O shit, not a great matchup for Londrick here. However, I think I'm still going to vote for them. Sure, they'll probably get beat down most of the match, but the thing they have going for them is the fact that they have great chemistry together. They can go from being out of it to performing some double team move out of nowhere and picking up the quick win.
I think that while Bigelow and Bossman seem like an intimidating team, they both were sort of jacksasses (in character) and I think they would have some sort of miscommunication at some point. Londrick wrestled a title match like every week on SD at one point, so I'm sure they'll have enough experience to capitilize.
Furthermore, this is the 6 side ring, and I'm pretty sure both London and Kendrick have wrestled in TNA before. If they haven't they'd be perfect fits. Gotta go Londrick here.