Rock Over Cena: Reactions?

Well, it happened -- WWE decided to put The Rock over John Cena. I'm a fan of both, but I was cheering for Cena all the way. I can see plenty of reasons why WWE went with Rock, but I also feel terrible for Cena. I mean, he's an absolute professional and tonight shows that, but I cannot help but just feel bad. Cena earned this, but in fairness, I don't know what the plan is from here on out... Still, I don't fully understand it.

What did you guys think?
If they are going through with a heel turn like Harthan has been saying, it was a great call. If not, I really don't get why they would do it.
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, contingent on them following through. So much about the finish and the immediate aftermath signals to me that they're going to go through with the Cena heel turn which is brilliant and if this was the beginning of that, they couldn't have picked a better finish. Not just Rock over Cena, but the details - Cena giving in to the hate, trying to hit the People's Elbow, and Rock making him pay for it. Cena's face after the match was perfect. They've got everything in place. All it takes now if for them to color by the numbers and this storyline can explode.
Cena's had a few moments and can have more. Rocky only has his wins over Austin and Hogan and most likely no more chances. Plus Cena got the chance to bury and belittle Rock at every turn. Why not have fun and give Rocky that last hooray for finally coming back?
Cena's had a few moments and can have more. Rocky only has his wins over Austin and Hogan and most likely no more chances. Plus Cena got the chance to bury and belittle Rock at every turn. Why not have fun and give Rocky that last hooray for finally coming back?
No wonder you are a TNA mark, you are dumb.
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, contingent on them following through. So much about the finish and the immediate aftermath signals to me that they're going to go through with the Cena heel turn which is brilliant and if this was the beginning of that, they couldn't have picked a better finish. Not just Rock over Cena, but the details - Cena giving in to the hate, trying to hit the People's Elbow, and Rock making him pay for it. Cena's face after the match was perfect. They've got everything in place. All it takes now if for them to color by the numbers and this storyline can explode.

That scenario would be excellent; I can only hope they follow through with it. I don't hate the finish, I'm happy it wasn't dusty or anything like that, but I won't understand this -- at all -- if this is it.
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, contingent on them following through. So much about the finish and the immediate aftermath signals to me that they're going to go through with the Cena heel turn which is brilliant and if this was the beginning of that, they couldn't have picked a better finish. Not just Rock over Cena, but the details - Cena giving in to the hate, trying to hit the People's Elbow, and Rock making him pay for it. Cena's face after the match was perfect. They've got everything in place. All it takes now if for them to color by the numbers and this storyline can explode.

I would love it but I just think they don't have the balls to do it.
I'd rather have Cena win, for creative to err on the side of safety, than fully commit to the inevitable heel turn, with all the minefields -- the uncertainty -- it would bring.

Alas, the die is cast.
I'm holding out final judgement until the Rock/Cena story concludes. As long as that feud ends with Cena cleanly defeating Rock, and Rock shaking his hand afterwards, I'm fine with this match going to Rock.

If it doesn't, and Rock never puts over Cena, it sucks.
I didn't care about choosing a side, as long as they didn't shake hands at the end. There is no need for them to respect each other as their feud has somewhat spawned from a real feud " cena criticizing Rocky a few years ago"
Thrilled Rock got the win, was completely the right outcome neither of them needed the victory. Cena has been the established face of the company for 8 years he needs no torch, or seal of legitimacy to be passed and making him go over Rock would just have made the many haters hate him even more. At least now he has a chance of earning their respect, it also sets up a very interesting angle seeing how he handles the loss.

Still absolutely buzzing, Rocky ,Rocky!!!
I'm holding out final judgement until the Rock/Cena story concludes. As long as that feud ends with Cena cleanly defeating Rock, and Rock shaking his hand afterwards, I'm fine with this match going to Rock.

If it doesn't, and Rock never puts over Cena, it sucks.

My thoughts exactly.

All these people that are still thinking Cena is gonna turn full on heel are nuts. I know these reasoning may seem silly to some but you don't release a brand new Cena shirt like the one they did today and expect him to turn heel. That shirt screams role model face character and that is what Cena is and should remain. I don't know where the story can go from here but I hope it is not done.
I don't really care for the Rock but it was a great match and I'm fine with him winning. He wrestled a lot better than I expected.
Happy. Very happy.

Did he deserve it? No. Does it make sense in the long haul? Maybe. There is this thing where I basically refer to it as a "Christian Reaction", when Christian lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Randy Orton five days after winning it, everyone blew up, everyone was really angry and life was over. But what happened was, it led to something so much better, so even though I don't fully comprehend the result of The Rock vs. John Cena, my stance is, it may simply lead to a bigger thing.

But asides from that, it's fucking awesome. Team Bring It just brought it, worldwide!
Happy. Very happy.

Did he deserve it? No. Does it make sense in the long haul? Maybe. There is this thing where I basically refer to it as a "Christian Reaction", when Christian lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Randy Orton five days after winning it, everyone blew up, everyone was really angry and life was over. But what happened was, it led to something so much better, so even though I don't fully comprehend the result of The Rock vs. John Cena, my stance is, it may simply lead to a bigger thing.

But asides from that, it's fucking awesome. Team Bring It just brought it, worldwide!

Nah. I still think it was beyond stupid to just take the title from Christian and give it to Orton 5 days later simply because he was the new "locker room leader" and flush a nice moment one week after it happened.
I'm with Stormtrooper, who is making what I would call the logical argument - we don't know if it's over with or not. I think they'll have more matches. We'll see.

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