ROH Looking For Fundraising Partners


Lord And Master
Staff member
The following press release has been issued by ROH:

Ring of Honor Wrestling Entertainment, a subsidiary of the Sinclair Broadcasting Group, is looking to partner with Non-profit organizations in the New Jersey area in anticipation of our huge live event coming to the Rahway Recreational Center in Rahway, NJ on 10/6.

For those unfamiliar, Ring of Honor Wrestling is a professional wrestling company based out of the greater Baltimore area, that has been in operation for over ten years. In that time, ROH has toured the United States, Canada, Japan, and the UK, drawn hundreds of thousands of fans to our live events over the years, been seen on television on both HDNet and currently on SBG-owned stations across the country, and broadcast on both traditional pay-per-view as well as trailblazed the field of internet PPV broadcasting.

We are looking for local youth groups, sports teams, and other non-profit organizations in the NJ area who are looking to fundraise for their respective groups. If you are interested in working with Ring of Honor to help out your group, and would like to learn more about how we can make this possible, please contact Tommy Fierro either via e-mail [email protected] or calling (201) 757-7686.

Seems like ROH is looking for whatever form of publicity or aid they can grab. Normally the fundraising company asks you for support. Not the other way around. I'm hoping this is just the company looking for new things to do and not a sign of issues. Economic or otherwise.
Seems funny that ROH is jumping into the fundraising thing. They could be trying to garner more viewers by putting themselves out there. Makes me wonder if this could work, considering how I keep hearing and reading that they're deep in the red themsleves.
This was released privately as a press release, if they were looking for publicity they'd have released it on the main website. They already have a few affiliations with charities, Autism America is one, National Guard isn't precisely a charity but they've an affiliation with them. I presume they're seeking others to join; people seem to forget despite being owned by a national company and having a half-decent television deal, ROH still runs on an independent structure, this isn't out of the ordinary.
This was released privately as a press release, if they were looking for publicity they'd have released it on the main website.
"Privately as a press release." I'm going to have to remember that one. That could be the new "I was misinterpreted" in politics.

Yeah, this is the bad sign that's been coming for a couple of years now, ever since the WWE and TNA started their slow motion raid on ROH. You don't advertise- privately in a press release- that you're looking for partners, because that says "we're looking for money" to the public at large. It's a desperation move that will get high school bands in to help pay for their class trip to Hershey, but will tell actual advertisers that this is a company whom you can't be sure will be around next year.
Yeah, honestly this doesn't sound real good. Also from what I know if you have a press release then you want people to know about it. I always thought that's what a press release was. Surely this can't be good as far as advertisers go. I hope it doesn't get to the point where they are not taken seriously at all anymore.
ROH is the 3rd horse in a 2 horse race and so this doesn't suprise me at all the company is probably headed toward a financial red alert and it's a last ditch effort to stave it off.
Good to see the nattering naybobs of netterweb negativity are hard at work. It can't be that maybe just maybe they want to give back to the community. No it's gotta be that they're trying for publicity because they're dying. Oh noooooo the sky is falling, ROH is dying it hit me on the head. Just another day in the IWC.

This must mean WWE is dying too. I mean they keep talking about all that stuff John Cena does for Make a Wish. By the logic going on in this thread that must mean WWE is all stewbums and bindleshits now. No wonder we don't see Vince on camera anymore, I'll bet he has to work 4 jobs just to make ends meet.
Good to see the nattering naybobs of netterweb negativity are hard at work. It can't be that maybe just maybe they want to give back to the community. No it's gotta be that they're trying for publicity because they're dying. Oh noooooo the sky is falling, ROH is dying it hit me on the head. Just another day in the IWC.

This must mean WWE is dying too. I mean they keep talking about all that stuff John Cena does for Make a Wish. By the logic going on in this thread that must mean WWE is all stewbums and bindleshits now. No wonder we don't see Vince on camera anymore, I'll bet he has to work 4 jobs just to make ends meet.
I hate when people use the "by your logic" construction. Because it's never the same logic.

Let's take your "maybe they're just trying to give back" idea. Here's how you work with a charity as a business. Usually, they come to you- charitable corporations typically have a staff devoted towards finding likely donors. (These days, it's more data-mining then a dedicated staff.) If you have a particular pet charity you'd like to give to, you get in touch with them privately, construct an agreement, then promote the hell out of it, once you have an agreement, to get the most advertising bang for your buck out of the package.

Now let's look at what ROH is doing. They've 'privately' put out a press release seeking organizations with which to fundraise. ROH doesn't look like a strong property right now as it is. They've got a TV deal? Great, ECW had a better one and collapsed eight months after it wasn't renewed for lack of value. Their best performers are being stolen away or are leaving the industry, and haven't been replaced by anyone equivalent.

Speaking from personal experience here, if you're running a business and trying to convince investors that you're a worthwhile investment, you don't put out press releases saying that you're looking for fundraising partners. It's a bush league, desperation move. Maybe they want to give back? If so, they've chosen the best way possible to scare off anyone with any real money to invest in their product.

Hey, sorry that you don't like the fact that small professional wrestling companies come and go pretty quickly. ROH had a good run, and if you really want to see an ROH show, well, you should have gone a few years ago to see a good one, but it'll likely be at least a year, and probably two before they fold. When they start cancelling shows a couple of weeks prior to the event, that's when you can be sure it's over.
I hate when people use the "by your logic" construction. Because it's never the same logic.

Let's take your "maybe they're just trying to give back" idea. Here's how you work with a charity as a business. Usually, they come to you- charitable corporations typically have a staff devoted towards finding likely donors. (These days, it's more data-mining then a dedicated staff.) If you have a particular pet charity you'd like to give to, you get in touch with them privately, construct an agreement, then promote the hell out of it, once you have an agreement, to get the most advertising bang for your buck out of the package.

Now let's look at what ROH is doing. They've 'privately' put out a press release seeking organizations with which to fundraise. ROH doesn't look like a strong property right now as it is. They've got a TV deal? Great, ECW had a better one and collapsed eight months after it wasn't renewed for lack of value. Their best performers are being stolen away or are leaving the industry, and haven't been replaced by anyone equivalent.

Speaking from personal experience here, if you're running a business and trying to convince investors that you're a worthwhile investment, you don't put out press releases saying that you're looking for fundraising partners. It's a bush league, desperation move. Maybe they want to give back? If so, they've chosen the best way possible to scare off anyone with any real money to invest in their product.

Hey, sorry that you don't like the fact that small professional wrestling companies come and go pretty quickly. ROH had a good run, and if you really want to see an ROH show, well, you should have gone a few years ago to see a good one, but it'll likely be at least a year, and probably two before they fold. When they start cancelling shows a couple of weeks prior to the event, that's when you can be sure it's over.

I can admit making a mistake in my first post, however what I meant to say is that the press release was released from within Ring of Honor, to local companies and organizations located in the regions they perform in. It wasn't meant to come across as though they are seeking national charities to help "aid" them. They're seeking people to fundraise, not for them, but for their respective groups.

Now that I explained that, onto your diatribe of a second post.

First of all, do you watch Ring of Honor? Chances are you don't cause you seemingly know little about it. Ring of Honor has been running longer than Extreme Championship Wrestling has, Ring of Honor has a parent company which ECW didn't, "not renewed for lack of value"? That isn't why ECW's television deal wasn't renewed. It wasn't renewed because TNT wasn't supplying any advertisement or funding toward the television product. TNT cancelled it because one, Paul Heyman took several shots at the network on television and two, they wanted Monday Night Raw, which from a business stance was smart due to WWE's larger fanbase and mainstream appeal.

Best performers? You think Kenny King was one of "best performers" Ring of Honor had? I retract the question on whether you watch the product or not because if you reference Kenny King as one of the promotions "best performers" you're high, ******ed, both or simply clueless. Kenny King is a solid talent paired with another solid talent because they'd little for him, Kenny and Rhett Titus did well to grow as a tag team, but it took them three years to even win the ROH World Tag Team titles.

Other talents to have left in the last couple of years, have been sufficiently replaced. Kevin Steen is one of the most talked about wrestlers today, Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Michael Elgin, Mike Bennett, TJ Perkins, just some of the younger guys who are very promising; and just in-case you retort by asking, "Who?" or "Who are they, they're nobodies?" That is exactly what people used to ask years ago when CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, KOW and others were in Ring of Honor. And by the way, just to keep you up to speed, Davey Richards may have said he'll be retiring next year, but hes said that the past two years and he's still scheduled to return at DBD X.

I don't mind the final two paragraphs, cause Ring of Honor have supposedly been "about to fold" since mid-2006, and are still running shows and are continuing to book shows, but just to note something you may not have read from the main page or whatever misinformed source you use to gain your limited information about Ring of Honor, that show they scheduled in North Carolina? They rescheduled it for the 8th of September, and its nearing a sell-out. Definitely a promotion on the edge of going out of business, huh?

It may not prosper into a mainstream promotion like some believe, it may not attract the "stars" and notable name of the wrestling industry, but considering both mainstream companies top champions made their name in ROH, yeah, it could close down tomorrow and It'll have a very strong legacy in the modern day of wrestling industry.

But its not going to close down tomorrow, so that legacy can keep building. Tyler Black seems to be doing pretty well for himself on NXT.
I can admit making a mistake in my first post, however what I meant to say is that the press release was released from within Ring of Honor, to local companies and organizations located in the regions they perform in. It wasn't meant to come across as though they are seeking national charities to help "aid" them. They're seeking people to fundraise, not for them, but for their respective groups.
You invite people to fundraise through you so you can take a percentage for your services as a facilitator. Pretty old tactic.
First of all, do you watch Ring of Honor? Chances are you don't cause you seemingly know little about it. Ring of Honor has been running longer than Extreme Championship Wrestling has, Ring of Honor has a parent company which ECW didn't, "not renewed for lack of value"? That isn't why ECW's television deal wasn't renewed. It wasn't renewed because TNT wasn't supplying any advertisement or funding toward the television product. TNT cancelled it because one, Paul Heyman took several shots at the network on television and two, they wanted Monday Night Raw, which from a business stance was smart due to WWE's larger fanbase and mainstream appeal.
It was TNN. Why weren't they supplying funding or advertising? Because they didn't think the product had any value and wasn't worth investing in. Why was Paul Heyman taking shots at the network? Because they no longer viewed his product as worth investing in. He didn't get a television deal, then start criticizing them the next day. Cause---->effect.

Having a parent company means absolutely nothing, unless you've got a complete sucker who's willing to bankrupt themselves and their other companies for the sake of yours. More often, a parent company will cut loose a failing child so that they can avoid having that child company poison the rest of their investments.
Best performers? You think Kenny King was one of "best performers" Ring of Honor had? I retract the question on whether you watch the product or not because if you reference Kenny King as one of the promotions "best performers" you're high, ******ed, both or simply clueless. Kenny King is a solid talent paired with another solid talent because they'd little for him, Kenny and Rhett Titus did well to grow as a tag team, but it took them three years to even win the ROH World Tag Team titles.
I didn't say word one about Kenny King, but that's a good example of how far down the depth chart ROH has gotten if they're getting pissy about TNA signing him away. Brian Danielson, Nigel McGuinness, Chris Hero, Claudio Castignoli, Austin Aries are more along the lines of where I'm talking.
Other talents to have left in the last couple of years, have been sufficiently replaced. Kevin Steen is one of the most talked about wrestlers today, Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Michael Elgin, Mike Bennett, TJ Perkins, just some of the younger guys who are very promising; and just in-case you retort by asking, "Who?" or "Who are they, they're nobodies?" That is exactly what people used to ask years ago when CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, KOW and others were in Ring of Honor. And by the way, just to keep you up to speed, Davey Richards may have said he'll be retiring next year, but hes said that the past two years and he's still scheduled to return at DBD X.
For being one of the most talked about wrestlers today, you sure have to struggle to find a thread about Kevin Steen here. Maybe once every few months he'll get a thread with five or so responses. As far as promising goes, there's a great point there. Instead of selling their stars, now they're selling 'young guys who have promise' that you expect people to go "who?" to.
I don't mind the final two paragraphs, cause Ring of Honor have supposedly been "about to fold" since mid-2006, and are still running shows and are continuing to book shows, but just to note something you may not have read from the main page or whatever misinformed source you use to gain your limited information about Ring of Honor, that show they scheduled in North Carolina? They rescheduled it for the 8th of September, and its nearing a sell-out. Definitely a promotion on the edge of going out of business, huh?
How big is that arena that they're selling out? What are ticket prices going at? What's your source for "nearing a sell-out"?
It may not prosper into a mainstream promotion like some believe, it may not attract the "stars" and notable name of the wrestling industry, but considering both mainstream companies top champions made their name in ROH, yeah, it could close down tomorrow and It'll have a very strong legacy in the modern day of wrestling industry.

But its not going to close down tomorrow, so that legacy can keep building. Tyler Black seems to be doing pretty well for himself on NXT.
ECW had a very strong legacy too. They still shut down. When a company advertises for fundraising partners, privately in a press release, it's a bad sign.

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