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Ric Flair's New Role in the WWE


Pre-Show Stalwart
So Ric Flair has been primed to return to WWE TV at some point, with the possible position of being a manager to someone in some capacity. The WWE want him to come back and manage The Miz, but Naith has personally asked for Dolph Ziggler. I have to admit, I'm with Ric on this, it would work a lot better were he paired with Ziggler, which is not a knock on The Miz what so ever.

The thing is about The Miz is, when he's a heel, he has charisma. The kind of charisma which can't be helped with Ric Flair. I love The Miz, I'm one of the people who think the guy should have been a top heel by now, he's more than proved himself and worked his ass off to get to where he did. But ever since WrestleMania 27, the guy has just slowly slid out of position into a bland midcard face role. Even though he is great as a talker and they still let him do that to some capacity (Miz TV, panels, films, commentary), Flair just won't be able help him, The Miz doesn't need someone like Flair, he just needs a push in the right direction.

As for Ziggler... he can benefit from having Flair in his corner. Don't get me wrong, I'm still not completely sold on Ziggler having Flair as a mananger, but I'm sure the results would be very entertaining and anything that could give the guy a rub would definitely help him. Just imagine those two wooing like crazy after a match, the fans would love it.

Here are the questions that need to be answered:
WHY does WWE seem to think Miz will still make it as a face?
WHY does the WWE refuse to give Ziggler ANY kind of a push despite his popularity?
Would Flair benefit either man's career in anyway?

Just as a side note, I much prefer The Miz to Ziggler, Miz won me over with his monster push in 2010 and ever since then I've been dying to see him get another shot at the big time. I'm not as much of a fan of Ziggler at all, but even I can see that Flair's prescence can ONLY help Ziggler over Miz.
Interesting topic. Let me see if I can answer your questions.

WHY does WWE seem to think Miz will still make it as a face?

Good question. I don't particularly think WWE still thinks Miz can make it as a face, perhaps it's the same problem facing Bray Wyatt among others. There are no credible faces in the WWE anymore. Turning him as a heel, while beneficial to his career, will more or less keep him stagnant as there's nobody right now that he can really have a good solid rivalry with on the face side.

WHY does the WWE refuse to give Ziggler ANY kind of a push despite his popularity?

This one is a little easier. They've already pushed him a few times, and, though not necessarily his fault, he keeps getting injured (concussions). They don't want to push him again for fear he'll get injured again and ruin their plans for him. Plus, as Chris Jericho said in his book, Undisputed, you can have millions of fans love you but if Vince Mcmahon doesn't then you're not gonna go very far in the WWE. Maybe he p!$$ed someone off backstage, who knows?
Would Flair benefit either man's career in anyway?

He certainly can't make either man's career any worse, as far as in the ring. I would say he could benefit Ziggler's career more, but as I said earlier, it doesn't matter if Vince doesn't like him.
I see no reason why Naitch cant have both & player/manage Miz & Dolph as a tag team of disgruntled stars ,an idea which was discussed here a while ago.
They being the Show-0ff & the Miz call themselves the New Show-Miz so natch their first feud would be against Big Show & (well,I hear Goldust is available) as they rise through the tag ranks,moaning about how underated they were till Ric came back ,eventually winning the titles.
This naturally alerts H who,having played out his feud with Shield,remembers Ric sided with Shield over Evo,& challenges them to a PPV 6 man tag,during which the Shield interfere,causing Seth to remember Ric liked him & Shield best & screws Evo out of the win.
Seth leaves Evo & Batista having plugged his movie crawls back but not really happy with how things have gone,his disgruntlement breaks up Evo while Rics distracting styling & profiling to the crowd cause Dolph/Miz to lose the titles & ends up in the traditional PPV Tag team break up match with Ric as reluctant referee.The winner hangs about Ric,the loser-NXT.
The obvious alternative is going back to Evo but unless he rejoined them at the start,you cant see his big fanfare return doing anything but burying Seth.
No chance of him managing the Four Horsewomen?-ah well.
WHY does WWE seem to think Miz will still make it as a face?

To sell more copies of the blockbuster hit, The Marine also starring Summer Rae!

The WWE saw a lot of promise in the Miz when they gave him the headlining match and the victory at a Wrestlemania so it isn't that hard to figure out that the company are still pretty high on the guy. They invested a lot of time in making this former reality star into a professional wrestler so why not have another crack at getting their money's worth? With the right push and story, you can make anybody a likeable face.

WHY does the WWE refuse to give Ziggler ANY kind of a push despite his popularity?

He's had multiple concussions and is considered a loose cannon. Would you push somebody if they were like that outside of storyline? Probably not the wisest move when you've got others guys on the roster who shut their mouth, pay their dues and get rewarded for their progress.

I love Dolph Ziggler as much as the next mark but he is featured regularly on WWE programming, gets a good reaction and entertains the crowd. He's also a go-to-guy if you need to make someone look great so he isn't going anywhere any time soon but if he wants to go up, he should keep his mouth and health in check.

Would Flair benefit either man's career in anyway?

Ric Flair has name value and popularity so that alone will rub off some credibility to either man but The Miz sorely needs that more than Ziggler. Miz hasn't been around for a while and a lot of people have forgotten about him so pairing him Flair will grab people's attention instantly.

Also, if he brings the Flair that added emotion and kept the crowd entertained during a primarily submission-based battle between Natalya & Charlotte at NXT Takeover (one of the best WWE women's matches in history with Meltzer rating it 4 stars, the highest ever) over the stumbling drunk who endorsed the Shield, Flair being a manager will most likely create something special.

Personally, Ziggler being with Flair would feel more natural and organic but Miz definitely needs a big way to return to the spotlight and out of the limited options, Flair is a good, solid (and lazy for creative) option.
1st time poster here.

Since we seem to be in the "remake" or "rerun" era, Evolution, Horror Movie Kane, ect,

How about a new 4 horsemen? Cody, Miz, Dolph and Alex Riley. Riley just seems to fit in here. Anyway Flair come back to mold these under used guys into what they use to be. I know Cody doesn't need to be "molded" but it seems like it could be a good fit.
Personally I don't feel either superstar needs a mouthpiece. I'm still against a Ric Flair full-time TV return(as I've been watching him on TV since his territory days). I just feel either Flair will be over more than the superstar or it won't be a good fit. But if I had to pick, I'd much rather see him with some involvement with The Shield seeing as he dubbed them greatness his previous appearance.
Miz could never make it as a face. He's too annoying, not to mention the fact that he sucks in every single capacity other than mic skills. He brings abolustely nothing else to the table. Why would I ever cheer for him? Because WWE wants me to by turning him face? No. That didn't work with Carlito and it won't with Miz. If I strongly dislike a wrestler then I refuse to cheer for him. I doubt I am alone in that opinion. Miz would NEVER be successful as a face as too many fans dislike him and his character doesn't work outside trying to make fans angry. I have no clue why he got pushed so hard in the first place, let alone why they would want to push him as a face.

As for Dolph Ziggler? Why he does not get as big of a push? He is very gifted in the ring and he got better on the mic over time, but just because you have all the talent in the world in-ring doesn't mean you have to be pushed if you cannot make the majority of the fans care. Something about Ziggler just wouldn't seem like a big deal if he returned to the World Heavyweight Championship scene. If Flair was in his corner like these plans suggest, then that would help him tremendously. Nearly any time there is a scenario of a legend being in the corner of someone still trying to get over, it more often then not will be beneficial for the younger wrestler. This would, theoretically, help Miz too but not even a legend in his corner would make me cheer for him. It could be Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Stone Cold AND The Rock all at the same time in his corner, I still would refuse to cheer for him.

I much prefer The Miz to Ziggler, Miz won me over with his monster push in 2010 and ever since then I've been dying to see him get another shot at the big time.

Why? Miz is not World Heavyweight Championship material. Give him the US or Intercontinental Championship. He was nowhere near deserving a world title in 2010 let alone now. Mic skills are all he brings to the table. That's it. If that's all that it took then Paul Heyman and Zeb Colter could be World Heavyweight Champion now. Come to think of it, both would be better than Miz. MICHAEL COLE would be better than Miz. He's awful and should be kept as far away from the World Heavyweight Championship as possible. His reign was one of the darkest times WWE has ever seen.
Both Ziggler and Miz could benefit from an association with Ric Flair, but I'm not as interested in either of them as I am Flair himself.

Toeing the line for a single employer might save the man's life. You wouldn't think a 65-year-old man needs discipline installed in his existence, but Flair seems to be a man who could benefit from it. That he had to be cleared medically is just one of the conditions WWE must have placed on him in order to give him a job. Probably, they've installed some "behave yourself" conditions in there, too .....and I think adhering to them is the best thing for him, in terms of his health and state of mind.

The man's financial and lifestyle problems have been well-publicized; this garbage about holding court in bars until they kick him out at closing time....and spending money he doesn't have to try and hold on to the celebrity status he's always enjoyed....are things he should have long since outgrown. The fact he apparently owes alimony to 143 ex-wives and couldn't possibly be earning enough hiring himself out to wrestling promotions that stage events at junior high school gyms must keep constant pressure on him that a man his age shouldn't have to handle.

Of course, WWE must have contractual stipulations that give them an out if Flair can't behave himself. It's up to him; it's a shame a man of retirement age is forced to work in the first place.....but here's his chance to ease his own way.

Be good, Nature Boy.
They could always align him with Triple H again and The Authority/Evolution. That's would be an easy way to bring back of with his history with Triple H and Orton. It would be way to feature Flair on TV without putting him at risk. They could maybe make him the new "Director of Operations" and have him as an authority figure similar to when he was in the gm role back in 2002.
Miz is a good talker and shouldn't need a manager. Only reason anyone usually has a manager is to draw heat or because they cant talk. Ziggler so far isnt too great on the mic. Miz just needs to play the crowd as a heel and stop trying to act like Flair Jr in the ring with the figure four leg lock for his finisher.
WHY does WWE seem to think Miz will still make it as a face?
-Because he's popular with a lot of people. Women, believe it or not, go crazy over him. MTV fans recognize him. He's got a presence in front of a camera that just works. And above all else, he just looks like a baby face. Seriously, look at The Miz... pick an era, I don't care... look at his face. Does it not scream face to you? I think that WWE wants to recreate what The Rock once was, and honestly I think that will only hurt him in the long run. Miz could be something very unique if given his own thing to run with.

WHY does the WWE refuse to give Ziggler ANY kind of a push despite his popularity?
-I'm off and on with Dolph Ziggler, almost as much as I am with Christian. Both men can work solid matches, and in the right program, can be very entertaining. But for the most part, I see both men as just there. In all honesty, I felt the same about Jericho and even Rey Mysterio. But overall, I am fans of all these guys, and being "just there" can benefit sometimes. All four of these men, at any time, can go up or down the card believably and it not really matter. It's just all about timing, and unfortunately for Dolph, right now isn't his time.

Would Flair benefit either man's career in anyway?
-As a manager... not really. He'll outshine them, and undoubtedly work as a mouthpiece. Both men can talk on the microphone, so they don't need a mouthpiece. Hell, Cesaro doesn't need one, but I can see how sticking him with Heyman could garner him heat. To me, if anything's going to come out of those two working with flair; it should be as a student/mentor role. With his recent string of losses, Ziggler could come out and fain a false retirement which would lead to Flair coming out and saying Ziggler has it but just needs to mold it. He then agrees to show Ziggler how to mold it, which then leads to Miz coming out. Miz can be jealous about Flair picking Ziggler over Miz, especially after Flair gave him the figure four. And from there, WWE would have something fresh and unique that could work for both men.
I feel they want Miz as a face because he would make a great ambassador to the company with public appearances and Make-a-Wish ect. They've always thought Miz would be great for this bases on being on a few reality TV shows. He's a great mid-carder but I don't think he works as a main-eventer/crossover star.

As far as Ric Flair is concerned I'm just happy he's working for the WWE again and he'll make the most of any role they give him. This being said, WWE doesn't keep storyline partnerships going long tern so sooner or later Flair will be working with someone else and it will be great.
How I think it should all happen is recreate FOURTUNE 4 in the WWE. Just think about this faction - The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, and possibly Sami Zayn all making up a new Fourtune 4 which is managed by Ric Flair who says these four men are a major part of this companies future and he is going to take them there.

The dynamics are awesome in this according to me - The Miz, sometimes shouldn't be trusted, is out for the money. Dolph Ziggler, the fan favorite who wants to be in Cenas Shoes. Sheamus, the muscle that Flair calls the future. Sami Zayn, the wildcard young gun who respects the hell out of Flair.
Considering Sheamus has had a run with the heavyweight title for the summer of 2012 and a couple short world title reigns, should we still be dubbing him the future? Guys like Rollins, B.Wyatt, Reigns, ect are in their 20s compared to Sheamus who is upper 30s. If Miz is making a full time return then I'd advocate him and Ziggler teaming as they'd be great for the tag division and a great way to build them back up . I think Sami Zayn is great on his own.
Would Flair benefit either man's career in anyway?
-As a manager... not really. He'll outshine them, and undoubtedly work as a mouthpiece.

Undoubtedly true. When Flair was doing a bit with Miz, he did his talking thing, then stood back and watched as Miz did the wrestling. At first, I was glad to see Flair do what he was supposed to do when helping his man get over......but then I wondered whether Flair was simply too wasted to take over the spotlight, as it appeared.

When Flair was in the ring as Evolution and Shield were ready to square off, he looked like the poster boy for "This is your mind on drugs" and his act was so forced and stilted that I wondered which team he was actually backing......finally concluding that he was pushing himself, which probably figures, no?

With Flair, any-damn-thing can happen....and while it might be fun to watch and see when he screws up, WWE management might not be as amused. They'd better ride herd on this guy.

Still, he's Ric Flair, a wrestling immortal and I hope he can make this work.
So Ric Flair has been primed to return to WWE TV at some point, with the possible position of being a manager to someone in some capacity. The WWE want him to come back and manage The Miz, but Naith has personally asked for Dolph Ziggler. I have to admit, I'm with Ric on this, it would work a lot better were he paired with Ziggler, which is not a knock on The Miz what so ever.

The thing is about The Miz is, when he's a heel, he has charisma. The kind of charisma which can't be helped with Ric Flair. I love The Miz, I'm one of the people who think the guy should have been a top heel by now, he's more than proved himself and worked his ass off to get to where he did. But ever since WrestleMania 27, the guy has just slowly slid out of position into a bland midcard face role. Even though he is great as a talker and they still let him do that to some capacity (Miz TV, panels, films, commentary), Flair just won't be able help him, The Miz doesn't need someone like Flair, he just needs a push in the right direction.

As for Ziggler... he can benefit from having Flair in his corner. Don't get me wrong, I'm still not completely sold on Ziggler having Flair as a mananger, but I'm sure the results would be very entertaining and anything that could give the guy a rub would definitely help him. Just imagine those two wooing like crazy after a match, the fans would love it.

Here are the questions that need to be answered:
WHY does WWE seem to think Miz will still make it as a face?
WHY does the WWE refuse to give Ziggler ANY kind of a push despite his popularity?
Would Flair benefit either man's career in anyway?

Just as a side note, I much prefer The Miz to Ziggler, Miz won me over with his monster push in 2010 and ever since then I've been dying to see him get another shot at the big time. I'm not as much of a fan of Ziggler at all, but even I can see that Flair's prescence can ONLY help Ziggler over Miz.

I believe Miz just works hard which pushes management to keep him chances.

I believe with Ziggler, the timing isn't right for him. He dropped the ball last year getting hurt and saying those comments in that interview about Randy Orton around Summerslam.

It's not over for Ziggler. I'd just turn him heel and have him try to work his way back up to gain the WWE's trust.

He could have a good feud with Sheamus over the US title. He could feud with Big E, they got history.
Personally I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in seeing Ric Flair returning to WWE television on a regular recurring frequent basis in any capacity. All due respect to the Nature Boy, but his better days are well behind him and in 2014, he brings very little to the table that appeals to me at all.

I like it when he appears on television every blue moon, does his thing, gets his little nostalgia pop, and then disappears again, much like Hogan these days. But seeing him every week on RAW or Smackdown, no thank you. I don't want to see him as a manager for the Miz, Dolph Ziggler, or anyone else for that matter. I don't think they need him and if someone needs Ric Flair these days to get over, perhaps they're not destined to get over in the first place. I don't want to see him in a GM/ authority role, as that whole role is super played out which I don't even think needs to exist anymore. I certainly don't want to see any sort of in ring action from him, as that would just be sad. And I don't want to see him in any manner involved with the Authority/Shield interactions, again not necessary.

In my opinion, Ric Flair carries far too much potential baggage to offset any tangible benefit he could offer. He is retired, let him stay that way. Let's have a flashback nostalgic moment every now and then, but let that be that.
If/when Flair returns as a manager how about pairing him with Seth Rollins? Rollins has a heavy task ahead of him holding heat as a heel and Flair could be the man to give him that edge. I picture the dirtiest players ever molding a future HBK type. During filler matches have Flair convince Rollins to tone down his style. Preach to him "why bust ass for marks when they can cheat to win" or somthing along those lines. (Of course during big matches Rollins would create big moments.). Flair would work in this spot, b/c unlike an alliance with H or Orton, his sole reason would be backing Rollins.

I know some might argue that at this point no one is going to hate Flair but I believe if an inividual is that good they can be a true heel.
WHY does WWE seem to think Miz will still make it as a face?
WHY does the WWE refuse to give Ziggler ANY kind of a push despite his popularity?
Would Flair benefit either man's career in anyway?

Miz will definitely make it as a face great personality, charisma, mic skills, decent wrestler etc. Has all the qualifications. Ziggler is less popular then some internet nerds tend to think so that is mainly why plus it is simply not his time. Yes, Flair would benefit both greatly if not strictly of name rep and being a manager alone.
I'm a big fan of Ziggler so perhaps understandably I'm a fan of the idea of Flair managing him and giving him the push he deserves (and I'm not suggesting to main event status or anything like that yet). Effective as either a face or a heel manager at this point too, I think if creative are smart they could do a couple of great things with it, especially with Ziggler calling out Evolution/the Authority on separate occasions now, after Flair's endorsement of The Shield.

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