Round 2: The Punisher vs. Samus

Who wins?

  • The Punisher

  • Samus Aran

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The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Round Two


In another exciting second round match, intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran takes on the man also known as Frank Castle, The Punisher. Expect guns galore in this one, folks, as only one of these combatants is going to be able to walk away the winner...if either walks away at all!

*sigh* My first vote against one of my Marvel heroes but Samus and Frank sound like they would be evenly matched before we factor in the exoskeleton. Amazingly, I find myself believing the Punisher out gunned. Miss Aran to progress.
I leaning more towards Samus on this one. Her weapons are more advanced, and her suit would allow her the combat the Punishers brute strength. Both are combat trained, and both are skilled marksmen.

In an all out firefight, I think Samus would be the one to come out on top.
I hate having to vote against Castle here, but sadly the suit gives Samus the tiny edge she's gonna need to defeat Frank. it gives her more protection against his weapons, that combined with her high tech weaponry is just enough to put her over in this match, in one of the rare occasions where Frank Castle is out gun, Samus Aran takes the win.
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