Rob Conway on RAW Last Night


Break Me Down.
After the angle they ran with Conway last night where he vowed to "Quit" RAW if he lost to Jeff Hardy...which he did in less than a minute. Then got "fired" by Vince McMahon. What do you think this means for Conway? Because he isn't that bad a talent, just has had a lame gimmick which has gone no where since La Resistance split up. I see one of three things happening to him.

1) He goes to Smackdown or ECW and re-unites with one of his former partners in Sylvan or Rene to help beef up the tag division on the respective show. IMO Smackdown would need it more seeing as ECW doesn't have any Tag Team Titles.
2) This could work as an angle to get him a bit of a push on RAW. He stays on the show but acts as an "invader" trying to get his job back. Kinda like what WCW did with (I think) Lodi or Lenny Lane back in 2000 if you can remember it.
3) He just fades into oblivion before being released and eventually resurfaces in TNA and badmouths WWE to Hell as all the ex-WWE people seem to do.
i heard/thought he was going to ECW, because that seems to be the place for the talented guys who WWE has been burying recently. But i wondered about the invader angle when i saw it, i think that would be good for him, but i recon he'll turn up in ECW in a few weeks!
I'm thinking he turns up on Smackdown and tags with Sylvan again... Smackdown needs more tag teams because Regal/Taylor feuding with Kendrick/ London can only go so far...
Yeah. I heard a rumour that the were reforming La Resistance. Personally I think Conway has the potential to be a big star. La Res were an ok team but there's no demand to see them together again like M.N.M. or The Hardyz. It's a step back if they reform.
^^^If he was provided means of having a very successful singles career, then I agree that it would be a step back but that's not the case. If anything being in a tag team and possibly on more frequently may ultimately be a step up, depending on how a break up or renewed singles career comes about. It's a similar concept to former champs going for a lesser title. Some say that it's a step back for the wrestler, but usually it's a step up for the lesser title. In other words, there's usually a positive with every potentially negative situation. It's just that people like to expect the worst for some reason :( Maybe it'll be good for the guy to be back in a tag team if that happens.
Maybe he's a "Raw reject" but if he were a "WWE reject" be rejected from the company completely. Considering the fact that some "rejects" actually benefit from the move, why make it out to be something horrible?
Maybe he's a "Raw reject" but if he were a "WWE reject" be rejected from the company completely. Considering the fact that some "rejects" actually benefit from the move, why make it out to be something horrible?

Exactly. Look at Snitsky, for example. Raw was doing nothing with him, he slipped into HEaT oblivion, and ECW saved him. They've taken him in and made him a top heel, most likely to fued with Bobby Lashley for the ECW Championship.

Maybe they're doing the same with Rob Conway? Change his character back to Robért Conway, reteam him with Sylvan Grenier (thus reforming La Résistance), and send them into a fued with either The Hooligans [Paul London & Brian Kendrick] or The Blue Bloods [William Regal & Dave Taylor]. Whichever team comes out on top, of course, after their rivalry over the :wwf: Tag Team Titles.

I think that La Résistance could be a legitimate threat to SmackDown's tag team division if the writers would let them reach their full heel potential.
i could care less where he goes, it doesnt a matter of fact i forgot he was even on Raw until last night

the ONLY reason they did that "angle" last night was to give McMahon a reason to come on down and make fun of Rosie ODonnell... Trump has been getting a lot of press lately for calling Rosie a fat slob, and the war of words back and forth between the two had been covered enough lately...i see this as a lame attempt on Vince's part to grab attention...he is a media ****e...he will do anything to get noticed...the mainstream could give a shit less what he says and does because to them he is a joke...he needed an excuse to do this so why not fire someone that most people had already forgotten about anyways, then take a cheap shot at may have been funny if it was original, but Trump already did it...
Exactly. Look at Snitsky, for example. Raw was doing nothing with him, he slipped into HEaT oblivion, and ECW saved him. They've taken him in and made him a top heel, most likely to fued with Bobby Lashley for the ECW Championship.

When did Snitsky become likely to feud for the ECW Title? Surely hell just be on the same level as Kevin Thorn/Khali.

I think there gonna throw conway over to smackdown, the smackdown tag division is getting good, and could do with another solid team. Whoever says that its a step back for conway to reform la resistance, its hardly a steap back when all he has now is jobbing to val venus on heat.
After the angle they ran with Conway last night where he vowed to "Quit" RAW if he lost to Jeff Hardy...which he did in less than a minute. Then got "fired" by Vince McMahon. What do you think this means for Conway?

The guy doesnt interest me that much and i perfer he gets fired soon and forever from WWE.. His days as La Ristance TTC was pretty good until they broke up and he has his new gay gimick..with really suck...
First of all, no matter where he goes, he needs to get some new entrance music. He has the worst music ever (except for maybe Dusty Rhodes) and even the generic heavy metal they give to every new person on smackdown would be better.

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