Rob Van Dam or Kurt Angle


Getting Noticed By Management
So i've been thinking for awhile.....Rob Van Dam has been a free agent for awhile and from wat it seems Kurt might be too i want u to do this two ways....if u was in charge and could only sign one of these guys who would it be and why? and as a fan who you like to see come back to the WWE? before u do let me just state some facts bout each.

ROB VAN DAM- 38 yrs old. A Grand Slam Champion. Former WWE, ECW, 6x IC, 4x Hardcore, European, 3x Tag Champion. 2006 Money in the Bank

Dream Match- Rob Van Dam vs.CM Punk
Downsides: Suspended for Drugs, not as big a star as Angle

KURT ANGLE- 40 yrs old. A Grand Slam Champion. 4x WWE, World, WCW, United States, IC, European, Hardcore, Tag Champion. 2000 King of the Ring

Dream Match- Kurt Angle vs. Jack Swagger
Downsides-lil older,drugs as well.

With That said my opinon as the owner i would sign Van Dam. I know Kurt is the huge star but both have similar stats both are grand slam champs. and Rob probably has a few more years more than kurt though and it may be cheaper signing Rob seeing how he isnt as big as kurt.

As a fan im torn cause Rob was just gettin his huge push when he left it felt like and u kinda wanna see his matches and u have seen a lot of angles already wit say hbk and hhh. but angle though could fight hbk one hundred times and it wouldnt be boring for either one of those matcheshs cause kurt copuld wrestle a broom stick and make it look like a five star match.....and only a few can really do that i can think of one really and thats hbk. but alson i would love to see kurt vs. swagger and hhh, hbk, jericho,taker, cena,orton, batista, well hell anyone...including that lil bastard hornswoggle and jimmy wang yang lol. but i want to know ur opinon so shoot
It all really depends on what kind of wrestling style you want. These 2 wrestlers styles clash completely together. RVD is the high-flying risk taker, willing to put body, soul, and life on the line to win a match or entertain the fans. Kurt Angle is the no nonsense, straight down to business, former Olympic gold medalist that uses pure technical skill in the ring, Kurt Angle can reverse any move, break any grip, any hold that you lock on, or attempt to lock on him. If I had to pick out of the two, i'd pick Kurt Angle. Like you posted he can put on 5 star matches with damn near anybody, he still has a couple great matches left in him if WWE permits him to stay the size he is. Plus he's always been entertaining in the ring for me, the way he just links moves and thinks so many moves ahead is incredible. I choose Kurt Angle over RVD anyday.
Good question. Lost on what your 'dream matches' would be. Swagger and Angle is far from a dream match. Swagger's still green and only in the WWE due to his size. He's skilled, but still green. As far as RVD goes, RVD's unique and has his cult following, but he's not a ratings grabber like Angle is. Angle is a mainstream attention grabber. He's a former Olympian who already trail blazed through the WWE with world title runs and beating the top stars in the company. RVD's beaten mostly the mid-card talent and only beat Cena in the ECW environment.

I would take Angle. He's smaller than he was, but that doesn't mean he still can't go. He's a stud and a man who is a walking 4-5 star match. RVD is as well, but the buy rates with RVD won't be big. If you want to start a big run, start it with Angle as the free agent.
That's a no-brainer: Angle. He's a much bigger star and is superb on the mic whereas Van Dam is god awful. Plus, RVD just isn't a credible WWE main eventer and they have plenty of mid-carders already. If Van Dam wanted to return to WWE, should they sign him? Of course. But if it was one or the other, it's a no contest.
Man thats a tough one. Me id probably pick Angle. Thing with RVD Hes is more of an entertainer and is willing to take the higher risks than angle, RVD probably will be cheaper and will sign im guessing longer and i've heard angle is thinking about retirement as well. But With angle you get a guy who has main evented wrestlemania whos won titles. So has RVD but angle has won the world titles and won agaisn't big names in the company. So my pick of out the two is Kurt Angle for sure
Both are really good in the ring. However, both Angle and RVD are going to have setbacks. With all the painkiller/steroid abuse by Angle in the days leading up to his WWE departure, how many good years does Angle really have left? At the same time, RVD has taken brutal beatings throughout the years. From hardcore ECW days to WWE high spots, RVD probably doesn't have many good years left either.

Angle is still gold on the mic, while this is an area RVD struggled. I would have to choose Kurt Angle over RVD. I have no idea how much damage Kurt Angle has done to himself with the drug abuse, but he can still give the main event 5-star match! Even if Angle only has a couple of good years left, he can still give the rub to many up-and-coming wrestlers. How over would Swagger get with a clean pinfall over Angle? I see more benefits for WWE in signing Angle over RVD.
Personally, I would sign Van Dam. True, he has a very outspoken opinion about the legalization of marijuana which conflicts with the WWE wellness program and he is not the best mic man, but he is not as oft injured or unstable as Kurt Angle seemed to be in his waning days in the WWE.

Van Dam's match quality is second to none. He is an innovator, a high flyer and does superhuman things in the ring. When given the chance, he can be moderately humorous on the mic. Plus, through his rigorous workout and stretching regimen, he adds years on to his career by preventing injury.

Kurt, on the other hand, seems content to get injured, rush his rehab, then get back into the ring and go full blast until he is injured again. Then, reports would have it, he would take large amounts of pain killers and get back in the ring. I remember reading Lance Storm's article on Kurt where he was concerned for his safety when he just came back from his neck injury and rushed into a house show match with Benoit here he took 10 german suplexes. Lance begged him to slow down to no avail.

So RVD likes marijuana. I see that as his only major drawback (not because I disapprove of marijuana use but because it does not coincide with the wellness policy of the company he would be working for). Kurt, just being the perfectionist and competitive animal he seems to be, would think nothing less of killing himself in the ring to be the best. I think it is better that he remain in TNA where his body can get the necessary rest he needs whereas RVD's style and attitude seem better suited for the rigorous schedule of the WWE.
So i've been thinking for awhile.....Rob Van Dam has been a free agent for awhile and from wat it seems Kurt might be too i want u to do this two ways....if u was in charge and could only sign one of these guys who would it be and why? and as a fan who you like to see come back to the WWE? before u do let me just state some facts bout each.

ROB VAN DAM- 38 yrs old. A Grand Slam Champion. Former WWE, ECW, 6x IC, 4x Hardcore, European, 3x Tag Champion. 2006 Money in the Bank

Dream Match- Rob Van Dam vs.CM Punk
Downsides: Suspended for Drugs, not as big a star as Angle

KURT ANGLE- 40 yrs old. A Grand Slam Champion. 4x WWE, World, WCW, United States, IC, European, Hardcore, Tag Champion. 2000 King of the Ring

Dream Match- Kurt Angle vs. Jack Swagger
Downsides-lil older,drugs as well.

With That said my opinon as the owner i would sign Van Dam. I know Kurt is the huge star but both have similar stats both are grand slam champs. and Rob probably has a few more years more than kurt though and it may be cheaper signing Rob seeing how he isnt as big as kurt.

As a fan im torn cause Rob was just gettin his huge push when he left it felt like and u kinda wanna see his matches and u have seen a lot of angles already wit say hbk and hhh. but angle though could fight hbk one hundred times and it wouldnt be boring for either one of those matcheshs cause kurt copuld wrestle a broom stick and make it look like a five star match.....and only a few can really do that i can think of one really and thats hbk. but alson i would love to see kurt vs. swagger and hhh, hbk, jericho,taker, cena,orton, batista, well hell anyone...including that lil bastard hornswoggle and jimmy wang yang lol. but i want to know ur opinon so shoot

What a perfectly reasoned arguement, but also perfectly wrong in my opinion. Angle, as you have stated is the biggest star. He woudl draw in crowds all the time. I, myself am an Angle mark and I would pay every time to see a guy of his calibre perform every night, I would also love to see him back in the WWE at some point. I know a lot of the possible feuds that he could have, have been done before but you cannot get enough of a good thing. Angle is a good thing. I personally would love to see Angle vs Taker. For me, that match is as big as it can get. Imagine it at WM 26, Taker, vs Angle for Taker's retirement match. Who else would be worried that Taker would get beat? I would. I would also like to see him against HBK and Randy Orton too. Orton would get demolished if Angle ever came back, he is not even nearly in the same league as Angle let's face it. Yeah, definitely Angle imo.
I'd pick R.V.D. coz he can put a lot of guys over really well! as for angle he can too but I like him on TNA and he SHOULD stay on TNA plus think about all the great RVD matches we could have: Punk vs. RVD, Edge vs. RVD, Jericho vs. RVD, etc!!!
I would choose Kurt Angle. He is the better all around wrestler and he would be better for a company. Angle shows that he can constantly put on a very good and entertaining match while RVD has had some pretty good matches, but his are not constant. Also Angle is a know more in the mainstream media and he is a bigger draw.

There's also a lot of dream matches that the WWE can have, and they can make good money off of them. While on the flip side there's only a couple dream matches that I want with RVD in them.

Another problem is that RVD supports the legalization of weed. It wouldn't help the company at all if they have him on Larry King Live saying he loves using weed and it should be legalized in all of America, it would garner a lot of bad press for the company and it's just not what they would want.
to me i would sign rvd. i think he is more entertaining in the ring and would be a hreat superstar in any situation, and with any partner. he worked great with booker t, ok with kane and great with sabu mysterio and jeff hardy. now for kurt i personally dont think he is that exciting yes he has won every major title but all he does is talk loud and sticks to one wrestling style. yes he is a pure wrestler but rvd is just way more fun to watch.
Angle, Angle, and more Angle. It's not even a contest. Depending on which style you prefer, that makes this kinda a biased question. Some people here just have a massive hard-on for everything that involved the original ECW. While I loved it as well from what I saw of it, it's the least amount of "wrestling" of anything ever. Sure the spots with RVD jumping off the ropes and 5 rows deep into the crowds are sick nasty amazing, they don't qualify as wrestling. Kurt Angle pretty much single-handedly brought actual mat skills back to the WWE in a time where everything we remember was a watered-down version of ECW. TLC matches... yes they're amazing... but they're not wrestling. The larger than life characters are necessary for the business, but if you suck in the ring, you won't last long. Kurt Angle made watching wrestling interesting again. He's one of the few performers that you could put in the ring with JUST ABOUT anybody, tell them they have 20 minutes are can't leave the ring at all, and he would give you something to remember. He's got the best ring psychology I've ever seen since Bret Hart... arguably better than Bret. I'd rather watch Angle slap on an ankle lock and watch his opponent squirm and maybe/maybe not get to the ropes than watch RVD's 5-star frog splash that he grabs his ribs and stomach after he executes it every single time any day of the week. Eddie didn't grab his guts every single time so lay off the overselling RVD.

While I enjoy RVD, I love Angle. Angle's mat skills won't go away as fast as RVD's high flying skills. Angle is just head over heels better in almost every way. I've seen more amazing Angle matches than amazing RVD matches. RVD is pretty much the same show every single time, but Kurt will switch it up for you. Sometimes he'll fly a little, sometimes he'll submit you, sometimes he'll Olymipic Slam you, and sometimes he'll cheat a little. Plus, he was one half of the greatest match I've ever seen with HBK at WM21. Plus, I believe Angle loves the business more and will give you more. He'll also sell many more tickets than RVD. Like at the Royal Rumble this year... when RVD was a surprise competitor, you knew damn well he wouldn't win the Rumble. But if Angle was a free agent and was a surprise at the Rumble, you knew he had a legit shot.

Angle is just better, more fun to watch, and will sell way more tickets/merch than RVD and I would not think twice about re-signing My Olympic Hero.
As far as RVD goes, RVD's unique and has his cult following, but he's not a ratings grabber like Angle is. Angle is a mainstream attention grabber. He's a former Olympian who already trail blazed through the WWE with world title runs and beating the top stars in the company. RVD's beaten mostly the mid-card talent and only beat Cena in the ECW environment.

Wait? Angles a ratings grabber? Thats why hes been in TNA for 2 years and when he joined, it didn't even effect the ratings at all. Right? RVD (and dreamer/sabu) was ECW for quite sometime back in the day, and carried it at a steady 1.0-1.7 if I do remember correctly. I could have the second number too high there. Anyways, RVD was a large draw, back when he was "Mr Monday Night", and from what I've seen on the TNA ratings chart, Kurt Angle is nothing. Hes got his fans don't get me wrong, but none of them that really follow him, like RVD's fans do. With Kurt, according to evidence shown in the past 3 years, Nothing really changes. You just get another match. With RVD you get his little "cult followers" and still get a very qaulity match.

I would take Angle. He's smaller than he was, but that doesn't mean he still can't go. He's a stud and a man who is a walking 4-5 star match. RVD is as well, but the buy rates with RVD won't be big. If you want to start a big run, start it with Angle as the free agent.

Angles done with the wrestling business in at least a year. His body can't take it anymore. With 20 years of ametuer under your belt, the olympics, and 10 years of professional wrestling, it takes a devistating blow on your body. Kurt has said himself, hes looking to go to Hollywood, and at one point in time he even said MMA. RVD on the other hand, seems to be staying for another 5-10 years at least. Hes professional wrestling until the day he dies, or until his body just can't handle his style anymore.

I would sign RVD, for the simple fact hes in better shape, can go longer, isn't interested in going anywhere, and his little cult that follows him. Kurt can go, but he just can't go as hard anymore, and I think he tiring of the business itself.
Wait? Angles a ratings grabber? Thats why hes been in TNA for 2 years and when he joined, it didn't even effect the ratings at all. Right? RVD (and dreamer/sabu) was ECW for quite sometime back in the day, and carried it at a steady 1.0-1.7 if I do remember correctly. I could have the second number too high there. Anyways, RVD was a large draw, back when he was "Mr Monday Night", and from what I've seen on the TNA ratings chart, Kurt Angle is nothing. Hes got his fans don't get me wrong, but none of them that really follow him, like RVD's fans do. With Kurt, according to evidence shown in the past 3 years, Nothing really changes. You just get another match. With RVD you get his little "cult followers" and still get a very qaulity match.

Good argument. But even with the truth finally coming out about why Kurt really left the WWE, I'd still sign Kurt over RVD for one simple reason. Kurt never hung up the spandex after a pretty good push in the WWE to take a break and sit home and smoke pot all the time. I know that's a little harsh, but RVD likes the extra-cirricular smokage a little too much. What else has he done in his years away from the WWE? When he did his one-off at the Rumble this year, he was clearly not in the same shape. I'll bet if you gave him one more year, he'd come back looking like Chris Harris looked when he wrestled as the underrated, future champion, face of the company... Braden Walker. Yes that was a joke. RVD wasn't even a year removed as being champion and he hung it up for a while. That could have been built on so easily. Give him the ECW title, let him run with it, have someone beat it from him, he takes it again... then turns all sorts of heel. Forfeits the ECW title because it's now "beneath him" and he will go to one of the main shows to win the WWE Title or WHC. That's what I woulda done. Bring back a little of his Mr. Monday Night gimmick or the Whole F'n Show gimmick.

Maybe my reasoning is biased cause I love Angle. I think he's the greatest ever. And also for a little lack of knowledge of why RVD really left. I don't think he should have left because he had so much to build on.

Also to say Angle isn't a ratings grabber since he didn't put TNA through the atmosphere is totally rediculous. No ONE MAN can do that. Ever. That takes a team effort. The ONLY time that really worked was Hogan joining WCW and then the nWo. Angle is the greatest wrestler ever, but Hogan's character far surpasses what Angle can do in the ring. Like it or not "Hulk Hogan" was larger than life. But TNA didn't give Angle much new to work with. TNA is like the Cleveland Cavaliers. Angle=LeBron and the rest of the team is the rest of the TNA roster. You bring in 1 or 2 more huge names somehow, TNA gets more ratings and Cleveland finally wins an effing title.

I do look for RVD to come back to the WWE much like Christian did. He's back for some good money, and about 5-7 more years of glory. Then it'll be time to hang it up. RVD does still have some good matches left in him. RVD/MVP... a battle of the acronyms. RVD/Jericho would be another one I'd love to see again. I just didn't agree with RVD leaving the first time but if there's a good reason for it that someone can fill me in on.. I'll listen. And maybe even change my mind.
I see the argument for Angle...and I agree with most of the points. But Smackdown could use a face like RVD....his Vs. Punk,Jeff,Morrison,Rey,Edge,Shelton would be great. Plus you've got good history with Jericho (which was even shown again at the last Royal Rumble) and the awesome matches with Jeff (over the Hardcore tittle of all things). I would'nt be mad at an Angle return (hell I just wanna hear YOU SUCK during the intro again), but I think RVD is the fresher pick.
That's a no-brainer: Angle. He's a much bigger star and is superb on the mic whereas Van Dam is god awful. Plus, RVD just isn't a credible WWE main eventer and they have plenty of mid-carders already. If Van Dam wanted to return to WWE, should they sign him? Of course. But if it was one or the other, it's a no contest.

Van Dam god awful on the mic?Just look up some of his old ECW interviews.WWE NEVER made use of his skills.Mic skill wise as a cocky heel he cut some damn good promo's.His only downfall was joining a company who didnt let him be creative and instead made him look like a surfer/stoner guy really which him and his views on pot are common knowledge to anyone who has seen his interviews or read them.

My answer would be simple.Id put him back with Alfonzo and bring him back pushing him as a cocky heel like he used to be in the original ECW.And for gods shakes stop writing his t.v segments with surfer slang like Dude and whatever other garbage they had him say and give him the freedom guys like Austin and Rock had on the mic to improvise his own lines.

I think Angle is wrestling skills wise way superior to RVD(and most 95% or more then other wrestlers in any company)as a technical guy but that's a no brainer but i liked RVD's Style and ability to put on a match with mid-carders and main events alike plus the way he sells some of the moves look crazy.

Id grab RVD and give him one more shot at a title run and tell him this time hide his pot and don't get caught :-X .He was one of WWE's most under-utilized guys and anyone who had his skill and uniqueness should have been pushed at least above I.C title once but his drug use was likely the reason he didnt get pushed.Maybe there is still time for a heavy weight title for him in the future in TNA or WWE.

Besides it was said long ago somewhere that Angle when he is done with TNA will probably end up back in WWE anyways.You know Vince will throw some money at him just to keep him off TNA probably but how much is an aging wrestler with some medical issues worth to them.Just to keep him from helping TNA grow more they might be inclined to make a bigger offer but who knows.Only time will tell.Later all
Also on why RVD left to begin with.I thought i read somewhere that he left to stay with his wife while she was going threw cancer treatments but this may not be the case.I know he also owns a comic shop in i think New Jersey which maybe he just decided to take break from wrestling for a while after the whole weed thing and then his wife was diagnosed with the cancer but i do know the reason he was gone as long as he has been had something to do with her heath.Hes stated that in interviews for those questioning why he left and/or hasn't been back yet.
both great wrestlers kurt better tho. i think but for the good of angles health i would go with RVD

i think vince did right thing by lettin angle go it kurt that messed up by goin to tna when he should of took time off am nit sayin goin to tna was wrong i just think he sould of rested first and then made a choice of wwe or tna
RVD matches in WWE are lame, stale, predictable, and practically the same unless he's working with someone who insists on a great match. He stalls with punches and kicks between the missing enziguri, rolling thunder, superstar splash, and frog spalsh. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy RVD, but I would like to see him do a match in WWE nearly as good as any he had with Jerry Lynn. Kurt Angle is the best wrestler currently competing period. Though he may not be in the best shape of his life, it comes down to this. A pot smoking high flyer, or an Olympic gold medalist technician?
RVD matches in WWE are lame, stale, predictable, and practically the same unless he's working with someone who insists on a great match. He stalls with punches and kicks between the missing enziguri, rolling thunder, superstar splash, and frog spalsh. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy RVD, but I would like to see him do a match in WWE nearly as good as any he had with Jerry Lynn. Kurt Angle is the best wrestler currently competing period. Though he may not be in the best shape of his life, it comes down to this. A pot smoking high flyer, or an Olympic gold medalist technician?

The question was asked about a free agent, not the WWE. Kurt Angle is old, and can't take a bump. That won't work in the indies, hands down. RVD is younger, faster, possibly stronger, more agile, and MIGHT have more stamina than Kurt Angle. The only bad part about RVD is hes a pot smoker, and thats not to great for business. In the Indies, you can't get much better than RVD, he can put on a great match. Is willing to take bumbs, and will bring his little cult along with him. As Kurt Angle proved in the WWE jump to TNA's ship. He has no diehard fans.

Shafe_41, Pot isn't that bad. Ric Flair has told about more drinking parties in his career, than anyone I've ever heard of. I'm sure every other wrestler in the WWE, TNA, or whatever indy promotion that certain wrestler is working at, isn't afraid to drink a lot. They have the money to do it, they are on the road, why not? But, if you look at the effects of alcohal, comparing the effects to pot, pot is about 5x better. Too much, can not kill you, its not PHYSICALLY addictive. RVD sees nothing wrong with smoking pot, the WWE does, why should he put himself in congnitive dissonance? If money's not a problem, then he shouldn't have to worry about it. Hes always going to have his RVD followers, and thats all he really needs.
If I were FORCED to sign someone, it would be Angle, but mainly because Triple H is out of people to work with, and the whole Angle/Stephanie thing never really came to fruition. That would make for a GREAT storyline, especially if Stephanie actually seemed to be into Angle a little bit.

If I didn't have to choose, I wouldn't sign either. The drugs just would scare me away.

We need clean wrestlers. If Vince truly wants his PG rating to go over, he needs wrestlers to be role models as well, and so he needs to do ACTUAL drug testing on EVERYONE rather than those who make him mad backstage.
If I were FORCED to sign someone, it would be Angle, but mainly because Triple H is out of people to work with, and the whole Angle/Stephanie thing never really came to fruition. That would make for a GREAT storyline, especially if Stephanie actually seemed to be into Angle a little bit.

If I didn't have to choose, I wouldn't sign either. The drugs just would scare me away.

We need clean wrestlers. If Vince truly wants his PG rating to go over, he needs wrestlers to be role models as well, and so he needs to do ACTUAL drug testing on EVERYONE rather than those who make him mad backstage.

That would be a decent choice, if it were signing for the WWE. It clearly says in the first post "FREE AGENTS." Hes meaning an indy type promotion. Even so, if this were the WWE it would make no since for them to sign him in the first place. Angle's love for wrestling, and the wrestling business is fading. Hes got 30-40 years in the wrestling business (If you include his amateur work.) Obviously after 30-40 years of ANYTHING your passion and love for it is going to grow tired.

Angle has done everything there is to do in the WWE and TNA. The only place for him to go is Japan. Which, hes probably done everything there is to do there, I don't know my japanese knowledge isn't all that great. There isn't anything for him to do in America, for sure. Hes allready done it all, simple as that.

Why would an indy promotion, sign a wrestler who may not even stay a month before going to Hollywood, Japan, or another big time promotion? One who obviously only draws the fans allready there, not new fans. When they can sign RVD, and get the RVD cult followers to go along with. A man that still has immense drive for the business. A man that can honestly wrestle/entertain just as good as Kurt Angle. Simple, they wouldn't. RVD is the logical choice here, for the simple fact he still has a love for the business.
That would be a decent choice, if it were signing for the WWE. It clearly says in the first post "FREE AGENTS." Hes meaning an indy type promotion.

Actually if you read the first post it is pretty obvious that he means the WWE, considering the fact that he talks about which guys he'd like them to feud with and considering the fact that this is in the WWE thread. He says "free agents" because that is what RVD is and what Angle is soon to be.

Even so, if this were the WWE it would make no since for them to sign him in the first place.

Yea it'd be stupid for the WWE to want to sign a big star that could still draw and be over with the fans.

Angle's love for wrestling, and the wrestling business is fading.

And you know this how?

Hes got 30-40 years in the wrestling business (If you include his amateur work.)

Amateur wrestling is completely different from professional wrestling so there would be no reason to include those years.

There isn't anything for him to do in America, for sure. Hes allready done it all, simple as that.

Guys like Triple H, HBK, and the Undertaker have also done pretty much everything there is to do in wrestling. Are you saying they should retire too?
A man that can honestly wrestle/entertain just as good as Kurt Angle

Entertain as good, maybe. Wrestle as good, that is laughable.
RVD is the logical choice here, for the simple fact he still has a love for the business.

Once again, you know this how?
Yea it'd be stupid for the WWE to want to sign a big star that could still draw and be over with the fans.

If Angle was a big draw, that would be fine. Angle proved when he jumped to TNA, and it stayed at a steady 1.1-1.2, he is not a big draw. He draws nothing. He can get over with the fans, but so can RVD, and RVD has his little croud that follows him, for a small ratings boost as well.

And you know this how?

Read an angle interview? In the past year hes said hes wanted to go to hollywood, get into MMA, and you can clearly see by his inring work, he just getting tired.

Amateur wrestling is completely different from professional wrestling so there would be no reason to include those years.

You're right. It is completely diffrent. But I see no reason why not to include them, wrestling is wrestling. Is it not?

Guys like Triple H, HBK, and the Undertaker have also done pretty much everything there is to do in wrestling. Are you saying they should retire too?

You can tell these guys still have a love for the business. By the matches they put on. Giving 110% everytime they step into the ring. Angle doesn't do that anymore. We all know what hes capable of, and hes CERTAINLY not showing that at TNA as of late.

Entertain as good, maybe. Wrestle as good, that is laughable.

Not sure how much more I could stress this, to anyone. Entertainment and the professional wrestling business are the EXACT same thing. Without the entertainment aspect of professional wrestling, the ratings would be nothing. Look at indy promotions, they draw 1000's of people if that, nothing more. There could be a few that draw more, and a few that draw less. Thats because most indy's have mediocre mic skills. Theres no entertainment, to their wrestling.
Kurt Angle. It's not even really close.

RVD has gone on record as a drug user (Weed last time I checked) and Kurt Angle loves him some pain pills, so those cancel each other out.

They've had their championships, and they've had their matches. They've proven they can wrestle, and get the crowd into a match.

So it comes down to fans and buy rates. That goes to Kurt Angle by a mile. RVD has his loyal fans, but Kurt Angle can snatch up those buy rates. He can get that merchandise sold, especially if he goes the face "I'm a former Olympian, kids watch me be awesome" route. RVD could as well, but not at the same level as Kurt Angle.

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