Rock Over Cena: Reactions?

Absolutely epic in every way possible. Makes me feel like a kid again. "Anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation" was the tag line back in the AE. Feels like those days are back again.

I do not know what this could possibly mean but it could be a way for Cena to turn heel. On paper, it looks like the story is about Rock and Cena but I think that in reality it is just about Cena and him being pushed to unforseeable limits to embrace the hate. This was probably the final nail in the coffin. It has not been your usual passing of torch feud. I think we can all agree with that at least.

Cena may defeat Rock later sometime, but maybe that will happen with Cena as a heel. A brilliant decision that will lead to some very entertaining television over the course of next year.
Hopefully this leads to lesser number of people propagating the 'SuperCena' arguments.

Including last year's 'Mania, he has lost 6, won 6 and 1 no result at PPVs.
I'm sure we haven't seen the last of The Rock. Cena and Rock will probably have another match at Summerslam or even next year's WrestleMania. WWE sent the fans home happy with Undertaker, Punk, and Rock winning. Cena is already the top guy and a megastar. A win over the Rock wouldn't change one thing. With the loss it makes Cena look human and vulnerable instead of invisible.

If Cena beat the Rock he would basically be the same character we have seen for years that always overcomes the odds without any controversy. Rock has been out of the WWE spotlight for years and hasn't had a major win since WM 19. If Rock will still be around in the WWE for the next year, he needed the win at Mania more then Cena.

Cool, someone else actually gets it. It surprises me that so many are blind to the fact that Cena losing does more for his character and fanbase potential in every possible way than winning would have. Winning would have had no tangible positive effect on the company or Cena going forward. If you turn the smark off it is easy to see that. If they do have another match I am sure people will whine about the once in a lifetime build. I considered it myself but they certainly delivered on that billing and more than likely it was important to make the match as big as possible so that Cena could lose on an indisputably large stage. Wrestling is about storytelling. Sometimes you have to turn the smark off if you ever want to enjoy it. Wrestling has never been about promoting with literally factual statements. It has always been about defensibly aggrandizing the moment.

As for the match there was some brilliant nuance to it. Rock taunted Cena earlier and got caught with an FU (attitude won for now so I'm not adjusting anything) that almost lost him the match. Cena took charge and had Rock down until Rock basically pulled out a superhuman feat when Cena tried to taunt the Rock and got caught with the Rock Bottom for the win. The way their actions mirrored each others throughout the match was done about as well as I have seen in a while.

I don't see why people think Cena has to turn. He would have won if he didn't do something heelish. Why would that mean he now wants to do more of that stuff? That isn't to say they couldn't turn him based off of what happened here if they wanted to though.
For me, it just comes down to being disappointed in seeing my favorite wrestler lose.

About time you found out what that feels like. Imagine going through that as many times as attitude era fans have when Cena was blowing up. Now maybe you understand why we don't particularly like the character.

There is nothing wrong with being disappointed for fan reasons though. However, there is something wrong with then trying to justify what happened being intrinsically wrong through odd smarky statements.
Funny, the same but opposite thing happened to what I predicted. I saw Rocky going for the People's Elbow only to be halted by an AA - SuperCena all the way home.

Never been happier to be wrong.
I was surprised with the result, but didn't mind it.

It sent the fans home happy, and it pretty much guarantees we'll get to see more of The Rock in the upcoming months, which I'm definitely down for. I'm also positive there will be a rematch and that Cena will get his hand raised in that one.
About time you found out what that feels like. Imagine going through that as many times as attitude era fans have when Cena was blowing up. Now maybe you understand why we don't particularly like the character.

There is nothing wrong with being disappointed for fan reasons though. However, there is something wrong with then trying to justify what happened being intrinsically wrong through odd smarky statements.

Despite Cena having lost numerous times before? Yeah get right, your reasons are just as convoluted as extreme Cena apologists. I still don't get why you don't like the character, but stop shoving it down people's throat that you dislike him.
He has!??!?!?! ZOMG! I had no idea :rolleyes:

I do find it amusing that people think the haters are talking about winning vs losing with Cena literally. Talk about missing the point. How did you like that F5? Welcome to mortality.

Well judging how happy you were to see Cena lose and seeing how you're acting now b/c of the F5, I wonder how I could have gotten to that point. I actually didn't mind the reality-altering F-5 that brought the almighty Cena out of the realm of the Gods and into the real world with the rest of us simple minded people.

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