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Ric Flair's Return to the Ring: Set to Challenge For the Championship?


Mid-Card Championship Winner

In a new interview with The Albany Herald, TNA star Ric Flair revealed that he will be returning to the ring soon, and teased that he might be challenging for the Heavyweight title.

"I don’t know for sure, but it will be either Sting or Kurt Angle,” Flair said regarding his in-ring return. "It just depends on whoever wins between them on Aug. 6. You got the scoop right there, brother." You can read the entire interview by clicking on the above link.

I'm not sure what to think of this. I would think that after the news that Flair was acting like a doosh, they would have either gotten rid of him soon or disciplined him by keeping him out of storylines completely.

If this is true, this is a terrible move on TNA's, yes TNA's, part.
Yeah, because Flair is gonna give away the ENTIRE storyline just like that. You people really are gullible.

Why the hell would TNA waste time building Sting up to take out Bischoff and Hogan, only for Flair to challenge for the title? WHEN THERE IS A BOUND FOR GLORY SERIES going on.
Yeah, because Flair is gonna give away the ENTIRE storyline just like that. You people really are gullible.

Why the hell would TNA waste time building Sting up to take out Bischoff and Hogan, only for Flair to challenge for the title? WHEN THERE IS A BOUND FOR GLORY SERIES going on.

I don't care about storylines. Just why would Flair talk about getting in the ring when he is clearly a cancer in the locker room and is also a major dick to his fans?

TNA should clean their hands of this guy completely. Not let him talk about getting in the ring again.
The last time Ric Flair won a match, he was in his underwear. You really expect TNA to make him champ? Say what you will about Sting, Kurt and that, but those guys still work mostly full schedules and don't get mad about going to a pitchers plate to wave hello. We know Ric's a bit of a nut, but he's still a nut with value in the eyes of the company. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a mess over him not wanting to attend a show.
As I posted in the flair thread already, the IWC was making more of the flair situation than what was there, he simply is booked x amount of dates per year and if he works over those dates they have to pay him significantly more money. They've done the same thing in the past with rvd foley and flair. I also talked about him cutting a promo at a house show a couple weeks ago that he was coming back and going for the belt. Once again the IWC trying to start shit out of nothing.
He said it depends on who wins on Aug. 6. Where did it say he faces the winner? IMO Angle walks out with the belt and faces the winner of the BFG series, and TNA rehashes yet another WCW feud, and Sting wrestles Flair.
He said it depends on who wins on Aug. 6. Where did it say he faces the winner? IMO Angle walks out with the belt and faces the winner of the BFG series, and TNA rehashes yet another WCW feud, and Sting wrestles Flair.

Right. And I suppose if the match was just a regular match on Impact with not much to it, it would still be a WCW rehash and not TNA putting two guys they have on their roster to wrestle each other.
wow, i hope that flair doesnt step into the ring, he might live longer if he doesnt wrestle.....seriously. if he does have a match for the WHC, then lets hope that sting or kurt angle are on their game cause we dont wanna see a legend who wont stop get hurt even more..... again........ well lets hope that flair doesnt injure himself to severely by yet another match, would be a shame. speaking of which, shame on TNA if they allow ric flair to get into a ring and wrestle a match.
It would be a match with an easy build up. Ric Flair returns to help Immortal take out Sting plus the history the two have in WCW. I dont see the harm in them having a 10 minute match on IMPACT. I wouldnt risk putting Flair in a live PPV main event.
I'm not sure I'd agree with this as a wise decision for TNA when/if he returns to give him a title shot, at this point I'd rather see it on David Arquette.... Flair vs. Sting always had good matches when Flair was more able to work back in WCW but sorry to say it, watching Flair wrestling now would be like watching my 80+ year old grandfather try to wrestle. It just doesn't make sense, He doesn't look like he is in physical shape anymore. Hogan at least looks more promising, sometimes, sometimes he looks awful. Sting is getting to the point that his years are numbered but I still have seen some pretty good matches out of Sting whether you think he should have the championship or not, he's good business for the company still. It doesn't look good through the fans eye to see Flair win it anymore, he needs to be a mentor roll and honestly stay away from wrestling huge matches as much as possible. Same for Hogan. I know all are getting old and do need to pass the torch on to the younger generation. They need to allow Kurt Angle before they do, but I think before they do, if they want to give it to someone older, my idea is to give it to Scott Steiner. I think he's underestimated in the sport a lot. Not for a long period of time, but I do think he should hold it once.
I can't believe that TNA would be stupid enough to have him in an angle for the world championship. The guy can't wrestle to a high enough calibre anymore. It's just kind of depressing. All he does is wrestle in a sub-par fashion and then blades. Not entertaining. TNA is brimming with young - or fairly young - wrestlers who are both more talented than Flair, and more deserving of a world championship angle.

Like I said though, I don't think it will happen. TNA have done some stupid things, but I think even this is out of their stupidity range.
I don't see Ric Flair being TNA World Heavyweight Champion. For one thing, Flair allegedly has some backstage heat with the powers that be. He's had a few instances in TNA in which he's allowed his sense of self importance to override his good sense.

As far as his return to the ring goes, I have to say that it doesn't interest me. I'm not gonna go on about how much Flair means to wrestling, we all know how much he means, but I'm sometimes embarassed to see Ric Flair in a wrestling ring these days.

Now that I think about it, it's not out of the realm of possibility that TNA would give Flair a run with the title. After all, they gave Jeff Hardy a couple of runs with it despite him being a drug addict with a handful of felony drug charges hanging over his head like the Sword of Damocles.
To be honest the guy is nearly 70......do you know what most 70 year olds are doing.........nothing enjoying retirement, gardening. Flair needs to hang up the boots, pack his bag and f**k off home and stay there. He has tarnished his legacy enough as it is without him being a arrogant SOB and stealing the spotlight.

Same for that washed up loser Hogan, nobody wants to see him on TV so TNA need to chuck both of them
I dont get where people get off trying to tell someone how to live their life. To say the man can no longer wrestle is ludicrous, of course he isn't going to be able to do the things he used to, but that's not the point, to be able to do the things he does at his age is impressive considering how most his age move around. It's HIS decision and only HIS if he wants to continue wrestling, you people have no right to tell someone how to make a living, if companies are still willing to pay him and pay him well to continue to wrestle how can you blame him for working? It makes no sense whatsoever and I don't want to hear that bullshit about him taking tv time from a younger guy, it's one f***ing match.
No no no no no!! Please do not step into the ring again! Your a wrestling god - we get it. But from a wrestling fans point of view..you just can't put on a great match anymore! U really need to stop thinking the sun shines out your ass and realize this is 2011! Work backstage if really dont want to leave the business or help push other talent I.E Bobby Roode! It's embarassing when you become the old guy that can't let go if the past!
Really? Ric Flair? Oh c'mon! Seriously this guy is a parasite these days! Yes, i did support Flair. Yes, i had respect for him back in the day, but the day was 10 years ago. Nobody cares anymore Flair. Nobody cares that you are returning to the ring. Nobody even wants to see you in your wrestling gear anymore. Take the hint, IT'S OVER. This is the guy who ruined his rep by doing a fake retirement. This pisses me off for two reasons. 1. It's the fact that he can't realize he is done with wrestling. There's no way he can possibly put on a good match in the shape he's in. And 2. It seems TNA is more set on giving the old, worn out, un-entertaining WWE rejects more of an opportunity in the limelight, than the young, talented and very able TNA original guys. One question, when was the last time you saw guys like Robbie E and Amazing Red on tv for say 4 straight weeks? Exactly, because TNA is focused around Immortal and putting Old Relics in the ring, than building up the talent. TNA think about who is REALLY entertaining in the ring.
I'm not sure why Flair continues to ruin his legacy. After he supposedly retired the 12th time, he went out doing shoot interviews trashing just about everyone in the business, except Vince. Now he wants to wrestle another match?(if that is what the article was trying to say that is) I watched a shoot interview with Sting, and they talked about a Sting/Flair match possibly in the works, so more than likely that's who it will be. IMO Flair should have retired when WCW went under.
I think it's funny how people react to stories like this. Is it sad that Flair "worked" us into thinking he'd step aside? A little bit. However, I enjoy reading the 10-20 crowd of internet smarks who put over people like Crimson or Gen Me. I find it hilarious. As the Miz would say, "Really? Really?" Do you know why Flair, Hogan, Sting, RVD, etc continue to paid the salaries they are and will continue be employed? Because no body is out there to replace them! J.J Dillon explained it perfectly in his book "Wrestlers Are Like Seagullls:"

"The reason Flair continues to wrestle today is because their isn't anyone currently who can do it better than he can."

Same can be said for Hogan and Angle and what the IWC might deem the other "WWE rejects." I went to the TNA event in Fayetteville, N.C and do you know who received the biggest pops? Not Gunner and Murphy or Crimson. Sting, Flair and Hogan. When I went to WM28, I heard 68,000 "Wooooooo"ing for every knife edge chop. Also, before the event started their were audible "We Want Flair" chants. WM24 was drawn primarily because of Ric Flair. WM and about 10 other WM's were drawn by Hogan.

That's not to say that people Flair and Hogan's age shouldn't be stepping aside for younger, more athletically credible talent. In a physical sport, it helps to be as mobile as possible. However, when has wrestling ever strictly been about the hurracanrana's or the moonsalts? It's how the theatrical talents of the performers are effectively conveyed via the athletic competition in the ring and charisma displayed on the microphone. Do you recall the verbal exchanges between Flair and AJ Styles? AJ, for all his prowess in the squared circle, seemed out of his league. Also, for those who think that WWE wouldn't want Hogan or Flair or Sting are only fooling themselves. Vince McMahon is a savvy enough business man to know if he can make money with them, they will work. Flair actually asked for his release to pursue independent bookings since WWE wouldn't allow him to work there and do independent projects/bookings. Initially, they intended on making him an ambassador of sorts, paying him upwards of $500,000 a year. Not bad for someone who isn't really entertaining.
Do you know why Flair, Hogan, Sting, RVD, etc continue to paid the salaries they are and will continue be employed? Because no body is out there to replace them! J.J Dillon explained it perfectly in his book "Wrestlers Are Like Seagullls:
"The reason Flair continues to wrestle today is because their isn't anyone currently who can do it better than he can."

Which is why you have the older guys put over the younger guys to make them stars. Was Sting an "Icon" from his first match? Was he an "Icon" when he started in the NWA? No. Flair put him over and made him credible.

I went to the TNA event in Fayetteville, N.C and do you know who received the biggest pops? Not Gunner and Murphy or Crimson. Sting, Flair and Hogan.
Gunner and Murphy wasn't relevant during those tapings. Crimson was barely getting TV time and pushed like a star. Of course they'd get a big pop for simply who they are.

When I went to WM28, I heard 68,000 "Wooooooo"ing for every knife edge chop.

Happens at every event I've been too. And you made a typo so I think you mean Wrestlemania 27. I don't see the wooos as a big deal or a justification for a world title run.

Also, before the event started their were audible "We Want Flair" chants.
WM24 was drawn primarily because of Ric Flair.

What is your evidence for that? The year before they had the biggest buy rate in Wrestlemania history, and a far bigger attendance with Flair working a dark match. You also had Cena/Triple H/Orton, Taker/Edge, and the MITB at Wrestlemania 24.

WM and about 10 other WM's were drawn by Hogan.

Of course, but this isn't the 1980s anymore. If it was, TNA would get far more than 4k people when they are on the road.

That's not to say that people Flair and Hogan's age shouldn't be stepping aside for younger, more athletically credible talent. In a physical sport, it helps to be as mobile as possible. However, when has wrestling ever strictly been about the hurracanrana's or the moonsalts? It's how the theatrical talents of the performers are effectively conveyed via the athletic competition in the ring and charisma displayed on the microphone. Do you recall the verbal exchanges between Flair and AJ Styles? AJ, for all his prowess in the squared circle, seemed out of his league. Also, for those who think that WWE wouldn't want Hogan or Flair or Sting are only fooling themselves. Vince McMahon is a savvy enough business man to know if he can make money with them, they will work.

Of course it isn't just about hurracanranas.

Since when was wrestling about going 60 minutes in the ring either, which Flair would do back in the day? So I guess Flair's philosophy is a bit misguided?

It's also about the story line behind the match and the build up.

If you had the old guys help the young guys, then the young guys would be damn good too.

Vince McMahon also wouldn't give Hogan a world title run, or Ric Flair a title run. He has JOHN CENA.

Funny how Cena was a total nobody in 2002 and I'm sure people online would have said he would be fired later that year, but yet 9 years later he is the biggest name in wrestling today?

Guess how that happened? They PUSHED a YOUNG GUY and got him over! GASP
The Naitch Still got it......17 and it will count lol Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Flair is the greatest wrestler that has ever lived if you go by World Championships WON...And I do believe hes 1st,, that would make Triple H #2 All time

But imo HBK is just as good if not better than both hhh and flair combined...thats just how good Shawn was... to bad he was like Ken Griffey ...because HBK was supposed to be the Best of All time

Flair vs CM Punk....For the WWE Championship....on TNA whatever Crap Show....

Flair Wins Comes back to WWE..... Vince's ruling from 08 out the window ( If Flair wins or Not)

YOU KNOW that This is all possible seeing how if HHH is really in Charge now...If flair beat Punk Or just wanted to come back period.... HE Can Do It... Hes the F*ckin Nature Boy...The limo ridin jetFlyin kissStealin wheelinDealin SonaVa Gunn.... Hes the man...At 104 years old if he can take a bump and get clothes lined or back body drop anyone... then let him do it...Hes a legend until he dies Appreciate it

MY SHOES COST MORE THAN YOU'RE HOUSE.... What time is it Rick....I dont know there are so many diamond on my Rolex I cant tell what time is........ Michaels in Kansas City Has a special on these Lizzard Shoes here...for one thousand two hundred haha BEST FKING PROMOS Hands down
Suplex flex you're right it's not the 1980's anymore, but last time I checked hogan was responsible for a sellout this decade also wrestling the rock so sorry that's not the issue. Some of you people just don't get its got nothing to do with their value, IW is an extremely small company compared to the WWE machine. To the millions that were watching during the 90's that no longer do, most don't even know what the WWE is, because they think it's still the WWF, let alone know WTF an impact wrestling is. Look how long it took WCW to get to it's apex, and think of all the advantages they had with the turner money/networks and such. Of course they're not going to draw as big as the WWE, they're barely known to the public compared to the WWE.
Flair is old. So what? Internet dirt sheets like to bury people and the people here like to repeat the things that other people write because it makes them feel smarter. Flair is one of the greatest of all time and is a huge asset regardless. Without the Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan TNA/Impact Wrestling wasn't even worth discussing. With them around you have a wealth of knowledge that can be shared with the newer generation guys on the roster.

If Flair can wrestle and put on a good show then let him. I just hope that they use him correctly and book it right. Give him a chance to work out a bit and get in shape and put it in the top / middle of a ppv. Don't just drop it on an Impact taping where half of the people read the spoilers anyway. Build programs around his matches. Flair won't wrestle forever. When he does wrestle it should be special. If he's going to wrestle often then put the television title on him in honor of Arn Anderson's run(s) with the WCW tv title. Don't call it the legends belt call it the tv title and have the real technical guys go after it. No 300lb guys and no spot fests.

These are just ideas. I'm sick of seeing people bury Ric Flair on these forums. He is a legend. He is the nature boy. There's a reason why he's on television as a 16 time world heavyweight champion and you're not.
Flair is old. So what?

That sums up TNA's philosophy pretty good. Who cares if they are way over the hill, there are sure to be at least a couple of thousand suckers that will pay to watch. TNA will get beaten down to a distant third when ROH starts televising.
The IWC is a small proportion of the actual audience. Sure that's true... However... As a little kid I didn't enjoy seeing an older man like Flair wrestle, and now as a member of the IWC, I STILL don't wanna see that kinda guy wrestle. The only people I can imagine wanting to see Flair wrestle are the die-hard Flair fans. Some wrestlers continue to remain healthy and athletic as they grow older, i.e.; Sting, HBK, Undertaker (The guy was showing signs of balding at WM27, yet he could still suicide dive out of the ring over the top rope... WOW). To be honest, at WM24, Flair put on a GREAT match against Shawn Michaels... But at the time Flair was wrestling every week on Raw, so his 'skills' were kept as sharp as they could of been. Flair's been out action for awhile now, so he's gonna be alittle rusty... He'll come back at some point, he's 'retired' like 3 times now. He's a wrestling-junkie, he can't help himself.

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