Riots in Professional Wrestling?

Okay, this question is simple. Over the years we've seen signs of fans threatening to start a riot ,if their favourite wouldn't win the match. But nothing has happened. The only "riot" I can recall is at ECW, when the fans started throwing chairs in the ring (I don't know if this was an actual riot).

Do you think it is possible something like that to happen in the future?
I could see it happening in Philly, but it depends on the result and the connection with the match and the crowd.

The chair incident was indeed not a riot. They were told to throw their chairs into the ring, I think it was by Mick Foley. I've not seen an actual riot at a wrestling event, but if things had happened differently, I am almost certain that the crowd in the Hammerstein Ballroom would have rioted if John Cena defeated RVD. Because the entire crowd seemed genuinely serious with their backing of Van Dam, and when you think how a security guard at the arena spat on his t-shirt and hurled it back, not like Cena was going to have much back-up.

I don't think there would have been a riot if Punk had lost at Money in The Bank. I'd see, "This Is Bullshit!" chants and things similar to that, but no actual riot. They weren't as hostile as the Hammerstein crowd and it was completely different. ECW fans and CM Punk fans are two different beasts.
I don't see a riot ever happening. WWE have pretty strict rules in place to not cause trouble at events, and TNA do virtually every show at the same place to try to please the same group of people. I agree with Dragon Saga that if Cena had defeated RVD in 2006 then there might have been a riot. That crowd was incredibly hostile towards Cena and there were legit threats going on. I cannot think of a possible moment anytime soon that would cause fans to completely riot. Perhaps if Undertaker's streak got ended by someone that the fans absolutely detest.... The crowd would have to be really hostile to begin with though because most fans would just yell or shout complaints and wait to come home to post angry things online rather than doing anything violent.
I could definitely seeing something like this happening in a passionate, blue collar city like New York. (Maybe Chicago)

For a riot to happen, it would have to be in a violent, blue collar, passionate city like the ones I mentioned above but I just really can't see this happening in North America.

The fans didnt even riot during the Montreal Screwjob and that was like the perfect storm for their to be a riot.

Maybe, in Japan or Mexico though.

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