Rhyno and Spike say no to ECW!

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
Two TNA stars announced to fans at the TNA House Show in Philadelphia that they have turned down offers from WWE.

Rhino told fans after he defeated Jeff Jarrett that he was turning down the WWE offer and staying in TNA.

At the end of the show, Brother Runt came to ringside with his WWE contract and ripped it up in front of the crowd.

I guess we aren't missing much with spike but Rhino not jumping ship is a disapointment.
Well I can understand why spike didnt, the dude got fired pretty badly, unlike his 'brothers' who just didnt re-sign.

Rhino was always misused and he's probally just waiting to see how ecw goes before jumping
Thats a Shame that LSD and RHINO are not in the new ECW anyway this is only my 2nd post.
Good Point. anyway do you reckon that ecw will ever break off from wwe?
Don't believe everything you see and hear. Rhino will be back in ECW. TNA uses hm horribly and he is never going to get another title reign. Where Heyman who loves the man, will repackage him as the ECW Champion again.

As for Spike....ROFLMAO....he wouldn't get another offer. He only got the orginal offer cause Bubba and Devon pretty much demanded it.
Don't be surpised to see Rhino or Rhyno, whatever, to go to ECW by the end of the month beacause his contract with TNA expires by the end of the month. Hope TNA resigns him!
If Rhyno doesn't sign for ECW at all, I'm all for it! Rhyno cant wrestle, sounds shitty on the mic, and the gore is a weak as hell version of goldbergs spear. In my opinion, I'd prefer not to see Rhyno wasting time on an hour long show. oh yeah, glad there will be no spike on ECW
at first i thought it was rhino who speared cena through the table tonight. then i thought wow rhino lost weight, then it turned out to be edge. great ending(sarcasm to its fullest).
Well, wrestlezone just announced it offical, Rhyno signed a multi-year contract with TNA, he definitely won't be in ECW, although I don't know why TNA would re-sign him. lol.
couchflex said:
at first i thought it was rhino who speared cena through the table tonight. then i thought wow rhino lost weight, then it turned out to be edge. great ending(sarcasm to its fullest).
Yep me too. Bloody annoying lol

All in all, great PPV though.

5thHorseman said:
If Rhyno doesn't sign for ECW at all, I'm all for it! Rhyno cant wrestle, sounds shitty on the mic, and the gore is a weak as hell version of goldbergs spear. In my opinion, I'd prefer not to see Rhyno wasting time on an hour long show. oh yeah, glad there will be no spike on ECW
Let me speak on this! You are totally making my night, friend! Edge? Goldberg? Teehee? I'm not really a Rhyno fan, but I would watch him anyday before Edge or Goldberg! I hope not to get flamed by Goldberg fans! As for Edge fans...what..are there like 2? Spike was reported to have torn up his contract or whatever. I heard that they wanted him to reprise his giant killer role of sorts. I don't know why you guys are hating on Spike so much. I would rather see him as champ than freakin Edge. ...and you can thank him for Rey Misterio's little run as "giant killer". Did you say a weak "spear"? Do you actually watch Edge matches? J. Asking. I love you guys. Muah.

P.S. How can ECW break off from WWE when they are both WWEntertainment properties? I like how you used the word "reckon".:)
The Masked Vato said:
Let me speak on this! You are totally making my night, friend! Edge? Goldberg? Teehee? I'm not really a Rhyno fan, but I would watch him anyday before Edge or Goldberg! I hope not to get flamed by Goldberg fans! As for Edge fans...what..are there like 2? Spike was reported to have torn up his contract or whatever. I heard that they wanted him to reprise his giant killer role of sorts. I don't know why you guys are hating on Spike so much. I would rather see him as champ than freakin Edge. ...and you can thank him for Rey Misterio's little run as "giant killer". Did you say a weak "spear"? Do you actually watch Edge matches? J. Asking. I love you guys. Muah.

P.S. How can ECW break off from WWE when they are both WWEntertainment properties? I like how you used the word "reckon".:)

Time to respond -
first, when the hell was "reckon" on one of my posts, I live in NY. I never mentioned edge on this post so what the hell does it have to do with this? I never said I liked goldberg, or goldberg should be in ECW, only comparing his finisher with Rhyno's and yes i said a weak spear! . Now to spike, It's true Spike started the Giant killer theme in the original ECW, but was never refered to that until WWE. Rey on the other hand was named that for having victories over Kevin Nash and The Giant, hence the "Giant Killer". I like spike Dudley the wrestler, but his gimmick is old, stale and without the Dudley Boyz - Pointless. There would be no point at WWE signing him back for a contract bigger than one match. Now if you'd like to keep on trying to attack my posts, cool, but atleast have them make a point or something related to the actual post. If you want to shoot on Edge with me cool, I started a thread for it as well. To you post script - there is no way for ECW to break away from WWE unless Heyman bought it back. But it can be a seperate promotion (i.e. No Cross-feuding, no Interpromotional matches, etc.)
Is this what it's like when somebody has a hard-on for you? I said the thing about "reckon" because the guy who asked about ECW breaking off from WWE used it. I was talking about him. I thought it was cute. I quoted you because I thought it was funny that you said that. I wasn't saying that you mentioned anything. I just quoted because it was funny. :) I said Edge because you seem like an Edge fan. I said Goldberg because I don't care for him. By the way, Edge has a weaker spear than Rhyno, but that is purely speculation on my part. It doesn't matter what Spike was referred to as, he was the Giant Killer. Rey stole it. Period. Also, I know who he beat to get that name otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up. It's okay that you don't like Spike. Really, it is. I'm not attacking your posts. Okay, I can't believe that Edge has this big of a fan. I just can't, but mostly I'm giving my thoughts on the topic. It's not all about you, you know? I don't care to go to your Edge thread either...especially after you have been so mean to me. I mean, I only have a handfull of posts. *sniffle* Um...does Heyman have the money to buy ECW? I would wager not since it was reported that he had been fired, but then re-hired for the re-launch of ECW. I could be wrong though. I have been many a time. are you one of those guys who will insult somebody until you are right? J. Asking.
Lol, sorry if i hurt your feelings. The heyman buying ECW was a joke nothing serious, but he was working/booking for OVW under the WWE flagship before being brought back to ECW. I guess he did a really good job there, and that is why Vince was willing to give him the majority of control in ECW. I do like spike stated earlier but the only way i think he'd be brought back is by changing his gimmick(but keeping the Acid drop) and that won't ever happen now that he tore up his ECW contract at a TNA house show. No I'm not that type of guy that insults people until im right, but I felt Insulted by your first two posts and had to retaliate, you didn't mean it in a insulting way then I apologize and hope you enjoy the new wrestlezone forums. I hope we can coincide like Edge and Matt Hardy do lol. happy readings
A bad move by Rhyno and Spike, now they'll just stick around TNA backstage as the nightly filler or TNA jobber.
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