ROH brings back "Defy or Deny"

Papa Pillman

I've got more Ho's than Jim Duggan
ROH announced on its official website yesterday that it will bring back the "Defy or Deny" match concept for only the second time.

The Jan. 19th show in Milwaukee will be headlined by the four way elimination match that will feature World Champ Kevin Steen, Michael Elgin, Roderick Strong, and Eddie Edwards.

The "Defy or Deny" concept is quite simple: Steen faces off in an elimination style four corners match against three men that he has already successfully defended against and if Edwards, Strong, or Elgin wins("Defying" the champions reign) they will receive a guarunteed future shot at the ROH World Title but if Steen comes out the victor then the man he last pins("denies") to win will never get another World Title match as long as Steen stays champion.

The only other time this match was used was March of 2011 with then World Champion Roderick Strong facing Homicide, El Generico, and Jay Briscoe. Strong succeeded, "denying" El Generico any future title opportunities while Roderick was champion.

So the question is what do you think of the "Defy or Deny" concept? And what do you see happening in Milwaukee?

I like that they are bringing this match back, but I really don't know how they are going to play it with the booking. I can't see Eddie getting the victory as I expect his and Davey's main focus will be on the tag division this coming year, but I could defintely see either Elgin or Strong coming up with the "defiance". Elgin had such a great match with Steen that I could see them wanting to set that back up, while Strong winning and making this match his "bread and butter" would also be interesting booking. Conversely, I could see Strong or Elgin preventing the other from being able to get the victory and insuring that Steen goes over, to continue to progress their feud.

The only problem I see with Steen going over in this match is that Davey Richards and Jay Lethal have both already been banned from receiving future shots while Steen is champ, and eliminating a third top card competitor from title contention seems like overkill, and could also hinder booking possibilities if Steen's reign continues for months down the line.
It's not a bad concept... but it would work better if the future booking included a way for the guy who gets denied a title shot to somehow work his way into a position where he gets one extra shot... and then wins it all.

Have Steen (I don't watch ROH, but he's heel isn't he?) cheat his way to the final pinfall, and then do the underdog babyface gimmick where the guy he beats fights his way into another event where the winner gets a title shot (that he's initially banned from), then he overcomes the odds in that event to win and get the title shot.

Kind of a Rocky-esque storyline that could really build up a new face champ.

Like I said, I don't watch ROH, don't really know the players here and what their story's are. That's just how I'd use a match concept like this one, just because if you're banning a guy from title shots, you have to do something with him to keep him relevant.
It's not a bad concept... but it would work better if the future booking included a way for the guy who gets denied a title shot to somehow work his way into a position where he gets one extra shot... and then wins it all.

Have Steen (I don't watch ROH, but he's heel isn't he?) cheat his way to the final pinfall, and then do the underdog babyface gimmick where the guy he beats fights his way into another event where the winner gets a title shot (that he's initially banned from), then he overcomes the odds in that event to win and get the title shot.

Kind of a Rocky-esque storyline that could really build up a new face champ.

Like I said, I don't watch ROH, don't really know the players here and what their story's are. That's just how I'd use a match concept like this one, just because if you're banning a guy from title shots, you have to do something with him to keep him relevant.

You are correct that Steen is "technically" a heel; however, the face/heel dynamic as it apllies to his reign is very complex. He is the company's most popular performer and there really isn't a face on the regular roster who the fanbase will root for to beat him. El Generico coming back to face Steen at the Final Battle PPV that just happned worked for ROH because Generico is also very over and missed by the fans, and his storied history with Steen made him an opponent that alot of fans could get behind being the guy to take the belt.

So setting up your scenario doesn't really work with this group of challengers. Eddie and Roddy are former champs, and second reigns are very rare in ROH(Aries in fact has the only one). Also Eddie is probably due to return full time to the tag division. Elgin is the only guy that would possibly make sense to your proposal, and eventually he just yet may be the guy who dethrones Steen, but for now his bookings will more than likely be tied up with Roddy in some way for the forseeable future as they just embarked on the physical portion of their story.

What is ironic however is that though you don't watch the product, the scenario that you put forth is actually close to the one that is playing out between Steen and Lethal. Lethal has been banned from getting another shot at Steen, but due to his strong desire for revenge(which led to the banning to begin with) he is doing whatever he can to try and get the match to get his hands on Steen. He even earned a title shot at the annual Survival of the Fittest tourney, but ROH is not allowing him to exercise that match against Steen. The one big difference with what is going on versus what you were speaking of is that as Lethal chases his chance to get his shot, he is becoming increasingly heel, instead of increasingly face. But ultimately for the fans that makes more sense because the majority of ROH crowds will be rooting against Lethal either way no matter how its booked, so him "heeling-it-up" actually works. And as a bonus, he has become much more interesting, actually displaying something beyond the blandness that had been his calling card prior.
It's an interesting concept.

I'm seeing Elgin win, although they may just have Steen win against Edwards for obvious reasons.

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