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Robert Roode Vs. "Cowboy" James Storm: Who Goes Over?


Beer Money, comprised of Robert Roode & Cowboy James Storm, have been, arguably, the best tag team of the second half of this past decade. They, along with the MCMGS and a handful of other teams across various promotions, are really the only reasons why tag team wrestling continues to have any relevance at all among American pro wrestling circles. Beer Money's success as a team is well documented as they're currently n their 4th run as TNA World Tag Team Champions. Both Roode & Storm have had success as tag team wrestlers prior to their partnership with Roode having a couple of runs as one half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions and Storm having 7 runs with those titles.

Now, all that being said, it's just a matter of time before Beer Money splits. Both of them are in their mid 30s and while still young men, I think they're at a point in time where they run the risk of being labeled tag team wrestlers for life. The've both been in TNA for a long time and the older they get without having established themselves as a singles force, I'd say the harder it will be for them to do so. Look at Hernandez and Team 3D for instance. Bully Ray's only saving grace is his promo ability but he's almost 40 and I don't see him as having a singles career that will be remotely as successful as his tag team career. When that happens, the most likely formula for how to proceed next will be for these two former friends and tag team partners to feud with one another. It doesn't always go that way but it usually does and I'd say it most likely will in this case. Another ingredient in this age old formula is that one of the wrestlers almost always comes out of the feud elevated to a level above his former partner.

So, if this particular scenario does come to pass, who should ultimately come out with the upper hand and why?

For me personally, I have to go with Robert Roode. From an overall perspective, I simply think he's the superior of the two. I think Roode is better inside the ring, he's shown to be quite capable on the mic, he has a better overall look & is in far better shape than Storm. When it comes to charisma, that's a harder road to take. Both of them have shown an ability to get the crowd rallied behind them.

Ideally, it'd be nice to see both of these guys come out with their stocks elevated as a result of this feud. That almost never happens, however.
Bobby Roode has charisma, he's brilliant on the mic, fantastic in the ring and has a great look. I hope Roode eventually wins the World Championship, he has main event written all over him. Roode has the potential to become TNA's top heel.

Storm is out of shape. But he has so many things going for him. He has a good gimmick, the best catchphrase in pro wrestling with "Sorry About Your Damn Luck!". He's very entertaining on the mic, and can be good in the ring. He could be a top TNA face.

My Answer: Bobby Roode. He just seems better than Storm in almost every way despite Storm being very talented.
Both of these guys could come out of a feud looking strong - but if I had to elevate one, it'd be Roode because he has more untapped potential.

Storm wouldn't need the win. His persona and catchphrases would get the fans to rally behind him either way.
Ok, this is simple let me set the feud..... Robert Roode VS James Storm..... After losing the tag team titles due to james storms drinking robert roode snaps out beating the shit out of storm.. and sets up a mini feud with robert roode OWNING storm.....after that feud robert roode comes out cuts a promo and says he is was done with Team Canada, then he got rid of storm ending beer money and now he is no longer a member of fortune.. He is going to be Robert Roode and worry about himself...... thus thrusting him into the title picture
it would be nice if both roode & storm got main event pushes on their own after Beer Money ends but i cant see it happening if only one does id have to say it would be Robert Roode the guy is awesome in the ring and ive been saying for years Robert Roode is a future world champion...but James Storm does have alot of talent on his own and if he doesnt get a main event push from a beer money end atleast make him a top mid carder
What I would love to see is a face vs face fude between the two. Both men after being split up are in the main event, they have been working with each other for so long I could see at least 2 great ppv matches. Storm is a great worker in a tag team as I said in another thread, but Roode has proven to me that he can work the singles run.

I would love a face vs face series from the two, because look at this. They are both in the Main event, both want the title. Book them to have a series to see who is better. I don't want another heel vs face I hate you, former tag team partner fude. Make them see who really is better.

It's not that hard, and you could potentially have them back as a tag team at some point in the future.
Call me old school, but I think splitting them up is a bad bad thing. They work well as a team, and that is what they are made to do. Unlike Team 3D which had one person taking all the bumps and basically doing the leg work (Devon) with Bubba really not doing much other then talking on the mic.

You look at MCMG its the same way. They work well as a team. They have great chemistry because of that team environment.

Unlike WWE which loves to support the singles, TNA has proved that they can support the singles and team as well. This is a reminder of how WCW and ECW was for a very long time, until the big corporation in CT bought them both out. What works for WWE doesn't mean it will have to work like that in TNA. I'm a firm believer that splitting up a team just to make them singles is a bad idea especially when they work well as a team.
I suspect a mod will amalgamate this thread and a very similar one asking if people their opinions on James Storm ("James Storm - impressed?) which has now moved into this very area of discussion. I don't want to repeat myself, but I'm a big fan of JH and I'd like him and the rest of y'all to read my feelings on the topic, these can be found through this link. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
They could probably do something with Storm if he was singles, Roode doies have talent I can't deny that but face it the ony people who see potential in him is the IWC.
Wow jericho is being proven right everyday it seems about the iwc, "you all are a flock of sheep" unlike most people hear I look at old tna episodes and from what I seen storm would do fine by himself. Roode I seen and without tracy brookes the man is quite boring. Does "ms. Banks ring a bell". She shouldn't cuz there was nothing memorable about her and him together. Anyways roode does have a great look if he goes back to hpw he was in 2008 I don't see him in the ME but if he twicks it and make it more about himself instead of being a poor mans jbl gimmick then I could possibly see him in the ME. Smdh 2 years ago everyone and there moms were a storm fan now all of a sudden its all about roode.
i totally disagree with most of you. I think james storm has way more potential then roode. James Storm just has a unique look, unique voice, and great on the mic. And not to mention, he just has the it factor. Roode on the other hand doesn't stand out to me. He just seems bland and if it wasn't for storm we wouldn't be talking about roode.
Roode has more potential, therefore put Storm over because he could use it more than Roode.

Just with the way their gimmicks work it would be logical for Roode to be the heel and Storm to be face, so have Roode turn on Storm to split and start a feud. People will want to see Storm beat Roode and get his revenge and then they move on.

Overall Roode will most likely go further (although it depends on TNA who they want to push more) but I do feel Roode is the better of the 2. He cuts a good promo, has a good look, charisma, solid in ring work and so on. Roode can swim more than Storm can in the long run so give Storm the initial push, as long as the feud is good it doesn't really matter to Roode that Storm went over. Janetty went over Michaels a lot of times and it didn't really matter at the end of the day for Michaels.
Roode is the better fit as a heel, when you break up a face tag team the heel member should always get the initial push, see Strikeforce, the Rockers, and Steiners. Idealy you have them break Roode gets over initialy wins the title and the have Roode v Storm for the title. But that would mean pushing homegrown talent. And heaven forbid tna push homegrown talent over 52 year old Sting, acts like losing the title is no big deal Van Dam, Jeff "push as main or near main event level for 20 years and no one sees me as more than mid card fodder" Jarrett, or two guy the WWE wants no part of because of substance abuse in Jeff Hardy and Angle.
Personally I hope not on splitting them. More than likely it will happen, but I wish otherwise. TNA is already seeming to split every tag team they have. Also, my problem is that last time I saw a split with James Storm, it was with Chris Harris in the AMW feud. Problem was neither one really went that far after it. Except for Storm when he and Roode formed Beer Money. i liked Roode in singles but he got a lot of bad rivalries, storylines and with no mid card belt to work with at the time. How can you help to elevate a guy? And I'm one of those that actually liked his catchphrase of "It Pays....To Be Roode."

If I have to pick, I'd say Roode. But I'm hoping the split doesn't happen for a while.
Both of these guys are incredible. I've always compared them to HHH & Austin and I think it is justified through their mannerisms and characters alone.

I always remember the AMW feud and that got many plaudits. Chris Harris seemed to be as talented as Storm(I can't quite believe Harris failed so spectacularly in WWE) and they had a great Death Match to end the feud. When it happens, the BMI split feud will be easy as hell to book and could steal the show if done properly.

Splitting up tag teams is normally bad. The MCMGs have had tension teased and that seems premature. But Roode and Storm are as ready as they will ever be and once they get rid of Immortal, I wouldnt be surprised if they started sowing the seeds. I can't wait to see it and it is inevitable but in some ways, it would be a shame because they are as good as any team in the past 20 years.

I hope both guys get elevated from it. Neither guy deserves to be left behind.
I think Roode as well. He looks young enough, has the ring skills and, lately, has really stepped up his mike work to main event level. I really think he could main event TNA, and even main event in the WWE.

As for Storm....yeah he's talented but, and I'll probably get flack for this, I see him as a tag team wrestler. That's not really a bad thing, but that's how I see him. He's kinda like a talented Billy Gunn in that respect and, for that reason alone, I just don't think a solid singles push would really help him.
I would prefer to see Beer Money remain as a tag team, rather than go their separate ways. Hypothetically speaking though, if they were to split I would like to see James Storm get the better of any feud.

I’ve nothing against Roode, I just think Storm’s a hell of a lot better. Neither guy looks like World Championship material at the minute (mainly because they are a tag team), but that’s not to say they couldn’t change my opinion, Bully Ray has. But I could definitely see Storm and Roode having a good feud over the TV Title or something.

The most obvious reason for any split would be due to Storm’s drinking costing Beer Money the Titles/matches etc. And if they were to split, I would like to see Storm as the heel and Roode as the face. Roode could try to help Storm with his drinking but Storm just decides to kick the shit out of him instead.

Storm just seems like more of a heel character to me than Roode does. Roode’s a bit of a pretty boy and just looks more like a face as well. Where as Storm is a pissed up cowboy who likes a fight, so being heel would suit him much more IMO.

If a feud between Beer Money resulted in one member being propelled into the main event scene, the better option would be The Tennessee Cowboy James Storm. He stands out a lot more than Roode IMO. In ring wise, I would say they are pretty much even but Storm has a better character, more charisma, a distinctive voice, a decent catch phrase and a more unique look. Therefore I see him as the member of Beer Money that should win any feud between the two.
Both, actually.

Don't get me wrong, someone will beat the other and "go over" the "loser", but by no means is this anything even remotely like a Michaels/Jannetty situation where the winner will excel into a bright future and the loser wallows in self-pity and useless D-rated feuds.

Both of these men would likely go on to have very, very bright singles careers.
I'd really hope for an amicable split. I'd really love for this feud to be built on properly instead of going with the stereotypical Barber Shop scenario. Not to mention how James Storms been there and done that already. As for putting someone over when the feud actually comes? James Storm. Out of the two, Robert seems to be the more solid of the two in terms of a main event worthy character. James on the other hand is some amicable, comical and pretty much your lovable early 90's mid card babyface with a redneck gimmick. We know both have the tools to reach the higher pedestal but from my point of view, Robert Roode has the more serious and intense character that seems tailor made for World Champion. Simply put, I want them to stay even.

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