Request An Album Review From Me!

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Right, I have Friday's free every week, plus the weekends, so it gives me time to do something I enjoy. That thing I enjoy is listening to music.

I also like reviewing music and talking about it with others, this is where you come in. Give me an Album, whether it be recent, or old and I'll review it.

I'm open to listening to anything, so don't hesitate to say a title.

What I've got lined up so far;
  • Metallica - Death Magnetic
  • Metallica & Lou Reed - Lulu
  • Amanda Palmer - Amanda Palmer Goes Down Under
  • Kanye West & Jay-Z - Watch The Throne

They were a couple of albums I've wanted to review and I'll do them in my own good time. Recommend me something to review and keep an eye out in the future, in the "Music" section for it.
Planet Jedward
The entire Nickelback discography

Bastard. Fucking Nickelback.

Crossroads by I feel like being angry today.

You be angry.

The Hard Road - Hilltop Hoods

Never heard of it, this could be interesting.

Damn, I was gonna suggest this.

How 'bout Wasting Light by Foo Fighters?

Love this album, did make a thread on it in the music section looking over it. Might not review it for that reason, but see how I feel.
Appreciate that Milenko.

I'll download all of this and then let you know when it's all downloaded. This will be the Thread that I'll keep you updated with shit.
You be angry.

Depends. It's one of my favorite albums and one I legitimately think could be the number one contender for best electronic album of all time.

I'll only be angry if you brush over it, are ignorant, or try to ingratiate yourself to me.
I think I need to stop posting serious threads in the Bar Room.

Oh, but I've downloaded everything except Daft Punk, so I'll get on listen.
Right, I'm currently re-downloading my whole iTunes as I had to restore my computer to factory settings without warning, so I wasn't able to get a backup & didn't have one already saved.

I'm in the midst of re-downloading all the albums here and I'm currently working on a Steel Panther - Balls Out review to be posted shortly.

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