Riot = Ratings


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For those of you who don't keep up with the dirt sheets as much as I have, there seems to be a bit of a "revolt" going on amongst the Chicago audience scheduled for the March 3rd Raw. Do you honestly think that Vince and Triple H are even the slightest been worried? Think about this, a few months before the Daniel Bryan screw job there was little to no reaction for guys like Orton, no chants louder then the Yes chants, barely any buzz unless it was a ppv.

Vince and company aren't worried at all because this is good business, people will see the Chicago crowd riot and they'll enjoy it, they'll enjoy it so much that they'll wanna go to a show, buy a ticket and riot as well (Monkey see monkey do) and while Vince doesn't necessarily get the reaction he wants, it puts money in his pocket and at the end of the day that's all the really matters, the guy is a freaking genius, do you honestly think he doesn't listen to the fans? He plays each and everyone of you throwing up your fingers in the air week after week like his puppets, Batista said it perfectly on smackdown "people live their life's threw Bryan, they see themselves in the struggle and cheer when they see him getting out of it because they want that for themselves"

I'm not bashing anyone, Bryan is a phenomenal wrestler, but in all honesty, if it was anyone else who created the yes chant, you'd be behind them 100% and Bryan would be nothing more then a great technical wrestler.

The questions I propose are simple

Do you think Raw will be effected in a negative way Monday?

Do you agree with the way WWE is handling this situation (booking Shield vs Wyatt's, having key stars appear?)

And finally do you agree that this whole revolution is a hell of a lot better then everything that's happened pre summerslam (aside from the crowd the night after mania 29)
An empty arena is more of a statement than a paid audience making a lot of noise.

I also think that WWE will get a couple hundred thousand extra fans tuning in specifically to see a riot, for me this Raw is all about Shield v Wyatt's and the crowd.
Don't know about a riot, but I definitely have a higher interest in RAW due to the situation with Punk and Chicago.

I wouldn't be surprised if they planted some people in the audience to get thrown out, start riots, etc. just to create that uneasy atmosphere.

So much potential to show how passionate you've made fans about fake fighting but instead they are going to be dumb and waste this perfect storm because they want people to boo and cheer who they tell them too.
I agree in the monkey see, monkey do bit that you mentioned. That when people see a hot crowd going crazy, they want to buy a ticket so they can do it too. That's how you get non "smarky" markets all of a sudden acting like New York or Chicago. And yes, I agree that while Vince doesn't get the reaction he wants, any reaction is better than no reaction.

However, I disagree that if someone else come up with the "Yes!" chant instead of Bryan that Bryan would be nothing. Yeah, the chant is hot right now, no question. But it's also Daniel Bryan. He has shown that he does have charisma. He has shown that when it's his turn in the ring, it's going to be the match of the night. This is what fans want to see... and his passion, his mic work outside of "Yes!" but most importantly his ring-work is what has really won the fans over, in my opinion.
You say this all in a very condescending way. Do you look down at other people who get drawn into tv show and books because they're getting played like puppets? thats basically a writers job to string the audience and as a member its a fun ride. People are more concerned because unlike most tv shows wwe has a very 50/50 percentage rate of satisfying endings.

Going to Chicago is only a good thing, no matter whats said or not said people will attend to see if unk shows up and tune in.
An empty arena is more of a statement than a paid audience making a lot of noise.

I also think that WWE will get a couple hundred thousand extra fans tuning in specifically to see a riot, for me this Raw is all about Shield v Wyatt's and the crowd.

True. I agree. I don't think fans are bold enough to not show up these RAW shows. Until then, I don't think WWE won't be pressured to do anything until the fans make a statement
I don't think any of my fellow Chicago natives assume that they'll damage the WWE in any way by showing up and drowning out any audio with deafening "CM PUNK!!" chants. Announcing their displeasure doesn't mean that they're so nearsighted that they think it'll equate to some kind of petty revenge against Vince McMahon, it feels good to vent and they'll be doing plenty of that.

It won't be a riot by any vague definition of the term. Chanting a defiant message in an attempt to alter the creative direction of the show isn't rioting. I think my brothers and sisters of Chi-town will be a little more clever than Pittsburgh was.

I take issue with your critique of Daniel Bryan. I've been a fan of his since his American Dragon days, I don't think the "YES!!" chant transcends him. I think that the initial enthusiasm on part of the crowd in exclaiming "YES!!" was due to their love of Daniel Bryan as a performer.

You seem to believe that literally anybody could have just started screaming "YES!!" during a promo and it would have caught on if it wasn't already a thing. I think that's absolute bullshit. While "YES!!" is infectious and family friendly on its own, I think it would have been fucking annoying if anyone else tried it. Sheamus at one time tried to steal the chant, and was drowned out with boos. "YES!!" became popular because it was Daniel Bryan exclaiming it and he has a more devout fan-base.
Negative or Positive, there's certainly a lot of energy going into Wrestlemania and some such tempest is going to hang low on March 3rd.
And if you mean by "do you think this revolution is a whole lot better than everything that happened pre-summerslam" the Yes and No stupidity revolution? No it's not a whole lot better. Wrestling has become a whole lot better in 2013 because of multiple factors such as the advent and rise of The Shield, the eventual breaking away of Roman Reigns, potential stardom in Cesaro, Bray Wyatt, etc.
As far as that tiny little pipsqueak Daniel Bryan goes, I understand your point in that he seems to you to be nothing but a good technical wrestler who got this popular because of those ******ed chants. It's arguable that the Miz or R-truth could've gotten that popular if they were to suddenly chant YES. I'd like to believe that most people don't give a fuck about Daniel Bryan but simply want to use the Chants to shit on the WWE (just as they did with the What chants) and disgrace pay-per-views and the gigantic return of Batista. I'm very happy to see Batista overcome these disgraceful Daniel Bryan fans and shit on them weekly by his promos and pointing out what a tiny idiot Daniel Bryan is.
Batista vs Daniel is a similar situation to Batista vs Mysterio. Mysterio had the mask, Bryan has a ******ed monosyllabic chant which has mysteriously gotten thousands of intelligent well-meaning fans into becoming a bunch of sheep chanting YES and NO day in and day out.

These same idiots were quite content with Batista as world champion years ago but want to shit on Batista because they think a 5'8 goof is a superior wrestler/entertainer because he's going to be their Hero and they have his chants. Disgraceful. Why, they might as well have had Rey Mysterio chase off The Great Khali. What Batista said on SD is exactly what the case is here. How many from the Wrestling audiences are even in good shape, leave aside fitness freaks or men with chiseled greek god bodies? Not many perhaps. How many of them are lazy bums ? Quite a few. Whom is Daniel Bryan most likely to look similar to? That's right! The unwashed shabby Joe in the supermarket, the plumber Tom from Kentucky! Hence here is their hero for whom they'll cheer and in his victory they'll celebrate their own imaginary victories. But the sad truth remains, Daniel Bryan is not only devoid of charisma and mic skills that are necessary to be a superstar, he simply is anti-superstar on the surface. The fact that he ever won the WWE title is a disgraceful slap on the face of Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, or Randy Orton.
Bryan is a phenomenal wrestler, but in all honesty, if it was anyone else who created the yes chant, you'd be behind them 100% and Bryan would be nothing more then a great technical wrestler

Lol. So if Pat Patterson had come up with "yes" everyone would be lobbying for him to be in the WM30 main event? Nah. Daniel Bryan has an innate charisma that draws the fans in, hence why they chant HIS NAME, as well as "yes". Gotcha.
What Batista said on SD is exactly what the case is here. How many from the Wrestling audiences are even in good shape, leave aside fitness freaks or men with chiseled greek god bodies? Not many perhaps. How many of them are lazy bums ? Quite a few. Whom is Daniel Bryan most likely to look similar to? That's right! The unwashed shabby Joe in the supermarket, the plumber Tom from Kentucky! Hence here is their hero for whom they'll cheer and in his victory they'll celebrate their own imaginary victories. But the sad truth remains, Daniel Bryan is not only devoid of charisma and mic skills that are necessary to be a superstar, he simply is anti-superstar on the surface. The fact that he ever won the WWE title is a disgraceful slap on the face of Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, or Randy Orton.

It seems like you're the type of guy to only like the wrestlers that have that chiseled greek god body. There have been quite a few threads where all you do is bash Daniel Bryan, with no logic behind it. I love how you say fans like him because they have the same normal physique as him. Guess that means you're some fitness freak that likes his wrestlers muscular, never knew someone thinking like this was possible.
And yes, I agree that while Vince doesn't get the reaction he wants, any reaction is better than no reaction.

Agreed. That statement was also made by none other than John Cena in his interview with Stone Cold on the Podcast.
He said, that as long as people react to him, that is the Main thing and shows he is doing something right. When people use your segments as a bathroom break or to go buy a shirt, then that is where you realise that you are going all wrong.

Expect this Chicago show as long as the content is good enough, to get good ratings and a good following because of the CM Punk situation. Having a Shield vs Wyatt family match is also something to look forwards to in addition to the Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Hulk Hogan possibly, and then I have also heard maybe Y2J and HBK. In addition, expect Daniel Bryan to get a major segment as well.
However, I still hold a slight hope that CM Punk will show up or be mentioned, even if it is in a BNB segment. LOL! ;)
Negative or Positive, there's certainly a lot of energy going into Wrestlemania and some such tempest is going to hang low on March 3rd.
And if you mean by "do you think this revolution is a whole lot better than everything that happened pre-summerslam" the Yes and No stupidity revolution? No it's not a whole lot better. Wrestling has become a whole lot better in 2013 because of multiple factors such as the advent and rise of The Shield, the eventual breaking away of Roman Reigns, potential stardom in Cesaro, Bray Wyatt, etc.

Yes, and the rise of Daniel Bryan has nothing to do with it correct? I get your hatred towards Daniel Bryan, it's rather cute. I'm not certain if it's a jealousy thing or if it's something deeper than that. I guess we'll never find out.
As far as that tiny little pipsqueak Daniel Bryan goes, I understand your point in that he seems to you to be nothing but a good technical wrestler who got this popular because of those ******ed chants. It's arguable that the Miz or R-truth could've gotten that popular if they were to suddenly chant YES. I'd like to believe that most people don't give a fuck about Daniel Bryan but simply want to use the Chants to shit on the WWE (just as they did with the What chants) and disgrace pay-per-views and the gigantic return of Batista.
Again with the insults of Bryan. Can't you just type a normal post without having to force out insults of someone? And Bryan was already popular before the Yes/No chants mainly with the IWC but he was someone who could put on fantastic matches when given the chance to do so. His initial run wasn't that great but that was due to the booking. He has since shown that he is better than his chant by putting on 5 star matches. His Match with Seth Rollins last year was one of the better Raw matches of the year, and that is due to Rollins in ring skill AND Bryan's in ring skill.

I'm very happy to see Batista overcome these disgraceful Daniel Bryan fans and shit on them weekly by his promos and pointing out what a tiny idiot Daniel Bryan is.
Overcome? Batista only overcomes because he doesn't care about anyone but himself. And for his promos, in between his panting from being out of wind, he's saying words that he's being fed. It's not like he's some promo genius who came up with this. Writers saw the negative reaction and were forced to play the hand they were dealt.

Batista vs Daniel is a similar situation to Batista vs Mysterio. Mysterio had the mask, Bryan has a ******ed monosyllabic chant which has mysteriously gotten thousands of intelligent well-meaning fans into becoming a bunch of sheep chanting YES and NO day in and day out.
It's an entirely different situation, considering Mysterio and Bryan have two very different styles. So your argument is invalid here. Also when in a crowd Yes chants are very catchy, hence why they show up at football games and basketball games. It's not just a WWE audience that likes them it's all other sports.

These same idiots were quite content with Batista as world champion years ago but want to shit on Batista because they think a 5'8 goof is a superior wrestler/entertainer because he's going to be their Hero and they have his chants. Disgraceful.

That is because Batista doesn't deserve the spot he has right now. The Rock came back and had the drawing ability. Batista doesn't have that great of drawing ability as shown by his lackluster return and how it's been received.

Why, they might as well have had Rey Mysterio chase off The Great Khali.

What Batista said on SD is exactly what the case is here. How many from the Wrestling audiences are even in good shape, leave aside fitness freaks or men with chiseled greek god bodies? Not many perhaps. How many of them are lazy bums ? Quite a few. Whom is Daniel Bryan most likely to look similar to? That's right! The unwashed shabby Joe in the supermarket, the plumber Tom from Kentucky! Hence here is their hero for whom they'll cheer and in his victory they'll celebrate their own imaginary victories.
Ya you're spot on here. Man you're insulty, it makes me wonder about how you actually are in real life. You try hard to come off as an intellectual but I wonder if the same holds true when you're not behind a computer. I'm wondering when Mick Foley was main eventing if you were thinking the same thing. Considering how intelligent you are you're mind may have been elsewhere so perhaps not.
But the sad truth remains, Daniel Bryan is not only devoid of charisma and mic skills that are necessary to be a superstar, he simply is anti-superstar on the surface. The fact that he ever won the WWE title is a disgraceful slap on the face of Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, or Randy Orton.

I won't disagree and say that Daniel has amazing Mic skills because he doesn't, he wouldn't be able to cut CM Punk like promos because it's hard to believe him when he's angry where as CM Punk was able to change the tone of his voice and it made you feel his anger. He won't be able to out talk Cena because Cena can feed to the crowd in many ways because he's naturally charismatic. However, As long as you have above average mic skills and can consistently put on fantastic matches, that makes you as superstar.
Yes, and the rise of Daniel Bryan has nothing to do with it correct? I get your hatred towards Daniel Bryan, it's rather cute. I'm not certain if it's a jealousy thing or if it's something deeper than that. I guess we'll never find out.
I can't be jealous of Daniel Bryan because frankly if I wanted to become a pro wrestler(and I'd have gone to tenacious lengths for the same), I would've emulated and wanted to be like Shawn Michaels, or Bret Hart, or CM Punk(gimmick wise) or a combination of those three. The idea of jealousy stems from someone else possessing something which either you don't have, you desire, or you resent. Bryan has nothing of that sort. I'm a wrestling fan, not a wannabe WWE superstar. Chapter closed.

Again with the insults of Bryan. Can't you just type a normal post without having to force out insults of someone? And Bryan was already popular before the Yes/No chants mainly with the IWC but he was someone who could put on fantastic matches when given the chance to do so. His initial run wasn't that great but that was due to the booking. He has since shown that he is better than his chant by putting on 5 star matches. His Match with Seth Rollins last year was one of the better Raw matches of the year, and that is due to Rollins in ring skill AND Bryan's in ring skill.
I will never deny Daniel Bryan's wrestling abilities being amazing and much better than John Cena's and I've myself enjoyed his matches against CM Punk on Raw in 2012.

Overcome? Batista only overcomes because he doesn't care about anyone but himself. And for his promos, in between his panting from being out of wind, he's saying words that he's being fed. It's not like he's some promo genius who came up with this. Writers saw the negative reaction and were forced to play the hand they were dealt.
It's a wrestling show. There are going to be writers and scripts involved. It's not like every wrestler there has the mindset and understanding of it when it comes to the drama aspect of it, nor do most of them have an experience in Drama. So much the better if only Batista took acting lessons , right?

It's an entirely different situation, considering Mysterio and Bryan have two very different styles. So your argument is invalid here. Also when in a crowd Yes chants are very catchy, hence why they show up at football games and basketball games. It's not just a WWE audience that likes them it's all other sports.
I never asserted a similarity in their wrestling styles or gimmicks. The similarity is that they're both tiny and anti-heavyweight, they're both Underdogs and the same was exploited with Mysterio when they did the whole Eddie storyline, and then with Batista? seriously? a gigantic wrestler like Batista feuding Mysterio for 3 straight months as a big heel? And now Bryan. Just that Bryan happens to be more over/popular with the world for a mix of reasons than just babyface Sympathy.

That is because Batista doesn't deserve the spot he has right now. The Rock came back and had the drawing ability. Batista doesn't have that great of drawing ability as shown by his lackluster return and how it's been received.
Not going to argue about "drawing ability". Neither should you. Not every performer will draw like Austin and Rock did. Cannot compare him with The Rock either.

Ya you're spot on here. Man you're insulty, it makes me wonder about how you actually are in real life. You try hard to come off as an intellectual but I wonder if the same holds true when you're not behind a computer. I'm wondering when Mick Foley was main eventing if you were thinking the same thing. Considering how intelligent you are you're mind may have been elsewhere so perhaps not.
Again, you've got me wrong here. I've never asserted or meant that only "good-looking" or charismatic or "cute" to you , performers such as Sting(surfer gimmick), John Cena, or Randy Orton deserve to be World Champions. Mick Foley certainly wasn't an eye candy. But Mick Foley was 6'2, his long beard and attire could have qualified him to be "shabby" but when he would be furious or demented , he was one dangerous and credible SOB. I would put Mick Foley in the top-most echelon of wrestlers when it comes to Mic skills. That's all.

I won't disagree and say that Daniel has amazing Mic skills because he doesn't, he wouldn't be able to cut CM Punk like promos because it's hard to believe him when he's angry where as CM Punk was able to change the tone of his voice and it made you feel his anger. He won't be able to out talk Cena because Cena can feed to the crowd in many ways because he's naturally charismatic. However, As long as you have above average mic skills and can consistently put on fantastic matches, that makes you as superstar.

I can't deny he's a WWE superstar or a great wrestler. One thing he's not is charismatic, or a champion appearance and stature wise. What he's lacked on mic, in stature/size, intensity and appearance, he has miraculously seemed to derive from the Chants/reactions. He just doesn't seem to possess half the intensity Benoit, Guerrero or Angle have and without that intensity, how do you take a miniscule wrestler chopping and suplexing guys like HHH or Batista around seriously? I won't even assert how big/ripped/dangerous Benoit and Angle's physiques were in their prime. And Guerrero too. (I only mention them because they're all 5'10 and Guerrero was 5'8 but became World champions) How long was Eddie Guerrero the WWE champion? And I am of the opinion that Eddie was a very good wrestler and even better entertainer-in the ring, on mic, his intensity for such a small wrestler remains unrivalled. His expressions, mannerisms, whether as a face, heel .Eddie Guerrero was Gold. I can't say the same for Bryan.
Time will only tell whether he'll be a miniature Mick Foley getting the same subservient treatment because there're major stars(Austin ,Rock, HHH, Taker) or will be completely overlooked or suppressed into the mid-card just like Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero were.
I can't be jealous of Daniel Bryan because frankly if I wanted to become a pro wrestler(and I'd have gone to tenacious lengths for the same), I would've emulated and wanted to be like Shawn Michaels, or Bret Hart, or CM Punk(gimmick wise) or a combination of those three. The idea of jealousy stems from someone else possessing something which either you don't have, you desire, or you resent. Bryan has nothing of that sort. I'm a wrestling fan, not a wannabe WWE superstar. Chapter closed.

I will never deny Daniel Bryan's wrestling abilities being amazing and much better than John Cena's and I've myself enjoyed his matches against CM Punk on Raw in 2012.

It's a wrestling show. There are going to be writers and scripts involved. It's not like every wrestler there has the mindset and understanding of it when it comes to the drama aspect of it, nor do most of them have an experience in Drama. So much the better if only Batista took acting lessons , right?

I never asserted a similarity in their wrestling styles or gimmicks. The similarity is that they're both tiny and anti-heavyweight, they're both Underdogs and the same was exploited with Mysterio when they did the whole Eddie storyline, and then with Batista? seriously? a gigantic wrestler like Batista feuding Mysterio for 3 straight months as a big heel? And now Bryan. Just that Bryan happens to be more over/popular with the world for a mix of reasons than just babyface Sympathy.

Not going to argue about "drawing ability". Neither should you. Not every performer will draw like Austin and Rock did. Cannot compare him with The Rock either.

Again, you've got me wrong here. I've never asserted or meant that only "good-looking" or charismatic or "cute" to you , performers such as Sting(surfer gimmick), John Cena, or Randy Orton deserve to be World Champions. Mick Foley certainly wasn't an eye candy. But Mick Foley was 6'2, his long beard and attire could have qualified him to be "shabby" but when he would be furious or demented , he was one dangerous and credible SOB. I would put Mick Foley in the top-most echelon of wrestlers when it comes to Mic skills. That's all.

I can't deny he's a WWE superstar or a great wrestler. One thing he's not is charismatic, or a champion appearance and stature wise. What he's lacked on mic, in stature/size, intensity and appearance, he has miraculously seemed to derive from the Chants/reactions. He just doesn't seem to possess half the intensity Benoit, Guerrero or Angle have and without that intensity, how do you take a miniscule wrestler chopping and suplexing guys like HHH or Batista around seriously? I won't even assert how big/ripped/dangerous Benoit and Angle's physiques were in their prime. And Guerrero too. (I only mention them because they're all 5'10 and Guerrero was 5'8 but became World champions) How long was Eddie Guerrero the WWE champion? And I am of the opinion that Eddie was a very good wrestler and even better entertainer-in the ring, on mic, his intensity for such a small wrestler remains unrivalled. His expressions, mannerisms, whether as a face, heel .Eddie Guerrero was Gold. I can't say the same for Bryan.
Time will only tell whether he'll be a miniature Mick Foley getting the same subservient treatment because there're major stars(Austin ,Rock, HHH, Taker) or will be completely overlooked or suppressed into the mid-card just like Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero were.

You want to have he same gimmick as CM Junk? (IWC = bite me)

Like I said yesterday afternoon (UK time) thank you for proving to me that you are indeed, completely fucking ******ed.
You want to have he same gimmick as CM Junk? (IWC = bite me)

Like I said yesterday afternoon (UK time) thank you for proving to me that you are indeed, completely fucking ******ed.

Your opinion means nothing but shit. I could well opine your mother to be a ****e but unlike you, I'm not a childish warrior here calling an intelligent and eloquent person "completely ******ed" because their opinions and assertions differ from yours and more importantly they see the truth about the tiny pipsqueak Daniel Bryan which you can't , for whatsoever reasons. Well, there's much more chance of your momma being a ****e, though. Why do you bother replying to my threads or posts if you think I'm "completely ******ed" ? That makes you a lunatic.

As far as your disdaining and disgracing CM Punk and his gimmicks by calling him "CM Junk", he's not a tiny little pipsqueak first of all, he doesn't run around chanting YES! and NO! in an ape-like monosyllabic fashion, nor does he look like a homeless bum with an overgrown beard claiming to be "Vegan" and even having a T-shirt with an ugly bearded man on it(LMAO. Who buys that shit?) CM Punk's gimmicks stemmed from his real-life straight-edge lifestyle, Anti-christ saviour, messiah, etc. etc. Not for kids like you, I know. Please get off of Daniel Bryan and chant YES! YES! YES! as you learn to ejaculate and finally do ejaculate.

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