Round 6: Adalam (Papa Grande dropped out) -vs- Disarray

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Gone but never forgotten.
Yes or No; Was Kevin Nash deserving enough to end Goldberg’s streak?

This is a sixth round match in the Debater's League. Adalam is the home debater and gets to choose which side of the debate they will be on and who debates first, but they have 24 hours to make their choice.

This thread is for DEBATERS ONLY and will end on Friday at 2pm EST.

Anyone that posts in this thread besides the debaters, league admins, and judges will be infracted!

Good luck.​
Sorry I'm a little late. A sea monster of some sort seems to have taken over my computer. Regardless, looks like I've got the side that I wanted. Here we go.

First off, Goldberg's streak had to be ended eventually. If you're of the thought that he should've went on forever without losing, you obviously does know much about wrestling, or anything for that matter. Since the streak had to end, someone had to be him. And I ask, why not Kevin Nash?

It's not like Goldberg lost to some jabroni the Brooklyn Bralwer or some talentless hack like MVP. He lost to Kevin Nash, one of the most charistmatic, popular, and important pro wrestlers of all time. Here's a guy who is a former World Champ and part of one of the biggest angles in company history. I'm not sure how anyone could deem him not deserving of such an accomplishment, unless you stupidly want to bash his in ring work, which is of minimal importance in this whole thing.

This debate isn't about whether the way the streak ended was handled correctly, or even if Nash was the "best" guy for the job. All it's asking is whether or not he's deserving, which he absolutely was.
I'm not so sure that Nash was deserving. Yeah, sure you can't take away all that he had done up to that point, but Goldberg was way too close to being set as the face of WCW. The nWo storyline had run its course, and Goldberg was part of the trouble for Hogan's squad. Nash taking the title off of Goldberg was handled poorly, and I don't believe that a booker should EVER compete in the ring. Unless of course you're ECW, but then again, that's a whole different story. You have to remember that a booker's job is to book the matches. If you book yourself, it means that you have absolutely no faith in your own abilities and feel like putting yourself into matches to create a buzz. Bookers don't ever deserve to put a title around their own waists, thus Kevin Nash did not deserve to end the streak. In my opinion, Booker T or Scott Steiner would have been good options, but that may be away from topic.
More effort could have been put in from both of you guys. Adalam looked eager to debate, though, so you tie in everything save for punctuality (Adalam gets that point).

Final Score
Adalam - 3
GD - 2
I'll just go with the guy above word for word on this one, because he's right

Adalam - 3
Dissaray - 2
I'm with Miko and Tdigs, this was a poor display for a debate, so giving the same score here.

Clarity of Debate: Draw

Punctuality: Adalam

Informative: Draw

Persuasion: Draw

Final Score
Adalam: 3
Disarray: 2
I'm just going with Phoenix, Tdigs and Mike because I agree completely. No one took the extra mile. It was a very poor debate.

Final Score
Adalam: 3
Disarray: 2
After a complete judge's tally, Adalam is the victor on 12 points to Disarray's 8.
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