Revolutionizing the Mid-Card - Mixed Tag Titles?


Occasional Pre-Show
I got this idea tonight, and honestly I believe this could revolutionize the Mid-Card forever.

This is the creation of a new division in the WWE. A Mixed-Tag Division. This division would consist of teams of one man and one woman. Fairly simple concept, but has yet to be done. We see so many "Couples" running around the WWE, why not cash in on it? We could see teams like:

Santino and Tamina
Dibiase and Maryse
Mark Henry and Kong
Bryan and Gail
R-Truth and Eve
K2 and McIntyre

In my opinion, this would have more build-up and intrigue than the current TAG division. It gives jobber's new life. You could even get a REAL feud going with a love triangle and have one partner cheat on the other one like we saw with Hardcore Holly, DiBiase and Rhodes. Maybe even split the bella's up and pair them with the Uso's and pit them against each other.

All I know is this could be a whole new era in the WWE. Feuds going crazy, especially if there are titles up for grabs.

Let's here what you guys have to say!
Sorry bro but that wouldn't work out in this time. Maybe in 2001 this would have been a good year to have this concept. You actually had teams that had been with each other for a while.You had teams like Eddie with Chyna , Saturn with Terri , you could of had Lita with one of the Hardy's , and Trish with Test. The main difference with that time and now. Is that back then people actually cared about Divas. Yes part of it was that they were eye candy , but they could also wrestle. So like I said before this concept would not work at this time.
I'll post this here too since it was in the wrong section.


This is a terrible idea. No offense. The tag team division sucks as it is, as does the diva's. Combining the two and adding another clusterfuck title to the mix, as well as taking mid-carders away would just hurt the WWE, very much so.
I love this idea. I would actually get rid of the tag division and replace it with the Mixed Tag Division. It will make tag matches more interesting. The Tag Titles would become the Mixed Tag Titles.
No freakin way. I'm just about happy that the divas get very little time on either show, not so much about the tag division. IMO this would be a bad idea simply because the current crop of divas would be involved in it, and the matches would be even more crappier than what we see in the tag division today.
I'll admit that it's interesting - but I'll also say that if, say, the WWE plans to make this into reality, they might as well make the mid-card titles (Tag Team, Divas, Intercontinental, US) more creditable than they've been for some time. Then they can start toying with this.
It is an interesting premise. It could work but could quickly degrade to people swapping partners all the time and could just get overly "dramatic". I have said before on these types of threads and will say it again here. The way to fix the Mid-Card scene is actually very simple.

You make the mid-card belts something people strive for. You have them cut promo's about how they always wanted to be like Ricky Steamboat and hold the IC Title or how the IC and US belts were always the "wrestlers" titles.

They need to come to grips with the fact that the vast majority of the talent will never be in the ME picture (and shouldn't be). It should be no more than 8-10 people between the two brands going after the big belts. You have Cena, Orton, Miz, Edge, Del Rio, Ziggler, Sheamus, Barrett, Punk, and Morrison and that is really about it (even Morrison is a stretch at this point). You should have all the others involved in the mid-card scene. Having Kofi, while he holds the IC belt feduing with Del Rio, who in 5 weeks is in the ME at WM doesn't make sense. On Raw you have Truth, DiBiase, Bryan, Otunga, Bourne (when he returns), Mason Ryan, Santino, Kozlov, Kidd, and Ryder who are all varying degrees of decent performers. Have them going after the US belt. Enough with the love triangles and other stupid stuff.

Smackdown! has even more possiblities with a better 2nd tier going for the IC with Kofi, Swagger, Masters, Christian, Rhodes, McIntyre, Big Zeke, and you could include Barretta and Reks as well. Not as many people as on Raw, but better talent across the board.

Build up feuds within these groups. Have their ultimate goal be to win these belts, not to get to the ME picture. Make the belts something people want to attain and not just a stepping stone to the ME picture.

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