Rey Mysterio Hoping To Return In May


According to latest reports, former World Heavyweight Champion & Cruiserweight great Rey Mysterio is hoping to make his return to WWE sometime in May. Mysterio has been out since tearing his ACL, can't remember in which knee off the top of my head, at a WWE house show back on August 5, 2011.

To be completely honest, I don't look for Mysterio to be around more than a few more years at the most. The past several years, he's had major issues with his knees that've included multiple surgeries that've required him to miss a lot of time in order to heal up and undergo therapy. Although he's still relatively young at the age of 37, Mysterio has been wrestling professionally since he was in his mid teens and the highly physical Luchadore style looks to have definitely taken its toll on Mysterio's legs.

On top of that, there's allegedly been some major friction between Mysterio & WWE for a while. Mysterio is said to be one of the highest paid wrestlers on the roster and, again allegedly, has been pretty hard nosed in terms of negotiating his deals. As I aluded to earlier, however, Mysterio has been had to take a lot of time off over the course of the past several years. Can't blame Mysterio for wanting to get as much out of WWE as he can but, at the same time, I can't blame WWE for being frustrated for not getting their money's worth out of the guy.

Upon his return, what would you like to see happen with Mysterio?

For me, I wouldn't mind seeing him enter into a feud with Daniel Bryan. As of right now, it's sort of anyone's guess as to what's next for Bryan. The only clue we have is that he mentioned that he's entitled to a rematch against Sheamus for the WHC. Since no indication was given for when the match would take place, I'm guessing that WWE might hold off on said rematch for a while. In the meantime, I think a feud with Mysterio could do a lot for Daniel Bryan. Mysterio is a huge fan favorite and is a highly respected veteran, so a high profile feud against him could be a very good thing for Bryan in the long run.
A Daniel Bryan and Mysterio Feud sounds awesome. I'm not too fond of a Mysterio feud and not a big fan, but I would definitely be interested to see this feud. They are both around the same stature and there styles could work well together. Just as long as Mysterio stays out of the title picture.
Just for shit and giggles it'd be funny to hear Mysterio fans chant "si! si! si!" just to kind of mock Bryan.
I would like to see Rey Mysterio come back as a mid-carder. STRICTLY mid-carder. It would only do good and would actually be great by having the titles be relevant.
I like that the U.S. title seems lower than the I.C. Title and I want it to stay that way so the intercontinental title can be for upper mid cards and us can be lower. Let Rey be in the intercontinental title race. He can put many young talent over also. While of course it will not be like The Rock putting someone over, it is still good for a yound superstar to have a fued with young superstars. I have a feeling we will see a Rey and Barrett fued eventually, Rey had good fueds with JBL and Barrett is built alot like JBL.

I would like to have Rey Mysterio be in the mid -card action when he comes back and he is always there if they NEED him in the main events.
I could give a crap less about the human lawn dart, Lil Rey Rey. MOST over rated performer EVER. His bit is used up, its totally NON believable , and a lot would agree with me that they would rather watch paint dry. Yeah sure, little kids relate to him because hes the same size, but come on, seriously, this guy has never been a believable top contender.
I wish Rey Rey would just go away already! Tired of seeing him, loved you for years but sorry dude it's your time to pass the torch & retire while you can still walk. If he is going to fued with Daniel Bryan this better be his last.
I think a feud with DB would be awesome. I think Mysterio should come back, and be used to put over the up and comers. Rey has done everything he is going to do as far as win titles so I think he should help other talent. He really helped Cody Rhodes get over. I don't think he will be around to much longer, but he has def had a HOF career.
Good i was wondering when he was coming back!! I though a feud with sin cara would have been great but both are injured!! As far as a feud goes why not DB!! Both are around the same size and can go like none other!!!

They are both geniuses in the ring,can really wrestle well and it should be an interesting and well done feud if built properly!! Rey is 37 young yes but shit he has been perfoming for well over 20 years!! His legs have taken a massive pounding knee operations are very serious and for him to even think about coming back is amazing.

Think about this he has what 7 or 8 operations that would end 90% of careers out there but rey is a tireless worker and busts his ass!! Maybe he doesnt have much time left and while i dont think a title run is in the cards anymore a feud with DB if it happens should be great!!!!
First and foremost I'd like Rey to be moved back to SmackDown! He can still appear on RAW when needed, but the blue brand remains fairly brand exclusive and could use the star power. I don't recall if Sheamus and Rey ever really clashed when Sheamus was a heel, but Mysterio would certainly be an interesting challenger for the champ. As mentioned, a match/feud with Daniel Bryan would be awesome. With it doubtful that DB gets the title back anytime soon, I'd like him to take this heel run and try to prove himself to everybody. That he's as good as he says he is.. and a feud with Rey could be the perfect peak for that feud. I'd love to see it at Mania. As far as other feuds, I'd expect Sin Cara at some point, and wouldn't be surprised if one of the new faces being added to the roster this year (Tensai, Sandow, Ambrose, Rollins or any other FCW talent) feuded with Rey to try and immediately up their status.

All in all, I just hope the man stays healthy!
I've missed Rey Mysterio. I will never understand some of the hate I have seen him get around the forums or from people in general. He is one of the most exciting superstars to watch and has been for years on end. I'd love to see a Bryan vs Mysterio feud as I don't think that has been done before. Some amazing matches I'm sure. I wouldn't mind a rekindled Jericho feud either. I still watch some of their matches from WCW and WWE 2009 online once in a while.

Regarding Rey's health, I read reports that said he was going to be done after this Wrestlemania, but he missed and I can see him wanting one more time on the grandest stage of them all. Rey has nothing left to prove, but I know he can still go a lot better than the majority of the roster. He gave Cody Rhodes quite the boost last year and Ziggler about a year prior. He is someone you can always count on for a good to great match. His injuries seem to be getting more one after the other, but you can't blame him, he's been doing his high flying style for almost 2 decades. The fact that he has lasted this long is astonishing in of itself.

Can't wait for the guy to return. Enjoy him while you can guys. Wrestlers like him only come around once in a lifetime
I don't think many people would agree now, but what about a heel turn? His reactions are less great than they once were and I distinctly remember him getting some heavy boos at last year's MITB. He's stale - even more so than Triple H and John Cena because he doesn't have mic skills, and has never had much mic time.

As to who he would feud with as a heel, as suggested above, what about a face Bryan? (if "Yes" really takes off, I see them turning him). Marks loathe Mysterio and adore Bryan so you could ensure he gets heat there. I'm also thinking of CM Punk maybe? They have history and I could see a lot of 'pipe-bomb' promos from Punk mocking his size and 'embarrassing' him.

Just an idea, he may not be around much longer but could at least have a memorable last run.
I will never understand some of the hate I have seen him get around the forums or from people in general. He is one of the most exciting superstars to watch and has been for years on end.

Your feeling is understandable; the problem is that while Rey's moves are exciting, they aren't believable, not against the giants of WWE. I've said many times that watching Rey pin Batista's shoulders to the mat was one of the most visually ludicrous things I've ever seen in wrestling. It just wouldn't happen in real life, nor would Rey's telegraphed flying maneuvers be effective against normal sized wrestlers. Yes, all of wrestling is scripted, but why the writers are instructed to make this little guy a giant killer is something I'll never understand.

We've been hearing for years now that he'll be retiring soon. Yet, he goes on and on, apparently working through his dissatisfaction with his employer not paying him what he believes he's worth. Well, no matter how much merchandise he sells, the enormous time he spends on the injured list drastically reduces his value to the company.

By the way, it's not a question of "hating" the guy. I really do like him; I just dislike how he's depicted as a force, capable of winning big matches and championships against the behemoths in WWE.

Someone suggested a feud against Daniel Bryan, which sounds like a good idea; at least Rey's offense would look believable against a guy who's more his size.

After that, maybe Rey can knock A.J. around a bit. Or vice-versa.
I could give a crap less about the human lawn dart, Lil Rey Rey. MOST over rated performer EVER. His bit is used up, its totally NON believable , and a lot would agree with me that they would rather watch paint dry. Yeah sure, little kids relate to him because hes the same size, but come on, seriously, this guy has never been a believable top contender.

I wish Rey Rey would just go away already! Tired of seeing him, loved you for years but sorry dude it's your time to pass the torch & retire while you can still walk. If he is going to fued with Daniel Bryan this better be his last.

Spoken like true idiots. You talk about how believable things are, yet you watch wrestling. If you want real fights, watch MMA. If you want to be entertained by seeing humans perform feats most of us can't, watching professional wrestling. Rey Mysterio is one of the best in ring performers of all time, and has consistently put on great matches since his days in WCW.

I don't think many people would agree now, but what about a heel turn? His reactions are less great than they once were and I distinctly remember him getting some heavy boos at last year's MITB. He's stale - even more so than Triple H and John Cena because he doesn't have mic skills, and has never had much mic time.

Getting boos at last year's MITB (which I'm not sure that he did) is hardly an indicator of the feelings the WWE fans have for Rey. Last year's MITB took place in a hostile Chicago environment, one that pretty much comprised of people that only wanted to see their beloved CM Punk.

Furthermore, stale? How is Rey Mysterio stale? And furthermore, how are John Cena and Triple H stale? I guess putting on great matches and phenomenal feuds is the new definition of boring...

Now onto what someone smart has to say about Rey Mysterio's return. Fuck yes. Rey has always had a great connection with the fans, and he arrives at a time when Smackdown could really use another huge face besides Orton. Big Show is popular and all, but he can't put on the show that Rey or Orton can. I think those who suggested a Daniel Bryan feud are dead on, and that Rey would be the perfect guy to put Daniel Bryan over, whether it's through winning or losing. I'd also love to see him feud with Christian upon his return, and perhaps another tumble with Chris Jericho is in his future.

I'm not sure if Rey has another World Championship run in his future, but it's not out of the question. If he does, I expect it to last no more than a few months, and for him to drop the title to a mega-heel like Jericho or, depending on how things go for him over the next few months, Daniel Bryan.

The best part about Rey returning, though, is the best part of Rey in general: his matches. The guy puts on the best matches in the WWE with ease, always has, and likely will until he retires. Him wrestling on a weekly basis means that you're all but guaranteed to get at least one very satisfying match on whatever show the WWE chooses to have him appear on.
A perfect time for Mysterio to return would be in August at SummerSlam, a lot of downtime for Rey and when he comes back, he will be fully healed 100% back and better than ever before
About darn time.

First of all, Jack-Hammer, great shout on the feud with Daniel Bryan. Makes me wonder, if Bryan was a little older would he have worked in WCW. Anyway, should make Smackdown worthwhile if it happens.

The alternative is if Rey goes after Del Rio, who of course injured Mysterio in the first place. Their feud was just picking up steam before Rey left, and I got the feeling that Rey's style would bring out the potential in Del Rio that he supposedly has.

And to those who think Rey should turn heel... when Barry Stevens is the WWE Champion.

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