Revolution: Elite X Title Relay Match

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Participants are:
El Swago(c)
Kagura Ozhora
Bruce Irwin
Victor Makarov

Deadline is Friday, January 23rd an 11:59pm CST. Extensions available upon request.
Before Victor even went through the curtain at Ascension, despite what any of the show announcers had to say, Victor was in the Elite X Championship match. A couple hours earlier as we arrived at the show, I happened to meet Vance Bateman on the way through the arena. Smiling, he waddled his way towards us with that ridiculous swagger of his. I tried not to but I couldn't help but smile back. I mean, it was only weeks ago that the general manager of the Meltdown brand cornered me and had me convinced that he was going to make something of the Russian. And by extension, make something of me. All those years in the business, negotiating and making sure I kept my cards close to chest... Poof! They were gone. I smiled like a 12 year old nerd who had just been asked to the prom by the damn quarterback. Ear to ear.

“Make sure you prepare for gold” he said, breezing past me like a gust of air. I remember his words landing on my ear, I think I may have slipped into shock at that point. Everyone knew that the Championships were the real money-makers in WZCW. And within 2 months, Victor was on the verge of becoming one of the highest paid names in the company. And what with everything else that would come with that, I almost couldn't believe that my luck had finally panned out.

“Did you hear that? You're in a Championship match” I had said to the Russian, elbowing his side as he walked beside me eating his Slim Jims. Judging by the look on his face, I don't think he liked that too much. You see, for Victor it wasn't about accomplishments and Championships. Victor was in WZCW to exercise, maybe, some of the demons that had haunted him since his days in Russia. I didn't know a lot about the man-beast that I shared a motel room with every night. But what I did know, was that he hated what had happened to him. He was a proud man, there was no doubt about it; I knew that from the first moment he stepped into my cramped apartment. And to lose your tongue through any means would be enough to rob any man of his pride. Perhaps it was a domination thing, now that I think on it; I still don't know. What I did know was that Victor only cared about one thing – smashing his way through competitor after competitor until there was no one left to smash anymore.

And I had quickly comes to terms with the fact that I was more of a facilitator than anything else, I suppose. I get him to the ring every week, he shows up to fight, WZCW pays me for the service I am providing, and I keep him sane enough to keep on fighting the next week; that was the way it worked. And it worked well, for that matter. And now, now Victor really had the chance to give me some major return on my initial investment. Yes, we had been getting paid for the matches he had gone onto win but driving from state to state, and keeping the big man 's appetite satiated for any prolonged period of time had did a number on those funds. I mean, I barely had enough money to feed myself in the early days. But when Vance sauntered by me with those 9 words, I knew that the time had come to really cash-in.

I remember looking at Victor as we sat alone in the WZCW dressing room. Conversation was, obviously, very poor between the two of us; a constant reminder of the pain the Russian had gone through years prior. I wished then and there that I could talk to the Russian in any sort of language. I wanted to tell him how important the match with Kagura was that night; it was really going to set him up for Revolution and a Championship opportunity. I wanted to tell him about all of the doors that would open to him heading into Revolution as the only undefeated man in the company. But looking in his eyes, I knew that Victor didn't care. For him, this was just another night at the office. In the same way talking up clients and schmoozing with employers was all in the routine to me, lacing up his boots and handing out an ass-kicking for all in a day's work for the man fro Moscow. It didn't matter what I said to him really, he was going to go out there and put his body on the line because he enjoyed it.

It's funny, I remember just before that match, as we stood behind the curtain waiting for his music to kick in. I remember the usual anticipation I had being laced with something a bit more nefarious. Anxiety was something that I had come to know well within my short time with WZCW. But this was something more. I guess, if I had to put a word to it, it was fear. Being so close to something that you knew would give you everything you ever wanted was a double-edges sword in many ways. Both the Russian and I had put everything into this WZCW run and the edge of glory seemed thinner than a razor's edge. And given my history, the chance of it being ripped away from me at the last second were more than I could bear.

I gave the Russian one final look before giving him a slap on the back. “Give them Hell, Champ”, I said, barely keeping my lunch down.

I headed round the corner, out of sight of the uncaring Russian as I heard his theme tune begin to play. And with a flap of a curtain, he was gone. And in that moment I had never felt so alone. The Russian hated me, and everyone else for hat matter too. But he was the closest I had come to a friend since Marcy had taken the kids and gone to her mother's house all those years ago. I remember pulling the cellphone from my pocket and dialling in her number. So many times I had been this position before but had lost my nerve. I felt the anticipation build inside me, horribly mirrored by the sickness and anxiety. But I had to talk to her; even more than that, I just had to hear her voice. She had always been a calming influence to me in the past and I needed her more than ever.

Looking back on it now, I laugh at how sick the thought of success had made me.

“I told you to stop calling here, Freddie! The kids have had enough of it. I've had enough it, you sack of shit

Those few words are really what should have made me feel sick.

But you know what, as she hung up the phone on me, I felt better than I ever had. Everything I had done finally crystallised in that moment and it all made sense. I had treated my family like shit for years, chasing dream after dream; just hoping to catch one. I deserved everything I got. Marcy had been such a saint for all those years that I was married to her, she kept me going when I thought it wasn't even possible. And in the darkest nights, on my own, I had no idea how I was going to win her back. More importantly, I had no idea why I had lost her. But in that moment; like I said; everything became clear.

She wasn't an asshole, like I had thought. She didn't abandon me. I had abandoned any hope of a family life the moment I began chasing dreams and selling out to any Hollywood executive who would have me have a seat at his table. I was never home and when I was; I was unbearable. And it all came down to this will to win, more than anything. I had a fire inside me that you would never guess by looking at me. Sure, I was bullied in school. And Hell yeah, I got the shit kicked out of me by every guy who I ever crossed late night in a bar. But you know something, it just gave me more fuel for the fire; It just threw another big ol' log on there. I think it was that moment that I realised that Victor was the key to finally get out of this vicious cycle of work over family. Only then could I ever really go back home and start mending fences.

And as the referee's hand came down for the first defeat in the Russian's career, I knew that it was a long road that had to be travelled. I felt a lump in throat as he walked up the aisle, throwing himself against the barricade in frustration. But as he walked through the curtain, I swallowed that lump and looked him in the eye; his pupils burning in the fire of defeat.

“We're going to do this, you Russian son of a bitch. We're going to get to the top of this business, do it all. And then we're going home...”
Bruce: Crikey!

Bruce Irwin is reading a letter out loud.

Bruce: This can't be true.

Bruce reads the letter out but the voice is that of an American woman. The person who wrote the letter.

Dear Bruce Irwin,

I write to you as a representative of the United States government. You recently entered the United States of America on a visa allowing you to stay in the country as long as you're working. The company you had signed up for was Wrestle Zone Championship Wrestling (hereby referred to as WZCW). Whilst you made an impact with the company on your debut, recent performances have laxed including one or two performances where you effectively 'No showed'. As such we believe that you are using WZCW to stay in the country whilst putting out a performance that is not fitting of someone to stay on this visa.

As such you have one week from the date of this letter to find additional employment or you shall be deported back to Australia.

Irwin looks full of fear as he looks into the camera.

Bruce: Streuth! I'm going to have to get a job.

The scene cuts to the outside of a tavern. The sign says “Blue Oyster Bar”. Inside Bruce is serving drinks. He's not serving at the bar but rather is delivering it to a customer. The customer appears to be part of a biker gang or something.

Bruce: Here you go mate!

The patron winks to Bruce as some music comes on in the background. It's by French euro disco group Bimbo Jet and is the classic El Bimbo. As this happens the patron grabs Bruce by the hand and starts to dance. Bruce swiftly punches the guy in the face.

Scene change as Bruce is being kicked out the bar by the owner who is shouting “You're fired!”.

Bruce looks into the camera.

Bruce: It's got nothing to do with that fella being gay. I just don't like dancing.

The camera cuts to Bruce in a zoo stood with a rather attractive lady with brown hair. They're walking past the enclosures and you can't make out the animals..

Bruce: So you want me in the elephant enclosure? Essentially I'm going to clean up cra....Hold on a second.

Bruce is shown climbing the fence of the enclosure as he jumps down. The crowd gather round as the camera zooms out a bit to reveal a sign saying 'crocodiles'. He jumps in the water and grabs one by the neck. A full wrestle breaks out as other zoo keepers rush in the separate him from the crocodile. A faint ticking of a clock is heard in the background.

Scene change as Bruce is being kicked out of the zoo. The brunette woman is shouting obscenities which we have had to bleep out for our younger viewers.

Bruce: Streuth, what am I going to do?

He puts his hands in his pocket to find another letter.

Bruce: I forgot about this.

This time the letter is read in Bruce's voice.

“Dear Bruce Irwin,

Congratulations, you've been accepted. Please head to Cobb County, Georgia and training can begin for some law and order.


The Police Academy.”

The scene fades to black as the famous music begins to play.
The most OP Beastass Speech of the year is about to go down in the United States of the World. No, it was not Kanye and Kim West's wedding. No, it wasn't Justin Beiber's Calvin Klein advertisements. No this was much more important. It was an absolutely vital, and much needed speech from the greatest masked warrior to ever grace the world since Bibleman. The greatest Elite X Champion in the galaxy El Swago needed to provide a speech on the Swag of the Union.

A podium was set up upon a stage in front of El Swago's sold gold mansion in Mexico. Millions upon billions upon trillons of people watched the podium waiting for the Swaggin' one to arrive and share his wise words of wisdom upon the masses that needed his leadership and sex appeal. Outside, millions up sextillions of news crews circled the area reporting on the Swag of the Union address. One in particular was former WZCW wrestler and general piece of shit Darren Bull reporting for some stupid piece of shit news network that was in desperate of someone who could speak Spanglish. He was in a mess, most likely due to his inability to hold down his wine coolers. The drunk on one beer Darren Bull reports to the world.

Darren Bull: Hola Barren Dull here! Me at golden house for el Swago's Swagg address of Union. I'm a dumbass and El Swago is a Pimp Ass Beast dog. Hopefully he be talking soon because I'm gonna doo doo myself.

Unfortunately for the masses, the swaggin' one was late, and so the world had to pay witness to Darren Bull shitting himself on camera. Much like they had to watch him shit himself every week when he was a WZCW wrestler. Emerging from the Mansion however was the Swag Pack emerging from the mansion stacked upon the other to form a giant tower with Joe Mason at the top shouting.

Joe Mason: Ladies and Gentlemen. The Commander in Fleece; El Swago!


Suddenly from behind the Swag Pack Stack, a full marching band emerged from out of the mansion playing "Hail to the Chief" Fireworks began to shoot out of the trumpets of the marching band all while a blimp flew overhead and made it rain Mexican money down to the crowd. Unfortunately thanks to the combination of fireworks and falling money, the money caught fire and burned up to ashes before any reached the ground.

In due time, El Swago emerged from behind the marching band with his Baller ass girlfriend in Becky Serra and a couple of pet tigers on Gold Leashes. Swago was adorned in the finest jewels and looked much like an Aztec God to the eyes of Mortal Men. El Swago made it to the podium, and then once at the podium, the podium itself caught fire. Burning away and then from under appeared another podium. One with the Elite X Title presented right in front of it. It was truly a pimp ass sight to behold.

El Swago:My fellow Yolosapiens, El Swago is speaking!

The crowd gasped and cheered loudly for their YOLO living superhero. El Swago looked out at the Mega-Trillion people in the world that came to see him speak. It made his pee pee happy. He leaned towards the mic and uttered out.

El Swago:Bruce Irwin eats the poo poo.

He stopped to turn towards a large projector monitor rolling down the front of his mansion, where it showed highlights of Bruce Irwin losing and getting his butt kicked because he is no El Swago. The video ends and Swago spoke more words of wisdom.

El Swago:Kagura Ozhora is not El Swago.

The monitor then shows a simple graphic of Kagura Ozhora and El Swago with a large "=/=" symbol between them. If it wasn't clear that Kagura Ozhora was not the Swaggin' one, then it was now. Swago took the time to speak once more.

El Swago:Victor Makarov plays fake baseball because he is fake..

The video plays and it becomes very clear that El Swago made a mistake in his life and mistook Makarov for Vikram. An honest mistake really, and a mistake that was reflected for when the video monitor instead played footage of Russian Bears passing out from drinking an excessive amount of Vodka.

El Swago:El Swago hasn't seen anything that proves Victor doesn't play fake baseball.

Always a smooth, smooth recovery by the Swag god.

El Swago:El Swago is the Elite X champ, and El Swago will always remain champ no matter who dares to relay for his title. At Unscripted-- er Revolution. Whatever. El-Swago will take the day because he is a YOLO-God in Men's clothing.

El Swago finished his speech with his title belt exploding into fireworks before a replacement Elite X title was dropped in via helicopter for the champ to show to the world. The crowd in the front row died from the shrapnel that comes from a exploding title belt. Oh well, if what's his name could kill people in his RP, why can't El Swago?
We’re backstage at the Ascension arena with Jack Cohen at the eve of Revolution


Jack Cohen
: Good Evening WZCW fans. Normally, I don’t bother with interviews, it’s something that I consider to be quite beneath my status in WZCW, but for this one occasion I could not help myself.

Yes everyone, while the WZCW Universe is talking about the likes of Matt-Tastic and the returning James Howard, there’s one young man who has caught my eye and who’s someone I believe we’ll be hearing a lot of in the days to come. Welcome Vikram!!!!

Vikram enters the room with his trusted cricket bat in his hand.

Vikram: Thank You Jack, and I want to add that the pleasure is all…yours.

Vikram laughs at his own silly joke while Cohen looks on, none too impressed.

Vikram: Jack, just like you don’t interview every Tom, Dick and Harry in WZCW, I’m not in the habit of giving interviews to just anyone. I mean, Ms. Madison practically laid out her boobs on my dining table and begged me for an interview, but I refused. I’m not saying it wasn’t distracting but it helps to focus when you’re girlfriend happens to be one of the most beautiful girls on the planet, and that’s you Anusha, my hottie.

Vikram sends a flying kiss to the camera.

Vikram: Anyway, the point is, Jack, that I respect you and your contributions to this business. If I had to do an interview with someone, it would have to be you.

Jack: Thank You, Vikram. So tell us, Vikram, what has been your experience of WZCW so far?

Vikram: Simply appalling Jack, and there is really no other way to put it. I mean, when a superstar of my degree of fame and international appeal, walks into your organization, shouldn’t you put him in big matches straight away in order to draw the fans? I mean, that’s business 101. Yet, I faced a psychopath when I got here and was booked in a nondescript tag match a week later. In fact, let me take this opportunity to address the WZCW officials regarding this issue.

I’ve played a team sport, or should I say SUFFERED as a part of a team sport for 5 long years. I performed exceedingly well in every game but my team mates were unable to perform and as a result we did not win a lot. I will not suffer the same fate again. Therefore, I’d like to announce that from today, I shall NOT participate in a tag team match in WZCW ever again.

Jack: Woah!!! I wouldn’t make such rash decisions if I were you, Vikram. This could put your career in jeopardy.

Vikram: What would jeopardize my career, Jack, is being a part of tag teams. My last match was a perfect example of that. I took one for the team, I took down Bruce Irwin, a dumb Australian spectator who used to boo me at the cricket stadium. I remember him well. All Makarov had to do was take down a girl. And he lost. No, Jack, I’ve had enough and from now on The Great One’s flying solo.

: Well, Vikram you do seem to have a point. But let’s talk about the championship match at Revolution. It seems that WZCW management seems to have realized their mistakes.

Vikram: It’s nothing but a disgusting promotional tactic. A relay match? I read up the rules, man and they state that it could be that I end up not entering the ring. So, it could be that I sit outside the ring twiddling my thumbs while some jackass gets to win the Elite X title. And I’m pretty sure that’s what’s gonna happen. Do you know why? It’s because the WZCW management is against me!!! Hell, I’m the biggest name in the match, fans are gonna buy the tickets for ME, and I won’t even get to wrestle.

But let me assure you of one thing Jack. If I get inside that ring, I’m gonna smash some heads with my bat and walk out as the “NEW” Elite X Champion. I guaran “damn” tee that.

Vikram walks out of the arena.
The Scottrade Centre was buzzing with excitement as WZCW superstars began to arrive for the Revolution show. One superstar in particular managed to catch the eye of many fans. With her manager at her side Kagura Ohzora made her way through the plaza greeting fans with rudimentary English phrases, a testament to her recent linguistic improvement. The biggest change was that she was no longer dressed in her miko attire. Instead, the priestess had exchanged her hakama and ceremonial robes for a sharp, black business suit. The dress was cut right above her knees which gave everyone a view of her legs. Her hair was now straightened instead of done up, and fell across her shoulders. A red tie over a white dress shirt, and matching black heels completed the new look. The suit hugged her curves and gave her a western flare. Many of the fans were stunned. They had never seen the exotic Asian beauty like this before. What was the point of this? Had Kagura forsaken her roots?

To find the answer one must travel back a few days prior…

“Well kid, what do you think?”

Kagura stepped out of the cab and stared up at the house in front of her. It was a large, Victorian style home covered in red brick veneer, with two floors.

“It’s lovely, do you live here Gozaburo-san?”

Sasuke grabbed the bags out of the trunk of the cab, “when I’m not on the road.”

Kagura took the time to take in the vicinity. American homes where not like Japanese homes. The yard was huge. And there were many trees. It had been Sasuke’s idea to stay at his home for the show. Why rent a hotel? Kagura didn’t want to impose but after some insistence she was left with little choice. Sasuke grabbed the bags and lead her up the stairs to the front door. He fiddled with his keys and stepped inside.

Kagura followed him into the entryway. She quickly removed her shoes and placed them by the door, but was aghast when Sasuke stomped through onto the hardwood floor of the living room and placed the bags on the couch. He offered her a drink, which she accepted. She walked into the lounge and looked around, marveling at the décor. Sasuke returned with a glass of water, which she sipped while he invited her to sit.

The lounge had an excess of natural lighting, and was constructed in a way that she had never seen before. Sasuke described it as a “modified bay window.”

“It is a beautiful home Gozaburo-san.”

He scoffed, “You should have seen my old one. It was twice this size. When my wife and I divorced we sold it, split the money and I ended up moving here.”

Kagura nodded, having recalled the reason why Sasuke’s wife had divorced him. To his credit, he no longer seemed like the raging alcoholic that he had often described.

“You did well last week. Your victory over the Russian has given you that much more momentum for your championship match.”

She blushed, “thank you.”

“Have you given any thought to what we discussed?”

Kagura shrugged. Truth was she was still struggling to suppress her competitive nature. She was taught that fighting without cause was not a fight worth taking. But Sasuke had described the industry as a war zone. Where only the strong willed could persevere. She started becoming paranoid when her clairvoyance became foggy due to some of her past acts of aggression. She became withdrawn in many of her matches, and as a result she started losing. Sasuke had tried to light a fire under her, and nearly succeeded when they returned to Japan for the big show. But afterwards she receded back into that shell of hers. And then last week that shell finally started to crack…

“You never answered my question Gozaburo-san. I asked you if I was a coward for wanting to be a good sport. Does that make me weak if I see my opponents as my equals?”

Sasuke sighed and leaned back in his chair. He took a sip of his beverage and stared out the window next to him before turning towards her.

“What kind of matches did you normally compete in while in Japan?”

Kagura wrinkled her brow, “I wrestled allot of tag matches. I didn’t have allot of singles matches unless they were against a rival group.”

“Seems pretty common for wrestlers there,” he replied.

“And when you wrestled these other “groups” what was the reason?”

Kagura folded her arms and thought, “It was for the advancement of our faction.”

“Did you have a group leader?”

She shook him head, “No. We didn’t.”

Suddenly her eyes opened as her head shot up at the same time his did. Could that have been the reason? Competing in Japan was never like wrestling in the States. She had been part of group of equals that watched each other’s backs and shared the same amount of success. The only title she had ever held was a tag team belt.

“When you wrestled in Japan it fit your lifestyle and your beliefs. You never questioned yourself. But when you started competing in WZCW and the matches were all single contests, you had no allies in the ring – or none that could understand “you…”

He pointed at her. And continued, “…so because of that you began second guessing your abilities both as a fighter and as a miko.”

They sat in silence for a few moments until Sasuke rose from his seat.

“Follow me...”

He placed his glass on the table beside him and motioned for her to follow. Kagura followed him downstairs to a large recreational room. It had shelves filled with old video tapes and DVD’s. Glass cases filled with memorabilia from Sasuke’s wrestling career. And in the center was the largest television she had ever seen. She was in awe of it all.

Sasuke went over to his shelf of videos and began rummaging through them while Kagura gravitated towards his trophy case. There were plenty of awards and medals from his decorated career, but the thing that caught her eye the most were his championship belts. She knew that Sasuke had been a decorated wrestler, but seeing all the different belts that he had won through his career was awe inspiring. The promotion that she had worked for in Japan had been small, and she was not allowed to keep the tag belt. Instead she and her partner had received plaques to commemorate the achievement. But Sasuke had been fortunate enough to be allowed to keep most of his. And in the center was his crowning jewel, the world championship.

This was one of the most illustrious belts in history. When Sasuke won this belt decades ago he became a hero to the Japanese. The WZCW world title was a little different, and didn’t have the same lineage, but it was the most illustrious title in all of wrestling today. Oh, how she longed to win that belt, or any belt. Maybe if fortune smiled she would walk out of St. Louis with the Elite X title.

“Kagura, come.”

He invited her to sit in front of the television as he popped in one of the videos. She sank into the puffy chair as he dimmed the lights. A video showed a young Sasuke, even younger than she, in action in Japan at the start of his career. His look was plain. There was nothing that set him apart visually from anyone else. Next he showed her a video during his first run as champion in Japan. By that time he had changed his ring attire and now oozed charisma. Even from those brief glances she could see it. Next Sasuke showed her a video of himself after his American debut. His attire was different and he now had a beard. He was also more aggressive and his English skills were improving. Lastly he showed her a video of himself during his run as world champion. He was dressed in a suit with the belt around his shoulder, giving an interview in fluent English. His beard was now a goatee, and his hair was shorter.

“Do you see it now, Kagura? In each stage of my career I changed the way I looked, I changed the way I fought, and I even learned a second language. You on the other hand have changed nothing about yourself. The way you act, the way you fight, hell… even the way you dress, is the same as it was while you were in Japan.”

He pointed at her accusingly, “You are still clinging on to what made you Kagura Watarai. You are not Kagura Ohzora, the future WZCW Elite X champion… yet.”

He took out a cigarette and lit it. He took a long draw before blowing the smoke to the side. Then he looked down at her with a sly smile on his face, causing her to recoil just a bit.

“It’s time for you to change your look.”


By changing her look Kagura had embraced her evolution. Had she forsaken her roots? That had been her initial question. As she walked across the plaza of the stadium she could hear the people chanting her name as they stared in new found adoration. She looked cool.

As her mind flashed back to that day she remembered herself asking,
“How can I can my look without changing who I am? I’m a priestess, remember?”

She looked up at Sasuke, who was wearing a similar colored suit to match hers. She remembered his reply,
“Correction. You were once a priestess. Now you are a wrestler who was trained as a miko. In Japan you were a “priestess wrestler. But now it’s time for you to act like a wrestler.”

“You tried doing that here but people just seem to view you as a novelty. You will never be a champion the way you are now. In order to be a champion you’ve got to act like one, and you’ve got to look like one.”

Looking back on it now she had to smile. Kagura had forgotten one very important thing. Being a priestess wasn’t who she was. Nor was she a wrestler. She was simply Kagura. And as Kagura she was respectful, was competitive, was humble in victory, and loved other people. She realized that she didn’t have to identify herself with being either a priestess or a wrestler. Whatever she chose to portray in the end she would still be herself.

She marched into the arena with Sasuke at her side where WZCW's finest had been waiting for them. Stacey Madison had been tasked with interviewing some before the show, and she greeted the pair at the door. She was a little taken back by the way Kagura was dressed, but the way the snobbish woman eyed her she seemed to agree with the change in attire. Truthfully Stacey disliked Kagura’s ceremonial garb.

“The fans here in St. Louis are wild as I welcome one of WZCW’s fastest rising stars Kagura Ohzora.”

Sasuke immediately stepped forward and went into full manager mode, “These fans are wild Stacey because Kagura is here. Listen to those cheers.”

He stepped back as the fans began to chant Kagura's name. She blushed.

“Tonight is Revolution and big things are happening within the company. All the titles will be on the line.”

“Every champion has to step up to the plate Stacey, but not to prove themselves. They’ve already done that. They have to step up to that plate to challenge those that want to knock them off their perches. And take it from me; I know what it takes to stay on that perch.”

“The question is does your protégé?”

Stacey turned to look at Kagura, who was silent but was trying to look as natural and as confident as possible.

“Kagura has a chance to win her first piece of WZCW gold in a relay match. Tell me Sasuke, is she ready? Like really ready? This match is not for the faint of heart.”

Sasuke stared at the blonde before removing his sunglasses and clipping them to the front pocket of his suit jacket. He reached and slowly took the microphone out of her hand.

“You ask if my protégé Kagura is ready for this match tonight. Take a good look at her. Notice her sleek new attire and cool demeanor…”

“..this…” he gestured.

“…Is the look of a champion.”

Kagura smiled.

“You see that smile, Stacey. That is a smile of confidence.”

He turned to look at the blonde and then turned to acknowledge the fans behind them.

"One opponent or four, we will welcome the challenge. You see it does not matter what type of match you could throw at her, my girl is ready for anything.”

He leaned the microphone down, “Stacey, tell these fans why that shouldn’t matter.”

She started to speak, but he pulled the microphone out of her face.

“It doesn’t matter because Kagura has already defeated most of the competitors in this match. She has defeated Bruce Irwin. The hulk of a man that once stood in her way, she chopped him down with one swift punch. She has defeated Victor Makarov. The Russian brute fell to her might last week.”

“That leaves Vikram, who is a rookie. If anyone is in over his head it has to be him. He doesn’t have the look of a champion, but Kagura does.”

He gestures to the fans, “Do any of you want to see Vikram win the title tonight?”

He’s met with resounding boos and jeers.

“Nobody wants to see Vikram win the title. They want to see Kagura walk out the champion.”

While the crowd is going crazy Stacey managed to wretch the microphone away in an attempt to reestablish order.

“Don’t count out the champion, Mr. Gozaburo. He did defeat perhaps the greatest Elite X champion ever in Constantine.”

Sasuke paused and gestured for her to bring the microphone closer to his face, snatching it away from her before she could react.

“Who cares?”

He held the microphone high into the air as Stacey began to reach for it. She was obviously pissed. Kagura giggled.

“El Swago may look like a champion, and he may act like a champion. But he is not Kagura Ohzora. Do you have any idea the mental and physical training that this woman has done in preparation for the match? No you don’t. And I’d be willing to bet it’s much more than El Swago.”

Sasuke turned to the crowd.

“Besides who would you rather have as your champion, this beautiful, voluptuous, sensational, talented fighter of a woman or some jackass in a mask?”

He raises the microphone as the crowd again voices their distaste for the champion while throwing their support behind Kagura.

“The fans have spoken Stacey. Nobody wants to see El Swago as champion. Nobody wants to see any of the other three either. They want to see Kagura walk out with the belt tonight. So it doesn’t matter how many people are competing in this match. It doesn’t matter how long it is. It doesn’t matter how dangerous it is. Kagura will knock them all down!”

Sasuke chuckled, “At the person remaining with that last pin fall will be her.”

“History will be made once again here in St. Louis. It was here decades ago that I won the world championship belt. And tonight Kagura will follow in my footsteps. This is her destiny!”

Kagura raised her arms to thunderous applause, as Sasuke lowers the microphone to her mouth. She reached up and grabbed the sunglasses off his jacket and puts them on. She smiled.

“Today… I become Elite X Champion!”

March forward, Kagura. March forward to achieve your dreams. March forward to defend your country and nation. March forward to win the title for all those that love love and have supported you. In St. Louis tonight, a fire rages.

As ravens fly across the sky.
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