ROH Final Battle 2010 Discussion Thread

Joe's Gonna Kill You

The Hunt is On
Heres the Card






Non Title Match
ROH World TV Champion Eddie Edwards vs. Kenny Omega

Women of Honor- Tag Team Challenge Match
Daizee Haze and Awesome Kong vs. Sara Del Rey and Serena Deeb

Scientific Showdown
Colt Cabana Vs TJ Perkins

Tag-Team Challenge Match
All Night Express Vs Adam Cole & Kyle O'Relly

I think that this a pretty solid card and I will be ordering this iPPV at only 15$, I think that it will be pretty good PPV. Thoughts on the iPPV that is this week Discuss.
First, I won't be ordering the IPPV due to the TERRIBLE experience I had with GFL during the last IPPV. However this does look like a solid card and I can't wait for the DVD. Anyway, I can see Homicide over Daniels, The Briscoes taking the six-man, and I have a feeling ROH will surprise alot of us with Strong over Richards. Don't know. I do know that whatever happens with Generico/Steen its gonna have an impact!
Some Bad news.
Ring of Honor officials received an email from Kenny Omega earlier today informing us that he will not be able to compete this weekend due to an injury. Omega dislocated his ankle in training and is unable to put any pressure on it to even walk. We wish Kenny a speedy recovery.

We are currently in search of a replacement for Omega and will have an update on this as soon as possible.

I hope this is not to serious of an injury where he has to miss alot of time so hopefully he will be back soon, I was really looking to his match with Eddie Edwards I though it was going to be a pretty good match. As for his replacement in the match their are many possible choices to take his spot and I'm interested in seeing who takes his spot.

Thoughts on possible replacements? Predictions for all the matches?
I guess I can predict them just for the sake of the thread. Hopefully the PPV hits the tracker as soon as the show is over.

ROH World Title Match
Davey Richards v.s Roderick Strong
-Roderick Strong basically just started this reign. I've grown up with this product and have watched Strong work his ass off for this moment. If they take it away from him now it would throw that whole over the top feud he with Tyler Black right out the window. I expect at least a decent match and maybe a few more between the two down the line. Two solid competitors and I'm sure they will work very hard to make this show stand out.

Fight Without Honor
El Generico v.s Kevin Steen
-This has been a pretty intense feud from what I have seen. I think it would be fitting if El Generico went over and I can't see him without his mask. I think I can see Steen leaving the company before that. El Generico should get a shot at some main events after this encounter.

Six Man Grudge Match
Kings of Wrestling & Shane Hagadorn v.s The Briscoes & Papa
-I don't see the The Briscoes losing after bringing Papa into the mix. I'm a pretty big fan of KOW and yeah I like Hagadorn's antics, I just don't see them pulling it out. I don't know about this feud either, since they already had a very substantial one a few years ago.

ROH Legends Collide
Homicide v.s Christopher Daniels
-Homicide should be looking to take over and I think him returning really set fire to ROH. He should pick up this win while Daniels makes him look like a million bucks.

Non Title Match
ROH World TV Champion Eddie Edwards vs. Kenny Omega
-Since his opponent won't be Omega, I'm sure Edwards is mostly like to retain. Lets throw in someone like Jerry Lynn returning or maybe slipping Shelton Benjamin or Charlie Haas to round out this card. Just a couple guesses.

Women of Honor- Tag Team Challenge Match
Daizee Haze and Awesome Kong vs. Sara Del Rey and Serena Deeb
-I really don't watch any diva matches anymore, so I don't have much of an opinion on this. I just think lately Del Ray has had Kong's number.

Scientific Showdown
Colt Cabana Vs TJ Perkins
-Colt must win this. He is just too ROH for Perkins to handle. Should be a good, short match to showcase both men's abilities, though. I just think Colt will handle him. I think Colt should be used better than this on such a big show anyways.

Tag-Team Challenge Match
All Night Express Vs Adam Cole & Kyle O'Relly
-I don't see this pretty much new team showing up and beating the established All-Night Express. If there was to be a mild upset this could be the match, but this a PPV after all not just a regular ROH TV match or show that is just for DVD release.
So it looks like Sonjay Dutt will replace Kenny Omega this weekend. Decent wrestler but not nearly as exciting as Omega IMO
I like Sonjay Dutt from his TNA work and its been awhile since I have seen wrestle, so I'm still interested in the match even though it probably would have been a better match with Kenny Omega I still think that Sonjay and Omega will have a Good Match. As a last second replacement I think that Dutt is a good choice.
I was at the show and to be honest, I felt like I wasn't too satisfied with this show. The filler matches to me, left a bad taste especially how they opened up the show. I also didn't like how they had random wrestlers who don't even work regularly for ROH, be on the card like Sonjay Dutt and TJ Perkins. What have they ever done to earn a PPV spot at ROH's "biggest" PPV of the year?

I just felt that this show was lacking in quality matches. I mean, the show was exciting at times, but I felt that this show didn't live up to my expectations and that it's not better than Glory By Honor IX. Could've been better....

Match of the night: Kevin Steen Vs. El Generico hands down. It was fucking brutal..
Not there live, but I got the PPV on the Go Fight Live stream. I was highly impressed with the PPV myself, but I wasnt there live. Very little problem with the feed here in Pittsburgh, so I was happy. Here are my thoughts on each match.

1.The All Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus) d. Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly- I didnt know who Cole and O'Reilly were coming into this match, and the match really fell flat to me. The announcers did a nice job focusing on King and Titus and their desire to become tag team champions, but the outcome of this match never felt in doubt. Cole and Reilly made a nice flashy comeback, but were cut off by King and Titus' double powerbomb for the win. Good energy, but the match fell flat as it never seemed in doubt. **.5/5
2. Colt Cabana d. TJ Perkins- A battle of two WWE castoffs. This match far exceeded my expectations as Cabana worked his typical silly style but still showed why he is a technical marvel at times. Perkins impressed me, especially when he flipped out of an armbar and hit a dropkick and then connected with headscissors. Two short to be anything more then filler but it served its purpose well. **.25/5.

3. Sara Del Ray and Serena Deeb d Daisee Haze and Awesome Kong- Good Lord, what a woman's match. How noone has signed Haze yet is beyond me as she's far better then anything WWE has to offer within their women's division. The sick neckbreaker to Serena was sweet, and the ending with Serena hitting the spear on Daisee followed by the double piledrivers for the pin was awesome . It was good to see Kong wrestle again and she was terrific as a monster again, especially with the Implant buster she nailed on Del Ray. All four women were extremely impressive and blew away anything I expected coming in from women's wrestling. ***/5.

4. Eddie Edwards d. Sonjay Dutt. This was probably the match with the most predictable outcome on the card, but I still enjoyed it more then I had any right to. This was a great showcase for Eddie Edwards as a potential future singles main-eventer in ROH. This match started out fast and never slowed down. Dutt was also impressive with the offensive display he brought to the table reminiscent of his X Division days.I loved the ending with Edwards connecting on a double stomp to Dutt's back before hitting a fisherman suplex/powerbomb for the win. The card keeps getting better as it goes along. The only thing that hurt this match was the lack of selling by either man. **.75/5.

I marked out big time for the announcement of Benjamin and Haas coming to ROH in 2011. If they can put on matches the way they did with the KOR at the last PPV, Ill be a happy man.

5. Homicide d Christopher Daniels:
I didnt care for the finishing sequence with the referee bump off the Best Moonsault Ever as it allowed Homicide to pick up a somewhat tainted win in his first PPV match since returning to ROH, but Homicide continues his march to an ROH World Title shot. But a smooth, competitive match before the odd finish. Both men look reborn since their return to ROH. ***/5.

6.The Briscos and Papa Brisco d The Kings of Wrestling and Shane Hagadorn.: Holy hell, what a great match. I was shocked when Papa Brisco pulled off the headscissors on Hagadorn at the beginning of the match, and it only got better from there. The only issue I had with the match was when Hero hit the roaring elbow on Papa Briscoe which should have knocked him out not being a "wrestler.", The ending was fitting with the brothers Briscoe setting up the Doomsday Device on Shane and Papa jumping off the top to nail Hagadorn with a clothesline. A great conclusion to an awesome feud. ***.5/5.

7. Roderick Strong d defeated Davey Richards to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Championship: Davey's my favorite wrestler, so getting to see him wrestle for 30 minutes, win or lose, is well worth the price of the PPV itself. This match delivered as well, as Strong kicking out of the SSP was impressive, as was the counters and reversals with various submission holds at the end. Davey being KO'd by referee decision to the modified Lion Tamer(?) at the end was an odd finish, as was the announcement that Richards had a concussion. Richards sold the shock that he had lost well, but this was a good way to put Strong over without making Richards look weak. I generally am not a fan of this type of finish, but it was passable, and otherwise an excellent match. ****/5.

8. El Generico d Kevin Steen in a match without honor to force Steen out of Ring of Honor: This should be a feud of the year nominee, without a doubt. I expected a bloodbath from this match, and it certainly delivered that. Steen's powerbomb to Generico on the edge of the stage was sick, and really set the tone for the match. Steen plays the role of the sick bastard better then anyone Ive seen, especially when he smiled as he licked his own blood. The "without honor" stipulation was certainly in full effect, including interference by Cabana on Generico's part, and Steve Corino doing the same for Steen. They knocked two refs out in breaking up pins, and Cabana and Generico each delivered a chair shot apiece to Steen's head, the second of which lead to the decisive pinfall. Unprotected chairshots to the head just shouldnt happen in 2010, even within the context of this match. Still an awesome match storytelling wise, and a fitting main event. ****.5/5.

Final Thoughts: None of these matches were bad, and this may have been the best women's match Ive seen in a long time. Several feuds were definitively put to rest(Briscoes vs KOR, Generico vs Steen), so it should be interesting to see where each party goes from here. Im not a fan of the lack of selling that happens often in ROH, but the big matches really delivered. Richards gets an out and another possible title opportunity due to his "concussion", but several other challengers possibly await Roderick Strong in the form of Eddie Edwards and Homicide. The Generico/Steen match was brutal as expected, and not for the faint of sight, but definitely the match of the night. The chair shots to the head bothered me, but it was a fitting main event. The PPV really delivered for me on most levels, and definitively worth the $14.99 and a high recommendation to watch the replay when available.

Overall ROH Final Battle gets a solid 7.5/10 from me.
ANX vs. Cole/O'Reilly- ***1/2 Really Good Opener and a Excellent way to start the PPV

Cabana vs. Perkins- **3/4 Decent Match Cabana worked in his silly stuff and he also showed off his technical ability

Del Rey and Serena Deeb vs. Haze and Kong *** Pretty good women's match and one the best women's matches I've seen this year

Edwards vs Dutt- *** Dutt was a good substitute for Omega, match was good but I think it would have been even better if was Edwards vs Omgea. I would like to see Eddie Edwards get a shot in the Main Event

Homicide vs. Daniels- *** Was another good match but I was a little disappointed because I thought it could be even but It was still a good match

Kings of Wrestling vs. Briscoes- ***1/2 I thought was pretty stupid adding Hagadorn and Papa Briscoe before the match, but I was completely shocked with how great Papa Briscoe looked! Hitting the Hurricarana on Claudio, a lip lock on Sara Del Rey which got her barred from ringside, the Stunner and the Doomsday device were all awesome Really Good Tag match and better than I expected because of how well I thought Papa Briscoe did.

Strong vs. Richards ****1/2 Superb match. I'm glad Strong won seeing how he just won the Belt both men looked Great and this was just a Great match between two really good wrestlers and

Steen vs. Generico- ****1/2 Superb storytelling. I thought the ending was great, Steen begging for mercy whilst giving Generico back his mask, it all made sense. To add to that, the match was extremely brutal and they truely did beat the hell out of each other Great Match and the Perfect way to end the feud.

Final Thoughts: This was a GREAT PPV and I'm very glad that I paid 15$ for this PPV and would have gladly spent 45-50$ for this show. Every match was good and the two Main Events were Great matches what more could ask for.

Overall Rating for Final Battle 2010:A
Cant really find the right word to describe the ROH product this past year. As someone who has seen every WWE, TNA and ROH ppv this year, ROH blows the other companies out of the water, and last night was no different. I feel like I robbed ROH for only paying $15 for it. WWE and TNA should be charging $15 for their ppvs and ROH should be charging 40 for this quality. Amazing stuff.

And I really hope Steen isnt gone for sure. If it was WWE I wouldnt believe it, but I trust ROH's word.
7. Roderick Strong d defeated Davey Richards to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Championship: Davey's my favorite wrestler, so getting to see him wrestle for 30 minutes, win or lose, is well worth the price of the PPV itself. This match delivered as well, as Strong kicking out of the SSP was impressive, as was the counters and reversals with various submission holds at the end. Davey being KO'd by referee decision to the modified Lion Tamer(?) at the end was an odd finish, as was the announcement that Richards had a concussion. Richards sold the shock that he had lost well, but this was a good way to put Strong over without making Richards look weak. I generally am not a fan of this type of finish, but it was passable, and otherwise an excellent match. ****/5.

I was there and I was pretty close to Davey Richards and I don't think it was a work. His face was so glazed over and I'm almost positive he seriously got a concussion. The guy who Davey trained was either the best actor ever or seriously concerned about the health of his friend. I'm pretty convinced that everything that happened after the match was legit.
Just finished watching this show very good show that started off slow but more than paid off with the double main event.

Show started off with a bang as the All Night Express vs. O'Reilly/Cole was just the kind of fast-paced, exciting match up to get the show started with a bang. Card dragged a bit from here, with a bit too many matches being spread too thin, but the show picked up again with the meeting of two ROH legends in Homicide and Christopher Daniels. I marked the FUCK out seeing Julius Smokes again, bringing me back to the old Rottweiler days. I was severely pissed the match was so short, but it was good for what we got. KOW and Hagadorn vs. the Briscoe family was a whole mess of fun, not as much of a blow-off match as the KOW and Briscoes have been having for months, but a great transition match into the double main event.

Roddy-Davey, as expected, delivered an incredibly hard-fought and stiff match only slightly marred by an abrupt ending. I'm fairly certain Davey suffered a legit injury from the match, rumors of a concussion flying around. Excellent match though, their best against each other to date I'd say.

And finally, Generico/Steen. Pitch-perfect way to end a feud that had started to drag on a bit too long, but everything about the match was god damn perfect, over-the-top, violent, brutal, incredible spots, insane crowd, and pitch-perfect storytelling. Perfect way to cap off this feud and to close the year out in general.

Overall, awesome show. Here are my match ratings:

ROH Final Battle 2010
12/18/10 Kenny King/Rhett Titus vs. Kyle O'Reilly/Adam Cole - ***
12/18/10 Colt Cabana vs. TJ Perkins - **
12/18/10 Sara Del Rey/Serena Deeb vs. Amazing Kong/Daizee Haze - **1/2
12/18/10 Sonjay Dutt vs. Eddie Edwards - **3/4
12/18/10 Homicide vs. Christopher Daniels - ***
12/18/10 Chris Hero/Claudio Castagnoli/Shane Hagadorn vs. Jay Briscoe/Mark Briscoe/Papa Briscoe - ***1/4
12/18/10 Davey Richards vs. Roderick Strong - ****
12/18/10 El Generico vs. Kevin Steen (Fight Without Honor) - ****1/2

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