Reused/remixed theme songs. Yay? Nay?

What do you think of reused/remixed themes?

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What do you think of some of the theme songs that once belonged to someone else before becoming their own?

Example: Wrestlemania 2000's theme song "California".

A remastered and remixed version with new lyrics, in due time became the theme song for the faction Thuggin n Buggin Enterprises and still is the theme song for Teddy Long.

There are many other examples such as CM Punk being given Randy Orton's new theme "This Fire Burns" after a few weeks of Orton using it. Antonio Cesaro using a remixed version of a Dean Malenko theme.

Does it bother you? Do you like reused/remixed themes? Or just don't care?
It bothers me when they remix and iconic wrestling theme. I mean I'm not sure what the point of giving Bret Hart a new theme that was very similar, but different enough to annoy, when he returned in 2010. And I don't know why you'd draw comparisons with Curt Henning by giving Curtis Axel a remix of his theme. When I hear that song all I think is "Wow, Curtis really isn't on the same level as his father!".
Only if they're prolific would I ever care. When Brodus Clay adopted Ernest "The Cat" Miller's theme, I just didn't give a shit. I'm sure he did a lot of great things in WCW, but his stint in WWE was forgettable. It's helped Clay come along as a superstar the kiddies can get behind and has been working so far. Music plays a very important role on their persona. If they see a need to use old music barely anyone remembers, I say go for it if they think it helps.
Orton only used this fire burns one week I think so it wasn't a big deal. I like Curtis Axel's remix it's sick and I love it. If they don't have any relation to them and it's a super iconic theme then I don't think they should do it but other than that I don't have a problem with it.
Personally, I don't really care, as long as it works for them. For example, it makes since that Natalya would have a version of The Hart Foundation music. Now, there are a few songs I think would be off limits, no matter what. The following superstars music I don't think would ever work for anyone else: Hogan (Real American), HBK, HHH, and combined in DX, Taker. Everybody else I think could work for someone else. Even in time, someone like Flair's music could work, and even Vince's music, repackaged, could work.
I don't mind some of the remixed themes and that's if they're used correctly. It also depends on whether it fits with the wrestler's character.
I am in favour of remixes, especially when it is used for the same wrestler for whom the original song/music was introduced. More often than not, it is a positive change and helps the wrestler.
For example, Alberto Del Rio's previous theme fitted his Aristocrat character, but when he turned face into the hard-working migrant in America, the new theme was a pleasant change. Then we have R-truth- they omitted the song from the music and lets him sing it instead, and thats a refreshing change too. The Rock- here too, they took the words out and added more guitar to make it sound even more electrifying. That also worked IMO. Cody Rhodes- Dashing to Un-Dashing; two versions of 'Smoke n Mirrors' for two personas.
Coming to TNA, we don't have much here because Dale Oliver has run out of ideas lately. But looking a few years back, we have Beer Money Inc.- from the "Sorry about your damn luck" theme to the "Beer! Monaaay!" theme was a positive change. Motor City Machine Guns- transition from "1967" to "Party With the Motor City" was fantastic ("Motor City" the third theme wasn't as good though). Homicide using a slightly modified version of the LAX theme, AJ Styles going from "I Am" to "Get ready to fly!"- all were positive changes.

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