ROH - Glory By Honor IX

The Bearded One

Love is not admissable evidence.
In just under a week, Ring of Honor will be putting on another iPPV, Glory By Honor IX. In this thread, please discuss the matches, who you think will win, and whatever else pertains to this iPPV.

World Title No-DQ
Tyler Black (c) vs Roderick Strong

I think this one is the biggest no brainer of the night as to who is going to win. Even though everyone and their mother knows Strong will walk away with the title if this remains a one-on-one match, it doesn't mean this match won't be any good. Believe me, it will be. These two had a great match earlier this year, and I think making it a No-DQ can only heighten the intensity and make this match better. The storyline with Roderick Strong is good enough to add a little bit of oomph to this match as well. the only thing I don't like about it is terry Funk being the "Ringside Vigilante", whatever the hell that means. But I'm excited about this match.

Dream Tag Team Match
Kings of Wrestling vs Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

This is another match I'm really excited about. The Kings of Wrestling, who, in my opinion, are the best tag team in ROH, and only second to the Machine Guns in the world, are going up against the self-proclaimed World's Greatest Tag Team. I think it being a non-title match makes it a little moe questionable as to who is going to win, but I'm leaning towards Haas and Benjamin. I also think they made it non-title so they could avoid the ending they had earlier this year whyen the kings faced off against the Machine Guns and the Briscoes ran in for a DQ ending. making it non-title protects the champs, but can make the challengers look great. But this stipulation might not matter at all, because the Kings are in a championship match the night before against Colt Cabana and El Generico.

Double Chain Match
Kevin Steen and Steve Corino vs El Generico and Colt Cabana

I've made it pretty obvious that I love this feud, which is weird because this feud has been called "Hate". So apparently I love to hate. Anywho, this match will be everything you would expect from these four when they wrestle each other. It will be brutal and it will be bloody. I think the double chain aspect adds an interesting touch to this, but I'm not entirely sure as to how it is going to work. I also don't know who is going to win. Steen and Generico's feud has to end in a one-on-one match, so I don't see it ending here. I have already laid out how I would do book the rest of this fued in Thriz's thread.

World TV Title
Eddie Edwards vs Shawn Daivari

This match happens if Edwards retains the title against Erick Stevens the night before, which I don't think will happen. At least I don't want Edwards to retin on Friday, mainly because I don't want to see this match. If Steven wins on Friday, hopefully e'll get a rematch between the two at Glory By Honor. But if this stays how it is and Edwards does retain, this is the weakest match on the card, which is a shame because I am a big Eddie Edwards fan. So hopefully, Stevens wins the title on Friday and forces a rematch for the belt on Saturday at Glory By Honor. I'm not saying Edwards vs Daivari would be a bad match, I just wouldn't care about it. At all.

Battle of the Best
Austin Aries vs Christopher Daniels

This is an awesome match for what nappears to be a lower card match. I mean, we all know how awesome both of these guys are, so this match should be pretty spectacular. I see Daniels winning here, becuase ever since he returned to ROH his whole thing is trying to show everyone he is the best in the world and this is how he can prove it. I wish Davey Richards wasn't in Japan right now, but I guess they can hold that off until Final Battle. But this should be a great match.

The other wrestlers scheduled top appear are the Briscoes, The Embassy, and The All Night Express.

I think this card looks pretty good, but not sa good as Death Before Dishonor. What do you think of this card and how it will play out?
This card is a pretty good line up i cant wait for glory by honor i havent been an indy fan for long but i have come to love it in the past few months this will be my first indy ppv and i cant wait to well as quote joey styles at WM22 with a few minor words replaced: Im losing my indy PPV virginity and i cant wait lol
Thanks for putting this up!

While this card doesn't exactly look stacked, this card is definitely going to deliver. I'm surprised that guys like The Briscoes, The All-Night Express, and Erick Stevens haven't been booked to a match on the card though...

But here's my predictions..

Tyler Black Vs. Roderick Strong - It's hard to tell on this one. I'm leaning a little bit towards Tyler Black since Roddy's a heel and ROH always had Tyler win when everyone doubted him. But at the same time, this is Roderick's "last shot" at the title, so there could be a big chance that he'll take it.

Kings Of Wrestling Vs. Haas & Benjamin - This one I'm definitely looking forward to; Again, it's hard to tell who's going to win since Haas & Benjamin are going to make their debuts and the KOW are the tag team champions. It's hard to imagine seeing one of these teams lose in such a high profile match, where either team could look weak in the end since it's a non-title match IMO.

Kevin Steen & Steve Corino Vs. El Generico & Colt Cabana - This has to be the last match in the Steen-Generico feud. Their feud has been great for months but I think it's time to end it and move on. I'm going for Generico & Cabana on this one unless some surprise happens.

Eddie Edwards Vs. Shawn Daivari - You gotta have the TV Champ on the PPV. It wouldn't make sense not having him in it, especially since Davey Richards will be in Japan on that day. I'm going with Eddie Edwards. Daivari is an OK wrestler but he hasn't really impressed me much since he came to ROH, whereas Eddie Edwards has.

Austin Aries Vs. Christopher Daniels - I don't know where this match came from or why they put this match together but I'm still going to look forward to this one. Austin Aries has become one of my favorites in ROH and Christopher Daniels has always been great. I'm expecting an interference from the All-Night Express, so I can't really make a choice here.

I was expecting The Briscoes to be in a match but I guess this is the card. Five matches in a much-hyped PPV isn't really enough, but maybe they'll give these matches a good amount of time to each of them. I also plan to be at the show and I can't wait!
The card looks awesome was going to fly there and see it but the best tickets I saw were general admission then it's not worth it. Should be a great show.
Three more matches have been added to tonight's iPPV. There are two "Special Challenge" matches involving the Briscoes and the All Night Express. It will be Jay Briscoe against Kenny King and Mark Briscoe against Rhett Titus. The All Night Express issued the challenge to singles matches, and the Briscoes obciously accepted. these should be solid matches, as I really like all the guys involved here.

The other match that was added is a "Tag Team Grudge Match" matching the team of Erick Stevens and the Necro Butcher of the Embassy against the team of Grizzly Redwood and Ballz Mahoney. This should just be a wild hardcore brawl. this of course all started back as Super Card of Honor 5 when Mahoney made the save for Redwood against The Embassy. I'm not expecting anything great from this, hell, I'm not expecting anything from this other than a wild fight. Necro vs mahoney probably would have been a big deal in the original ECW.

I think the addition of these three matches rounds the card out nicely. I'm excited about Glory By Honor IX tonight. At just $15, I don't know why any wrestling wouldn't order it.
Tyler Black Vs Roderick Strong- I think that even though this match is predictable with Tyler Black going to WWE, Strong will get the win. Even if it's kind of predictable the match itself will be pretty good. I'm very excited to see this match.

Kings Of Wrestling Vs Benjamin & Haas- For me this a Dream tag match and I'm very excited to see this match. The KOW are a great tag team and the best tag team in ROH and probably the second best in the world next to the MCMG. Haas & Benjamin are a pretty good tag team and I think this will be a very good match. The match being Non-Title makes this a little bit harder to predict. If it was a title match The KOW would obviously win this match. Even though its a non- title match I still see the KOW winning in a very good Tag Match.

Kevin Steen & Steve Corino vs. El Generico and Colt Cabana in a double chain match- This feud has been fantastic and one of the best of the year. This is another match that I'm very excited for. This match will be pretty good and I expect it to be brutal, violent and bloody. I think that Steen & Corino will get the win but this should not end the feud. The feud should end in a one on one match between Steen & Generico.

Austin Aries vs. Christopher Daniels- This match should be fantastic as both guys are very good in the ring this is another match that I'm excited for. I think this match has the potential to steal the show it could be that good. I think that Daniels gets the win here.

Eddie Edwards vs. Shawn Daivari for the ROH TV Title- I really like Edwards here to get the win over Daviari in a decent to good match.

Jay Briscoe Vs Kenny King- I actually like that they separated this into two singles matches instead of ANE vs Briscoes in a tag team. These two are the best workers for their respective teams. I think this match will be good and I think Briscoe gets the win here

Mark Briscoe Vs Rhett Titus- This is the second of the ANE vs Briscoe matches and likely this will be the weaker one of the two. I think this match will be decent and I see Rhett Titus getting the win here.

Erick Stevens & Necro Butcher vs Grizzly Redwood & Balls Mahoney- Not really that interested in this match Hopefully they keep this one short so that the other matches could get more time. I think that Embassy will get the win here.

Overall Thoughts- This Card looks very good and I'm very excited to see this PPV and at only $15 I will definitely be ordering Glory By Honor IX
For 15$, this PPV is a steal. It will easily be better than any other wrestling PPV this month, but beyond that, I love the potential that this night has to be a defining night in ROH. By that I mean ROH will find out tonight if Roderick Strong can carry the company. If he doesn't win his match with Tyler Black, I will be dumbfounded. At the same time, I'll be looking forward to A-Double vs. The Fallen Angel; My attention focused mainly on who wins the match. It's pretty much a number one contenders match. Oh and, I'll be cheering on Kevin Steen, Tyler Black, and Austin Aries in their respective matches.
Well first off, my opinion of the show. Not as good as Death Before Dishonor 8 but still an amazing show. WWE and TNA wish they could top that and thats coming from someone who has been watching wrestling for 15 years. Granted GoFightLive had trouble again all night. It froze more than once and the sound quality was pretty terrible. Its a shame Dave Prazak had other commitments with Shimmer.

Note: I tried my hardest not to include spoilers.

Kenny King vs. Jay Briscoe
- All I can say is decent opener, had to restart my comp half way through the match.

Rhett Titus vs. Mark Briscoe
- Another decent match, didnt expect much out of the Briscoes in singles action and these two matches showed why Titus and King should stick to tags.

The Embassy (Erick Stevens & Necro Butcher) vs. Grizzly Redwood & Ballz Mahoney
- Probably the worst match of the night. It was decent and Ballz got his normal spots in. Grizzly Redwood is pretty good at selling, never really noticed. Im still waiting for Erick Stevens to catch a good break but at least he is relevant in the Embassy.

Colt Cabana & El Generico vs. Kevin Steen & Steve Corino
- Loved it. It had the perfect feel of a grueling match. Just brutal and bloody and lived up to expectation. Some pretty good spots within and Steen shined once again. Had a feelin Generico would get unmasked to continue the fued. Also it was a good idea to include Colby Corino within the match. You never see heel wrestlers with their kids.One downfall was that 3-4 out of the last 7 minutes the connection was lost.

Eddie Edwards vs. Shawn Daivari
- Another solid match. Eddie continues to improve. Sure it was for the TV title but they covered up for it decently it wasent really that bad of booking. Had a nice finish with the Achielles lock but I cant stand when they tap out within 2 seconds.

Daniels vs. Austin Aries
- The disappointment of the night. It was a solid match but they really could have done more with it. Very cool finish though.

The Kings of Wrestling vs. The Worlds Greatest Tag Team
- Just awesome. It lived up to what i expected. The crowd was extremely behind it and even better Haas and Benjamin had great showings. And I dont know when Haas got ripped but it was a shock. Probably my favorite match of the night and after the WGTT had an entertaining moment with Hagadorn.

Tyler Black vs. Roderick Strong
- Really solid main event. They went right after it from the start and wasted no time. Great heel work from Tyler and Terry Funk wasent really needed but he added to the match. I was very surprised with the finish. And below will be my spoiler thoughts.

All in all a very good PPV. Not their best but way better than anything WWE and TNA have produced this year. Only thing that dragged it down was GFL's tech problems.

So, your thoughts?

Roddy's combo at the end to win was sick. I was hoping like hell Homicide wouldnt show up but of course he did. Its a shame their pulling a TNA and taking another companies leftovers and pushing them to the top instantly.
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I just got back from the show and my god, I'm losing my voice. The fans were hot ALL NIGHT and it was also pretty hot in the Center as well. Some of the matches were somewhat of a letdown to be honest. Some could've been longer but at least we got great news, returns, and a "star-studded" card. Out of 5 stars, I would give the show a 3 and 3/4. And match of the night was obviously The Kings Of Wrestling Vs. Haas & Benjamin.
Great PPV - Terrible Production Values

I don't want to do an in depth review but will highlight what really stood out.

Daniels vs Aries - Awesome match that should have had at least another 5 minutes. You have two athletes that really know how to entertain.

WGTT vs KOW - A Tag Team Clinic and most definitely match of the year contender. I never saw benjamin with that much intensity. It was great to see a tag team main event and put on a show.

Steen, Corino vs Generico, Cabana - This fued is the best one yet in the business. A four star match that I didn't think could get any better.

What I Didn't Like

GofightLive - The stream died several times and the sound was off and readjusting throughout the broadcast. It was very annoying and reeked of a low budget operation. They should know better since they stream for a living.

Commentary - ROH needs to replace thier team with someone who can sell. Thank God cornette did commentary for the final match. It saved the show from a story telling aspect. They need to hire the black guy who sounds like Jim Ross from SAW Wrestling. He's amazing at play by play and color.

Intermission - Who in the hell does an intermission during a PPV. The PPV should be for the fans watching so you have to fill up the entire time slot. The time they took from the show could have been given to the Daniels Match and TV Title Match since they were way too short.

Video Packages - ROH please learn how to make them and use them in between matches since the audio was so bad and the commentary team did not tell any stories for those who watched for the first time. Who wants a blank screen with no action for 2 minutes when you can run a nice package to set up the next match.

And please show the same package to the crowd we are seeing at home so Jim Cornette doesn't have to announce what we just saw. Very low rent move there.

Besides video production that was on a 4th grade level, the show was great. ROH should ask the TNA Team to film the show. It would look so much
I went to the event tonight with 11 of my friends. And I think I was the only one who put up my sign "Shelton Rulz" & "We Love ROH Wrestling" on the balcony.

I had high expectation about this event. Especially when most of my friends were going for the 1st time. I wanted it to make a good expression. I did believe the last ROH event Super card of Honor 5 in May was much better but this event was pretty good 2.

I liked the Motor City Machine Guns match with The Kings of Wrestling better than the Shelton one though. I was kinda disappointed when Hass got pinned. I was hoping that the match would had went a little bit longer. But I love the crowd reaction towards both teams.

The Double Chain match was pretty good 2 but I did prefer Cabana and Steen Death Match from the last event in May. Daniels and Aries was alright I liked Daniels and Edwards match better from May. Tyler and Roderick tonight was better than the last event. And I was happy to see Homicide back.

I am hoping that Kenny Omega, Sonjay Dutt and some others will be at the next event. Sometimes the wrestler is what makes the matches excited. But overall the event was worth attending =).
I will start off by saying that this is my first post in this section because this is my first ROH PPV. I've only been watching for about a month.

I missed most of the event, including the KOW/WGTT, so I will definitely go back and check those out. The first match I saw was the double chain match. It was pretty good. It had a good build and that really helped the match. Everyone looked pretty good. A couple of good spots including Generico going through the table and Cabana chained to the ring.

Quick tangent now. Right as Cabana was chained, my stream went out. I'm not sure if this was planned or if any other of the stream fails were planned because they did mention technical difficulty as part of the ending. Either way, I'm not sure if I like the whole thing or not. Its clever, but very annoying.

Back to the matches. Next I saw a bit of Edwards and Daivari so I will go back and watch that again, but I was happy with the Aries/Daniels match. I feel like they raised expectations too much when they said they were stealing the show, and I feel like they maybe could have done it with more time, but it was still a little less than I expected. However, it was still a good match.

Finally, the main event. Very good match. Coming in, I was leaning towards Roddy winning, but I still had some doubt. Honestly, I was hoping Tyler would win to see how they would handle the whole thing. Roderick looked great and had some sick, quick combinations. Tyler looked like, well, Tyler. Also, the amount of heat Tyler got with the "You cant see me" and STF was incredible. After Roderick won, I was surprised to see Tyler go out the way he did.

On a side note, the fans were great last night. Like I said, this was my first ROH PPV and the fans played a big role in it. I was laughing at the "Kill the Kid" and "You sick fuck" chants. The whole thing was really good.
Well first off, my opinion of the show. Not as good as Death Before Dishonor 8 but still an amazing show. WWE and TNA wish they could top that and thats coming from someone who has been watching wrestling for 15 years. Granted GoFightLive had trouble again all night. It froze more than once and the sound quality was pretty terrible. Its a shame Dave Prazak had other commitments with Shimmer.

Note: I tried my hardest not to include spoilers.

Kenny King vs. Jay Briscoe
- All I can say is decent opener, had to restart my comp half way through the match.

Rhett Titus vs. Mark Briscoe
- Another decent match, didnt expect much out of the Briscoes in singles action and these two matches showed why Titus and King should stick to tags.

The Embassy (Erick Stevens & Necro Butcher) vs. Grizzly Redwood & Ballz Mahoney
- Probably the worst match of the night. It was decent and Ballz got his normal spots in. Grizzly Redwood is pretty good at selling, never really noticed. Im still waiting for Erick Stevens to catch a good break but at least he is relevant in the Embassy.

Colt Cabana & El Generico vs. Kevin Steen & Steve Corino
- Loved it. It had the perfect feel of a grueling match. Just brutal and bloody and lived up to expectation. Some pretty good spots within and Steen shined once again. Had a feelin Generico would get unmasked to continue the fued. Also it was a good idea to include Colby Corino within the match. You never see heel wrestlers with their kids.One downfall was that 3-4 out of the last 7 minutes the connection was lost.

Eddie Edwards vs. Shawn Daivari
- Another solid match. Eddie continues to improve. Sure it was for the TV title but they covered up for it decently it wasent really that bad of booking. Had a nice finish with the Achielles lock but I cant stand when they tap out within 2 seconds.

Daniels vs. Austin Aries
- The disappointment of the night. It was a solid match but they really could have done more with it. Very cool finish though.

The Kings of Wrestling vs. The Worlds Greatest Tag Team
- Just awesome. It lived up to what i expected. The crowd was extremely behind it and even better Haas and Benjamin had great showings. And I dont know when Haas got ripped but it was a shock. Probably my favorite match of the night and after the WGTT had an entertaining moment with Hagadorn.

Tyler Black vs. Roderick Strong
- Really solid main event. They went right after it from the start and wasted no time. Great heel work from Tyler and Terry Funk wasent really needed but he added to the match. I was very surprised with the finish. And below will be my spoiler thoughts.

All in all a very good PPV. Not their best but way better than anything WWE and TNA have produced this year. Only thing that dragged it down was GFL's tech problems.

So, your thoughts?
Another company's leftovers? In case you forgotten, Homicide was in ROH first and was a former world champ there. So he's hardly what I'd call TNA leftovers. Calling a guy that doesn't really apply when they come back to where they were in the first place. That's why you can't really say that about Christopher Daniels either. Decent PPV despite the connection problems. I agree that the lackluster match of the whole line-up was Balls Mahoney and Grizzly Redwood vs. The Embassy. It would have been more interesting if they kept up that it was Butcher's Rules because of the thing with Necro Butcher a while back.

I'm happy with Roderick Strong winning the belt, albeit I would have liked it to have been without the House of Truth. But Roderick being the champ leaves room for plenty of great matches such as Christopher Daniels, Homicide or Davey Richards. I'm making the prediction that either we'll see Davey Richards go for the World Title and win it or we'll see the Kings of Wrestling vs the American Wolves. I personally wouldn't mind either result
as thus far, ROH is producing some damn good Tag Team wrestling. You got the Kings of Wrestling, The Briscoes, The Dark City Fight Club, Haas and Benjamin, the American Wolves. Nice to know it's not truly a lost art.

Strong's combo I'll agree was sick and just awesome to watch. Love to see where ROH goes from here
Technical issues aside, this was a really good show. Not quite as good as Death Before Dishonor, but still a really good show. The two matches involving the Briscoes and the All Night Express were solid and were a nice way to open the show. Sometimes I get super annoyed by the New York crowd, but the "You Killed Kenny" chant was hilarious. The Embassy vs Redwood and Mahoney was a fun brawl. It wasn't meant to be anything special, but it did what it should do.

Now on to the match I was waiting to see, the Double Chain Match. It's a shame the stream died, because this was a very good match. The warning before the match was great. The segment after the match was completely awesome. I actually got me a scream when Steen removed Generico's mask. Then when he recreated his shirt in the ring, it was pure gold.

Edwards and Daivari was eh. I'm glad they didn't do anything weird with Daivari since it was 9/11. It was an okay match. Daniels and Aries was slightly disappointing, but the ending was cool.

The Kings of Wrestling vs Haas and Benjamin was fantastic. Shelton looked gassed at the end of the match, but he was still able to hit all the athletic spots we wanted to see. The ending left a bad taste in my mouth. I understand why they did it, and it's fine. But they missed the winning shot with the camera. but overall, a very, very good match.

The main event was another disappointment. It seems like they had a match in mind, but decided to go at 3x the pace they were intending to go at. Tyler Black was great as a heel. "You can't see me" was funny. In the end, Roddy hit a good little combination of moves for the win and became the new champion!

After the match, Homicide made his triumphant return. He stared down Roddy as the show ended.

Oh yeah, Davey Richards had an amazing interview. And he's staying! I got me a "YES!!" when he revealed he staying. At Final Battle, it's Davey Richards vs Roderick Strong for the title! Hot damn!

Before this show, the future of Ring of Honor was being questioned. But this show set the next few months up perfectly.
The reason the Aries v Daniels match was disappointing was because Aries got injured early on in the contest. It looks like he came up limping after a leap to the outside of the ring, and was pretty gimpy for the rest of the match. I'm sure they had to make changes on the fly and improvise the booking a bit, certainly lead to some awkward moments the first 2-3 minutes after it happened. If you watch again, you'll notice that Aries tries to not leave the center of the ring and keeps his movement to a minimum.

Just a testament to Aries toughness that he still finished the match and pulled off some big spots after the ankle injury. I'm sure it wasn't a serious injury, but bad enough that it affected their match and hampered his mobility quite a bit.
Here's my personal review of the show...

ROH Glory by Honor IX 2010

So I liked how my last review came out, so this may just become a regular thing. This is a big show for ROH as it features the debut of Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas taking on Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli in a dream tag team match, as well as featuring a big ROH World title match between Tyler Black and Roderick Strong. We've also got the (seemingly neverending) continuation of the El Generico-Kevin Steen feud with a double chain match involving Colt Cabana and Steve Corino, and Eddie Edwards is set to defend his TV title against Shawn Daivari. We're live and sold out at the Manhattan center and the crowd is right fired up as always. Keep in mind that there were some issues with the live stream of this internet-only PPV, so there may be a few moments here and there I may not be able to view, as reportedly there were stream problems during the end of the double chain match. I'll try to do my best to give you a taste of the show anyways.

We open with the ring announcer running down the card and announcing the officials, before holding a moment of silence in recognition of all those who perished on 9/11, which is a nice moment. The crowd even gets into it with a "USA!" chant, which is simply bizarre to hear from an ROH crowd.

Kenny King vs. Jay Briscoe
The Briscoes and the All-Night Express have been feuding on and off for awhile now, so tonight the teams are split up and facing each other in singles competition. Kenny King is a guy that you should keep an eye on as he has all the potential and talent to become a bonafide star in the wrestling business. Quick lockup to start and the usual exchange of feeling out moves for these two guys to get us started. Crowd is definitely behind Jay here, as at this point he's an ROH veteran. Some great, fast-paced action in the opening minutes gets the crowd fired up as any good opener should. Eventually Jay goes for the Jay Driller but King reverses it into a stiff enziguri before finishing him off with the Royal Flush at 7:40. Fast paced and fun stuff from these two in the opener, but too short to mean anything. **1/2

After the match Rhett Titus comes to the ring and they put the boots to Jay until Mark comes out for the save, which leads us right into our next match...

Rhett Titus vs. Mark Briscoe
And now onto Kenny King's much less interesting and talented partner, Rhett Titus. Give him credit though, he does have one of the best looks in wrestling. Mark comes out firing on all cylinders against Rhett in the early stages of the match before trying to wear him down with forearms and submissions which only seems to anger Rhett as he takes off his spiffy little bow tie and tosses it to the crowd. Rhett takes the advantage from here and doesn't let up an inch, coming back from every move Jay tries to give him and reversing them. This is actually starting to pick up now as Mark attempts a suplex to Titus off the apron but it's blocked, Rhett falls to the floor which gives Mark the chance to climb to the top rope and perform a beautiful somersault senton onto Titus on the outside, which the crowd loves. Back inside they jockey for position on the top rope but Mark grabs Rhett and gives him a nasty Ace Crusher from the top rope! They exchange forearms and various roll-ups here until Kenny King gets on the apron and tries to distract Mark to no avail as Rhett winds up on Mark's shoulders and becomes the victim of a BURNING HAMMER for the three count at 9:34. Thank goodness Titus didn't kick out of the burning hammer as I absolutely hate it when guys kick out of insane finishing moves like that. This was better than the first match as both guys were willing to bump around at a fast pace and the crowd ate it up, but again the match was a bit too short and too unorganized in it's execution to earn itself a higher rating. **3/4

Backstage we see Balls Mahoney who briefly puts over the company while dismissing what they're doing in Florida and Connecticut (AKA TNA and the WWE). Why again are you insulting a company you worked for only a month ago (TNA) Balls? They gave you a PPV spot, which is more than you deserve at this point. I have no idea why ROH would want to book Balls Mahoney on their show in the year 2010. Surely there are better wrestlers you could bring in.

Prince Nana says he didn't come to New York City for "balls"...which is just strange. He throws in another gay pun or two as I suppose this is our set-up for the awful match we're about to see.

Necro Butcher/Erick Stevens vs. Ballz Mahoney/Grizzly Redwood
Oh dear lord kill me now. Redwood is a guy that's mediocre on his best day and is another very questionable use of a roster spot, throw him in there with Mahoney and Necro and we're going to have a clusterfuck of awfulness before us. This quickly breaks down as all four men brawl outside of the ring and "ECW!" chants begin ringing out. Come on guys, just let ECW rest in peace will you? This match can't be taken seriously really as Ballz begins smashing cups of beer into Erick Stevens' face and working his trademark spots. They actually get back into the ring though and attempt to wrestle. Grizzly leaps from the top for a cross body block but Stevens just grabs him and calmly tosses him all the way outside of the ring onto the concrete floor! Pretty nasty bump there. Necro for some strange reason is wearing a Tampa Bay Devil Rays jersey (#3, Evan Longoria specifically) and looks simply bizarre, but I suppose that's normal for Necro. Back inside they continue to double team Grizzly until he gets the hot tag to Ballz who cleans house and goes for the three with the frog splash, but Necro kicks out. They semi-botch a pin attempt as the ref definitely counted to three, but Stevens rolls back in and delivers a variation of a German suplex for the win at 7:36. Not as bad as it could have been and they kept it short and had Stevens pin Ballz clean, so I really can't complain about the booking either. *1/2

Double Chain Match: Kevin Steen/Steve Corino vs. El Generico/Colt Cabana
This is chapter 50 or something of the neverending Steen/Generico feud, which some have gotten mighty sick of, but I still enjoy for the pure hate and intensity all four men bring to this feud and angle. These men have had many absolute wars over the year 2010 so far, and I expect this to be no less brutal. Coin flip to start to see who gets to pick who they're chained to, which Generico & Cabana win. This is going to be interesting as I don't think I've ever seen a double chain match in any promotion, nor can I recall one. They quickly take this to the outside and the brawling begins. I think this might actually FINALLY be the blow-off match here, but then again we could see these teams meet again a month from now. Steen blades on the outside while Cabana dominates Corino inside the ring, which leads to Corino blading as we're less than five minutes into the match and the blood is already flowing which is either a good or bad thing depending on your taste for hardcore wrestling and brawling The chains begin to come in use as Cabana gets lacerated on one side of the ring while Generico has his chain wrapped around his neck by Steen, almost like a dog collar. I'm pretty sure even Generico is bleeding at this point, though you obviously couldn't tell. Steen and Generico settle down into an actual solid wrestling match inside the ring while Corino and Cabana brawl outside, eventually Generico is able to deliver an exploder suplex to Steen into the corner! Nice to see some actual wrestling holds with all of the blood and brawling thus far. Steen slides out and Generico meets him with a somersault plancha outside of the ring while Cabana simultaneously dropkicks a chair into Corino's face. Very cool looking spot there, but it only gets two. Cabana and Generico really want to end this though, so they grab a table from under the ring and set it up outside. Generico goes to the top but Steen YANKS him off the top and through the table by pulling on the chain! Cabana starts pummeling away on Corino until Corino's 14 year old son Colby comes out and breaks the chain connecting Steen and the out-of-it Generico, allowing Steen to come in and take advantage of Cabana. Steen and Corino end up tying up Cabana in the ring----and the stream dies. Jeez you'd think a professional company like GoFightLive would be able to stream these shows without error for their PAYING customers, but I guess not. What a total letdown to miss the rest of this match, as it was certainly bordering on the ***+ range. Guess we'll have to wait for the DVD to see the finish of that match. N/A

When we return Jim Cornette is in the ring and informs the crowd that Davey Richards has decided to resign with ROH after his current contract finishes up at the end of the year, which the crowd loves. Cornette says that the main event of Final Battle will be whoever holds the ROH World title at that time defending against Davey Richards! If I was a betting man I'd put quite the hefty sum on Davey winning the ROH title at Final Battle. On with the second half of the show.

ROH Television Title Match
Eddie Edwards vs. Shawn Daivari

Before the match Nana cuts a promo talking about his "mahogany balls", which is thankfully cut short by Eddie Edwards entrance. Daivari actually worked a few ROH shows before he was signed by the WWE so it wouldn't be right to label him as a reject of sorts, but I still don't think he deserves the push he's received thus far in ROH. Typical lock up to start as they exchange wristlocks and other holds, testing out the waters. Edwards gains the upper hand pulling out some of his usual maneuvers before missing a spear and flying into the steel ring post. Outside Daivari begins smashing Edwards hand into the steel barrier as well as the announcer's table, working on both the hand and arm, which Edwards has a history of injury with. This doesn't stop Edwards from hitting a beautiful superplex on Daivari however. These two actually have pretty good chemistry together, and their execution has been crisp and sharp. Eventually Edwards begins busting out moves from his offensive arsenal on Daivari including a sick Shining Wizard, but still Daivari fights back and turns Eddie inside-out with the lariat. Eddie grabs the leg however and throws on the single leg crab for the submission victory at 7:02. Exciting exhibition for Edwards here, but nothing particularly memorable. **1/2

Austin Aries vs. Christopher Daniels
Now THIS is more like it, this should be good. Daniels has looked excellent in his return to ROH and has been picking up steam and victories en route to this match with Aries tonight. Aries gets on the mic and talks about how Daniels gave him his nickname of Double A based on his initials, and proposes that the crowd refer to Daniels by his initials, C.D., because just like the compact disc Daniels too is becoming obsolete. That's got to burn! Quick rollups and wristlocks exchange to start us off, with Aries taking the early advantage in the match over the veteran Daniels while the crowd has dueling "Austin Aries!" and "Fallen Angel!" chants which just seem to get louder and louder as the match progresses, until it eventually morphs into a "Fuck TNA!" chant. Gotta love those insufferable smarks. Daniels goes for the Angel's Wings early, but Aries counters out of it only to be met with a Blue Thunder Driver from Daniels. Daniels shoots Aries outside and goes for his trademark Arabian Press moonsault but Aries slides back into the ring letting Daniels crash to the floor until Aries turns right around and delivers a tope in a very cool looking spot. Back inside these two exchange holds until Daniels puts Aries in the Koji Clutch, but Aries is able to get to the ropes. Some dipshit fan chants "UFC!"Um, no, try PRIDE. Aries hits the crucifix driver and a brainbuster followed with the 450 Splash but none of this can put Daniels away. Eventually Daniels is able to take the advantage as the two battle on the top rope until Daniels hits a SUPER Angel's Wings from the top rope for the win at 13:23. Just a thoroughly enjoyable contest from start to finish with Aries doubting Daniels abilities and paying for it in spades (or Angel's Wings, in this case). Certainly the best wrestling match of the night thus far. ***1/2

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
Chris Hero/Claudio Castagnoli vs. Shelton Benjamin/Charlie Haas

This would be the reason most people are watching this show for, myself included as this has been one of the biggest hyped matches for ROH all summer long. Shelton and Charlie come out to AC/DC's "T.N.T." and a great reaction from the crowd who welcomes them with open arms basically. World's Greatest Tag Team is a pretty long name to chant, so it sounds a bit strange when the ROH fans chant just that. Shelton and Claudio start it off, as this is just an intense lock-up if I've ever seen one. Shelton hits a quick snap suplex, almost shocking Claudio with his strength. Hero and Haas both tag in as we get a standoff of some stiff chops. Shelton shows off his trademark agility by leaping straight to the top rope with a springboard. Shelton and Claudio exchange monkey flips, which Shelton undoubtedly wins as Claudio lands badly on his neck. Things start to break dwon here as WGTT goes for one of their trademark double team moves, but Hero saves Claudio before they can deliver the maneuver, pissing the crowd off big time. See kids, that's how you work a crowd. Back inside Claudio gets a nasty T-Bone suplex from Haas while Shelton and Hero go at it outside. Claudio continues to try and outwrestle the two former amateur wrestling champions, and somewhat succeeds with an elevated gut-wrench suplex. Shelton begins to get taken advantage of by the KOW and their double team maneuvers, but Shelton hits them with a double suplex! Charlie is DYING for the tag in the corner, in classic tag team fashion, finally, HOT TAG to Charlie and a tilt-a-whirl headscissors to Claudio. Haas shows us his House of Fire and starts tossing Claudio around with several different kinds of suplexes before throwing him onto Shelton's shoulders in midair for a death valley driver! Beautiful double team execution there, but it's not enough for three. The Kings of Wrestling decide to one up them in double team maneuvers by having Claudio slingshot Benjamin into a NASTY burning elbow from Hero, as if to say "anything you can do I can do better" to the World's Greatest Tag Team. Haas and Shelton will have none of this however and again attempt to hit the same trademark double-team move they missed earlier, but this time they hit the move on the Kings of Wrestling, trumping them at their own game of one-upsmanship. Haas tries to straddle Claudio on the turnbuckle but is met with a forearm, which gives Shelton the chance to sprint and then LEAP from the mat to the top rope to perform a belly-to-belly overhead suplex on Claudio, which the crowd goes absolutely INSANE for! Haas puts Claudio into the Liontamer (or the "Haas of Pain" as he's calling it) but Shane Hagadorn comes out and distracts the ref who misses Claudio tapping out and gives Hero the chance to put on the loaded elbow pad which he drives right into Haas' throat and drapes Claudio's arm over Charlie for the tainted victory at 20:40. The ending here might anger some people because of how frequently the Kings have used this finish, but it was again the right decision to make here as you still make the World's Greatest Tag Team look like a million bucks in a loss while the Kings of Wrestling retain their titles. The match itself lived up to the hefty dream match expectations many of us had bestowed upon it, with the Kings trying to beat Shelton and Charlie at their own game (wrestling) and not being able to, and thus having to resort to their cheating tactics to pick up the win. Shelton and Haas both looked absolutely phenomenal in this match while Hero and Claudio gain even more heat for cheating the fans out of another clean finish. I'd call this match a rousing success on all fronts. ****

After the match WGTT clear the ring and the fans chant "Please Come Back!" while Hagadorn finds himself all alone between Charlie and Shelton. They totally beat down and humiliate him to the crowd's absolute delight. They grab the ROH tag titles, perhaps foreshadowing? They're certainly planting the seeds for a tag title run for these two with this finish.

And here you'd think that would be the end of the show, but alas, no, we still have the main event. Terry Funk comes out to the ring as he's going to be our special guest enforcer for the following no disqualification ROH World Heavyweight title match. Jim Cornette has also joined the commentary team, much to my delight.

No DQ ROH World Heavyweight Title Match
Tyler Black vs. Roderick Strong

OOTyler comes out to a chorus of boos, though that's not surprising, as he's been bragging about his recent WWE contract signing and teasing the fans with the possibility of taking the ROH World title with him to the WWE. Although the outcome of this match could not be more obvious, it should be a solid contest as these two had a **** match earlier in the year at Supercard of Honor, throw in the drama, the stipulation, and Terry Funk and we've got ourselves a recipe for a good main event here. Crowd chants "NXT!" at Tyler Black, but the jokes on them because NXT will be likely off the air by the time Black reports to the WWE. Fast paced action to start off with lock-ups and several roll-up attempts. Tyler has really excelled now that ROH is letting him turn heel as he leaves the company, as he plays up to the crowd and mocks Roderick Strong. These two aren't wasting any time as they exchange chops and boots. Tyler plays up his heel role, poking Roderick in the eye and giving the New York crowd the middle finger several times. These fans have been dying to hate Tyler and now that they have the excuse to, they're really giving him heat. They exchange strikes again until Roddy accidentally takes out the referee with a nasty Shining Wizard! Terry Funk gets into the ring and tosses the ref out of the ring, peeling off his own T-shirt to reveal a referee shirt! Yep, this Terry Funk fan just marked the fuck out. Tyler hits Roddy with the ROH title belt and hits God's Last Gift! 1-2-NO! Somehow Roderick Strong kicks out. Tyler ties Roderick up in the tree of woe and goes for the double stomp but Roddy moves out of the way and puts Tyler into the Strong-Hold! Tyler counters into a pinning combination for two however. This is getting wild now as the House of Truth hits the ring, where Terry meets them with some stiff forearms to my wild amusement. Tyler dishes out a pair of buckle-bombs and superkicks to Roderick and goes for the phoenix splash but misses, letting Roderick Strong hit some of his custom-made backbreakers on Tyler Black before finishing with a sick kick for the win and his first ROH World Heavyweight title at 15:14! Even though everyone knew that Tyler was dropping the belt here, these two still delivered an entertaining match even if it wasn't on par with their earlier encounter in the year. Roderick getting the win is something alot of people may not have seen coming and it's risen almost our of circumstance, but he's busted his ass for years in the company, he's a great worker and he'll be a damn fine champion for ROH. Very good way to cap off the show. ***1/2

After the match Roderick Strong celebrates his first ROH world title win. Cary Silkin quickly shakes his hand and shuffles away. Surprisingly the fans give Tyler a "Thank You Tyler!" chant, and just when you think he's going to shake Roddy's hand for his farewell...he gives him the finger.

The lights flicker out. Kevin Kelly (accurately) reminds everyone that they've been having technical difficulties all night so this isn't exactly shocking. Suddenly the opening notes of Homicide's music plays and the crowd EXPLODES! Homicide comes out looking like a Havana street thug of old and makes his way to the ring where he and Roderick Strong stand off as the PPV fades to black.

The Bottom Line: Overall a solid show, though the first half definitely dragged a bit. Not quite as good as a few of their last iPPV offerings, but nevertheless a memorable and great show featuring the debut of Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas in a dream tag match that delivered, as well as a solid world title match and midcard. I'd certainly be able to rate this higher if technical issues hadn't prevented me from being able to watch the finish to the Double Chain match, but as it stands this was a good show and well worth the $15 they charge for the PPV.

Score: 7.5/10
This was my first time watching an entire ROH card.

I had heard many great things about ROH, and I was not dissappointing.

The only match that I would say was bad was Balls/Redwood Vs Necrobutcher & Stevens, and that was too awful.

Cant wait to see more of this promotion
This was my very first ROH show in NYC and I was blown away by how great the atmosphere was (TV tapings are something totally different- I almost forgot what a real ROH show was like!). I was not aware that there were the technical issues for those who ordered the PPV- it's a shame because the show was solid from front to back. Some highlights for me:

**There was one match which was less than stellar, namely, Balls/Redwood v. Necro/Stevens but it still wasn't terrible. Balls got a great reception and the crowd remained enthusiatic for him throughout the match.

**The chain v. chain match was absolutely fantastic as far as hardcore matches go. Corino and Steen are both truly insane and it was obvious from the start that it was going to be crazy.

**The title match was short and sweet though solid. It came and went with no real high point until the return of Homicide. As much as I marked out for his return, I felt bad for Strong who's victory was completely overshadowed.

**The highlight of the night was undoubtedly KOW v. WGTT. I think most people there had great anticipation for the ROH debut of the WGTT and they did not disappoint. Both teams had a great match which I think put both teams over. We even had a teaser at the end of the match which leads us to believe that the WGTT may become frequent ROH flyers.

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