Round 1: Mario vs. Red Ranger

Who wins?

  • Mario

  • Red Ranger

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The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Round One


Super Mario is Nintendo's mascot and a surprisingly good fighter. Armed with his trademark stomp, along with a formidable grab and plenty of power-ups, the portly plumber can certainly hold his own in a fight despite his looks, regularly going toe-to-toe with the baddest of the bad, Bowser. Opposite him stands another hero in red, the Red Ranger. A martial arts expert with gun and shield, the Red Ranger has been proven to be pretty resilient himself, taking down huge monsters of his own with ease. Which red-garbed hero will reign supreme?

I am going for the Red Ranger. Mario is alot tougher than he looks, and has tons of power-ups to help him, but you can't use those on someone with the speed of the Ranger. Red's martial art skills will allow him to kick Mario's head off and keep the fat plumber dazed, preventing him from using any power-ups.

Even if Mario was able to use something, the gymnastic skills of the Ranger would let him avoid the attacks and then more martial arts kicks and throws would KO the Italian Stallion.

Red Ranger to advance
Gotta agree with Naitch, Mario is a tough Italian SOB but Red Ranger's speed and weapons give him a pretty easy win here. Red kicks Mario's ass up and down the street before finishing him off with his Zord :p Red Ranger wins!
Now who the fuck is voting for Mario? This is a fight he realistically cannot win. Everything he can do, Red Ranger can counter. If Mario tries to fight from a distance with his pyrokinetic abilities, Red can bounce them back with Green Ranger's shield. If Mario gets up close and personal, Red Ranger demolishes him. Red Ranger is a martial arts expert armed with two powerful weapons in the Dragon Dagger and Power Sword, and he can charge them up to finish the fighter formerly known as Jumpman.

Do the right thing and vote for the fighter from Angel Grove.
You've forgotten something important, though, Remix. Mario can grow to huge sizes with the help of a Mega Mushroom, and he can also shrink the Red Ranger with a lightning bolt before hitting him with a fireball or shell. The powerups are the difference-maker in this matchup.
You've forgotten something important, though, Remix. Mario can grow to huge sizes with the help of a Mega Mushroom,

Red Ranger summons the Tryanosaurus and Dragonzord. Mario just made things worse for himself. If Mega Mario is a bastard, Red Ranger's also got the Red Dragonzord. Red Ranger fights giant creatures on a regular basis, so he knows how to deal with something like Mega Mario.

and he can also shrink the Red Ranger with a lightning bolt

Which Red Ranger could reflect back at himself. Mario just got hoist by his own petard.

before hitting him with a fireball or shell. The powerups are the difference-maker in this matchup.

Wouldn't stockpiling Koopa shells, mega mushrooms and fire flowers count as pregaming? Hence Mario would have no access to them?
Meh, if this was the White Ranger or Green Ranger I'd probably vote for him. But this is the Red Ranger. Jason was nothing more than the Sailor Venus to Tommy's Sailor Moon... a quasi leader.

Mario has defeated tons of robots in his time, many of them being tougher than the metal T Rex. Mario would run up its tail, jump on its back, bust open the cockpit, and proceed to beat the Red Ranger senseless.

Mario wins.
Meh, if this was the White Ranger or Green Ranger I'd probably vote for him. But this is the Red Ranger. Jason was nothing more than the Sailor Venus to Tommy's Sailor Moon... a quasi leader.


This is Jason using Tommy's powers. If you'd vote for The Green Ranger, then vote for the Red Ranger here, seeing as he's got all of Green's powers.

Mario has defeated tons of robots in his time, many of them being tougher than the metal T Rex. Mario would run up its tail, jump on its back, bust open the cockpit, and proceed to beat the Red Ranger senseless.

It's been established that you can't get into the cockpit without a powercoin. This was a plotpoint on two separate occasions.

Mario wins.

No. Just no.
This is Jason using Tommy's powers. If you'd vote for The Green Ranger, then vote for the Red Ranger here, seeing as he's got all of Green's powers.

He doesn't come with that naturally though, the Green has to transfer his powers to him.

Red ranger wouldn't have them for this fight.

It's been established that you can't get into the cockpit without a powercoin. This was a plotpoint on two separate occasions.

The zords aren't invincible, far from it. I remember Ivan Ooze crushed all of them easily in the movie.

If Mario can't get into the cockpit, them perhaps Tanuki Fireball Mario can. He can just fly up to the top and blast his way through. Or what about Vanish Mario who can walk through walls...

One way or another, Mario would eventually get inside the cockpit and proceed to beat the shit out of the Red Ranger.
He doesn't come with that naturally though, the Green has to transfer his powers to him.

Red ranger wouldn't have them for this fight.

If Megaman has access to all the powers he collected from all the bosses he defeated in his games, Red Ranger has access to Green's powers. Seeing as they were (entended to be) given to him for good.

The zords aren't invincible, far from it. I remember Ivan Ooze crushed all of them easily in the movie.

...This would be the movie which took place out of Canon, right? In that case may I direct you to a fanfiction where Mario gets his ass kicked by a goomba?

If Mario can't get into the cockpit, them perhaps Tanuki Fireball Mario can. He can just fly up to the top and blast his way through. Or what about Vanish Mario who can walk through walls...

Fireballs aren't doing shit to a machine which survived being sent into magma. And even if Mario did get into his Zord, he can control it from outside it (which is what he did whenever the dragonzord in battle mode was used).

One way or another, Mario would eventually get inside the cockpit and proceed to beat the shit out of the Red Ranger.

How? Red Ranger is a superior close quarters fighter, whose got an answer for every powerup. If Mario gets up close and personal, he loses.
If Megaman has access to all the powers he collected from all the bosses he defeated in his games, Red Ranger has access to Green's powers. Seeing as they were (entended to be) given to him for good.

Yes, because cleary the Red Ranger is the same as Megaman :rolleyes:

If the Red Ranger can use the Green Rangers powers, then its only fair that Mario can use any contraptions or powers that Bowser has used up to this time.

Fireballs aren't doing shit to a machine which survived being sent into magma. And even if Mario did get into his Zord, he can control it from outside it (which is what he did whenever the dragonzord in battle mode was used).

I'm not talking about the Dragonzord, I'm talking about the T Rex zord. I've don't recall the Red Ranger ever controlling that thing without being in the cockpit.

How? Red Ranger is a superior close quarters fighter, whose got an answer for every powerup. If Mario gets up close and personal, he loses.

Two words... Metal Mario. Invulnerable to everything except water. So unless Red Ranger has the power to dump a lake on top of Mario, Mario has the power to kick the Red Rangers ass all he wants for a minute.
I think this goes down to whether or not you allow special items to be floating around the battle arena. Does Mario get to use Yoshi? Does the Red Ranger get to summon his Zord?


The guy has great athletic ability and keen reflexes, but he can only do so much without his power-ups. These are key in Mario's opportunity to overtake this tournament and produce a shocker. Mario can throw some pretty powerful punches and do some damaging ground pounds, but his moves are often hefty and suspended. Mario will loose the speed/agility battle in this one, but he shines through in a more important area. Being a lone wolf.

Mario often relies on Yoshi in some tight spots, and even teams up with his friends in often times, but Mario has proven to us that he can go it alone against tough foes like Bowser. This is where i believe we see Red Ranger's biggest disadvantage.

Red Ranger (The Original?)

The guy is trained in martial arts and has been known to rival Mario's minion bashing skills with his countless kill count of Putty Patrol. To be honest, if Mario gets a floating star; Red Ranger is done, Zord or no Zord. Red Ranger would be flipped upside down faster than a skinny nerd playing in the NFL. However, if Red Ranger can keep Mario away from the star, or if there is no star at all, Red Ranger nearly has the thing clinched.

Time to tackle the disadvantage. I don't ever recall hearing of a spin off series of one power ranger tackling evil by himself (Unless there is some weird Japanese one that I've never heard about). When you think of Power Rangers, you think of the group. You think of their ultimate finisher as the Megazord. I remember a lot of times seeing one or two Power Rangers trying to take on a foe by themselves and blowing it. Only to overcome the foe with the combined effort of all of the Power Rangers and their complete Megazord. I would even say that over half of those villains were not as skilled as Mario. Mario has a lot of experience under his belt, and multiple variables could swing this match either way.

The Result

I'm going to have to go with Red Ranger on this one. Because I feel like Mario's only chance is with power-ups, and even if there are floating power-ups; what is stopping Red Ranger from getting them first?
Yes, because cleary the Red Ranger is the same as Megaman :rolleyes:

It's the same situation. Both are using things that they have obtained throughout their "careers" as it were.

If the Red Ranger can use the Green Rangers powers, then its only fair that Mario can use any contraptions or powers that Bowser has used up to this time.

Did Bowser grant him those powers? Then no he cant.

I'm not talking about the Dragonzord, I'm talking about the T Rex zord. I've don't recall the Red Ranger ever controlling that thing without being in the cockpit.

Well seeing as he can control the dragonzord too, it is relavent. And he was able to set the T-Rex zord to be active when he wasn't in it. Which is why he was able to pilot the Dragonzord in fighting mode after first summoning the T-Rex. The Dragonzord in fighting mode is irrelevent to the battle, but it does set the precedent for him being able to do it.

Two words... Metal Mario. Invulnerable to everything except water. So unless Red Ranger has the power to dump a lake on top of Mario, Mario has the power to kick the Red Rangers ass all he wants for a minute.

And Red Ranger takes his lumps for that minute then kicks Mario's ass. Or dodges until it wears off and he can kick Mario's ass. Being able to teleport and "jet" (i.e. fly) has its advantages.
It's the same situation. Both are using things that they have obtained throughout their "careers" as it were.

I did some crosschecking, and it turns out you were right about the Green Ranger giving the Red Ranger his powers. However, the Red Ranger only had them for a short time before they were returned to the Green Ranger.

But it really wouldn't matter if the Red Ranger could use both. Mario has defeated large robots before, and I'm sure he could get into the cockpit of the T Rex seeing as Red can't control it remotely.

And if Mario can get into the T Rex's cockpit, he can do the same with the Dragonzord.

Even if he could only use one powerup item once, he probably has about 20 different one's at his diposal.
How the hell is the Power Ranger losing this?

He has more weapons and more overall skills then Mario. Plus there is no pregame in this tournament so why would he have all his power-ups. And truthflly how effective would Mario be carrying a shit load of turtle shells, mushrooms, fireballs, whatever it may be? So even if he had power-ups he wouldn't be able to use them effectively which would give the Power Ranger enough time to get a good attack on Mario leaving him incapacitated.
How the hell is the Power Ranger losing this?

He has more weapons and more overall skills then Mario. Plus there is no pregame in this tournament so why would he have all his power-ups. And truthflly how effective would Mario be carrying a shit load of turtle shells, mushrooms, fireballs, whatever it may be? So even if he had power-ups he wouldn't be able to use them effectively which would give the Power Ranger enough time to get a good attack on Mario leaving him incapacitated.

I don't understand what you are trying to say, Mario has plenty of powerups that he can use effectively.

The tanuki suit and the wing cap allow him to fly, the power star makes him faster and stronger, the metal cap makes him invunerable, the fire flower allows him to shoot fireballs, and the vanish cap makes him intangeble.

And those are just a few of him powerups. And he's capable of using several at once.
I don't understand what you are trying to say, Mario has plenty of powerups that he can use effectively.

The tanuki suit and the wing cap allow him to fly, the power star makes him faster and stronger, the metal cap makes him invunerable, the fire flower allows him to shoot fireballs, and the vanish cap makes him intangeble.

And those are just a few of him powerups. And he's capable of using several at once.

My point was that Mario has to take time to use these power-ups which could end up quite deadly in the long run. Considering the red ranger has a ranger gun I could see Mario getting shot right before he uses the Power-Ups. And even if he uses the Power-Ups the red ranger has defeated many villains with abilities. Shouldn't be anything new for him.
My point was that Mario has to take time to use these power-ups which could end up quite deadly in the long run. Considering the red ranger has a ranger gun I could see Mario getting shot right before he uses the Power-Ups. And even if he uses the Power-Ups the red ranger has defeated many villains with abilities. Shouldn't be anything new for him.

The Red Ranger isn't anything special, in fact he's got the same relationship with the Green/White Ranger that Mario does with Luigi. The Red Ranger is Luigi...

It takes about as much time for Mario to activate a power up as it does for the Red Ranger to raise, aim, and fire his blaster. In the games, all Mario has to do is step on something and it activates. It's been a while since i've seen a Mario cartoon, but I'm sure to use an object, he'd just pull it out of thin air.
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