at number two? They start the match at the same time.
As is stand right now i think at least Cena can win it one more time!!! Not three more times just to pass austin that wouldnt make any sense!!! I am suprised though at least by now Punk didnt win at least one.. Speaking of the Royal Rumble that means no raw guy can win it right!! Cause only raw guys can challenge the raw champion as it stands now its gonna be cena vs rock for the title i have no doubt thats gonna happen!! Maybe im wrong on that one someone help me out on that one if you dont mind!! sorry for the ramble its early and i havent had my gruel yet
The winner of the Rumble can challenge either champ. But I also don't see Rock vs. Cena being for the belt.

As for the OP's question I think Cena may win another before his career is over, I can also see Del Rio winning another one (either this year or next)
super cena will eventually win again im shocked that wwe hasn't already made their paper boy win in the last few rumbles. i tought that he was gonna win in 2010 but edge came back and won woooooo
I think that there will not be many more multi-winners in the RR because most of the established main eventers like Cena/Orton are already in Championship matches.

Back in the early 2000s, there was only one belt and 7-8 challengers for the belt, which meant that the Rumble had a lot of established stars, some of whom were past winners.

Still, the superstars that I can see winning the Rumble again are:

Cena: He is the WWE's main guy. Will probably win one more Rumble(chances of that are slim).

Alberto del Rio: He has already won a Rumble. Considering that he is with the company for about 10 years, he has a realistic chance of winning again.
I think the reason we don't see many people winning RR repeatedly is that once you win it once, you headline WrestleMania, and therefore SHOULD become a bonafide main event level player. The only reason Austin won it three times is because Vince wanted to keep him away from the title (due to their rivalry), but by winning RR he got an automatic title match that Vince could not deny him.

Has anyone else noticed that the last person eliminated from RR matches also seems to feature in a title match at Mania? It's happened every lyear for about 10 years!

Alberto del Rio: He has already won a Rumble. Considering that he is with the company for about 10 years, he has a realistic chance of winning again.
Sorry to disappoint, but Del Rio is planning to retire within 5 years. However, I wouldn't be suprised if he did win another RR match so he would finally get to headline WM, instead of being in the first match, as he was this time.
Sorry to disappoint, but Del Rio is planning to retire within 5 years. However, I wouldn't be suprised if he did win another RR match so he would finally get to headline WM, instead of being in the first match, as he was this time.

:wtf: I really had no idea that he was planning to retire within 5 years. The guy is just 34 years and no has known drug or health issues.
Anyway could you provide any link to this news?
Hogan and Stone Cold make sense to have won it multiple times. Michaels' back to back victories make sense as well, his second was to build up to his win against Bret Hart in the Iron Man match. I see it as a good thing that no one else has won it more than once though. It gives others a chance to win it. In recent years (other than Del Rio) it has been used more for helping someone make a big return then merging that into their Wrestlemania storylines. Cena, Orton, Edge, and Trips have all used Rumble wins to help boost their returns then go on to Wrestlemania world title matches. Provided that no one is planning on making a "surprise" return to win the thing this year, we might see someone win a second time for the first time in many years. Either that or they could keep trying to give others a chance. I wouldn't be surprised if it is someone new again and I would rather that be the case because others deserve to get a shot at winning the Rumble match. The only ones on the current roster than I think have a shot at winning it multiple times right now are either Cena or Orton due to them being the top guys and will need world title storylines in the coming years, although it won't be Cena this year since he has The Rock. Orton might do it this year, I would not be against it.
:wtf: I really had no idea that he was planning to retire within 5 years. The guy is just 34 years and no has known drug or health issues.
Anyway could you provide any link to this news?

Unfortunately, I don't have any links to it, but he has said it in several shoot interviews, and I believe it was reported on here a few months back. I believe he said he wanted to go back to Mexico to be an actor. It would be a shame if he did retire though.
One of the main reasons I started this thread too was something my friend said, which I'm slightly on the fence about. The way he sees it, Money in the Bank should be for the up and coming superstar, or the guy in midcartd who deserves to get a title shot, and the Royal Rumble should be for the big stars that deserve and have already earnt the main event spot.

I think the Rumble suits three main purposes in recent years:

- to elevate a star to a point where they are ready for Wrestlemania's main event (ala Del Rio, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Benoit)
- to bring a big star back (Edge, Cena, even HHH in 02)
-to give an already established star one more accolade (Orton, Taker, even Edge Cena and HHH)

Obviously suitable storyline purposes serve as reasons too, but to me these seem to be the main reasons that guys win the Rumble.

I think that Orton and Cena are the two obvious choices for the moment, but in the future? I reckon that, given time, Ziggler is a lock for multiple Rumble wins within the next 10 years. Hell, what's to stop him beginning that by winning his first in 2012? Just throwing it out there now...
I don't think it's needed. It's a marketing tool. A promotion if you will.

Think of winning the Royal Rumble as a really fuckin awesome commercial for a product. It's like the Terry Crews Old Spice Commercial of booking pushes.

I think before you had multiple winners because the WWE used it more as a hype machine for Mania. They still use it this way, however they also use it to establish guys. Plus before you only had 1 match for Mania. Now you have to get 4 guys over. Before you could just put your 2 most over guys in a match at Mania, use the Rumble to promote it. Now you have 2 guys who are really over, 1 other guy with a belt (which typically means he's over) and you need to find another guy to fit in.
It's funny you made this thread because I was just thinking, I believe WWE is going to make The Rock win the Royal Rumble next year. I know the deal, he's not a wrestler, blah, blah, blah but with Rock being rumored to appear at the Rumble next year, what better way to shock the fans by having him enter the Rumble match as #30 and then eliminate Cena from the match to win the Rumble. Then Cena can go on to win the WWE Title at Elimination Chamber and we get Rock vs. Cena for the WWE Title at WM. I know people will have a problem with this and give me that "it doesn't need to be for the WWE Title" excuse but if it can provide a shock factor like that, I'm all for it.

So I think Rock should have his 2nd Royal Rumble win, next year.
The Royal Rumble is not 30 men anymore, it is 40 men now since 2011 it was a 40-man Rumble, so that is the new format for the Rumble

And in terms of multi-winners for future years to come, I can see Morrison winning more than one Rumble

But realistic choice is Orton, I see Orton winning his 2nd Rumble

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