Ronda Rousey is coming to WWE

You NXT fanboys don't want any Diva to ever beat Asuka, do you?

You would be happy if Asuka retired undefeated, no matter how boring that would be.

Diva, in the way of Nikki Bella, Alicia Fox or Carmella? They could not touch Asuka if they tried. A WRESTLER in the way of Kairi Sane or someone else in the pipeline who was going to be designated as "THE" Woman, I would have no problem. Remember, Asuka is the only person that gives the WWE Women's Division any credibility at all. Remember, for many years, the Divas were seen as an afterthought, a "potty break". Asuka coming over was the shot in the arm. Kairi Hojo does not come NEAR WWE if Asuka did not test the water. So, if Asuka is to give someone a rub, let her give it for the right reasons, not because someone is this huge pop culture star.

There's no doubt about it Rousey transcended women as athletes. You could perhaps even contribute her success to the success of the women's revolution in the WWE. I don't see a problem with her doing a bit of training and going straight to the main roster. The Rousey name is still a big name in pop culture. Her fame has diminished slightly but she's still a draw and I defy you to come up with anyone on the WWE roster who can match even an eighth of her notoriety.

Gotta disagree with this for the most part.

The transition from mma to wrestling is alot easier than the transition from wrestling to mma so it isn't really a problem for Rousey. For example Matt Riddle was a mma fighter turned wrestler that was paid to hurt people for a living. He did a bit of training and worked for EVOLVE where his work rate was praised for his ability to connect with the crowd. Rousey can do the same. She's managed to be the crowd favorite in just about any of her fights which shows her ability to connect fairly well.

From Riddle:

If Riddle can do it, with Rousey's determination to be number one at everything she does, she can too.

Hamler, notice what I highlighted: "Pop culture". This is the ONLY reason that people want to risk other wrestler's well being. Rousey is what she is right now: A broken-down MMA fighter, who was utterly DESTROYED in her last two fights, looking for her next paycheck. That is the God's honest truth. If she REALLY wants to be a WWE "Superstar", she NEEDS go about it the RIGHT way. She neds to learn how to tell a story, how to sell, how to hit WITHOUT hurting someone. And, learn that her opponent NEEDS to be able to trust Ronda so that she can go home in one piece. To quote Al Snow from a Tough Enough several years back, in fact, he said this to the man who would be called The Boogeyman "The first word in this business you learn is "Trust"" Then, he told him to get out of his ring for lying about his age. If you just let Rousey in with NO Pro Wrestling training, and the boys on Raw/SD will NOT have the time to train her right. What do you think the reaction will be if one of those women in the locker room, some who have trained for many years, when they have to wrestle someone who just walked in off the street, with little training, if any, in the WWE style? It would the same if you brought in Sexy Star. They cannot trust that Sexy Star won't beat the shit out of them for real for any little or perceived transgression. You cannot trust that Rousey would know what she is doing if you just stick her in a WWE ring without learning the WWE style.

In closing, the money for Rousey WILL still be there if you do it the right way. Send her to NXT to learn the "business". If she has the right attitude, the money will be pouring in. She will have a long career in the business. If she comes in with a "I am a pop culture icon" mentality, it will show, and EVERYONE will shit all over her AND WWE for strapping a rocket to someone that did not earn it the right way. If, like Matt Riddle is saying, she is determined to be the best, she would have NO problems starting in NXT.
I really, really, REALLY hope that if Ronda debuts for the WWE that it's done incorporating two circumstances.

Circumstance A: Ronda is paired with Paul Heyman. Keep Ronda's mic work short and sweet. She's a cultural icon, there's mystery to her. Make her so focused that all she does is death stare the tv audience. Paul is at his best when he's playing a hype magnet for someone who's already over as a badass. I'll be more entertained, and the WWE will make exponentially more amounts of money if they do this.

Circumstance B: Debut her at the women's Royal Rumble. This one is a no-brainer, it's the difference between the Royal Rumble being so-so or fucking awesome. Have Ronda clear the ring, and hype the crowd while waiting for her next opponent. There is so much potential for both Ronda and the PPV if they go this route.

Obviously if Ronda isn't ready, then we won't see her until she's ready. I don't want the WWE to rush her to the ring, or have her wander around as an enforcer for her posse who doesn't actually do anything as a wrestler. If she isn't ready by the Royal Rumble, I don't want to see her forced into that situation.
Circumstance A: Ronda is paired with Paul Heyman. Keep Ronda's mic work short and sweet. She's a cultural icon, there's mystery to her. Make her so focused that all she does is death stare the tv audience. Paul is at his best when he's playing a hype magnet for someone who's already over as a badass. I'll be more entertained, and the WWE will make exponentially more amounts of money if they do this.

Why would you take the microphone away from the biggest selling female combat sports athlete ever, who was extremely entertaining on the microphone and whose trash talk was amazing? Why remove the best tool she has for professional wrestling and therefore highlight what is sure to be her weakness; the in-ring performance?

It really makes zero sense if you've actually followed Ronda Rousey's career for more than a cup of coffee.

I'm pretty confident that most people here have probably only looked at Rousey's wiki or something. The arguments about her last two fights and star power are legit cringeworthy.
I'm pretty confident that most people here have probably only looked at Rousey's wiki or something. The arguments about her last two fights and star power are legit cringeworthy.

Her star power is clearly down after losing her last two fights.

There's no way to know what her star power is now.
I have mixed feelings on Rousy. On one hand she has the star power as everyone has mentioned, you know Vince loves a dual threat that can also be in movies and she’s great at that, but like it’s also been mentioned she was s fighter not a wrestler and who knows if she’s able to make the transition successfully. I also don’t want to see her come in and run right through the women like they’re nothing In my opinion that would just hurt everything the women have worked so hard for.
Ronda Rousey is definitely a box office draw and just off of all of that if she is coming to WWE then the best thing WWE Creative can do for her character is make her a "Paul Heyman Girl". Paul Heyman being her advocate and Rousey being another client of Heyman she can rule the Divas division especially with Heyman right by her side.

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