Ric Flair vs Abyss?


Championship Contender
It's been announced that on next weeks Impact Ric Flair will wrestle again vs Abyss. Winner gets both Hall of Fame Rings. Does anyone think this is a good idea? Or will it do more harm than good?

I think it's a bad move on TNA's part Impact last night was great the Pay Per View Sunday was great as well. They seemed to be going in the right direction, but having Flair wrestle is a major step back in my opinion. Having the main focus of the match being a WWE Hall of Fame Ring is very weak on TNA's behalf.

I'm just wandering what people think about this angle. I have thought the last few Impact's have been great. I hope they continue to do better, but angles with a 62 year old man facing a monster for WWE ring can't be a way to do it.

I know TNA marks that think I'm bashing TNA (which I'm not) will bring up Vince wrestling. I'm not a big fan of that either, but when he does wrestle atleast it makes sense.
I'll openly admit I love Ric Flair, but the man honestly just needs to stop. Hogan, at least, had the sense after his match to say no more although I don't know how much I can trust that. Why does Rick feel the need to get back in the ring. It was painful against Hogan, and Abyss isn't exactly the person that can carry a quality match by himself. I don't see why they have to go to the well with this, when they had arguably their 2 best shows in the last 6-10 months last night and at the PPV. Personally I think it is a mistake and will probably go on last and lose a TON of viewers.
I grew up in NC. I have been watching Ric Flair matches for as long as I can remember. I have watched him wrestle in the Greensboro Coliseum at Starrcade and in Gyms at little matches. I went to Florida to watch his "Retirement" match at Wrestlemania. I told my wife then that I thought there was very little chance that Flair would stay retired. I wanted to go just in case. I get why he is wrestling. I really do. He can't stay away from it. I love Sweet Tea. I shouldn't drink it with every meal, but I do. I just can't stay away.

With all that said, though, I don't think it is smart for TNA to book this match. Nobody thinks Flair would actually win. I don't think this is the way to get ratings. I do think Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo are sending a big F U to WWE by having him wrestle. In the same breath though, I don't see why they are playing the importance of the WWE RINGS. I think it is ridiculous. Do we really think, Vince will ever put a TNA wrestler in the hall of fame. Maybe when he buys them out, but I doubt it.

TNA should give him a legitimate wrestler to manage. He is managing AJ, but he is caught up in the title hunt. I wish they had not put Wolfe into a jobbing role. Flair should have a guy like Morgan, Tomko, or hell go with James Storm. Someone to fight his battles for him. I would pick a big guy who needs a mouth piece. I think Flair is the perfect person to be the next Heenan type manager. But he should stay out of the ring the majority of the time. Heenan used to get in matches occasionally. Usually they were handicap matches or stipulations involving 5 mins with Heenan alone. Flair should realize he isn't "The Man" anymore.
Personally I like it. Even at 62 I still love watching the Nature Boy strut his stuff. Sure he isn't what he was 20 years ago, hell even 10 years ago, but he is still one of the greatest of all time. In my opinion Naitch has earned the right to wrestle for as long as he wants to. Who are we to tell wrestling royalty to not lace em up. Now I don't think having him wrestle Abyss is the right move, but hey it will be fun, and I for one always look forward to seeing Ric Flair wrestle.
My hope is that Flair will not actually wrestle Abyss. I know he probably will, but it would be better if he sent in a member of "Team Flair" at the last minute. We should have seen this coming, I suppose...with Abyss being the one to put Flair in the wheelchair a few weeks back.

Flair WAS a great wrestler...but for now, he makes a much better manager who takes bumps here & there. I'd be surprised if this ring-angle wasn't Flair's idea, I can't imagine that anyone in TNA creative would think this could benefit the ratings.
If Vince Mcmahon can wrestle at the biggest ppv event of the year against a 50 year old man that no one has seen in 13 years who due to a stroke is limited in mobility, I see no reason for complaints regarding Flair getting back into the ring.

I'm all for whatever tells a good story in and out of the ring. And I just want that damn ring off Abyss so he can act normal again....well, normal for Abyss standards..
I let out a very vocal "ugh" last night when Flair talked about taking on Abyss... and for the WWE hall of fame rings no less. I still don't get why the rings have been any kind of a focal point in TNA. I don't get "Abyss-a-mania" or Flair wanting to wrestle matches at this point in his career either.

That said, I don't expect this to be a straight up, one-on-one contest. I do expect some type of swerve stipulation (blindfold, hands tied, etc.) for Abyss and/or extreme amounts of interference from "Team Flair."

Best case scenario though... Abyss completely squashes Flair in a gruesome display of power. He does so in such a manner that even Hogan comes out to plead with Abyss to stop. Here, we see signs of the heel turn for Abyss that is bound to happen sooner or later. Also, the beatdown can be used as a catalyst to put Flair back in the wheelchair for an extended period of time. Call me crazy, but I think the chair lends itself well to the "crazy" Nature Boy persona Flair has been adopting as of late.
I let out a very vocal "ugh" last night when Flair talked about taking on Abyss... and for the WWE hall of fame rings no less. I still don't get why the rings have been any kind of a focal point in TNA. I don't get "Abyss-a-mania" or Flair wanting to wrestle matches at this point in his career either.

That said, I don't expect this to be a straight up, one-on-one contest. I do expect some type of swerve stipulation (blindfold, hands tied, etc.) for Abyss and/or extreme amounts of interference from "Team Flair."

Best case scenario though... Abyss completely squashes Flair in a gruesome display of power. He does so in such a manner that even Hogan comes out to plead with Abyss to stop. Here, we see signs of the heel turn for Abyss that is bound to happen sooner or later. Also, the beatdown can be used as a catalyst to put Flair back in the wheelchair for an extended period of time. Call me crazy, but I think the chair lends itself well to the "crazy" Nature Boy persona Flair has been adopting as of late.

Flair in the wheel chair is damn entertaining tv and certainly adds credibility to him being bat sh*t crazy. I love it. I didn't like seeing him walk around last night.
It will harm TNA. Flair cant wrestle any more.

Secondly, I just joined wz and i cant post threads and i dont know how 2 confirm my accounts. If anyone can help please do. :)
If Vince Mcmahon can wrestle at the biggest ppv event of the year against a 50 year old man that no one has seen in 13 years who due to a stroke is limited in mobility, I see no reason for complaints regarding Flair getting back into the ring.

I'm all for whatever tells a good story in and out of the ring. And I just want that damn ring off Abyss so he can act normal again....well, normal for Abyss standards..

My main problem with this match isn't that he's wrestling again. It's that TNA is putting to much focus on WWE's Hall of Fame ring like it's a championship or something. That makes them look weaker than having a 62 year old beat up their younger stars.
I think next week is the blowoff of the Abyss-amania storyline. I for one thought Ric Flair wrestling was ok on 3/4/10. Flair could still sell like he used to, but he didn't have any business in a wrestling ring in a match. That being said, Flair as a character has been gold for this company, and wrestlers have been given a spotlight due to their association with Ric Flair.

Next week, I see the writing on the wall. Flair will likely lace up the boots only to allow some of the Team Flair members to interfere on his behalf, seeking revenge for what's happened the previous couple TNA shows. Flair will get the win even if he's not actually wrestling the match. Flair should stick to being a manager/character on the show. As such, he is a great commodity to the company. The only time he should step into the ring is like he did at Lockdown: to get beat down or help the heels get one over the faces.

Either way, hopefully the "ring of power" storyline will come to an end and Abyss's heel turn will start creeping towards reality after Monday.
OK everybody. Welcome me aboard. I don't usually use these forums but i have had enough of just reading them.

I want to know why everybody keeps talking about the WWE HOF rings???? That is not the rings that Hogan and Flair are using or talking about. The rings on their fingers are from the real hall of fame the PWHF (Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame)!!! Don't believe me?? Go to www.pwhf.org you can look up the inductees for every year since it started in 2002. Hogan was inducted in 2003 and Flair was inducted in 2006.

If any of you honestly believed they were using the WWE HOF ring, then no wonder everybody talks cash about the "IWC". That would take a REAL lack of intelligence to even ponder that thought. LOL

Oh, and one thing about the PWHF, it isn't tainted by the likes of Pete Rose or the Fridge. It is the real HOF!!!
Like a lot of other fans, I love Ric Flair. I grew up watching him and have tons of respect for the guy. But this match with Abyss simply has lame written all over it in more ways than one. While I expect tons of interference from Styles or Wolfe or Beer Money or someone, it's just a lame concept all around.

If Flair wins, then Abyss loses whatever steam he has built up and any shred of credibility as the "face" of TNA. When this match was announced, the first image that sprang into my head was a few months ago on iMPACT! in which Abyss pinned Desmond Wolfe in about 90 seconds. If Flair lasts longer against Abyss than Wolfe and even wins the match, it'll even make Wolfe look lame in the process. Hulk Hogan has spent forever pushing Abyss down the throats of the TNA audience and Abyss losing to a wrestler nearly 30 years his senior makes him look weak as a kitten. If Abyss wins, he ultimately winds up beating an old man. There's a possibility that Flair might wind up bleeding like a stucked pig again, flopping around and doing this and that.

I have a feeling that this will be one shitty match and segment for TNA. There's no real way that I can see it ending on a high note, no matter what happens. Either it's a very short match that Flair loses and is a waste of time, Flair wins either through outside interference or cleanly and makes Abyss look like a puss or Abyss wins in beating up somebody's grandfather.
I see a swerve and another shock.....maybe Abyss joining Flair or Flair bringing someone in to take care of Abyss!!!!
It'll be a swerve...I promise. Everytime Flair was supposed to get in the ring (with the exception of his last match, and the one with him and Hunter for the belt on Raw a few years ago). It's a ratings (albeit a sad attempt) grabber. Something will happen and Flair will be laid out out in the back, or Abyss will,etc. As much as I like Abyss and the aura that surrounds him (i.e. monster, bleed-worthy), he needs to either get into a violent program with someone who could handle him (i.e. Raven) or just go all out on someone....but that's the thing....you can't necessarily go all out on someone who is over 45 like most of the crew is there. For one, I think they need to unmask him, but in doing so, hopes that doesn't jinx his future programs like it did with Kane. Secondly, to show how insane he could be---let him come to the ring wrapped in barbwire every time, or begin a fireball program like what the shiek did of days of old....that he would be a threat to everyone. Nonetheless...bet your cable rating behind that the match really won't happen.
I see a swerve and another shock.....maybe Abyss joining Flair or Flair bringing someone in to take care of Abyss!!!!

I wish it will go down like that but it wont. Flair wants to keep wrestling he wont let it go. He needs to stick to managing and their going to drag this angle out for a while.
What does Abyss gain from beating a 60 year old man way past his prime? I love Ric Flair. I respect Ric Flar. I've read his book and own his DVD's. But this benefits Abyss in no real way. Think about it.
Abyss benefits Abyss in no real ways either. He's got nothing to lose.

"WHY STING WHYYYYYY??!?!?!?!!? WHY STIIINGGGG??!??!?!!?!!" - Abyss
LOL flair wont wrestle abyss, dont you see guys that Abyss will win and take flairs ring and turn 'evil' aka HEEL.... all flairs plan to turn Abyss against Hogan etc....

All makes sense, I wouldnt be surprised if flair actually lays down for Abyss.
I think the problem lies in abyss winning. Its way too fast for a heel to loose from all possible sides. The PPV shouldve been Ric flair's way in the matches. I mean comeon you have a great group that looses its first match and all the hype is gone!!

If Abyss wins its bad if he looses then we can have a decent story line
While I was also underwhelmed when this match was announced, I attended both tapings this week and Abyss-Flair was better than I expected and didn't drag out too long. I know that this will be used as the Main Event, though there was another match that was significantly stronger that will function as the carryover match before 9 PM.

The follow up show should be pretty good overall because this was probably the weakest match on the card and it wasn't bad......
All TNA has become lately is let's watch the lame ass 60 year old has been beat up on the other 60 year old has been. Hogan & Bischoff don't respect Flair (but they know he could bring in ratings) and plan on abusing him every week on TV. Hogan calls the shots and Flair is so desperate at this point that I think he'd job to a midget if Hogan & Bischoff asked him to. It's really sad. What a great legacy tarnished. Maybe Hogan & Abyss will pull down Flair's pants next week & shove his ring up his backside. Flair came out of retirement for this crap? Heels are supposed to draw heat and normally have one up on the faces. It's wrestling 101. Flair draws no heat getting abused every week. But not in TNA, in TNA it's All Hogan all the time. Even RVD's title win was made to look like a Hogan victory. I've just about had enough of TNA & wrestling in general.

Hogan was great Monday and I'm a Hogan critic: Put over the title well in his promo and everyone came out to celebrate the longest running champ in TNA history finally losing his title and that's all Hogan?

Red and Yellow confetti doesn't ==== Hogan, did anyone else not notice that RVD was wearing a yellow outfit with red outlines?

And as for Naitch, I've enjoyed him in TNA a lot! He led a group that dominated the good guys for a while until Bischoff 100% joined Hulk and now Hulk has the power and Flair has had some setbacks. He'll probably get the upper hand the next few weeks leading to Sacrifice and get some serious heat.

So stop complaining about TNA after they just put together their best three shows of wrestling (next Monday included) since Hulk got there.

Hogan was great Monday and I'm a Hogan critic: Put over the title well in his promo and everyone came out to celebrate the longest running champ in TNA history finally losing his title and that's all Hogan?

Red and Yellow confetti doesn't ==== Hogan, did anyone else not notice that RVD was wearing a yellow outfit with red outlines?

And as for Naitch, I've enjoyed him in TNA a lot! He led a group that dominated the good guys for a while until Bischoff 100% joined Hulk and now Hulk has the power and Flair has had some setbacks. He'll probably get the upper hand the next few weeks leading to Sacrifice and get some serious heat.

So stop complaining about TNA after they just put together their best three shows of wrestling (next Monday included) since Hulk got there.

In a few weeks every face in the company will be wearing Red & Yellow, coming out to Hogan's music and squashing every heel in the company.

Hogan has never been great at anything, least of all promos. So you must have been one of the morons chanting Hogan, Hogan, Hogan on Monday Night? And I thought it was just local Orlando yocals that got a free rasslin ticket. What amazes me is that you actually traveled to Orlando to watch that garbage. Both Hogan & Flair have no business getting into the ring and getting involved anymore. TNA will never draw ratings or ever rise to anything near the WWE's level and the WWE is complete crap right now as well.

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