Ric Flair hospitalized, in ICU

In my opinion he is probably the greatest of all-time. Hell, his shoes are worth more than my house.
Get well, Nature Boy.
I believe he'll pull through. In fact I've recently begun to worry about the world we're going to leave behind for Ric Flair.

Kick out at WOO, Naitch!
Got to wonder how much of the stylin' and profilin' lifestyle played a part?

Hope he pulls through though
Here is my 100% dickish and insensitive comment for the day. If this is the end for Flair, I hope he at least holds on until after SummerSlam. Flair is a legend in the industry and deserves celebration when he does pass, but we are already looking at an extremely long show without them doing some sort of tribute/shoehorning Charlotte in to have a feel good moment.
Diamonds are forever, and so is Ric Flair. WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :flair:

My gut tells me The Nature Boy has at least a few more years left in the tank.
Here is my 100% dickish and insensitive comment for the day. If this is the end for Flair, I hope he at least holds on until after SummerSlam. Flair is a legend in the industry and deserves celebration when he does pass, but we are already looking at an extremely long show without them doing some sort of tribute/shoehorning Charlotte in to have a feel good moment.

I wonder if moving the Cruiserweight Championship to last night's Raw was done in the sake of this possible eventuality. Is there a word for such macabre logistics?
I wonder if moving the Cruiserweight Championship to last night's Raw was done in the sake of this possible eventuality. Is there a word for such macabre logistics?

Foresight has never really been their strong suit, but yeah, I get a bit of a feeling they pulled the trigger last night just in case. Even if he hold out, they can still throw the rematch on the show and everyything will be relatively kosher.
If he does go, I give it 24hrs before Hogan tells everyone how super awesome friends they were while promoting whatever business he has left.
If he does go, I give it 24hrs before Hogan tells everyone how super awesome friends they were while promoting whatever business he has left.

You could take Hogan's name out and insert a bunch of other wrasslin' names and this would still ring true. There will be guys who barely even knew Ric that will talk about how great friends they were and plug their podcast or whatever in the very next breath.
Yeah its shitty. When I heard him do this after Savage died, I just shook my head at him.

If they give Cena his next belt in the same year he passes I will be shocked. I think HHH/Vince would give it a bit considering there isnt a rush. John has time and gas left in the tank, plus nobody else is gonna be close for quite a while.

Really hope he pulls through. Dude is a fighter & came back from a damn plane crash. Now granted he was younger then, but thats still something most dont recover from easily let alone getting back in the ring.
You could take Hogan's name out and insert a bunch of other wrasslin' names and this would still ring true. There will be guys who barely even knew Ric that will talk about how great friends they were and plug their podcast or whatever in the very next breath.

"My thoughts on Ric Flair plus I answer if Roman Reigns is really over on my shitty podcast this week! <insert link>"

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