Roman Reigns: Time to Step it Up


King Of The Ring
Hear me out here.

Roman Reigns is being built up as the next face of the WWE and is (apparently) the number one choice to end Brock Lesnar's WWEWHC run at Wrestlemania 31. I have been a fan of Reigns ever since he debuted with The Shield and throughout the Shield's dominance, I, like many others, decided that Roman Reings certainly has IT (whatever "it" is). However, I have not seen much growth from Roman since he debuted two years ago. Sure the guy has a great look and he does the little things right, but isn't it about time Reigns learns how to do the BIG things right? Y'know like learning how to cut an intriguing 10 minute promo or how to tell a real story in the ring?

The reason I bring this topic up, is because of the brutally lackluster match that Reigns put on with a guy that could basically have a great match with anybody on the roster (Orton). I mean, I thought Wyatt was bad in the ring but Reigns imo is the worst in-ring worker in the WWE today. Disagree with me? Tell me who's worse.

Now don't get me wrong, I AM a fan of Roman Reigns (believe it or not) but I'm just frustrated that Reigns is being built as the next "guy" when he has done nothing to prove that he can take the ball and run with it. Hogan proved he could electrify a crowd inside the ring and out, Austin proved that he was like nothing we'd ever seen before on the mic and outside the ring, and Cena proved that he could step up when his time came. What has Reigns done? He was basically handed the golden spoon by Vince and HHH and has done nothing to earn it.

Wrestlemania is 7 months away and THIS is the time for Reigns to finally step up and prove that he belongs in the main event against Brock Lesnar. Hell, this is the time to prove that you're willing to work to be the next big thing (no pun intended). What also gets me is that Reigns is being built up EXACTLY like a current day John Cena... The fans are nearly rid of the guy, we don't want another SuperCena for ANOTHER 15 years! Basically what I'm trying to say is I'm ready for Reigns to change it up, show me something. That one great promo or that one great match or anything to show me that he IS the next guy.

I might get some hate for this post, but hopefully I get a little love too :shrug:

So tell me, do you guys agree? What are your thoughts on Roman Reigns?

(Please no "IWC turning on Reigns already" bullcrap please, I am allowed to have an opinion...)
I agree with Reigns being lackluster right now. But that's because he suffers from Main Event-itis. The WWE severely hinders the movesets of the main event guys, for whatever reason. But I do disagree with you on one part. Watching Bray Wyatt botch and splutter and barely survive match 2 with Jericho lets me know that he just isn't any good in the ring, and he's not doing anything to get any better.

I felt like Orton was phoning it in last night, though. I feel like he might feel slighted by not being in the Main Events right now or something, I don't know. But I don't feel like he gave us a true Randy Orton match last night.
I was thinking the same exact thing. I'm a Roman Reigns fan, and the only thing that he impressed me with last night was his slightly I changed vest (IMO looked sick), other than that the match to me was boring till he last 5 minutes. I get Reigns is a hard hitter and a pure powerhouse, but after 50 uppercuts, everything gets so repetitive to watch. It's almost scary because due to this, fans could turn on him and this big push will be stalled. Or passed on (IMO at this point it would be Dean Ambrose, match of the night with Seth Rollins and the wait was worth it).

Let's hope his match with Triple H will be better
I'm a fan of Reigns as well, but I have to agree with the OP. His performance's both in the ring and on the mic since he cut on his own have been nothing less than stellar. As a matter of fact they suck most of the time.

As a member of the Shield his weaknesses were well hidden and rightly so. Ambrose and Rollins carried most of their matches, with him coming in at the end to finish the job. I'm afraid that that's what he is good at, finishing the job, because he is terrible at the beginning and the middle of a match, and there is no way he can carry a 10-15 minute on his own.

He was much better when he was wrestling in NXT as a single's wrestler and I don't know if he became lazy, or the WWE just isn't letting him use the moves he used there. Finding his matches are boring and extremely predictable. If he continues down this road, I can't see him main eventing Wrestlemania with the moveset he has now. Change it up for God's sake.

Part of the fact might be he's been in a no-where feud with Orton and Kane, and is just sort of floating around. Sure he's been in main event matches during recent PPV's but they were all multi man matches and he spent a lot of his time laying around outside the ring. Maybe if he's given a decent story line or arc to work on he'll become better, but if he stays the same as now, no growth, I think people like Cesaro, Rollins or Ambrose could and should be pushed ahead of him.

He has the looks and physique that the WWE likes, but he can't win a title with that alone. I know it's too late, but the Shield should have been left alone for a little while longer. The Lumberjack match was the show stealer last night, and both men showed they can put on a match. Ambrose is my favourite out of the three, and Rollins a close second. I sincerely hope that Reigns can dig down and find inside himself the talent that has made so many members of his family successful. If not then I just don't know what the WWE will do with him.
I was thinking the same exact thing. I'm a Roman Reigns fan, and the only thing that he impressed me with last night was his slightly I changed vest (IMO looked sick), other than that the match to me was boring till he last 5 minutes. I get Reigns is a hard hitter and a pure powerhouse, but after 50 uppercuts, everything gets so repetitive to watch. It's almost scary because due to this, fans could turn on him and this big push will be stalled. Or passed on (IMO at this point it would be Dean Ambrose, match of the night with Seth Rollins and the wait was worth it).

Let's hope his match with Triple H will be better

If anybody he can learn from, it's HHH. Reigns have definitely grown from 2012, when he was just in the background while Ambrose did his thing.

Reigns is young, 29 years old. He still has some time to grow and get better. I'm just curious to see if he wants to or is he another guy who lets the hype gets to his head like Ryback
I'm also a fan of Roman Reigns but I can't help but think the OP is absolutely on-point. Some justified criticism of Bray Wyatt in this thread but imo he makes up for it with his charisma and great promos - Reigns has yet to do that. I don't know if Reigns' promos are scripted he they come across as awkward and it makes him look poor on the mic. The complete lack of moves that they're letting him doing is just crazy, he's even no longer doing moves that he did during his Shield days, let alone NXT.

I like that he's being built, but I really think they need to put him in a less high-profile feud and give him freedom over his promos and in-ring work because he's so ripe to criticism right now. There's still a lot of time, the guy is very young and for me it's too soon to write him off yet, but he has some way to go. I'd love to see him prove his doubters wrong.
Step up? um Reigns needs to flat out learn how to wrestle, cut a promo, and pretty much do anything that a wrestler is supposed to do. He needs to go back to the basics. All he has is intensity and a look but nothing else. The guy is pretty much terrible all around. I like Reigns because of his intensity and he comes of as a badass but I would NEVER want him in the main event or with the title because he just doesn't have what it takes at the current moment.
I hope the never make him cut a 10 minute promo. But I wish they wouldn't have anyone cut a 10 minute promo. 2-3 minutes at the most is all you need to run your mouth. That's one of the biggest things wrong with WWE. Too much talking, not enough wrestling.
He's one of those guys who shouldn't talk. he should have gotten the Rusev deal..
short matches, little or no speaking. Just let him be a man on the hunt..or hound
They tried to fast track him and it exposed his inexperience. not his fault but he can use an injury and some time in NXT
I think Creative needs to let him have a more creative moveset, and make him a bit more vulnerable rather than book him as Superman no.2...
It is obvious from videos that he has the ability to do much more moves than is being portrayed thus far...and that will definitely hurt him as time goes on and probably play a part if the fans start to turn on him which has actually already started amongst the IWC/Marks, etc.

Also, most of his promos are total scripted which he obviously struggles with as cutting any long promos don't seem to his style at this point. Actually his best moments on the mic have come when he has had to react to something happening than when he has to follow a script word for word.

And lastly, the lack of continuity in his storylines have been appalling....Are we really supposed to believe that Roman Reigns doesn't give a shit what Seth Rollins did to him and Ambrose????? Seriously...
Why does everyone talk about his 'limited moveset?' Dude is listed as 6'3, 284 lbs. Do you expect him to chain wrestle, like DB? Give me a break. As far as WWE wanting him to be the 'face' of the WWE, he does need some improvement on the mic, but I don't think he needs a 10 minute mic promo. Batista was horrible on the mic, except as a heel. He had some pretty good runs as world champ between 05 - 09.
And Roman would be a much better cocky, smart ass heel than he is a baby face. I loved his work in FCW as The Thoroughbred Roman Reigns.
The Great Khali is worse...I named someone! Ha!

But yeah, I see Reigns as being a part-time main eventer at best, like Sheamus, Big Show, etc. His match with Orton wasn't bad, but it was arguably the weakest part of the show- other than mainly Jericho Vs Bray. I'd say the latter was technically superior, but something about it just didn't click. At least Orton vs Reigns had some high points, even if the crowd seemed unenthusiastic.
I personally see Reigns vs. Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

Well... there's a small window there. If Bryan isn't healed up enough to wrestle, or if Reigns' star has eclipsed his own by then.

But seriously... Mania's gonna be in what, late April? Look at how over Reigns is now. That's still over half a year away. A LOT can happen in half a year.
The Great Khali is worse...I named someone! Ha!

But yeah, I see Reigns as being a part-time main eventer at best, like Sheamus, Big Show, etc. His match with Orton wasn't bad, but it was arguably the weakest part of the show- other than mainly Jericho Vs Bray. I'd say the latter was technically superior, but something about it just didn't click. At least Orton vs Reigns had some high points, even if the crowd seemed unenthusiastic.

I don't know what more anyone could have expected out an Orton match. Seriously, how many great matches has Orton been in?

There was heat on Orton supposedly because their house show matches were stinking, and apparently WWE felt the reason was more Orton than Reigns; I can't disagree with that.

CM Punk, Cena, Undertaker, HBK, Triple H.. Orton has had mediocre matches with all of them. There is ONE thing Orton has become good at - RKO spots.
I am so glad other people are picking up on how lackluster Reigns is in the ring. For those of you saying you dont see why people say he has a limited moveset, his next match, watch how many times he simply punches or kicks his opponent. 2 of his 3 "signature moves" 1 is a modified punch, and 1 is a modified kick. That is literally 90% of his offense. His match with Orton at Summer Slam, outside of punching and kicking, I think he hit a clothesline a couple times, through Orton into the barricade a couple times, a Samoan Drop twice, and either what was a poorly applied headlock or sleeper, I'm not completely sure which one he was actually trying to go for, and his spear. Thats the kind of moveset a heel should have not a top babyface. I'm not saying he has to chain wrestle or anything, but through a few slams or suplexes or something in there, anything that requires more than just striking your opponent.
I pointed out to my roommate how bad Reigns was in the ring a few weeks ago, and now he says I ruined Reigns for him, as he never noticed before Reigns pretty much relies solely on strikes, but once I pointed it out, he cant not see how crappy he really is.
I am so glad other people are picking up on how lackluster Reigns is in the ring. For those of you saying you dont see why people say he has a limited moveset, his next match, watch how many times he simply punches or kicks his opponent. 2 of his 3 "signature moves" 1 is a modified punch, and 1 is a modified kick. That is literally 90% of his offense. His match with Orton at Summer Slam, outside of punching and kicking, I think he hit a clothesline a couple times, through Orton into the barricade a couple times, a Samoan Drop twice, and either what was a poorly applied headlock or sleeper, I'm not completely sure which one he was actually trying to go for, and his spear. Thats the kind of moveset a heel should have not a top babyface. I'm not saying he has to chain wrestle or anything, but through a few slams or suplexes or something in there, anything that requires more than just striking your opponent.
I pointed out to my roommate how bad Reigns was in the ring a few weeks ago, and now he says I ruined Reigns for him, as he never noticed before Reigns pretty much relies solely on strikes, but once I pointed it out, he cant not see how crappy he really is.

Speaking as a fan of the guy...and for other fans of him also I am sure...

Many admit the guy's moveset is limited...however, it is clearly on instruction from Creative,etc.

He has used other moves in various matches, but they have been one-off occurences, and even some of his moves he used during his Shield run, have also been stopped for some bizzare reason.

Hopefully, WWE will allow him to reintroduce moves into his armoury before fans start to noticeably turn on him, as his Singles matches will be even more scrutinized going forward.

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