ROH - Using Nigel McGuinness

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I recently watched the debut of ROH on the SBG television network. The show was pretty good, but if you watched you'll know the new color commentator alongside Kevin Kelly is none other than Nigel McGuinness. At first I was excited because he's always cut great promos in TNA, and comes across as this very charismatic superstar. But when you put im at the table he just didn't know what to do. Now, unlike Booker T I'm sure the man will improve with time, and at least for the first 4 episodes we're stuck with him. (if you didn't know, they tape a lot of television all at once).

Here's my idea... Nigel has already proven he's a charismatic superstar with a lot of in-ring ability. Ring of Honor has a solid roster, but are lacking in main event level talent. All of them are fantastic wrestlers, but with very little presence and little-to-no drawing power. I love ROH because it's a different, more independent product, but a little showmanship couldn't hurt them. Why not use McGuinness as a backstage promo trainer, a manager, and even a wrestler? Truth Martini has always annoyed me, because he just doesn't have the presence to be a real, believable manager. The Wolfe does.

ROH doesn't stumble across a lot of throwback talent with charisma. All the good mic workers get taken by the "big leagues", but they have a chance to really use McGuinness as more than a commentator. Your thoughts?
Doesn't he have Hepatits C??

The guy is good but with his condition he shouldn't really be working until/if it clears up.

He'll do fine on commentary, he probably just needs to get used to it.
I thought the reason he isn't wrestling in TNA was the Hep C so ROH would be taking a huge risk by putting him in the ring. Nigel, like you said, will improve with time. So keeping him at the table to improve would be a good thing unless ROH could find somebody with the talents to take over.

The only other alternative I could see for an on screen role is using him as a manager. And use him for more than 1 or 2 wrestlers too. His promo skills are good and could be what is needed to get some of the unknown talents a fanbase.
It's interesting that ROH decided to use Nigel as a commentator. Something I didn't see coming. Although I'm sure he wants to be a part of wrestling in some form.

I just wish I got the actual channel that carried ROH, as I'm intrigued by their potential of being a real wrestling company(unlike the crap TNA calls a wrestling show). If given time, I think ROH could be big and possibly the real competition for WWE. It would take alot of time and improvements, but hardcore wrestling fans wanna see pure wrestling shows.
Not got round to watching the new ROH TV yet, but I did enjoy Nigel's brief run as the Commissioner on Xplosion, I reckon a talent like him could quite happily sink into the colour commentary role given a bit of time to acclimatise and familiarise himself thoroughly with the product he's presenting.
Nigel has hepititus, so he shouldn't be wrestling. That is the reason he ended up leaving TNA, and that is the reason he hasn't been back in the ring since. Such a shame, as Nigel is so talented.

I think he will end up being a good commentator, the guy has natural charisma, you can see that in his promos and the confidence he showed in the ring. But, this is a total new thing for him and he is bound to be a bit shitty when first starting, it's not like he has honed his craft anywhere is it? But Nigel is a pro, and I have no doubt that he will end up being a very good commentator in ROH.

It's a wise move getting him behind the desk, he has alot of name value to the ROH fanbase after his success as a wrestler there and he is great as both a face and heel so he could work in either role behind the desk. I would also love to see him as a manager at some point, where he can contribute to the on-screen product without having to wrestle actual matches.

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