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Return of The Triple Cage Match for WWE Title?


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A new thread to talk about this Gimmick Match. As most of you know, the triple cage match innovative in WCW i believe and it was even in a movie for that. For those that dont know how it works, you basically have to climb and make your way through all three cages with the title held in the very top 3 cage and bring it back down to the first cage to win the match. With the current main eventer on Raw ie, Orton, John Cena, Triple H, HBK, and Big Show(Remember hes a Raw Guy). I started thinking how the elimination was most likely going add a throw guy for the title picture so they could establish that person a bit (Swagger?).

Well going back on topic, how would IWC feel about a triple cage match for the WWE Title? I believe it would be death defying as well as career defying. It could be used to put over newer wrestlers. But of course the only problem is the PG no Blood rating I think PPV itself should be at least PG-13 as to which Cena dropped his razor was probably indicating. This match could very well be used to end feuds and start new ones with the elimination of different people?


How about at wrestlemania, instead of the Money in the Bank ladder match, it could be replaced by this cage match as i believe the MITB is used to establish talents in it's grand stage and what better way to do it in a real demonic structure. It's just a thought in the end i mean it would sure be entertaining to say the least.
I'd like it. I loved the WCW version of it. But as you sorta said it wouldn't work to good for a PG Match as if I remember the second cage is filled with weapons and what not...So for it to work PPV's would have to atleast be PG-13....

But I'd love to see it for a Title match or for a chance at a title match. I mean think about if that had a 5 man Triple Cage match with Orton,Triple H,Big Show,Cena(MVP if Cena loses at BR) and Jack Swagger. I think it be good and could really push Swagger(and MVP if need be) Up the card a bit.

or maybe a SD one

CM Punk,Matt Hardy,Jericho,Undertaker,and John Morrison. Matt and Morrison get a get push from it and we get a good match.

now if its for a title shot the door opens to more people.

The Miz,John Morrison,Jack Swagger,Dolph Ziggler,and MVP.

All of them I think have the talent to pull off a great match and any of them could easily be worked towards the Main Event.
As I remember in the last triple cage match there were a total of 9 men!! That creates the chance for it to be memorable with many different spots and if Edge was in it lol he would spear the person who just had the belt before he escape from the cage.
I am not a fan of the Triple Cage at all. For me, it is one of the best examples of a gimmick taken too far, in essence, combining a cage match with a ladder match. To my mind WWE has been more successful with regard to gimmick matches than WCW and TNA due to its willingness to keep things simple.

Triple Cage matches also aren't that good to watch. It starts off okay with the wrestlers in the ring but once they are on top of the cage I always felt that it makes the action look sloppy. The wrestlers move gingerly through the stages looking more worried about the strength of the cage rather than where the next spot is. I think because of this tendency action on top of the cage in Hell in a Cell matches is kept to a minimum (although the HIAC has to do its job of keeping the wrestlers inside once in a while).

I would much rather see a return of the War Games match rather than the Triple Cage. A feud between factions or brands ending within the confines of HIAC under War Games rules would be great and possibly used to elevate some of the younger mid card talent
Im a little confused, can someone show me a place where i can see a triple cage match online. Becasue as it sounds right now, it is brutal and would not work in the pg era due to bloodlessness and hardcoreness.
I wouldn’t mind it if the Triple Cage gimmick was brought back, but I doubt that Vince would want to bring it back. He has tried to stay away from anything that might make people remember WCW or associate his product with WCW, and the Triple Cage would do just that, even if it wasn’t their original idea.

Anyways, I think it could work, even in a PG environment. Blood is not always necessary in matches with cages. Blood just adds to the match, it doesn’t make the match. If people want to see blood then go watch the piece of shit that is CZW. Wrestlers can and have been able to have great matches without the use of blood, so I don’t see why people think that the PG rating would be a problem since there probably wouldn’t be any blood involved.

Overall, I think it could work at first but eventually Vince would do something to screw it up, like he did with the HIAC. He’ll think that having one match inside of it is not enough and as a result will have a pay per view with the gimmick of Triple Cage.
The Tri-Cage is one of those things that sounds alot better on paper than it ends up looking in real life. It just seems so pointless. I'm prety sure in the second last Tri-Cage match it was DDP vs Jeff Jarrett vs David Arquette. How does it sound now? And the last Tri-Cage was I think on a Nitro and used as a War Games match, and from memory it just ended up looking like a giant cluster fuck.

Having War Games inside of HIAC would be much better, although I'm not sure why they wouldn't just use Survivor Series instead of War Games. I think the SS is a WWE tradition that doesn't seem to get a whole lot of respect anymore and having a War Games styled Survivor Series could be awesome.
I have only seen one triple cage match, and that was in a movie I am not ready to admit that I have seen *ReadyCOUGHtoCOUGHRumbleCOUGH*. I thought the concept looked awesome in that match despite who was in it (I don't like DDP much or that fat actor fella).

I think it would work well with two Cena types. Middle sized dude who have enough speed to do some cool stuff but enough power to pull the cage off.

Because in the end its a half cage, half ladder match and that combo...is priceless...

Just My Opinion
I like the idea and you can still have a ppv be pg but just have one tri-cage match and allow it to have blood in it, and this kind of match can work on so many levels, because like one guy said earlier it can replace MITB and still steal the show especially if you get guys in there that fit the environment such as well the Hardys, more now Matt, Kofi, Morrison, Mr. 619(Rey), Miz, Bourne, and those type of people that can make the match exciting, or you can even make it like the old tlc matches what i mean is have the tri-cage but have the tag titles on the line, and either have the first two people that get to the titles became champions or have all tag teams in the match, such as Vlad/Jackson, Jerishow, Legacy, DX, MVP/WSM,Crymetyme and maybe some makeshifts teams, Bourne/kofi, or the best bet is if WWE ever decides to go back to one world title, then have the top guys in the bussiness go for the title, Taker/HHH/HBK/CENA/ORTON/PUNK/BASTISTA/REY/MAYB KANE, and I bet that this will be one hell of a match especilly if held at Wrestlemania, and if they didn't hold the match under PG rules, think about it, Wrestlemania, takers steak on the line, and add the stipulation that the match is elimation style before anyone can grab the belt in the last cage i.e. there needs to be 2 man left before a new champion could be crowned.
Actually the first one of these was done back in the 80s way before the David Arquette incident. Dont rember the exact details but I no the LOD and Varsity Club were in it. This was one of the worst matches ever and I hope to never see another one again. Wrestlers cant bump in these and there is not much other than kick/punch in these. Maybe WWE could afford to make one that wrestlers could do something in but honestly it is just to over the top for my taste.
There was the Tower Of Doom match at The Great American Bash 1988 which featured the Garvins, Powers of Pain, Ivan Koloff, The Road Warriors and Dr. Death Steve Williams, among others. This match was pretty decent and was pulled off well enough to make it look legit without blood and gore. If the WWE can keep the same formula then I believe the match could be a success even in the PG era.
i think to hardcore attitude era fans, this match is just way too gimicky and pretty much wont please them at all. with that being said, i think for the little kids of the PG era, this match would be pretty awesome. as far as no blood goes, i actually recently watched the second triple cage match that wcw had and it did not have blood and it wasnt the worst match in the world so i guess wwe might be able to pull it off.
i think it would be a good for survivor series event cause from watching that match and what i can remember of the Garvins, Powers of Pain, Ivan Koloff, The Road Warriors and Dr. Death Steve Williams and others. it could be a very good idea
Having to climb up through 3 cages...? I remember the DDP/JJ?Arquette one, that was crap. I seem to remember one with Flair in it.....if that was it....crap.
I'm not a big fan of overly gimmicky matches. The Elimination chamber is just about as far as I'd want to take it. That structure could even be used in a War Games type match were it 3 on 3. You could start off with 2 on 2, or have each team have a 2 wrestlers in one of their pods to be released at random. There is possibilities....
i havent seen one but it does sound overly gimmicky. VKM would be better takingthe concept of combining cage and ladder and maybe just have a cage match with some kind of narrow scaffold run along the top where you have to reach up for the belt from there. simples.
Well, it could work, but for me is too much for a match, a little to complicated for my taste.

I mean if in a 6 man Ladder match that is the MITB match is Hell to get the damn briefcase what would be in something like this? it is kind of that Kennel in a Cell that was between Al Snow and the Bossman and I also watched the Arquette one and it was not pretty, I know there away better Triple cage matches than those but for me it is just too much.
I could do without this, do we need another way of enclosing the ring. We have standard cage, the cell, the chamber, I just don't see the point and yet again it is a very unsettling example of using gimmicks to draw ratings. I'm sure I remember that being done elsewhere to a somewhat damaging effect.

Having said that I do want to see War Games in WWE, truly one of the greatest gimmick matches ever and I still don't understand why the invasion angle didn't feature someone like Flair coming out and saying to Vince "You want to break us? You want to destroy WCW? You want War?........." and then a WCW vs WWF wargames would ensue.

Anyway Im off topic, but I'm casting my vote, no to triple cage.
I think it's a pretty crap idea to be honest. The match was very badly received by the WCW audience, because it didn't really make any sense and because it is fucking ridiculous. The level of entertainment from a cage match is pretty low and needlessly making it a bigger entity, with added danger is a waste of time. The audience wouldn't really buy it and it will be forever tainted with the David Arquette brush, so there's really no basis for doing it.
I was a pretty big fan of it because it was different. War Games matches had been done, so why not put the cages on top of each other? The sense of danger was great, and if the right people were working the match (i.e. Dr. Death), you knew to expect a few good spots. When it's the wrong people (i.e. Arquette), it's horrible. It's bland and boring unless the right people are in the match.

I don't think WWE should use it. It'd be fun to see once, maybe twice, but they're end up putting the wrong people in there, or booking it horribly. Since the people that should work a Triple Tier Cage Match are all mid-carders for Vince, it would only make it worse. no one wants to see a mid-card belt in there.

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