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Report: WWE Buys TNA Video Library But Not TNA Itself


It's been reported on the main page that WWE has purchased TNA's tape library while Billy Corgan is the new majority owner of TNA wrestling itself.

A recent report stated that Corgan ultimately has wanted to rebrand TNA by doing away with the TNA name itself and, if he's new majority owner, he can do that and I'm assuming he'll have to otherwise WWE wouldn't have purchased the tape library.

My guess is that Corgan is ultimately going to start from scratch with TNA itself: new name, now championships, etc. If the recently created Grand Championship is any sort of indicator, my guess is that the company going forward will simply be Impact Wrestling.
If the recently created Grand Championship is any sort of indicator, my guess is that the company going forward will simply be Impact Wrestling.

Not sure that's possible. TNA used Impact Wrestling for a time and I would think that means it falls under the TNA brand name.
That's pretty awesome, TNA has had some very good PPVs back in the Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns days. I didn't watch large gaps between then and now. I'm looking forward to seeing some good stuff like A.J Styles feud with Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe.
I'd like to know more details of exactly what Billy Corgan is buying here, if he's not getting access to TNA's tape library or trademarks. The right to execute their television contract for the fifteen months remaining on it? Appearance rights for their performers for their remaining contracts?

This deal sounds like the best of both cases, but I'd really like to know more specifics of what Billy Corgan + Investors would get. I'm also curious if this is a deal where TNA is essentially broken up into parts and sold, with the WWE taking the assets they want, Billy Corgan + Investors taking the assets they want and incorporating as a new company, and the creditors get to go to court for the debt.

Because as stated, Billy Corgan buying TNA minus the tape library, that deal doesn't make sense. Specifics are needed.
Don't be too shocked if there is some ECW/Heyman style stuff going on with WWE here...

WWE get the library and some options on some of the talent and in return they "support" Corgan in some way, either with mentoring, financial support like they did Heyman or allowing the odd piece of talent to work there (or drop any issue with Cody and his name for example...)

Without the history and Library, the "competition" aspect of TNA disappears, so there is no issue with them having a similar relationship to that with Evolve... with Dixie gone any bad blood could potentially be erased.

Of course that may not be the case at all... but I did say a while ago we could be in a sense seeing the rebirth of an NWA style organisation with WWE at the helm... not quite territories, but Vince and more importantly Trips both know that the era of "domination and monopoly" has failed... it's now time to rebuild.
Not sure that's possible. TNA used Impact Wrestling for a time and I would think that means it falls under the TNA brand name.
As far a we know, and Meltzer reports, it is JUST for the tape library. If it was for all the IP, NOTHING could be used going forward without WWE's consent. As of RIGHT NOW, it is just for the tapes. I also have a feeling that this could be the end of the line for Impact on Pop!. Do not be surprised if they go the What Culture route and stream matches over YouTube.
Why would I now watch current TNA when I've got 14 years worth of TNA on the Network? Don't get me wrong, there's some good stuff on now, but it's all largely stale and forgettable. If WWE have the library is can just cherry pick some quality TNA from years ago.
As far a we know, and Meltzer reports, it is JUST for the tape library. If it was for all the IP, NOTHING could be used going forward without WWE's consent. As of RIGHT NOW, it is just for the tapes. I also have a feeling that this could be the end of the line for Impact on Pop!. Do not be surprised if they go the What Culture route and stream matches over YouTube.

Even so, it would seem odd to start a new promotion that already has it's name in some old, archived library in the hands of its competition.
This is a win win for everyone. WWE gets the Tape Library and more content for The Network to help fill in the gaps for AJ Styles,Samoa Joe,Bobby Roode,Austin Aries,Sting,Kurt Angle,Mick Foley,Booker T,Christian,etc. There is alot of good stuff before the TNA name became so damaged. Alot of those PPVs especially i want to see again.

Meanwhile Billy Corgan can rebrand and start over with whatever he plans on doing.

More importantly Dixie Carter is out and hopefully gone forever.
ugh. finally. good bye tna.
they should end it all with matt hardy somehow deleting tna itself. gone. fresh start for whatever is going to happen next.

wwe's lightning rod is gone now. tna was a black eye on the business so they deservedly got a lot of hate for it. but wwe wont have that heat shield anymore.
ugh. finally. good bye tna.
they should end it all with matt hardy somehow deleting tna itself. gone. fresh start for whatever is going to happen next.

wwe's lightning rod is gone now. tna was a black eye on the business so they deservedly got a lot of hate for it. but wwe wont have that heat shield anymore.

Haha, what a missed opportunity! Broken Matt Hardy deletes TNA in a rooftop laser fight with TNA execs and a Dixie Carter robot. Matt can get a -Erased an entire promotion- rub for his future acts.
This a win win for everyone we get rid of dixie she was killing tna. Wwe gets tapes can show some amazing matches with joe styles ey roode etc.... That can help build them all up and set up better stories if they evr face each other. Corgan gets to reboot the company get rid of the name tna sucks start from scratch hopfuly imporve it for too long it only been a play thing for dixie and a little project for her
This is a win win for everyone. WWE gets the Tape Library and more content for The Network to help fill in the gaps for AJ Styles,Samoa Joe,Bobby Roode,Austin Aries,Sting,Kurt Angle,Mick Foley,Booker T,Christian,etc. There is alot of good stuff before the TNA name became so damaged. Alot of those PPVs especially i want to see again.

Meanwhile Billy Corgan can rebrand and start over with whatever he plans on doing.

More importantly Dixie Carter is out and hopefully gone forever.

When would you say the TNA name became damaged? I remember at one point people thought it would be legit competition to WWE.
It's more than just the tape library, it's TNA and its history that they purchased (possibly even their HoF). What they didn't purchase was any talent contracts, TV deals or outstanding debt. Corgan owns all of that stuff.

They won't be airing old TNA stuff on the Network while new stuff is being recorded. That doesn't make sense. If the story is true, TNA is dead and Billy Corgan will be using the talent and TV deals to start a new company. What will be interesting is to see what sort of trademarks TNA owned as it pertains to talent. Did TNA copyright the name Broken Matt Hardy, Decay, Grand Champion, X-Division, Knockouts, Impact Wrestling, etc. If so, the new company won't be able to use it.

Again, can you imagine WWE airing X-Division matches on the Network while new ones are taking place? As far as I'm concerned, the entire title history of TNA's belts (as well as their designs) are now owned by WWE.

And honestly, I think this is a great thing. I'm looking forward to seeing what Corgan does with the talent of TNA, minus the unfortunate misconceptions of the TNA brand. It's legitimately a fresh start.
I'll believe it when I see it, I couldn't see WWE purchasing just the tapes and trademarks but if corgan is wanting to rebrand it is a win win. Let's face it TNA has very little of value outside its tape catalog and trademarks. The majority of their talent is not under any sort of exclusive contract so if WWE wanted them they could already get them.

I think its a good move though if that's the route they're going. WWE can fill in the gaps of guys like Sting, Booker T, Scotty Steiner etc. Plus you get to see the rise of Joe and AJ. TNA should have been rebranded after Jarrett left.
This is kind of, sort of interesting. Over the weekend, a ton of Twitter users were bombarding the WWE Network account asking about TNA content. The response was always the same and basically said, "We don't offer TNA programming."

After today's news, here is the exact response they're using to reply to people inquiring about TNA content on the WWE Network:
"We do not have that information at this time. Please stay tuned at WWE.com for updates."

Something... or nothing?
When would you say the TNA name became damaged? I remember at one point people thought it would be legit competition to WWE.

At one point, they were seen as, or at least considered to be, legit competition. I believe TNA's best chance of that was from around 2005 to 2007. It was when TNA got on Spike TV. It was when the company got an influx of great established talent such as Samoa Joe, Rhino, Christian Cage, Team 3D, Sting, Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner and Booker T to name a few. With that kind of name value talent, it really raised TNA's game.

But TNA started to focus more on pushing these veteran talents instead of utilizing them to push their younger stars. It would've been perfect at the time for TNA to showcase established talents that can bring in viewers while also building up their younger stars to be on par with them. But they didn't strike while the iron was hot and it ended up hurting some of the younger stars' development.

It was also around this time that Vince Russo was put in charge of creative. And with Vince Russo being Vince Russo, well...I think you get the picture.
TNA insiders are saying this report is insane. So who is the credible source for this story or is it just another rumour being thrown out there?
Until this is confirm by all parties, I will take this news with a grain of salt but concidering that some highly regarded peoples in the business like dave meltzer and jim ross are saying that it seem like this isalmost a done deal at this point, I wouldn't be surprise that dixie and bob ryder's tweet are just a smokescream to hide the fact that a deal was done and they will announce this by the end of the tapings.
Why would Corgan buy TNA if his just going to rebrand it and not take ownership of the tape library?

Or he's getting from TNA is acquiring the debt that comes with it.

He's probably just be buying out the contracts and securing the TV and PPV deals.

I suppose WWE will be interested in a few key talents as there roster is very thin at the moment.

I hope Corgan does create a whole different brand with a much better logo and titles.

Those belts are pretty ugly.
When would you say the TNA name became damaged? I remember at one point people thought it would be legit competition to WWE.

I would say the beginning of the end was January 4th 2010 when Hogan & Bischoff came in. It snowballed from there trying to run on Mondays against RAW and they got slaughtered. Dixie & Co. only made it worse from there and never recovered. All her business dealings or lack there of,being booted from 2 different networks,the Russo nonsense,etc. The list goes on and on.

They had a shot at least between 2005 & 2009 to be a legit #2 and in some ways were during that period.
Obviously this is very pending official news, etc., etc.

But assuming this makes sense, I'm going to guess official new Impact Wrestling chronology will begin with Pop TV and that the WWE will own everything from the weekly PPV, Spike TV, and Destination America eras. This pretty much works out, since basically nothing going in TNA right now traces its origins back further than the 1/4 episode on Pop. TNA can go forward happily with a rebrand and try to become something interesting again.

From WWE's perspective, they can do a ton here. With what they had before, they now have the more or less complete careers (the most notable exception for anyone being Japanese work) for Sting, Angle, Styles, Joe, Aries, Mick Foley, RVD, the Hardys, Bobby Roode, James Storm, the Dudleys, Eric Young, Bobby Lashley, EC3, Galloway, Hogan, Flair, Nash, Hall, Savage, Rhodes, Xavier Woods...I mean, I could go on, just naming the people that pop into my head here. They've filled in gaps in so many wrestlers careers who currently work for them or have worked for them, and that translates to DVD releases and Network footage for all of these guys. A WWE AJ Styles DVD would have been a pretty sad affair. Now it's a nearly definitive look at his career.

Furthermore they can add to the Network weekly Impacts and old TNA PPVs, which is just hundreds and hundreds of hours of new wrestling content, which is a major, major win for the Network. I for one can't wait to hear that every TNA PPV ever is up on the Network and visit some of the true classics scattered around the years.
This is a win/win situation for both parties. The WWE walks away with the TNA tape library which was the only thing with any real value to TNA, and Billy Corgan gets to keep the company, wipe the slate clean, and re-brand TNA 100% in his vision going forward. The way I see this deal is basically what should've happened when the WWE bought out WCW back in 2001. Also, the timing couldn't be more perfect for this deal because there are guys on the WWE/NXT roster who were major players in TNA i.e. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode. Having the tape library will finally showcase, and acknowledge their careers in TNA. This also sets up potential returns for guys like Angle, and the Hardy Boys to the WWE.
A smart move. No doubt they will place various pieces on the WWE Network but I think at first it will be used for AJ Styles and Samoa Joe DVD's. A third Sting DVD and then probably an Austin Aries, Bobby Roode and others once they have had a year or two at WWE under their belt.

It seems pretty certain that Kurt Angle will return and finish up in WWE so a 3 disc set covering his WWF, WWE and TNA days will no doubt be in the works at some point.
I have many questions about this:

a) If WWE buys the library, will TNA be able to use its own library?

b) If WWE buys the library, it means it will showcase TNA for free on the Network, so we would TNA want to change their name, if they can get free advertising from the world's #1 wrestling company?

c) With that being said, wouldn't TNA have to pay rent to the WWE for the free ad?

It's tricky. Can someone explain?

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