Revival Of The 4 Horsemen

Good Revival?

  • Hell no.

  • Yes but with a different stable.


  • Not now.

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Jackiz Kirey

Dark Match Winner
For those of you who watched WCW, we saw the 4 Horsemen. Do you think this stable could be revived? I think so. The stable can have Tyson Kidd, Jackson Andrews (Kidd's bodyguard), Miz, and Alex Riley. You can also add Arn Anderson as the manager. You know they would dominate, right? I can see Kidd and Jackson interfering in the upcoming Tables match between Orton and Miz. Beat the shit out of Orton and shake hands with Miz and Riley. Orton will be pissed, feuding with Jackson and Kidd. The feud ends with Orton punting Jackson to the head and RKOing Kidd. Then the 4 Horsemen will continue to defend the Miz. Thoughts? Good idea to establish Jackson, Kidd, and Riley, right?
You probably don't watch TNA, I don't blame you. But the most known member ever to be a horseman is leading a group called Fortune(Kinda ripped off a stable name that the WWE is planning for the future which is the Fortunate sons), this is the revival of the Horseman. It wouldn't make sense to have a revival in the WWE, it'll just look like a rip off.
For those of you who watched WCW, we saw the 4 Horsemen. Do you think this stable could be revived? I think so. The stable can have Tyson Kidd, Jackson Andrews (Kidd's bodyguard), Miz, and Alex Riley. You can also add Arn Anderson as the manager. You know they would dominate, right? I can see Kidd and Jackson interfering in the upcoming Tables match between Orton and Miz. Beat the shit out of Orton and shake hands with Miz and Riley. Orton will be pissed, feuding with Jackson and Kidd. The feud ends with Orton punting Jackson to the head and RKOing Kidd. Then the 4 Horsemen will continue to defend the Miz. Thoughts? Good idea to establish Jackson, Kidd, and Riley, right?
Gotta love fantasy booking. You could probably book John Cena to ride unicorns to the ring. Why the hell would any of the people you mentioned above come together, I have no freakin' clue. Leave creative to people who don't fantasize about random meetings and random beatings. If there was any other reason for a 4 Horsemen revival to not happen, it's because, number 1, that was Evolution and The Legacy. And number 2, TNA beat them to it. And they have Ric Flair as the managing leader.

Try again. In the Book This section. Where fantasy booking goes.
Why the hell would any of the people you mentioned above come together, I have no freakin' clue.

Arn Anderson could recruit random talent, as long as they fit the Horsemen tradition. It's really not that hard to imagine.

But, it's most certainly not the right time to bring the Four Horsemen back. Ric Flair isn't around, and without him, it really can't be done. Arn Anderson, IMO, is just as important as Flair, but I doubt most people feel the same way.

Ric Flair won't be a TNA employee forever. If Flair were to come back, and recruit guys for the new Horsemen, it would work perfectly. But until Flair leaves TNA, it's not even an option.

But, just for shits and giggles, who would I want to see as a Horsemen today? In WWE? I would probably go with Ted DiBise, Cody Rhodes and Jack Swagger to start with. Not sure who would lead the group, but with Flair around, it really doesn't matter. I would add an up-and-comer to the group as well, and that would be Trent Barretta. He has amazing in-ring skills, and wouldn't have to talk much. I understand it's not all that imaginable right now, with his "Dudebuster" gimmick, but that could be easily shelved. Put him in a suit, and have him stop making stupid jokes; problem solved.

Like I said, it isn't possible right now, so none of this will happen. But, there's no way you can rule out a Four Horsemen comeback sometime in the future.
No. No no no no no.

Did I mention no?

The Four Horsemen are a part of history and they should stay that way. The problem wrestling has had in the past is the same problem Hollywood has had - revisiting old ideas instead of creating new ones. By all means, reference the Horsemen on television when a new stable forms but don't bring the actual name back.
You probably don't watch TNA, I don't blame you. But the most known member ever to be a horseman is leading a group called Fortune(Kinda ripped off a stable name that the WWE is planning for the future which is the Fortunate sons), this is the revival of the Horseman. It wouldn't make sense to have a revival in the WWE, it'll just look like a rip off.

Couldn't agree more. Absolutely pointless for WWE to go with a Four Horsemen Revival when Fortune is exactly that but in TNA. Plus, WWE doesn't really have anyone as good as the combo of AJ, Kaz, and Beer Money...
You probably don't watch TNA, I don't blame you. But the most known member ever to be a horseman is leading a group called Fortune(Kinda ripped off a stable name that the WWE is planning for the future which is the Fortunate sons), this is the revival of the Horseman. It wouldn't make sense to have a revival in the WWE, it'll just look like a rip off.

How the hell is their named ripped off of a group that hasn't even debuted yet? The name comes from the fact that it sounds like "four" in the beginning and the fact that the name "Fortune" is supposed to represent their wrestling "wealth" so to speak. WWE didn't invent the word fortune, so in absolutely no way are they "ripping off" the Fortunate Sons. That's just ridiculous.

As far a Four Horsemen revival; it'd be dumb because Flair IS the Horsemen, there's a Horsemen wanna-be stable in TNA, and the names you picked for the stable are completely laughable.
AS a revival of The Four Horseman, HELL NO!

I actually like those 4 guys together in a stable though. I think Tyson Kidd is about to make a big run. He has talent and I believe he can get over as a Heel, big time. He just even looks better as a Heel.

I would like the rub he would get from being in a stable with Miz.

I think Riley is going to the top. He is a star in the making. I don't think it will take too long either. An eventual feud with Miz and him will probably be the final push he needs in about a year or so.
How the hell is their named ripped off of a group that hasn't even debuted yet? The name comes from the fact that it sounds like "four" in the beginning and the fact that the name "Fortune" is supposed to represent their wrestling "wealth" so to speak. WWE didn't invent the word fortune, so in absolutely no way are they "ripping off" the Fortunate Sons. That's just ridiculous.

As far a Four Horsemen revival; it'd be dumb because Flair IS the Horsemen, there's a Horsemen wanna-be stable in TNA, and the names you picked for the stable are completely laughable.

So months before fourtune debuted the WWE came up with the Fortunate sons, a group who would be wealthy in wrestling and in finance, and then MONTHS LATER Flair introduces 4tune. Pretty much the same idea, the WWE was holding this off to further develope Brett DiBiase. Fortunate sons were going to be a four man group as well. The WWE came up with the idea first, it doesn't matter who debuted it first because just like everything else in pro-wrestling, it always gets plastered on the net before it happens.

As for the names being laughable, I disagree. But they are highly irrelevant for the Horseman stable. Maybe if you had Arn come and lead, but he wouldn't get over neither would the team. Without Flair, you couldn't make the stable again.
This is so ridiculous i don't even know why I'm bothering responding to it. But...ever hear of a guy named Ric Flair? You know, the best wrestler ever? The face of the four horsemen? Yeah, he's in a crappy other company right now. Thus, no Ric Flair, no Four Horsemen.

As for that group of people...they have nothing to do with one another, nor would they be able to pull anything off that would remotely come close to what they four horsemen look like. Honestly, what is your IQ? This is just awful....awful!
WOW. THat is really bad. Sorry, I think revival factions are the reason why wrestlers lose there style. This idea need to be killed like a the TNA Immortal group. Nice idea for a faction, but wrong wrestlers.
Fortunate Sons was to be a four man group? OH MY GOD, THEY MUST BE RIPPING OFF THE FOUR HORSEMEN. FORtunate Sons. It has the sound "four" in it. It's obviously a ripoff! :rolleyes:

Wow you just made yourself look dumb, I gotta spam just to reply to you :/ Fortunate means wealthy. "The Fortunate Son" Ted DiBiase, Brett DiBiase and two other members who's names have changed were to be in this group. They call them Fortunate Sons for reasons that have nothing to do with the number 4, otherwise it would be the Fourtunate Sons. The rip off from TNA is that they took the name Fourtune and made them boast about their money all the time. That's what the Fortunate sons were suppose to be about. The Million dollar sons and whoever else were suppose to be a young brash money hungry quartet...hmmm sounds like 4tune to me. But the idea originated with the WWE creative team, far before 4tune was thought of.

Now, to try to not get warned for spamming...I also think if this team would come together, it might ruin the reputation instead of put them over. It's obvious the team would fail so it would just be a huge waste of time in which Riley could be getting over as a heel sidekick with The Miz and Kidd & Jackson can be dominating Santino & Kozlov, cause Kidd and Jackson would make better champions.
The Million dollar sons and whoever else were suppose to be a young brash money hungry quartet...hmmm sounds like 4tune to me. But the idea originated with the WWE creative team, far before 4tune was thought of.

It's hard to rip-off an idea that's hardly original. I'll stick by my point that I highly disagree it "stole" any ideas from a group that never even launched, I think you're reading wayyyy too much into their name. Fortune's gimmick is a group of proteges set in line to become the Horsemen of their era. They haven't come across to me as "money hungry" as much as glory hogs who need the spotlight on them at all time.

As for my previous post, it was lighthearted fun. Don't take it personally. It's the internet, after all.

Back on topic; would those four men work as a stable? Possibly. But there's no need to put them together. If they were in a stable would they be Horsemen material? No, none of them are anything like what the Horsemen were in my opinion so there's no need to diminish the name and legacy of wrestling's fab four.
As TNA have Ric Flair doing Fortune which is based on the Horsemen, why would WWE want to copy it? Also, having Anderson as the manager would give it some credibility as he was an original member, but it wouldnt have the same effect as Flair being involved. I dont think AA as manager would be "BIG" enough for WWE to do this, he was a secondary member with Flair as the top dog. It would be like Road Dogg/Billy Gunn/X-Pac reforming DX without Triple H (I am not including HBK here as I am talking about when DX was a 4 man team).

I like the idea of those guys working together, but not as the Horsemen. Never
Simply put, no. Here's why.

The Four Horsemen are, without a doubt, the stable that defined professional wrestling. They dominated wherever they were. They were dirty heels, but they had an aura of class about them, too. In that era, a group like that worked. They were similar in character (which was pretty basic in those days), but the reason they were linked together in the first place was because of friendship and respect for the business. As the years went on, members came and went b/c of business decisions within NWA and WCW, and some of those members were questionable, but the Horsemen mythos always carried the same ideal.

Also, like all the others before me have said, the Four Horsemen would not be possible unless Ric Flair was a part of it. I know Arn's working for WWE right now, and including him would give it legitimacy in some regards. Arn is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. However, Arn was never the focal point of the Horsemen. He was "The Enforcer," the muscle, the backup, the glue that held it together. Flair was the face of the Horsemen. He was the champ. He was the one that the others revolved around. In this age of wrestling, if you're not a champ or in a championship angle or a well-established character, you're pretty much ignored.

When any wrestling fan thinks of the Horsemen, who's the first person they think of - Flair, or Arn. Flair was always the mouthpiece, even with J.J. Dillon was their manager. I didn't mind the revival in the 90s (minus putting Steve McMichael in the group *shudders*). Even when Flair was gone, they brought him back when they reformed the Horsemen. Any reincarnation would have to include Flair as the mouthpiece. But, Flair's in TNA right now. So, your idea isn't happening. I think even WWE respects that fact and wouldn't dare tread on the Horsemen legacy by forming a faction and calling it the Horsemen w/o Flair involved (especially since Arn is with WWE now. He would definitely have a say in it, I believe). Respect tradition, and don't slap a name with that much tradition and history on just any group of wrestlers.

Yes, the four guys that you mentioned could pull off a stable, and it may be pretty successful. But not right now. None of them are ready for that. Miz is riding high and building his persona. Riley's got potential and is tagging along. Kidd needs more time to get away from the Hart Dynasty angle (jumping quick from one stable to another decreases legitimacy IMO), and Kidd's new muscle guy just got here. Give them some time to establish themselves before you lump them into a stable where someone gets lost in the shuffle. If they do put them or anyone else in a four-man stable, don't dare call it The Four Horsemen w/o Flair. I would lose a lot of respect for WWE if they did that.
No Flair, no Horsemen; it's just that simple. I doubt Arn Anderson would even agree to do it for that very reason. However, the WWE could use some kind of faction and maybe another unused stable name would be good to resurrect. How about... Evolution? Not sure how Triple H plans on coming back, but a new Evolution would make a lot of sense for an aging guy who doesn't have the same physical tools anymore and needs backup. I'm not saying this SHOULD happen (though I'd love to hear that theme used again), but it makes way more sense than a Horsemen revival.

Oh, and FYI to everyone who mentioned TNA's stable... it's now spelled FORTUNE. It's been that way for a while. It was "Four-tune" when it first started, but they dumped that fairly quickly and all of the merchandise you see now shows the word spelled properly.
A new Four Horsemen. I like the idea, but I think TNA is doing a great job with the right guys at the moment. I would like to see a new stable in the WWE, but not new Horsemen. An idea that popped in my head is:

  • The Miz (After winning the WWE Title, Miz looks for more back up to help keep the top Title in the WWE)
  • Kane (After losing his father, Paul Bearer, Kane seeks out a new manager. Who better than the one person managing a current Champion)
  • Daniel Bryan (Heel turn shocker of the year, if it happens, he could even change his name back to Bryan Danielson at that point)
  • Dolph Ziggler (Natural fit)
  • Alex Riley (Wants to breakout and searches for a Tag Partner to compete for the Tag Straps)
  • A 6th member to be Alex Riley’s partner to gun for the Tag Team Championship, any suggestions??
  • Vickie Guerrero – manager
RAW has the Nexus as the current stable. I think that would be one too many on Raw. I like stables. I would like the idea of one being on Smackdown. I would like to see Chris Jericho come back and form a stable with himself being the mouthpiece. I could see Swagger fitting in as a mid-carder. I am not sure who I would see as a tag team as the WWE crushes tag teams before they even get started rolling. Maybe a heel Christian and a partner from NXT or FCW could be the tag team or even a Chris Masters.

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