Report: Who Is the Number 2 Merch seller in WWE currently?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

- We noted yesterday that John Cena has been selling 5 times the merchandise of the #2 seller in WWE lately. With CM Punk gone, that #2 seller is Daniel Bryan.

Now as noted, Bryan still has a long way to go before takes that number 1 spot from Cena in Merch sales.

My theory is that Daniel Bryan will need some good looking accessories to go with those shirts and hoodies if they expect his sales to come close.

Cena fans probably buy complete sets for the family that includes, T-shirt, wristbands, lunch boxes and maybe even a fitness bag( I think they sell those for Cena)

Anyway, Discuss in the usual place.

Not a surprise.

During Wrestlemania weekend, it was difficult to look somewhere and not see a Daniel Bryan shirts. There were plenty of John Cena, CM Punk and Hulk Hogan t-shirts, but the Bryan merch was absolutely frickin' everywhere. That's obviously a relatively small sample size and it doesn't account for people buying from the website and such, so it's not hard to imagine Cena selling a bucketload more, but based on that I'd have been shocked if number two was anybody but Bryan.
Yea, I'm not too surprised. Some merch that could help with Daniel Bryan are wristbands, fake beards, hats, and how about giant YES foam fingers?
Why do fans care who sells merchandise? I know why Vince McMahon cares. I know why the talent cares. But why do fans care? I don't. Our role as fans is to care about the product in the ring. Let McMahon worry about who's merch is selling outside the ring. I'm more interested in who sells in the ring, as in wrestling ability.

We're fans. Not promoters. This merch sales stuff doesn't concern us nor should a wrestling's merchandise sales effect what we think of them. I don't give a damn how much merch Cena cells. He's a walking, talking mannequin. He's only there to model the latest shirt that stupid kids will run out and buy. That's impressive to McMahon, but it shouldn't be of interest to us. If Daniel Bryan's merchandise sales surpass Cena, great. If it doesn't, great. Shouldn't make a difference to us.

I don't think concerns over merchandise sales is why they invented Wrestling forums.
To MMK: I think there is two sides to that

1. There are fans that care about Merch sells so they can throw it in the face of other fans whom are fans of wrestlers they don't like.

2. There are fans that worry about Merch sales because they want to see their favorite wrestlers in important programs and hope for them to have a good shelf life as a main eventer.

I care about it for reason 2 because I don't want any excuse for my favorite wrestlers to be demoted or undercut. If I'm seeing the wrestlers in directionless angles, constantly jobbing etc etc it causes my interest in the show to stagnate

In the case of Daniel Bryan, I definitely care because he's one of my favorite performers and I want to see him succeed because not only is he entertaining in the ring but he continues to improve on the mic and he seems like a genuinely nice dude despite not fitting the archetypal molds some are used to in WWE.
Why do fans care who sells merchandise? I know why Vince McMahon cares. I know why the talent cares. But why do fans care? I don't. Our role as fans is to care about the product in the ring. Let McMahon worry about who's merch is selling outside the ring. I'm more interested in who sells in the ring, as in wrestling ability.

We're fans. Not promoters. This merch sales stuff doesn't concern us nor should a wrestling's merchandise sales effect what we think of them. I don't give a damn how much merch Cena cells. He's a walking, talking mannequin. He's only there to model the latest shirt that stupid kids will run out and buy. That's impressive to McMahon, but it shouldn't be of interest to us. If Daniel Bryan's merchandise sales surpass Cena, great. If it doesn't, great. Shouldn't make a difference to us.

I don't think concerns over merchandise sales is why they invented Wrestling forums.

They care because it contradicts the haters' agenda. For some strange reason they feel it's their obligation to smear Cena at every turn. To them it's not ok that others may enjoy his work. Their view must be absolute. Cena's merch numbers are statistical proof of Cena's popularity. That's far more scientific than a bunch of smarks shouting over the casual or let's say less deranged fans at shows. It's proof that turning Cena heel would be a mistake. It's proof that Cena is still the biggest draw on the roster. For some reason they believe that Cena's popularity some how threatens the popularity of their favorite wrestlers which of course it doesn't. Other people can be over, other people can be champion. Yet Cena can't work a feud on the midcard without being slandered by these hypocrites who keep talking about not putting people over and hogging the spotlight. They make excuses and claim that Cena sells more merch because they produce more merch. As if it's a forgone conclusion that if you "Build it they will come". That's just insane. If you produce more merch and you're not popular enough to sell said merch that crap is going to rot in a wearhouse. Only an idiot would believe otherwise. All this talk about wrist bands for Daniel Bryan. Do any of you want Daniel Bryan wrist bands or fake beards? I sure as hell don't. Cena can sell that because he's got a broader audience than a bunch of 18-32 year old dudes. That demographic may buy a t-shirt every once in a while, but for the most part all they're good for is complaining on the internet about who's the best at a fake sport. Daniel Bryan is likely the #2 guy in merch sales, but even that is no safe bet. He's being out sold by a high margin and considering the name of the game is to make the most money, he's not the top guy and never will be until he crosses over with the mainstream. I for one hope he does. The more stars the better.
Why do fans care who sells merchandise? I know why Vince McMahon cares. I know why the talent cares. But why do fans care? I don't. Our role as fans is to care about the product in the ring. Let McMahon worry about who's merch is selling outside the ring. I'm more interested in who sells in the ring, as in wrestling ability.

We're fans. Not promoters. This merch sales stuff doesn't concern us nor should a wrestling's merchandise sales effect what we think of them. I don't give a damn how much merch Cena cells. He's a walking, talking mannequin. He's only there to model the latest shirt that stupid kids will run out and buy. That's impressive to McMahon, but it shouldn't be of interest to us. If Daniel Bryan's merchandise sales surpass Cena, great. If it doesn't, great. Shouldn't make a difference to us.

I don't think concerns over merchandise sales is why they invented Wrestling forums.

It's no secret that the guys who sell most merchandise are going to get pushed. These merch sales that you care so little about are directly affecting the product you watch on TV.

As a Bryan fan, I care a lot about how well his merchandise is selling, because if it ever starts tanking, Bryan is going to be moved down to the midcard.

If you really like a movie, you should care about its box office and overall revenue as well. If you liked Lego Movie, congratulations, it was successful enough to warrant a sequel. If you liked John Carter or Eragon, then guess what, you're screwed, because those movies tanked and you won't ever see sequels to those box office flops.
It's no secret that the guys who sell most merchandise are going to get pushed. These merch sales that you care so little about are directly affecting the product you watch on TV.

As a Bryan fan, I care a lot about how well his merchandise is selling, because if it ever starts tanking, Bryan is going to be moved down to the midcard.

If you really like a movie, you should care about its box office and overall revenue as well. If you liked Lego Movie, congratulations, it was successful enough to warrant a sequel. If you liked John Carter or Eragon, then guess what, you're screwed, because those movies tanked and you won't ever see sequels to those box office flops.

I fully understand that WWE's ultimate goal is to sell merchandise. Been that way since the 80's. That's fine. The wrestling is just a means to an end. The real product is the stuff they sell at the concession stands. The wrestling is just a vehicle to sell their games, toys, shirts. I get that.

But I've never bought the argument that merchandise sales equate push. There are plenty of other ways to evaluate a guys success other than how many tshirts he sells. Attendance, TV ratings and (before the network) PPV buys are just as important if not more so.

Bruno Sammartino never sold any merchandise and he was champion for longer than anyone and arguably more popular than anyone. There were no tshirts, video games or action figures in his time and he did just fine bringing in the crowds.

Not every character needs to be defined by how much merch he/she sells. Yes, there are characters like Cena who are created for the sole purpose of selling t-shirts. But the kids are going to buy his stuff regardless because kids will want anything advertisers tell them to buy.

If anything, the guy who's the number one merchandise seller is the least in need of a title run. Whereas other guys may need a big push or a title run in order to get their merchandise sales up to Cena's level. Putting the title on the number one merchandise seller is sort of like putting all your eggs in one basket. Maybe put the belt on a guy who's stuff isn't selling as well and see if the sales change. Then, from WWE's perspective, you've got another Cena on your hands.

But from my perspective, as a fan, all I want is a good wrestling product. Not really interested in who sells what.
Good for Cena, Good for Daniel, Good for Vince. but it doesn't do a damn thing for the fans.

I mean, if you buy a shirt or a cap whatever. But I don't see why we should have a thread open about something that only matters to the talent and Vince.

Am I supposed to be surprised? Kids love Cena and kids are where 75% of the merch revenue comes from. Once you hit high school nobody wears WWE gear anymore.

And Daniel Bryan is one of the most over guys in the business since Cena hit the big time in 05.

Nobody should be surprised, and i'm not sure anybody really thinks about merch sales who isn't Vince or the talent.

But I've never bought the argument that merchandise sales equate push. There are plenty of other ways to evaluate a guys success other than how many tshirts he sells. Attendance, TV ratings and (before the network) PPV buys are just as important if not more so.
I don't think anyone said merchandise was the only way, just one way.

Bruno Sammartino never sold any merchandise and he was champion for longer than anyone and arguably more popular than anyone. There were no tshirts, video games or action figures in his time and he did just fine bringing in the crowds.
See above.

Not every character needs to be defined by how much merch he/she sells. Yes, there are characters like Cena who are created for the sole purpose of selling t-shirts. But the kids are going to buy his stuff regardless because kids will want anything advertisers tell them to buy.
So if advertisers told kids to buy spinach, there'd be a run on spinach at the supermarket?

I think there's probably a little more to it than advertising.

If anything, the guy who's the number one merchandise seller is the least in need of a title run. Whereas other guys may need a big push or a title run in order to get their merchandise sales up to Cena's level.
You don't seem to understand how business works. That's okay, many wrestling fans don't.

Putting the title on the number one merchandise seller is sort of like putting all your eggs in one basket.
No, it's making your most marketable star your number one attraction. Using your theory, maybe Steve Austin should have worked the undercard while Val Venis was working the Wrestlemania 17 main-event against Bull Buchanan.

But from my perspective, as a fan, all I want is a good wrestling product. Not really interested in who sells what.
Many of us fans like to talk about pro wrestling through objective conversation. We like to discuss quality of a worker, which can only be done objectively. Some people, like you, just want to talk about your personal preferences. People like me don't give a damn about your personal preferences.

Everyone has different things they enjoy. When people like me use things like merchandise sales as one factor in determining the quality of a worker, we do it because that discussion is something we enjoy.
Good for Cena, Good for Daniel, Good for Vince. but it doesn't do a damn thing for the fans.
It does for the fans who care about talking about wrestling in a meaningful way. It doesn't for people like you who only want to talk about what you like in pro wrestling.

Everyone is different.
Don't let the statistics of this full you. The numbers are definitely skewed.

#1. Cena has much more merchandise in stores and online than other wrestler.
#2. The WWE always has separate "Cena Stations" for merch, while all the other wrestlers are all in 1 single booth.

Those two things alone is going to give increase merch sales based nothing on the person.
Good for Cena, Good for Daniel, Good for Vince. but it doesn't do a damn thing for the fans.

I mean, if you buy a shirt or a cap whatever. But I don't see why we should have a thread open about something that only matters to the talent and Vince.

Nobody should be surprised, and i'm not sure anybody really thinks about merch sales who isn't Vince or the talent.


If it only mattered to VKM and the talent then there would NOT be a thread opened here. Some people do care.

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