Reputation System

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I am pretty sure the Reputation System is actually built in with the VB Forum software I was just wondering why it wasnt active? I mean I know in actuallity it is pretty pointless, but alot of other Forums tend to use this system, and its a way for posters to show other posters that they are making good posts, and could eliminate the need for someone to post in a Thread "I totally agree" when they could simply do it through the Rep System. Just an Idea.
Another thing about that probably is.. The mods and admins arent going to be on 24/7 reading everyones post to see if they deserve a rep point or not..
the current rep system we have i think works fine...

if you are banned, you ar an asshole...

if you are not banned, you are not an asshole... yet
Id have to say.. Thats probably the best reputation system in all of forums
I dont think so, but its usually not that hard to tell why people give out negative Rep. If you check your User Manager main page it might be there.
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